Avatar of Demonic Raven


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I don't know why I went with ye old pirate lingo... it has nothing to do with the plot.
1 yr ago
Avast ye scurvy land lubers! There's a new 1x1 plot dead ahead!roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
Also I did not just return to see if anyone wanted to do a phantom of the opera RP... no that would be obsurd! *hides the YouTube movie tab*
1 yr ago
Well 7 months of working 6 days in a row has finally become routine enough I think maybe it's time to return. I wonder if any old pals are here... time to see who will meme my VM section!
2 yrs ago
Planception! DUNNNN


Just a demonic bird living her life on the east coast. My fiancee is the lovely Evil Snowman (usernames not planned but worked so well together we thought "Hey, might as well get married and have some possessed kiddos one day!") That's pretty much it!

Most Recent Posts


Thank you again Hyde for your help!

Also to everyone who has expressed interest I’d really like you all to join the discord server as it would make everything much easier for everyone, though especially myself and Pie. If you can not access or do not wish to join discord please do let either of us know. ^~^

I will use a group PM to give everyone the casual OOC url once everything is set up! For now get to work on your character sheets and I look forward to seeing them!

Also a reminder please PM your CS to both Pie and I in a group pm so we can accept your character(s)! Please do not post your CS’s in the characters section until you are accepted!

Welcome to the Temple of the Zodiac! ^~^
@PiePizzle No worries hun! ^~^

Thank you Hyde! ^~^

Also terribly sorry again Howls for the mix up! ^~^;

I’m sorry Howls but Sagittarius has been taken by kingdomkeylight. There’s a list at the bottom of the first post that has doubled up characters that can be available upon request from those that currently hold them.

That’s on me and I’m terribly sorry for forgetting to put Sagittarius as taken.

To be fair some of that was me and my double posting habit! x3

But I’m glad you’re excited, I’m definitely excited, I hope everyone is excited! ^~^
Also thank you to everyone who has joined and those who will join! I’m so glad you’re on this journey with me and I’m sure we’ll have a blast! ^~^

Awesome! ^~^

Woooooooo! Awesome! That means that once we have confirmation from @Sanity43217 we’ll be able to start this RP up! ^~^

Thank you KKL! Would you be interested in playing in it? ^~^

We’ve got a lovely Sagittarius open! x3
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