Avatar of Cu Chulainn


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Most Recent Posts

@Mangrale If you do go the Outlaw route, I think I will settle with a Bow Knight instead of an Adventurer. Both are equally appealing to me, either way.
Looks like I’m rolling with an Adventurer then. Former bandit leader who rallied his men into a more reputable cause, joining the mercenary company near its birth, perhaps.

EDIT: I could also go Bow Knight, though the faceclaim I have planned will be too strong if so...
@Cu Chulainn I thought you would like to know - Chakra as been telling me in PM that she was thinking of using a magic user as Captain. Probably Sage class. You contemplated magic because no one showed interest in it, so I wanted to tell you. :p

Oof. Back to the drawing board, then. I wonder what we're currently lacking so far...
Was just asking for the sake of clarification is all. I think I may stick to some sort of dark magic user. Would be fun to have a magically fluent second-in-command, after all.

As of right now, I think I’m leaning towards a Sorcerer due to a miniscule interest in magic types being shown. Having a horse does seem tempting, though...
@Naw As I said, if you choose a Japanese inspired class from Hoshido, there are 2 Asian-themed Nations. You may also adapt it to a more classic fantasy approach or look, but keep the name.

Just wondering, but if one of the Hoshidan classes has a less Eastern counterpart (I.E Diviners = Mages) and our characters aren't from Mica or Yeryn, would it be more appropriate to use such names instead?
Ooh, if we don't have a lot of magic types, maybe I could spec into some sort of Dark Mage...

EDIT: Alrighty, depending on who we got, I’ll either go down the Dark Knight or Sorcerer path.
Depending on how competent I want to be, I was thinking either a Mercenary or a Hero (since Generals don't use swords here and I can't use a faceclaim I wanted to).
I just want that sweet Lieutenant, man. I hate being in charge anyway.
So... anyone got Discord?
Are there plans for a Discord, by the way?
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