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    1. Dedonus 10 yrs ago
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Patience is a virtue.
Whoah, now, people. We already had one Spider-fight and the IC's not even up.

Besides, you're all clearly guilty of denying the 90's greatness that is Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

I would take the 90's Spider-Man: The Animated Series over Spectacular any day.

<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Did they make Black Cat a furry?

No, that was Kraven who was turned into a furry.

<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>

Y'know, as bad as the Clone Saga and the Symbiote infatuation were, I'll still take 90s Spidey over modern Spidey. At least back then, he wasn't just a face in a crowd of knockoff webslingers who are all written to be better than him, crashing on Mockingbird's couch because Slott and Bendis decided Mary Jane was better served standing around in the background of Iron Man's book waiting for her turn to pat Riri Williams on the head and tell her how special she is, and being a dopey punching bag for Deadpool.

I still can't understand the logic that MJ can't be with Peter because he's Spider-Man, but she can still work for Iron man...

Returns to Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
It's a bad idea, so not well.

Looks like I have my ideas...jk (or am I?).

Knew that would be your reaction
Guess I'm going to have to see if there are any other stories I want to write for some characters I would like to play as (such as Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel). I don't have any at the moment and I don't want to apply for a character just to apply for one.

Always wanted to see how Gowi would react if I were to turn Black Cat into a less-furry Tigra.

Also, I was SO not planning to make the Create-A-Hero RPG characters this universe's mainstream fictional comic book characters
Is anyone getting a warning that the guild is 'unsafe'? As in the https:// is struck out in red?

Full disclaimer: I am not above bribes.

What? Am I going to have to start promising things too? lol
I heard there was going to be a Spider-War. I guess I might as well toss my hat into the ring. I hope I'm not too late to the party.

Ultimate One Universe: Year One Application

Character You're Applying For: Peter Parker, also known as the Amazing Spider-Man (the hyphen is MANDATORY)

Powers And Abilities:

-Spider-Themed Powers: What type of Spider-Man can't stick to walls, swing from webs, and lift 10 tons (more with the adrenaline pumping).

-Spider-Sense: Peter has the uncanny ability to sense danger coming at him, even from his blind spots.

-Mechanical Web Shooters: Peter uses wrist-mounted devices, which he invented, to shoot webs for various purposes (web-swinging, tying up bad guys, etc.). I did mention he came up with the formula for the web fluid, right?

-Superhuman Healing Factor: Peter can heal from injuries in hours that would normally take a regular person weeks to overcome.

-High-level Intelligence: Peter Parker is an extremely gifted student, allowing him to excel in his academic career while he is not busy with his super-heroics. If he is given the correct guidance, tools, and education, Peter Parker’s intelligence could possibly rival those of Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Hank McCoy, and Hank Pym.

-Immunity to Vampirism: The characters from Twilight have nothing on Spider-Man.

Origin And Backstory:

Why fix something that's not broken? We've all heard Peter's backstory a million times. His parents were Richard and Mary Parker, who died in a mysterious plane accident. His Aunt May and Uncle Ben became his new parents, raising the young boy as if he were their own, just as the recently deceased Parkers would have wanted it. Then, on one fateful day, a genetically-engineered spider bit the nerdy Parker, bestowing upon his the proportional powers of a spider. Since Peter knew his aunt and uncle were struggling with money, he tried to use powers to pay back all the love that his "parents" gave him. But when Peter hesitated to intervene in a robbery at the wrestling facility, Peter finally learned the meaning of "With great power, there must also come great responsibility."

From that day forward, Peter dedicated his life as the costumed crime fighter, Spider-Man. But the "right" choice was never an easy one for Peter. Once he started fighting bad guys as Spider-Man, he soon found an enemy whom Peter could not subdue by physical force: J. Jonah Jameson. The Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Bugle had been hounding masked superheroes ever since the recent advent of metahumans and Peter could do nothing about Jameson' smear campaign. No matter how many times Spider-Man would save the day, nothing could sway "Jolly" Jameson

Now entering into his junior year in high school, Peter will have to juggle the life of a teenager and a superhero. Just weeks after he received his powers (but before his uncle's death), Peter gathered enough courage to ask out the girl he had a crush on since 8th grade: Gwen Stacy. And he was astonished when she said yes. Since Peter was a top-notch student, his Spider-Man activities rarely hurt his scholastic career, but in the last six months it has taken a toll on his relationship with his girlfriend. Whenever Spider-Man was needed, Peter had to disappear and he could not explain why he looked like a "sissy" whenever there was danger without revealing his secret: that he's the Amazing Spider-Man.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

Since this is a One Universe game, I believe sticking to the basics is an excellent course of action. Peter will be be able to interact with characters he would not normally get to in a Marvel only game. There's no need to make him a lantern-bearing, Batman-trained ninja with an Amazon girlfriend and a Kryptonian dog. Obviously his supporting cast will need to be adapted for Peter's high school years.

Supporting Characters:

-Aunt May: Peter's aunt and surrogate mother. Like Ultimate Spider-Man, people won't be mistaking Aunt May as Peter's grandmother.

-Gwen Stacy: Peter's girlfriend. Unaware of Peter's activities as Spider-Man. Just like Peter, she is another bright mind at Midtown High.

-Angelica Jones: One of Peter's only friends. Her father moved to New York from Massachusetts. She hasn't revealed the fact that she's a mutant.

-Captain George Stacy: Gwen's father and the Captain of the NYPD. Unlike others in law enforcement, Stacy sees Spider-Man as a asset to making the Big Apple as safer place for everyone.

-Eugene "Flash" Thompson: Star Quarterback at Midtown High who has bullied Peter for several years, even though they used to be friends when they were little. Also Spider-Man's biggest fan (to Peter's chagrin).

-J. Jonah Jameson: Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Bugle and the J3 Communications. Although Jameson is a stanch anti-vigilante, he still also seeks "the truth" and is always conscious about his company's public image and integrity (at least when he's not dealing with Spider-Man)

Character Picture:

Sample Post: An excerpt from my All-Star Marvel RPG from a few years ago.
I'm here, sorry for the delay. I've just been trying to get past a recent college test lately.

No problem. Real life always come first. ;)
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