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Is it okay to get a invite to the discord?, I have read up on the posts and loving the interactions thus far, be cool to chat you with guys while im making a character while on standby to join up when space allows :)
@ShieldsOfWar Thats okay, is it okay to work on a character in the mean time? :)
Hey i know this is not the Interest check, but i was wondering if there is still space in here for the RP? Need to get my X-men fix :)

Miranda Burke

Location: Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

Miranda had stood up after Oli did, taking and walking over to put the glasses into the sink, she could wash them up later when she got back as there was a bit of a schedule to keep, she avoided making thinks more awkward between by keeping of the subject of blushing. Taking a moment to stretch out a little while her friend was using her phone before making her way to the door like her friend would.

It be better to just take the car now to save doing an extra trip, plus I have the fuel.” Miranda smiled picking up her keys to the house and the car before taking a jacket of the hook near her door, could never be careful if it got a bit nippy during the evening or late at night, depending on how long they might be out for. “Okay, ready to go” The blonde smiled before opening the and walking out before letting her friend walk also before she looked up the house.

Afterwards, Miranda walked over to her car and unlocked it so the pair could get in, slinging her jacket onto the back seat. Miri then got comfortable before belting up, even if it was around the corner, you would never know what could happen, once everything was sorted, Miranda would pull out and drive towards her friend’s house.

Miranda Burke

Location: Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

Miranda couldn’t help but look down at her glass and smile at Olivia response, sure she saw her reaction beforehand and it too made her blush a little as she wondered just what her friend was thinking about while in this awkward moment Mir had accidently put them in without thinking, sure she liked her a lot and had a crush but she had never reacted upon it, she decided to finish of her drink.

It was starting to become evening, probably not long before the gang would head out for the next hunt to find Riley, again looking at the lake in the hopes of finding something they had missed? Oli had then changed the subject and caught Miri of guard as she was lost in her thoughts and took a moment to register what her friend had asked. “Um, yeah sure.” She smiled looking at her friend once more. “Been a little while I been to yours, I’ll come round for dinner.”

Miranda Burke

Location: Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

Miranda couldn’t help but notice the blush from her friend, hell she was no doubt doing the same as they spoke, Oli had made a point, the lake was big and there was always that possibility of something being missed no matter how many times they have looked, and the police more than likely did after missing all that stuff back at the house.

Miranda couldn’t help but rosier at the cheeks when she noticed her friend staring at her while she still held her hand, Miranda was beginning to think that maybe Oli had a liking towards her, or maybe it was her liking Olivia and she was just imagining it in her mind. Either way she retracted her hand when her friend wanted the subject changed and began gulping her drink down, Miranda to drunk some more of her juice. Still it looked like her friend is blushing. Miri couldn’t help but smile. “Are you blushing?” She teased.

Miranda Burke

Location: Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

Miranda took a few sips from her glass of juice, it sucked having to deal with this situation and it was getting depressing, she could never understand how Riley’s family must be feeling, she listened to Oli as she spoke and the blonde took her friends hand in hers for morale support when her friend sighed and was not sure how would want to harm their friend, police involvement wouldn’t be good considering how they failed in some key areas of late and the fact teens found something they missed was not exactly brewing confidence.

Miri looked over towards her friend when she mentioned about going back to the lake, just how many times where they going to go there? Was it wishful thinking? Hope? After all the group never ever found anything of help up there, but the lake did bring some peace of mind in some ways and remembrance of the good times they had with Riley camping. Truth be told if Miranda had her way she would stay out there until she found her, but then that no doubt gets her in trouble, but she did think about it.

“We have been up there so many times and not found anything, besides you really think Finely will be thrilled if I was there with you guys? It’s not like we really get on; I mean it was awkward just having her in my car on the way to the creepy ass house.” Miri sighed for a moment and thought as she took another sip from her glass. “But I will come, for Riley and because you asked me to” Miri smiled as she realised she was still holding Oli’s hand.

Miranda Burke

Location: Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

“Water it is” Miranda smiled as she opened the door and allowed Oli to step in first and make her way to the kitchen as Miri closed the door behind her and hung the keys up before she too would head to the kitchen herself. While Oli sat down, Miri went over a got a couple of glasses, one with fresh cold water for her friend and apple juice for herself before making her way towards the table and placing the drinks down.

Hearing her friend sigh was enough to know something was on her friend’s mind, but truth be told things were weighing on her mind also. Miranda leaned onto the chair in front of her looking over at Oli. “Honestly, Part of me say yes we should, I mean it’s the police but… If we come forward with this, then we all will be in trouble for entering and contaminating a crime scene including taking evidence from it.” Miranda though on that for a second before sighing herself. Sitting down Miranda leaned onto the table taking her glass but not lifting it, choosing fiddle with it a bit in her hands. “It’s bullshit, why would anyone want to harm Riley?”
Aaliyah Cruz

Interacting With:

Aaliyah nodded when the woman showed her credentials as she allowed them to walk in before closing the door behind them, walking back into the main room, she decided to jot down the information quickly before returning back to the woman. She did glare a couple of times at the camera man just to make sure he got the picture that it was best to keep the thing of or it was going out the window.

She looked at Kira when she asked her question with a smile. “Straight to the point I see” Aaliyah motioned for the woman to sit. A moment after Aaliyah herself sat down from across the reporter. “Well to start of I don’t think it is that hard to kick a guy in the balls, they tend to drop pretty fast when you do that.” Aaliyah smiled and chuckled a little, feeling a little laid back. “As for the second guy, he really did all the work for me, I just used his own momentum against him with a little bit of basic self-defence” She answered.

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House -> Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

Miranda watched as the others left via their own means, she had waited to see Oli’s answer before she would pull off into the road as it was clear to go, she noticed the woman blush when she smiled which made Miranda do the same thing as she decided to concentrate on the road before getting to distracted while driving. “Home it is then, feel like freshening up after all that back there.” Miri was glad the drive this time was much less awkward and she felt much safer in the company of a werewolf that she felt she could trust.

“Hope you don’t mind coming back mine.” Truth be told she didn’t really want Oli to go, thoughts of Riley where still lingering in her mind and it did make her worried sick. The drive was pretty normal like always, it was Red Lake, not downtown L.A., Soon enough she turned up to her little part of paradise, pulling into the drive Miranda parked up the car and switched everything off. Again she couldn’t help but blush a little when smiling at Oli. “Would you like a drink or anything? Got plenty of stuff indoors” Miri offered as she got out of the car and locked it once Oli was out before making her way to the front door.
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