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How is that relevant to excluding roleplayers based on gender.

It isn't.

I'm a bisexual woman and I Roleplay with all genders equally. When I was younger, I might have been more inclined to Roleplay with females though. My reasons would be entirely comfort based as I was sexually abused by a male as a child and encountered (vastly male) perverts while on the internet which was a little scary for a thirteen-year-old. In my opinion, abuse and bad experiences are entirely valid reasons to request NOT Roleplaying with one gender.

Could it be ignorant? Yes, it can be. We still have to remember that the Guild does cater to a wide range of ages and backgrounds, however, and we should at least attempt to be open-minded. If someone requests to only Roleplay with one gender, then that is entirely their choice. Roleplayers have the right to preferences, after all.
This is quickly becoming an uncivil discussion and there is never a reason to be attacking another individual for their opinion. With that said, I agree 100% that gender is irrelevant when it comes to Roleplaying, but I also feel that Roleplayers have the right to their own preferences. I always perceive it as a matter of comfort. If someone doesn't feel comfortable writing with the opposite/same sex, then that's totally fine, but they're probably going to miss out on some golden opportunities.

Anyway, that's my quick two cents. I have to return to writing a paper on pit bulls. Thanks for reading.

Yes, the victim trend is becoming rather strong, isn't it.

We're getting complaints about this thread becoming toxic when someone's disagreed with.

A goal of any of these threads seemed to be, "Let's not get it closed for being out of control."

Just a friendly warning it may be starting to shade in that direction.

Not trying to moderate this thread or anything, but I never said that Ruby didn't have a point when she said this (and neither did J8cob as far as I can see, but I could be wrong). We were able to do quite a lot based on the first thread that Odin created such as helpful guides and nudge Mahz who has since fixed the PM system and added new tags as well.

Now, I don't necessarily stand by the idea that this thread or any of these threads will do anything, but I would like to kindly ask if you could either offer constructive criticism and opinions or simply leave it be. Thank you kindly in advanced.

I don't agree with all of what Odin posts, and I do consider him biased to some degree, but he's actually bothered to advance the topic, while you & co are simply crying victim and not really doing anything in the discussion.

I must have missed where you contributed to the conversation.
>start civil discussion
>people that disagree with the thread's premise come in and immediately start being hostile
>"Come on guys, keep it civil."

I'm starting to see trends in these threads.
So... what does that have to do with me, and why should I care?

If that happens, call it out when it happens. As far as I see, that hasn't happened in this thread, so at this point, it just looks like you're ranting. It doesn't really help anything.

The whole circle that these threads tend to take is rather tedious, as it tends not to result in anything.

You shouldn't care. I simply apologized to you and explained my reactions. Carry on as you will.
If you were paying attention to the conversation, you would note that the cesspool was the politics channel, and nothing to do with your kneejerk reaction to call "help! He's calling me terrorist!"

Try again.

I was paying attention, thank you. I have no need for your condescension when it wasn't exactly clarified in the first place. With that said, I do apologize for the confusion. I know that it is no excuse whatsoever, but I just learned that I am apparently wrestling with a fever (thanks college), so perhaps my attention isn't on point at the moment. My point still stands (maybe not directly towards you), however, that there are some parties that are quick to toss our arguments aside simply due to our affiliations and whatnot. It's tiresome when you want to improve something that you care about, but people try to silence you over and over again with comments like "you're the vocal minority", "you're a bunch of trolls", and whatever else.
If the idea behind your post was that "nobody else wants to do it, so I'm better than nothing" then I'm not sure that the concept of scraping off the bottom of the volunteer barrel for a cesspool (that you participate in)

Hilarious how Odin and I can make thread after thread with civility, politeness, and solid arguments with evidence. Despite this, however, we're still somehow painted as the harbingers of doom while others sink as far as to say that we're "terrorists" or that we "participate in a cesspool".

Give me a break.
The point is, if I decry 'you people' it's because most of you, at least seem, like a very select and vocal minority on RPG who have, for the most part, all had your run ins individually with the administration of RPG, and I strongly suspect that your motivations are intrinsically linked with those experiences. In short, I'd like to see someone who has proven they can co-operate and work with moderators and engage in realistic and respectful dialogue with them be a spokesperson for the guild. Not you guys, to be honest.

Do you mean like this?

The thing is Odin, you yourself state that you 'generally shit on moderation' you surround yourself with people who actively dislike the guild, or have been banned for misdemeanours in the past

1.) Some of these bans and "misdemeanors" have been overturned due to some poor administrative decisions in the past (i.e: Jacob and Nyte). These threads have also condemned people that have actually broken Guild conduct (i.e: Wade) in the past, so I don't really know where you developed this presumption.

2.) Offering suggestions =/= hating the Guild. I've been on this website for six years and I'm only beginning to hate it due to the resistance of advancement, which admittedly, has improved in the past few months or at least on the Staff's end. Considering how much fellow users preach the apocalypse or try to paint dissenting opinion as "a threat", "drama whoring", and so on (citing these from the responses I got in my thread about a month ago), I'm not sure that the same can be said for them.
If I may offer that advice - you should look at GCS and see what didn't work. Use it as a case study to avoid making the same mistake. If there is an interest in that from your side/moderators side, there are a few people you could contact, namely me, Nytem4re, Midnight_Howl (Beth) or Cynder to get some information on that specifically (I suggest either Nyt or Beth since they're easy to reach and for the most part not biased at all).

Can confirm that Dion is a bully this as both are fairly objective and active. If the Staff, however, does have any questions for me in regards to the unofficial server, then they can reach me on Discord and I'll be happy to respond between classes. I'll also state for accuracy purposes that both HeySeuss and Ruby were both moderators on the server at some point and may be able to offer helpful insight as well.
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