Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
11 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Understandable. I'm still here for the ride though, but I feel like I was adding onto derailment in a sense as well, so I might try and find my way back into the main path just to make the story branch more cleanly.

Glad things are starting to stabilize a bit as well~
The sun rose over the horizon of Fuyuki city. It was just any other day for most of the city's residents, but Fuyuki had always been a strange place to live in. What was stranger was the small, but noticeable influx of foreigners entering the city. Truly, the summer breeze carried the ominous scent of dread, one that perhaps explained the warning of potential gas leaks throughout the city the day before.

Of course, to those special few who have been tagged by those accursed red markings, today was far more special. To some, they have been training much of their lives for a day like this, eager for the taste of blood and glory. To others, they have come to Fuyuki wary of their dangers, but eager to put their lives on the lines to see their own wishes come to fruition. And to a select few, the legacy of their ancestors have lead them to this very moment, their hearts burning with resolve to see through what their bloodlines have sought for many years before.

After all, today was the first day of the Holy Grail War. A battle that would shake Fuyuki to its very core. It has been nearly a century since the last massacre for this Holy Grail took place in Fuyuki, and even then, the land has not fully healed.

The grand prize, the Greater Grail, stands once more in the darkest depths of the city, awaiting it's sacrifices. Among it, the many trophies of previous wars have been gathered together, to supplement the miracles produced and allow for a war grander and far bloodier than ever before.

For now, however, one last reprieve for the participants of the war has been afforded. After all, there are still those who are arriving to city who have not even summoned their Servants yet! So long as the sun is high in the sky this day, those few wayward Masters will have their last chances to prepare while they can.

As soon as the sun sets, the Prime Holy Grail War shall start in earnest.

One Unfortunate Soul
Penthouse Suite, Grand Bleu Hotel, Shinto Town


A dark-haired man stood at a cleared out portion of his hotel room, the balcony window opened behind him. The way his room was arranged was in a rather strange way. Tables, beds, and sofas were all flipped over with their flat ends facing towards the center of the room, while the more fragile pieces of furniture were neatly tucked behind them. A large circle was cut through the rug haphazardly in the center of the room, drawn with sweet-smelling blood.

The man sniffed at the blood bag, conveniently labeled "100% VIRGIN", rather strangely. There was something... off about it's scent. It was too sweet to be blood, but also too metallic to be something like just tomato juice. The consistency was getting to him, as well. It wasn't something he couldn't put his finger on, really. Oh well, you get what you pay for in Dark eBay.

With that in mind, the man then took out a piece of flint from his coat, wrapped in talisman paper. As he unraveled it, he basked in the glory of the object in his hand. It had cost him much of his family's coffers, but it was worth it to procure such an item. After all, one does not come across the catalyst of Hercules so easily.

Clutching the stone tightly, the man held his hand out to the circle before him, clearing his throat. The preparations were complete. Now it was time to win the Grail.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let my great master Crowley be the ancestor..."
Shigenaga Nomura
totally a new character debut i swear

Nomura nodded at the explanation Mie gave about their next locales, learning more of the local peoples of this land. To hear that they worship these "elder beasts" was... interesting, to say the least. Civilizing the coming regions is likely to not end in his favor, with this in mind.

"Well, I think this 'Fetch Me My Raws' sounds like a lovely fellow. Of course, we'll defer to your expertise on the matter." Nomura nodded alongside Eirhilde.

As Mie acquainted Malphas with the surface-level details to play the part of Nomura, he took many mental notes down, also keeping to mind her manner of speaking in comparison to the locals here. After all, it seemed like Malphas would need to play this part well if he wishes to leave with much of himself intact.

"Ah, yes, you wouldn't happen to have any spare fragrances I could use on myself, at least while we're here, do you? I'm afraid at least one of the locals here may be familiar with my scent."

In any case, Nomura would proceed with the task given to him, making his way to the Oni. With a friendly Chagawan gesture, Nomura collected the wine, avoiding on getting too acquainted with his monstrous companions for a time. He detested working with such brutes, and Mie seemed to imply they'd feel the same about him. Still, he cannot deny the protection they may provide, and it was unwise to get on their bad sides due to biases on his part.

Now all that's left is to deliver the wine to this Enli. Funny, he's avoided the village leader all this time... Hopefully, Nomura doesn't attract any unwanted attention on the way there.
It is Night 1 of the Prime Holy Grail War

Major Events

The war has officially begun!
Player Locations

Key Locations

  • Ryuudou Temple: Map Location - Mount Enzo
    A Buddhist mountain temple maintained by the Ryuudou family. Carries a protective boundary that surrounds the temple and the mountain that holds it. One of the four fallen leylines in Fuyuki, acting as the keystone for Fuyuki's spiritual ground.
  • Tohsaka Residence: Map Location - Foreign District
    Manor of the Tohsaka family, the Second Owners of Fuyuki's spiritual land. One of the four fallen leylines in Fuyuki
  • Fuyuki Civic Center: Map Location - Shinto Town
    Fuyuki's town hall, a work of modern architecture. A symbol of Shinto's modernization. Built over one of the four fallen leylines of Fuyuki. Located nearby is the headquarters of the Fujimura Group.
  • Fuyuki Church: Map Location - Hilltop Church
    Fuyuki's Church, situated on top of a hill. Serves as the base of operations for the Holy Church in Fuyuki, and is where the Overseer is situated. One of the four fallen leylines in Fuyuki.
  • Matou Residence: Map Location - Foreign District
    Manor of the Matou family, one of the Three Great Families of Fuyuki. No leylines, but probably full of worms.
  • Einzbern Castle: Map Location - Outskirts
    Castle of the Einzbern family, one of the Three Great Families of Fuyuki. Is said to be haunted. Kinda is?

Shigenaga Nomura
totally a new character debut i swear

Having instantly donned his mask, Malphas stroked his beak thoughtfully. It was quite a tragic backstory he was saddled with, as if the man under the mask was given a new part to play in the theater of this world. Of course, Malphas was already used to discarding and attaining new names on a whim. It was almost a hobby of his in his past life, although it did help very much that his followers were high out of their minds and could not remember Malphas's true name. Still, it seems that Malphas should begin properly playing the role of "Nomura."

"Ahh, I must thank you once again for your hospitality, Lady Mie! To save me at such a young and tender age... I'm glad I could repay you with my service!" Nomura bowed, once more. "Oh, perhaps I should get a haircut in the next town, this wild mane is rather... unbecoming of the one known as Shigenaga Nomura." Bundling his hair up, Nomura raised the hood of his cloak once more to complete his new look.

"But yes, I am indeed ready to talk business. Where will we be going? Are there any customs or courtesies I should be aware of in our next destination?"
~ Fate/Profane Covenant ~

Though I walk through valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou has anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

-Psalms 23

The year is 2004. The Prime Holy Grail War is about to begin.

Years ago, on the eve of the second World War, a great conflict took place in Fuyuki city. It was a brutal and bloody fight, with little heroism to be found. Worse than the deaths, for the three families that created the ritual, Einzbern, Matou and Tohsaka, was the theft of the grail. An outsider, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia, had come to Fuyuki, and stolen the grail with the help of the third reich.

As the next step in his master plan, Darnic spread information about the Holy Grail War system to hide his theft. Degraded imitations of the Holy Grail war have happened across the world for the past half-century, subspecies wars that could not sustain Servants as well as the original grail war, or grant as strong a wish. Though not common, they were frequent enough that certain information was shared between participants, creating a ‘metagame’ of sorts that shifted between wars. This did little to reduce their violence.

Despite Darnic’s efforts, the leader of the Matou, who he had crippled and left for dead, had been saved by a Stranger. Recovered to health, the three families joined together to attempt to reclaim their great work, as well as many of its lesser imitations. Along with the many smaller grails, they were able to kill the thief and reclaim the Greater Grail after years of effort.

Now, the long-delayed conclusion of the three families' cooperation will be reached. The Prime Holy Grail War, the original and perfect ritual will soon be completed. But this, too, marks the end of the cooperation of the three families. Soon, blood will run once more.
Welcome, everyone, to the Prime Holy Grail War. This is a story taking place in the Fate universe in the same timeline as the Apocrypha war. The main differences are that the Three Founding Families of Fuyuki have teamed up to retake what is theirs, stomping through many Subspecies Grail Wars before finally reclaiming the Greater Grail from the Yggdmillenia family. Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia is dead, and so too is the alliance between the Three Families. What does this mean?

A classic, all-out free-for-all in Fuyuki, of course.

This is primarily a narrative experience, focused more on the interactions between characters over winning or losing combat. Because of this, we highly recommend joining the attached Discord server (below) in order to seamlessly plan out encounters. However, the nature of this roleplay means that character death is highly likely, if not inevitable. A story about war cannot be composed only of winners, after all. Also, for those who are joining late, please note that slots will not be closing. The nature of the war allows other prospective Masters and unclaimed Servants to join in the middle of it easily.

Other than that, rules and guidelines for creating characters are located in the next section. If anyone has any questions, swing by the Discord and ask me or @SSW personally.
Discord Link Below!


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