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Miranda Burke

Location: heading home/ At Miranda’s home.Interacting with: Declan @infamous Auror

It was kind of gut wrenching to see as Declan was going into the process of changing back, in fact, it made Miri guilty and bad for asking him to change, it was a painful secret for him to keep and she is forever thankful in trusting her with what he is. During this time his phone was going off as it fell out of the pocket of his pants, it was heavily damaged and couldn’t make out who was calling him, just what has been going on with him today? Once he was changed there was a slight smile at the sight of him but it wavered a little as she was worried about him as he scrambled to his damaged phone.

Miri remained silent watching Dec as he made a phone call, it wasn’t clear who it was until he spoke, only able to hear one half of the conversation. He was phoning Jenna, his girlfriend, however something also sound of there with the way Declan was with his responses, something was definitely up, was there an argument or breakup she was unaware of? She kind of felt like Declan was on edge, even before the phone call and Miranda had no idea just what was going on or bothering and was mentally kicking herself for not being there for him. She covered her mouth a bit with one hand when she watches him crush his phone in his hands… That was when she noticed the slight burns on his hands, what had he done and where had he been? She needed answers if she was even going to have a snowballs chance of being able to help even if it was just to listen or something.

Miranda took a few moments listening to him, she felt like there was a fake laugh from him as he explained very little at that point, she didn’t even notice she was staring at him the whole time he had his back to her before she snapped out of it. “Dec I… I have missed you to a lot, I have been worried about you, if anything I should be sorry for not being here for you” She replied as she went over and got his pants and then making her way back over to him. It often made her laugh if the amount of times she was asked to bring him pants, but this was not such an occasion to do so.

Once she was right behind him she gently placed her left hand onto his back, wanting to comfort him as she used the other hand to pass his pants round to him. “You know I am always here for you right? what’s happened to you Dec? you have crushed your phone and I see the burn marks. where have you been?” she had more questions to ask but she was worried it she would overwhelm him and instead would settle for whatever he felt he needed to tell her.

Miri then rested her soft hands gently on his shoulders, rubbing them slightly. “I am going to get us a couple of drinks from the fridge, you get your pants on, and then I am all yours okay? Miri really hoped she could be of help for him with whatever is bothering him, something told her it was more than just what happened on the phone with Jenna. Waiting a moment Miranda, the room was filling with a reddish hue from the sun setting before she made her way of to the kitchen to get some drinks from the fridge, deciding not to bother with making a hot drink now, she opened the fridge door and pulled out a beer for Declan, and a strawberry and lime cider for herself as she closed the door and proceeded to open the bottles. After a few minutes, Miranda had made her way back into the living room with the bottles in hand and offered the beer to Declan. Offering a soft smile. “Now, you are going to tell me all about this bullshit you are going through.” She took a seat on the sofa, tucking her lugs underneath herself as she did, her blue eyes watching Declan.

@NalloreI'll be posting today ^^
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah returned the smiles of the parents once she had given them their food, it did not phase her that much at all when it came to the kid playing on his phone, it’s like many she has seen a million times over it felt, every kid was on a phone, IPad or something, this one was paying more attention on his game than spending time with his family… A shame really. “Certainly I shall get those sorted for you.” Aaliyah smiled politely as she put the empty drinks onto her server’s tray and nodded before making her way from the table to get the refills.

Despite it being busy, Aaliyah managed to work her way round fellow customers and colleagues to get to where she needed to and then refill the drinks, while it only took a minute or two to fill them up, it was enough for a moment to reflect on the incident in the apartment, normally it was glimpses or thinking you saw someone in the corner of your eye but now she wonders if it would happen again and with who? Honestly it was not an enticing thought and immediately put it to the back of her mind as she put the now refilled drink onto her tray. It literally took only a few moments before she had returned to the table. “Here you go sir, A beer for you, water for you Ma’am and a coke for young lad.” She said placing them on the table one after the other. “Please enjoy your meal’s if there is anything else you would need, please let me know.”With that she gave another polite nod before leaving the family to there meal.

@Nalloreposted ^^

Miranda Burke

Location: heading home/ At Miranda’s home.Interacting with: Declan @infamous Auror

It did not take long for Miranda to spot Declan as he hurried across her backyard into her home, the sun was still slowly setting, it looked beautiful. Fortunately for them both it appeared no one saw her allowing a big wolfie into her house, mainly because of the tree line around the back garden tended to some solid privacy and the fact it made the garden look nice. Once Declan had rounded the door Miranda could feel him push his big wolfie head against her hip and rub against her, she couldn’t help but smile and blush a little only because it was Declan, but it reminded her to promptly shut the back door and lock it up.

When he huffed it got Miranda’s full attention immediately, it still felt weird seeing Declan in his wolf form, although to her, in her mind it did hold some… Perks when he had to revolve back to human form. Her soft blue eyes locked with his own eyes, like a soft innocence looking back down at him, her smiled was still there but she could tell from his that something was not right and off, she knew him long enough to know when something went didn’t go all too well for him. It appeared that maybe both have had a bad day.

Letting out a deep breath for a moment Miranda knelt down to him, more eye level for his current form, where others would probably feel fear being this close to a werewolf, Miri felt safe with him around. Gently for a few moments Miri softly stroked his head and round behind his ears, giving him that reassuring look she would give him, she had also noticed and looked at his muddy paws. “Whatever it is we’ll talk about it okay; I can tell something has happened to you.”

She paused a moment before standing up and looking back down at his puppy like eyes. “I can’t speak wolf though hun, so your going have to shift for me big guy and see what we can do about your clothes, see if there is anything spare for you.” Miri’s smile did perk back up, she was not going to lie, her heart often did skip a beat when he changed…. And she never complained about the view after either , even if makes her blush, it’ not like she has seen it all before.

Will get a post up tonight after work
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah smiled at Sandra as she offered to cover her shift if she would like that, Sandra was always such a nice young woman, always willing to help those in need. Aaliyah often found herself kind of looking for the fellow waitress as she was worried other would take advantage of her generosity. She could only give the woman another warm smile as she seemed to of spoke to herself of getting back to it, funnily just what Aaliyah said beforehand. But honestly after her recent experience and how things have gone today, working and keeping the mind busy felt like the best idea and she didn’t want to worry Sandra more than what was needed.

Making her way back into the kitchen area, Aaliyah looked a lot more presentable and better of herself, it still seemed busy which was good and so got straight back to it when she was asked to take an order to table 3. “Of course.” With that she grabbed a serving tray before going over to collect the order for table 3. Picking up a plate at a time, it was for a table of three too with one having Salmon with rice, a steak and a burger. Once she put them all on the serving tray she made began making her way through the busy workplace to the intended table.

After some good manoeuvring and keeping good hold on the serving tray, Aaliyah had made it to the intended table and offered them a pleasant and welcoming smile. “Good afternoon.” She began giving them a chance to acknowledge her. “Okay, so we got here a… Salmon with rice.” She looked at the customers as one motioned it was there’s. “There you go Ma’am, And a steak?” A guy raised his hand and Aaliyah gently placed it in front of him. “And for you, young man we have a burger.” Aaliyah politely spoke as she places the plate in front of young member of the three, possibly a family but Aaliyah wouldn’t assume. Once everything was settled Aaliyah lowered the tray against her as she spoke once more. “Is there anything else I can get for any of you?”

@NalloreI'll see if i can get the post up tonight, if not it might be after work tomorrow. was called in for a few hours again, i wonder what management is doing sometimes *sighs*

Miranda Burke

Location: heading home/ At Miranda’s home.Interacting with: Declan @infamous Auror

The drive was not that long for Miranda and pretty uneventful overall as she was making her way home, she was quietly humming to the music playing from the car radio which in itself was enough to have mind wonder away from her work place. Heck the only thing that happened on her journey home she saw was simply a deer running across the street and off into Narnia somewhere, it only distracted Miranda for a moment as she continued home.

Soon enough and not a few moments later, Miranda had turned down into the street she lived on, once nearing her house she in one fluid motion drove the car onto the driveway and up far enough not to have the trunk hanging out over the pathway or anything like that to block people. Putting the handbrake on and switching off the vehicles engine, Miranda felt her phone go off again and took a few moments to read it, it was from Oli inviting the blonde over to her place. Placing her phone back in her pocket, Miranda unclipped the seatbelt and got out of the car, taking her things and then locking it up, she smiled as she saw the sunset started happening, it was a beautiful sight and another thing she loved about Red Lake.

With a spring in her step Miranda spun round and made her way over to her home, she had good butterflies though and felt as though Declan was hiding somewhere but watching and considering she could see him sitting on the seat at the front porch, she guessed he could be in wolf form. Unlocking her front door, Miranda stepped inside and left it open a moment placing her stuff on the side before coming back to the door and glancing around she couldn’t see him and he had not made his way in yet… It was possible he was hiding round back, it made more sense and was more safe than taking a chance on someone seeing her let in a wolf into her home.

Closing the door and locking it behind her, Miranda took her shoes off before going further into the house heading for the kitchen, putting a fresh load of water into the kettle and turning it on to boil it, a fresh drink was called for after the day she had, she had been emotional and had to deal with an ass of a boss. Clearing her mind for a moment she tidied up herself up a bit more for him and went over to the back door and unlocked it. Opening the door Miranda peeked her head round it to see if she could spot Declan, no doubt hiding best as one could, looking around once more to see if the coast was clear, Miranda nodded for Declan to come in. “Quick hun, it’s clear” She whispered knowing he would hear her.

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