Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Sorry for the delay, been a bit ill lately. My focus is back though.
"Gray World huh?" Eddie began. "I guess I can take a look around, if I'm allowed. Although... wandering around alone in a new place sure sounds... lonesome, don't you think?" Eddie sighed. "Are you two, by any chance, busy? I'd sure appreciate a guide. You know, show me what this world and festival has to offer."

"Weeeell..." (Ater)

"We are busy looking after the portal, but if you really want a guide..." (Arbus)

"Oh, Arbus, let me! As important as the portal is... It's kinda boring..." (Ater)

"Very well, just come back after the tour." (Arbus)

The white haired demon gave a small smile before walking over to Eddie's side. "Anything you want to know about, or see, just ask." she stated.

"Heeeey, Zeal... I was talking to them..." Vanilla said as the familiar sat her down on a bench, before sitting down himself. "Ooooh fine... I guess I was getting a bit talkative... Again... But what's wrong with explaining something to someone?" Zeal gave her a quick look for his answer. "You're right... I guess not everyone wants so much information dumped on them..." She sighed before resting her head on Zeal. "But I know for a fact that this is going to be great! I've been to other worlds before but this one just seems so special to me, I can feel it... And admit it... You want to have some fun too, right?" Zeal shrugged and shifted around in his seat a bit, he couldn't hide it from Vanilla, but he was curious about the festival.

"Do you know who will be performing for the event?" Dorma then asked Macarona. "Are you one of the performers?" She also asked. That one was more of a tease since she thought Macarona was... well, Macarona.

"M-me? O-of course not... You know I get stage fright..." she responded in a nervous fashion. "But... I do know that the performer will be coming from the Sea... Honestly though, that's all I know... I've just been busy fixing up the stage..."

”Now that I’ve rested a bit, is there anything you would like me to help you with?” she asked, still blushing lightly.

Speaking of which. "Oh, of course, Aurelia. Now that the stage is put up we just need to put the decorations up." Macarona said with a smile.
@TaliPaendrag you good?
"...And what's so special about these nightmares of yours?" Etihw asked Kcalb as they walked along the path. "It's... Strange... They only ever happen around this time... And I keep hearing a name... Something that makes me shiver..." He explained as a flock of butterflies flew over them. "So..." "So... What?" "So what's the name? It takes a lot to make you of all people shiver. What's this big and scary name?" Kcalb went quiet again, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard.

"The name... Was Crow..." Etihw seemed to tense up a bit at the sound of the name. "But... That... That's impossible..." Kcalb simply shook his head at her response. "Something's going to happen... And we need to be prepared for it..." He said as they just came over the hill that overlooked the village.

"If you guys don't mind me asking, what's a 'Gray Festival'?"

"Well, the Gray Festival is an annual celebration for the denizens of the Gray World. A special occasion to celebrate the ending of the long, bloody war between angels and demons, a war that lasted hundreds maybe thousands (exact time unknown) of years. The festival involves many different things, including stalls of trinkets, pastries, and other goodies for any at all visitors from other worlds like us to enjoy. There are also fun games, and events, like a talent show, a musical, ooooooo I am getting excited just thinking about it! I could go on on about-" And with that, Zeal picked Vanilla up and carried her to the village, all while she was still talking. Ater and Arbus's jaws were down as they were just about to explain the Gray Festival to Eddie.

"Uhhh..." (Ater)

"What she said..." (Arbus)

"Oh, I'm not looking for her, Miss Macarona. I'm here to help you, remember?" Dorma made a crafted reply to mask her true feelings on the matter. "I was sent here by Miss Rawberry when I ran into her in the village. I thought she'd be with you." She added, derailing the topic.

"Ah... Well... She's more than likely bothering Dialo at her apple pie stand... I'm sure she'll come when... If she remembers..." Macarona said looking back at the village.

"Well anyway, what's this stage going to be used for?"

"Oh! It's actually for tonight's event... It's gonna be a bit of a musical, and then there will be big fireworks in the sky at the end." she explained.

”I’m supposed to head back to the Healing Academy’s tent now that I’ve dropped off the package,” Aurelia said once Dorma reminded Miss Macarona that she was there to help with the stage. ”But seeing as how no one else is here to help, I suppose I could stay and help for a little bit as well. Though I’m not sure how useful I’ll be.”

"Your help is appreciated, Aurelia... But you may want to rest a little after your delivery..." Macarona said with a warm smile.
I'm sorry, I've been busy lately. I'll have something up by tonight. :)
Kcalb walked quietly through the castle, ignoring passers-by and not even acknowledging those who said "Good Morning," or "How are you?" or even "Are you ok?" He was completely out of it this morning and had a very stressed out feeling to him.

"Good morning, Kcalb." He was only a few steps into the courtyard when he was greeted by his other half, Etihw. He stopped and glanced at her before looking back down at the ground. "Well you seem cheerful today... Come on, it's the day of the festival, at least show some emotion..." she said in a bit of a sarcastic tone. He glanced at her again before sighing. "Not now, Etihw... I... Had a rough night..."

"A rough night? Heheh... That's an understatement... You're a grumpier old man than you usually are..." she said walking up to him. "How many times have I told you..." "Yes yes, you're not an old man... Tell me another 1000 times and maybe I'll get it..." Etihw said, again in a sarcastic tone. "Come on... What's wrong? You can tell me..." she said nudging him a little. Kcalb breathed a defeated sigh and looked at her. "Do you ever have... Nightmares?"

"Uhh, ahem. Hey there!" Eddie began. "I was going to teleport to McDo for lunch but seems like I took a detour." He joked to the two demons. Seeing the village abuzz with activity with decorations and stalls and people running around, Eddie could not help but remark. "Ooh, you guys having a party up in here?"

Ater and Arbus looked at eachother for a second before turning their gaze back to Eddie.

"Of course, it's the Grey Festival." (Ater)

"You did get an invitation, correct?" (Arbus)

"If so, great. If you simply heard of it, that's ok too." (Ater)

"Just don't cause trouble, ok? We don't want another incident happening." (Arbus)

"Any way... Welcome to the Gray Garden!" they said in unison before going back to attend to the portal. As they did, another visitor arrived. A witch in a white and red outfit followed by an avian familiar stepped out of the portal. "Blaaahhh... Why did it have to be portal travel? Portal travel is a major cause of motion sickness for a lot of people..." Vanilla said as her familiar, Zeal, rubbed her back. "Ugh... Thank you, Zeal... Number one cure for motion sickness... A comforting rub on the back..." she said smiling. Zeal gave her a small shake of his head and she tilted her head. "What? Bad wording?"

"Ah, do you need help, Miss Macarona? I can use my bow to lift heavy things for you."

Macarona gave an exhausted smile. "T-thank you, Dorma... I would appreciate that."

”H-Hello, M-Miss Macarona? This i-is a package f-from the Healing A-Academy tent.” Macarona looked to see Aurelia walking up with a box that looked too heavy for someone like her. She dropped it in front of her and Macarona covered her mouth as some items bounced out, including a bottle of water which she instinctively picked up.

”S-Sorry,” she continued, blushing noticeably. ”It’s a box of refreshments like water and snacks for the people helping to prepare for the festival. They also wanted me to remind you to have people drink lots of water so they don’t get dehydrated. Oh! And also that if someone get hurt or feels off, they should head to the Healing Academy tent for treatment.”

Macarona took a big drink of water before responding. "Thank you, Aurelia... We appreciate the help and the advice..." she said smiling. "Oh... Dorma... If you're looking for Yosafire, I think she and Froze went out towards the forest to collect apples for Dialo's apple pie stand..." she said knowing that Dorma would've want to look for Yosafire after helping with the stage.
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