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    1. demonspade64 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Also screw those who claim Talos is not a god
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3 yrs ago
The Imperials let the Thormal walk all over us Nords we must retake our independence!
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3 yrs ago
I just review what anime was premiering this season, and i notice that Detective Conan IS STILL AIRING. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!
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4 yrs ago
I GOT to save my FAMILY!
5 yrs ago
imagine you died, and then god come to you and asks. "So, how did you like heaven?"


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Luz hid the swords off-site, and only the other hobgoblins know where they are. She also recommends the other hobgoblins keep the location of the sword secret.
@demonspade64 By the way, does Luz have her spear on her right now? Like visibly on her I mean.

yep, it tied to her back with vines.
Hobgoblin Luz


It sometime in the morning. A horn rabbit peeks out of its home in a burrow and looked around right quick before stumbling out of its hole. It then stood still, Only to be killed instantly by a hurled spear aimmed at its neck, its body sent flying cause of the sheer force of which the spear was thrown. "Damn..." A hobgoblin remarked at her work, clearly impressed by her newfound strength.

She then walked up to the body and lifted up the spear that penetrated cleanly through the rabbit's neck. She then grabbed the rabbit by its fur on its back and pulled the spear out of the rabbit's deceased body before rewrapping the spear it vines before tying the makeshift spear back on her back. Afterward, she then went back to the church with the dead rabbit in her arm. She opens the Church door to find Gird already beat her there...and is currently holding one more rabbit than her.

Honestly, she couldn't help but frown a bit and sigh knowing that one of her rival hobgoblins had beaten her, and him no less. The one who got this name first. Nevertheless, Luz went to the elder and sweetly ask him "Hey grandpa where should i put this?" before taking a minute to the younger goblins, glaring at them as she checks out their lifeforces. She can tell that the newbies were not much as they are now but hopefully they would make something of themselves later.
@Dark Cloud

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

stone church with a bookshelf and shrines to the 3 main gods

So i take it no rusty swords?



so wait are we start off from where the last RP left off or are we completely restarting?
I AM COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rena was strolling looking around for prey on the ground but however, she didn't notice that there was a predator leaping amount the tree preying on her. While walking she could help but wonder if Tik would take her up on her offer, but while walking she couldn't help but notice a shadow shifting in front of her, which give her the feeling she should duck, so she did so right in time to avoid an attack from some green creature. Now that she was on her hand and knee, she quickly pushed herself back onto her feet, grabbed her weapon with both hands, move her club back right beside her while she was stumbling back, then charged at it with her club held behind her head, as soon the frog was in reaching distance she would then swing down at it while using Crushing Blow

Hopefully, if the creature dodges her attack, and tries to counter-attack, the other goblin would do something to aid her.


As soon as the battle was over Rena stayed on her feet to catch her breath, oh though her Current body demands that she at least sit down for a minute to catch her breath, Rena wanted to give off the impression that she was better than the other 2 goblins. So she stood up and allow her body to replace the oxygen in her lung before hunching over the body of the rabbit. "Good work." She told them sounding a bit hoarse."I'm calling the due." Rena claims proudly. She then grabbed the rabbit by the head and begin tearing a hole in the fur around the rabbit neck, and struggled to do so. Hopefully, the average looking goblin would take the rabbit horn off and help her cut the fur off-off it.


After claiming her parts off killed Rena then sat down and wolf down on her meal as carefully as she could, sadly her meal wasn't much to brag about, with her food being hard to chew and break apart while also tasted like a salty metal, still she tried to eat as much of it as she can so she could get her strength back and hope she doesn't get sick from the food. After eating the two other of the goblin then decided they were going to go back to the cave however before they left she told them this.


"I'm Rena, I'm going to keep hunting to become stronger. if you guys change your mind I'll be out there a bit longer." She told them with a smile. Sadly the bold female didn't seem interested(and was also a bit off) so she let her leave, she didn't seem that reliable anyway. The other one well she liked him cause he was bold to try to wrestle the rabbit without his weapon, he seems useful, so she hopes he would change his mind.

Now that they were done talking and eating Rena decide it was time to make good use of that fur, So put two holes in her fur, found a flexible tree branch, and bent it to look like a "C" before sticking one of the ends of the branch through one the holes in the fur before moving it to the other so that the fur would now be hanging off the stick. She then put the stick on her shoulder to make a makeshift cloak, Now she could wear her kill proudly.

Now she was off to find her next kill in order to "level up" again.

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