Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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9 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
9 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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10 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
10 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
11 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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I'll actually go grab a Master slot so we can have an even number, in case we want to start things off sooner rather than later, if that's fine. Does Ezreal work?
@ihinka If Penny doesn’t return by the the time the party leaves the Wayward Forest, then I’ll invite someone from the reserves list.

Miight go some kind of Archer. Maybe Touda. Because rice.
Oh, yeah, my idea for the null mage would be that knowing and specializing in nullification magics makes it so he can’t use normal magic, himself. Beneficial spells also might have a hard time working on the character, so he’ll have to, say, heal his wounds by nursing them and resting for a while.
Been looking at this for a while... balancing between a null mage (aka a mage specializing in nullifying magic, which sounds pretty counterintuitive, I know) and a warlock who made a pact with a weaker demon for magical power.
Trying to figure out if Stardust Crusaders Joseph fits better as a Master or a Servant >_<
Thinking of making a Servant, myself.
Mirdas’s idea of “peaceful negotiation” in this scenario is having these bandits flogged fifty times for every bruise on the girl’s body. Good is not always nice.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How much movement will Mirdas need to be at the center of the camp?
@Guardian Angel Haruki What is the diameter of the Bandit Camp, by the way?
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