Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☒️ πŸ‘Ž
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Probably will go for Blue or Black Mage equivalents, depending on lore.
Interested o.o

"A bodyguard for an elf? Hm... tell me more about this later, perhaps tomorrow if they will still be about."

Gideon thought about the stranger once again. Perhaps his concerns may be addressed if he were to meet the swordswoman's charge. For now, though, there was the need to properly meet and address the other hunters. Gideon followed Akando into the lodge, bowing his head to the hunters about in response to their salutations.

"These Living Veins... I'm still not entirely sure if they are prevalent here. I'd have to do more studies on them for sure, perhaps figure out a way to hunt them without the need of multiple Stonesingers. They tend to blend in fairly well."

With that said, Gideon would position himself somewhat to the center of the lodge, somewhere where he could get the attention of the hunters.

"Well met, everyone. My name is Gideon, although I'm sure Akando has already told you all about me. I've had my share of experiences hunting across the lands, myself. I believe if we can work together, we can resolve the issues we have with both food and resources after that blizzard had occured. While I will defer to you all in matters regarding the local fauna, there are some concerns I would like to bring to the table as well..."

Gideon woulld continue to discuss with the hunters, making sure to mention the importance of sustainability once more especially after his and Akando's encounter with the Kyrnith.

The main topic Gideon would get into, however, is the potential prevalence of any new or as-of-yet undiscovered beasts that lay in Dawn's hinterlands. In particular, he would cite the Living Veins as an example, going into everything he has ascertained from his initial encounter with the beast. This includes the best places to shoot or throw a spear at the beast, as well as how vicous a bite from a Living Vein could be.
who the fuck is that, akando???

Akando nearly surprised Gideon with his greeting, almost catching him off guard. Looking to the hunter and relieved that it was a familiar face for once, Gideon merely nodded to acknowledge his presence as he continued to speak. An offer to meet the hunters would be a good change of pace, especially after the previously successful hunt he had completed for the Living Vein. Even if some of the hunters were out or still missing, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the bulk of them.

"Ah, yes, the Living Vein... I wasn't so sure if they lived around these parts or not. Perhaps they, too, were misplaced with the Elder Beast's sudden migration?" Gideon stroked his chin in curiosity, before nodding to Akando's offer. "And yes, I'd love to meet the other hunters. If my hypothesis is correct, it may be good to discuss what I know about this beast, so that the rest may know of what to do when running into one. It would also be prudent to continue discussing plans to hunt more... sustainably. The encounter with the Kyrnith we had still worries me."

Before Gideon followed Akando, he glared at Sorcha's direction once more.

"Speaking of worries, do you know of that strange swordswoman? I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something... odd about her."
Couldn't get the misc. section done because for some reason my coMPUTER DECIDED TO RESET BEFORE I COULD SAVE MY WORK.

Anyway, here's Ciaran. Sheet would have been up yesterday, but I wasn't a fan of the original concept I had in mind. I was originally considering doing someone who's r/sufferingfromsuccess, but it felt a bit awkward and contradictory to the character themes in some way. So instead, I decided to write a living sidewalk!

honestly don't expect to get in due to how sloppily put together i feel this sheet is, but i did say i'll try anyway so here we go

it has been new years for almost 18 hours and it sucks.

also sheet incoming in the next few hours.
I feel like I missed a lot.

you're telling me...
I'm going to be judging the sheets based off these qualities, in order from MOST to LEAST important:
  • ...
  • Player RP history (not super important)

  • Boring things like grammar and how well the sheet aligned with the template requirements (barely important)

yall really setting the bar high huh
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