Avatar of Cyrania


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I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.

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It may just be from me playing Undertale recently, but I'm imaging the Undyne Fight Theme going on as Cicero faces the pirates.
SS Libertalia

Cicero Bladewalker

Four more pirates had fallen to the effects of their grog, but three shambled over to take up the challenge. The captain hung back and observed for now, curious about how this would turn out. The three came from different corners of the deck and therefore ended up assembly to join the fight sequentially as time drew on. Yet his challenge did complete the objective of keeping all remaining attention on him. The first one up threw a right cross at our fearless, still injured knight.

Dalious & Gwyneria

Gwyneria rolled her eyes as she heard the commotion Cicero started up. The fool better not get himself more injured! But she pushed onward, walking silently through the shadows. She was near the Captain's chamber's now. Why Cicero would choose now to do a distraction like was beyond her. Unless it was also a warning? It seemed obtuse for a plea for help. She set aside the image of Calypso possession and focused on a simple blind spell. The crew ought to be accounted for, but one could never know for sure. She carefully opened the door...

@Sol Grim
I'll say that the fishbones work to jimmy the lock.
Anyone have questions or problems with what I posted? I sought to not drag characters in directions they weren't supposed to go towards. Feel free to give feedback. Hopefully, this can at least help with continuing on for now.
SS Libertalia

Captain Joss "Mutiny" shrugged before bellowing. "What'd you say, lads? Should we allow our former Cap'n here his last meal?" The crew replied with hearty yeas and scornful laughter. "Well then, let him have the fish that most deserves to be his dinner." The sailors cheered and mocked as the most odious, foulest, rawest fish was brought forward and thrown into the cell, eyes and scales and all. It definitely wasn't a culinary delight, but the fishbones were in there.

The crew then "politely" brought their "guests" for the feast up on deck. The food was good and the pirates were certainly merry. Cicero and Gwyn stayed tense and alert though throughout the night. Graves ended up falling asleep from his "medication" along with the four others who'd shared in the "medicine". The rest, especially the Captain, focused on their grog. Chrom became more boisterous as the night wore on, bragging about all matter of exploits. The others entered greater and lesser degrees of intoxication and sleepiness.

After a while, Gwyneira figured now was the chance to find their equipment and potentially get their other potential ally out of his cell. Whispering her plans to Cicero with a plea to call for help if he got into any sort of trouble, Gwyn snuck away and headed towards the Captain's cabin.
In light of that, I'll seek what info's available and try to post tonight.
Get to it when you can.
There is a castle on a cloud.
Yeah, Gwyn wouldn't understand the reasoning so she wouldn't try to reinforce with ice.

Honestly, Gwyn wasn't sure what Gravous was trying to accomplish, but it seemed to be working and she was perfectly willing to leave the talking to him since she barely was able to convince a barkeeper to tell her what she needed. She held her tongue and started imagining an otherworldly maiden both beautiful and serene yet violent and dreadful and in all ways powerful that could be Calypso. A priest might need to summon his goddess at some point after all or she would seek retribution for those who tried to harm her priest. Or no, not a full image. That would be too costly and she probably couldn't pull off the proper voice without being too obvious. But gods and goddesses had been known to possess the mortals beneath them. And as the only girl here... Yeah, that would work. Make her eyes look like complete silver, make it appear like her hair was going wild, drop her voice an octave, darken the area around her except for flashes of light, simulate a thundercrack somehow, and she might just be able to pull it off if Gravous took advantage. Maybe she could use her ice? No, the sound wouldn't be similar enough.

For now, she'd just have to follow Gravous's lead on what to do next even if it did lead to them dining with the crew. She shivered. The looks were going to be worst there, she just knew it.
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