Avatar of December
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    1. December 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I have work tonight, but I"ll get everyone's posts up after!
7 yrs ago
I'm sorry guys, it's the first week of classes and I have to make sure I don't get behind. I'm starting all of my homework early and can't post until the weekend.
7 yrs ago
I'm sorry guys, it's the first week of classes and I have to make sure I don't get behind. I'm starting all of my homework early and can't post until the weekend.
7 yrs ago
Acclimating to moving in with new roommates and setting up my new computer. Gonna be pretty busy the next few weeks, so I think posts are gonna be a little slow. <3
7 yrs ago
Hang in guys... I'm taking my last final today and after that I'll be free as a bird.
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@December You mean energy bending? That's an avatar exclusive.

I'm pretty sure you're referring to the Spirit Gurus I mentioned, and actually, there is a large variety of energy manipulation that non-Avatar characters have performed in the past. From the Banana Guru Aang encountered at the Western (?) Air Temple (I really don't remember which one), who led Aang through a spiritual journey to unblock his Chakras (granted, he never directly performed any energy bending), to the spiritual powers of entering the spirit world (I would say Tenzin but, y'know, he never did), to Jinora's astral projection powers to even Unalaq's spirit manipulation powers. Manipulating the spirits is typically seen as an Air bending ability, however, that does not limit it to a single element (@Unalaq). Even when Korra was attacked by a spirit in the middle of the ocean when she was being chased by Desna and Eska, she washed up on a Fire Nation island where a spiritual fire bending guru was able to discern what was happening to her spirit by use of fire bending.

@Regitnui Well someone did their research. XD

If we were to go ahead and place ourselves in the time of an Earth Nation Avatar, I think some things would be different regarding technology. I'm also just now realizing I never finished the last season with Kuvira. Idk why but I stopped around the time of Kuvira beating Korra in a 1v1. I suppose I can't say much regarding technology because I don't know how the spirit vine harvesting ended.

Do you guys think there would be artificial bending at that point? We already seem some rudimentary forms of lightning bending in Asami's lightning glove, as well as faux metal bending in the magnets Asami's father employed. Hell, there's even fire bending gadgets among some of Amon's radicals (the flame thrower guy).

I don't think it would be too hard for them to replicate bending in that era (excluding earth and water bending). For fire, they just have fuel tanks on their backs and gloves and boots that can expel fire. Air bending would be more difficult to replicate as it would require manipulating the air pressure by either having tanks of compressed air that would expire quickly or giant fans. Earth bending wouldn't really be possible, but magnets faking metal bending would. Maybe lightning gloves would be ranged by that time.
If we go a whole Avatar cycle after Korra, it would be an Earth Kingdom Avatar, and it would likely be something close to a modern setting. This also means we don't have to worry about stepping on the toes of canon.

This also means we have airbenders again, and members of any nation could reasonably exist on any side of a conflict we'd have.

That's a fair point. We even have evolved organisations in specialized bending, such as Metal Benders, Lightning Benders, Spirit Gurus (air benders), and even things like Chi Blockers.
@Wick Thanks! My exam starts in thirty minutes so here's to hoping it goes well.
@Wick My last exam of the week is today, so I should have a post up by either tonight or tomorrow morning.
This still got room? Because this sounds hella fun.


Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center

Interacting with: Cassandra Arvanitis @Caits, Xerxes Arvanitis, Miranda Burke @YoshiSkittlez, Syleste Vos @Vicier, Gage Brooks @BlackPanther

The uncomfortable proximity to the angel resulted in a tight knot forming in Sebastian's gut, adding to the immense tightness in his chest. Despite his best efforts, his heart rate and breathing skyrocketed as the angel's hands touched his skin. Fight or flight insticts went haywire as every cell in his body screamed danger! Supernaturals were dangerous, they got people killed, and they caused shit tons of pain.

The rational part of the siren's brain informed him that Xerxes had always proven to be trustworthy in the past, and if he wanted Sebastian dead, the boy wouldn't have survived the first time he encountered the angel. If he remembered correctly, and if hearsay was a reliable source, angels could distinguish any species with ease. Therefore, he had no reason to be-

"Oh for fucks sake!" Sebastian's head snapped towards Miranda, his attention momentarily diverted from the unease he felt from being near another supernatural as power as Xerxes.

The woman was moving towards Syleste's bed, openly glowering at Gage. An obvious tension existed between the two, but Sebastian had been so preoccupied preparing to deafen the doctor in case of emergency that he hadn't noticed anything about what had transpired between his friends. Gage snapped at Miri, but she brushed it off in her nonchalant, go-fuck-yourself manner that Sebastian always admired. The younger siren giggled, holding her arms to her chest.

Sebastian cast his gaze warily back towards Xerxes, sizing him up as the doctor gaze instructions to him regarding his health. The comment about notifying his father sent a pang of worry through the boy's chest, but there was nothing he could do about it for the time being. Telling his father about the attack and his subsequent involvement meant telling his father that not only did people know that he was a siren, but that also his closest friends were now members of the same species that had slaughtered Sebastian's mother.

Assuming I'm right about who killed her.

Sebastian nodded his head, offering a weak smile to the angel standing beside his bed before breathing a sight of relief that Xerxes was done with him.

Xerxes moved through the room, picking up a clipboard and giving the others instructions as he went. Before he could get a word in edgewise, a ride home with Gage was orchestrated and sealed; there was no getting out of the very awkward car ride to follow. Sebastian hadn't even gotten the chance to talk to Syleste about her newfound heritage, or how they would progress moving forward, or how he could help her family through the process, or-

Be serene.

Letting his thoughts run wild wouldn't help anyone, and it would only cause a panic attack. Sebastian needed to be in control of himself and his emotions if he wanted to make everything run smoothly.

Nodding his head, Sebastian sat up and smiled. "Sounds good to me. I just need to get dressed real quick."

Getting out of bed was quite the process, as every movement on his legs was painful. Not excruciating, but painful nonetheless. Once he had successfully escaped the covers, Sebastian pulled the curtain around his bed closed, providing himself privacy to change. Due to the fact that his clothing had either been blood soaked or torn to shreds, the hospital had provided a new set of pants and a shirt to change into.

The siren quickly slipped out of the hospital gown and pulled on the new pair of clothing, scrunching up his nose as the cool air drifted across his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. There wasn't a pair of shoes to change into, but Sebastian didn't care; it wasn't worth bringing up with Xerxes. The less he talked to him, the better.

Stepping out from behind the curtain, Sebastian nodded to Gage, motioning towards the door. "Let's hit the road. I'll text you guys later, Miri."

With that, Sebastian made his way out of the room, snagging a sprite as he went. The hospital corridor was awfully quiet, providing easy access to pick up on the low vibrations of Xerxes' voice as he gave instructions regarding the medical needs of Syleste and the paperwork for Sebastian. Something had spooked the angel, and that concerned Sebastian greatly, but he could only handle one issue at a time. Once the angel had left, Sebastian stepped up to Cassie right as she turned and spoke to someone hiding behind the corner of the corridor.

”So… that was my dad…“ Cassie smiled faintly at the mystery figure, earning a frown from Sebastian. She seemed rather uncomfortable, but that was probably due to the immense responsibility Xerxes had just dropped on her. ”I guess I have to go check on my friends… will you stay?”

"Uh, Cassie?" Sebastian pursed his lips, feeling awkward for intruding. "Your dad discharged me, and I just overheard that he asked you to tell my dad. I was just gonna see if..."

Sebastian trailed off as he stepped forward, catching sight of the stranger Cassie was talking with. Before the siren stood not just a man he didn't recognize, but also a work of art. Sebastian's eyes fluttered wildly between the man's deep green eyes, handsome features, lush hair, excellent jawline, and astounding body, unsure of which incredible feature to take in first. Viridian irises that captivated Sebastian's eyes lay over powerful cheekbones and tanned skin, holding Sebastian's attention for just a moment before the siren's eyes continued to wander, glancing over the man's well groomed hair, tall stance, and impressive physique. The fact that Cassie clearly had dibs was irrelevant as Sebastian took in the view, immensely grateful he was getting the opportunity.

Before he could say anything, the odd sound made by Sebastian's clothing as it rustled together reminded him that while the man in the front of him may look like a god on earth, Sebastian did not; from his disheveled hair to his bloodied and bruised features to the evident limp he possessed to his horrendous wardrobe, Sebastian couldn't hope to look even remotely appealing to the stranger Cassie had managed to pick up. Sebastian's voice finally escaped his lips, combining Sebastian's clear pleasure with the view to the disappointment he felt from realizing that Cassie probably had him wrapped around her finger by now with her striking features, as well as the embarrassment of wearing a glorified napkin for his first impression with the man.

"Well, fuck..."
@Wick Okay, sounds good!
Well alright then! I honestly feel like an Alexis post would be best next.
That's okay, but please, let us know if you need a hand! I think Leo is waiting on Magnus, and probably Miri, Syl and Seb are waiting for Gage, and cody's waiting for Aron... so a lot to read and respond to, but why don't you do one at a time, to make it easier? It's what i do sometimes, particularly when there's a lot i need to respond to.

Yeah I was in a rush to post for Seb but I do think it's kind of out of place without another Gage post. Take your time, @BlackPanther, there's no rush from me. :P
@Wick So where are we going from here?
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