Avatar of Deos Morran
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    1. Deos Morran 8 yrs ago


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@deadpixel101 I've already accepted your character so you're good there it's just a matter of talking through those details about being a mad scientist/inventor. You're already in so leave him there. But we still need to talk details.
@deadpixel101 I told you to type a thing about your messages on our PM and repost your CS but you never did. I felt sad and heartbroken. DId you do that weaponry change?

You wanted that whole evil scientist thing right? I told ya that I'd be ready to talk details in our PMs and then you just kinda stopped talking. Let's fix 'em up real quick!
Actually just to say it I think we're nearing the start point. We've got a decent cast of characters and I think I know a good place to kick things off. Ya'll ready for this?

@Mega Birb@FallenTrinity@Mataus@MechonRaptor@13org?

I promise I'll keep working on the Monster Codex as we go.
Ariah Lusias
Location: City of Solace - The Ham Sandwich

Ariah was fast asleep face down on his bed and damn near smothered in the thralls of his pillow when the frightened knocks came on his door. They woke him from his slumber sure, but it wasn't exactly a graceful awakening. His back arched and the look on his face was one of almost dishevelment, his drooped eyes, messed hair, and one may even say a small bit of drool on the edge of his lip. No matter his current state though he still manged to say, "Wha-I... Where are... ok..." Before flopping back down onto the bed unmoving.

It wasn't until a few moments later when the words that were said sunk into his tired brain and like a bat out of Hell he shot up again, but this time his eyes were wide awake. Leaping from the covers and going for his gear he started to not only dress himself but ensure that he was set and ready should any sort of conflict come. As he was lacing up his boots, gun at his feet and ready to kill, Kat knocked on his door saying her piece, [color=blute]"I'll be there soon! Just stay out of trouble! We don't need things getting worse!"[/color] He shouted back, finishing with his boots and holstering his pistol. With his swords drawn to his hips and his traveler's cloak strapped over his entire frame he started to run down the stairs, finding the state in which the rest of his would be gang were in.

It wasn't exactly what he expected, but he should have knowing Kat and her relative 'fuck it' attitude. The cute girl from before that Kat made a snark comment about to him in a VAIN effort to embarrass him was lock, loaded and ready to kill by the looks of it. "See anything?" Ariah asked to her since she was the one so far to gauge their situation outside.

Meanwhile he walked over to Kat saying, "You don't seem heated. Come on though, at least be a little ready. We've got a place to be and by the sounds of it we should really think about getting there soon." From there he turned more to the crowd of people in the main hall and continued on to say, "If things are going as we've heard it may even be a good idea to split up and leave inconspicuously in small groups or just an individuals. It would attract less attention." From there he made a gesture to Kat to look for some response. Whether it was her standing up to leave with him or suggest something else.
@Mega Birb NU BIRB NU!
@FallenTrinity Well you still have a lot of modern day military jargon that doesn't exist in this RP's current day, but it's not really a big deal, just a slight lore infraction which is NOT a big deal at all...

You have my green light!

Oh and on the topic of the monster codex being uploaded into a computer... I'm going to say yes, but it's not super flushed out. Like it only tells you names and types, versus what they can do and what their weak points are. As that level of knowledge falls to the Seers. And besides this is more of like a Pokedex type thing where you guys find out about the types of crazy that exist in the world as you find them. SO maybe your computer does have monsters.... but only basic and common ones.
@Lyla You know I'm in, but I'm gonna need a hot minute to get something going.
@FallenTrinity Birb means like IRL former service in another RP we had we had like 4 former or active serviceman in it. It was REALLY weird.

Anyway, I'm thinking about making a sort monster template and well as codex for monsters so that not only can we keep track of what we've encountered, but also how to make your own cool monsters.
Alria Vicrinus
Location: HSV Kharon, Hanger Bay - Aboard the Silver Star

The siege of Kavar. The most brutal and bloody battle to ever stain the stars. Overhead the flames of war raked through the once peaceful skies and stars as battleships and fighters. The ancient Al'rakai have torn through the universe, cutting galaxies apart and turning the stars to dust, but that stops now. Here and now in this final stand between the bastards that burn the galaxy, and the brave men and women of the great Turian Hierarchy. Next to her the general Vindictus cut through swathes of foes, carving apart the Al'rakai like they were wheat to a scythe with his Mexta Sun Scythe, said to be forged in the last vestiges of Palaran's dying sun as the Al'rakai ate from it's light.Yet no matter how many he killed, no matter how much glistening blood made him armor glow in the pale light of the dying sun, they just kept coming.

As the dying light of a dying sun began to fade into the darkness, so too did Vindictus' fate. This was it for him...

Yet as he came to accept his fate, destiny road in on a heavily armed dropship, lighting up the fields around him with incendiary rounds, turning the battleground to a sight of beautiful salvation. In the side of the dropship, manning the heavy repeating blaster was the one and only love of Vindictus' life, Nivia. The rogue and exiled former queen of the Blood Fang mercs and former childhood friend of Vindictus. She was an angel to him and as her wings let her down, she ran across the field to embrace her love.

But before the two met in sweet connection, a thunderous crack raned from the sky and Nivia was engulfed in flames, licked by the cruel heat and launched to Vindictus' feet. He couldn't bear the weight on his heart and as he knelt to hold her broken body close he heard her last words, "I will always love you... Please... please... live on... for me..." He called out to the stars, screaming aloud to see the cause of the murder. The Al'rakai leader, Lord General Aral'kan Vatis himself in his cruel visage, holding a rocket launcher on his shoulder.

"MURDERER! I swear I will... ding!... ahem... I said! I swear I will... DING!" Snapping out of her chapter Alria looked from her book to the source of the sound, "Oh~! Toast is done!" Marking her space and setting down her romance book she wandered over to the small toaster she had in her ship, popping it open and putting the hot dextro-bread on a plate. After a little more preparation she was ready to enjoy a good snack.

Things had calmed down a decent bit from earlier and that was just what Alria was hoping and waiting for, but in truth as she continued to eat her snack she couldn't stop thinking of Sicaria. She seemed so flustered and bothered by something and that was not ok!

Heading back to her bed Alria reached across her arm to switch on her omni-tool, pullin gup her contacts and starting to assemble a message to Sicaria, "Hey! I know something is wrong with you. Are you..." No, no, no that sounds almost accusing. "How's it going Sicaria? I know we just said bye a little bit ago but I was wondering..." URGH! Now that just sounds too clingy.

"Everything ok? I know we just parted, but are you getting settled on the ship well? We got a bunch of stuff so if you'd like some help I'd be more than willing to help you unpack!" Alria typed out, nodding to herself and thinking that it didn't sound so bad, but maybe a little addition would help. "I had fun today. We should REALLY do it again soon!" Good enough... maybe. Pushing send, she let the message head through the data-verse, hoping that Sicaria was still awake and that the message wouldn't disturb her too much.
@FallenTrinity Ok so to respond in order...

It's ok not not fill your character with a fully stocked list of gear and skills. You're a member of a team and providing a theme is what you are supposed to do. Don't go making him a Pilot, sniper, shotgunner, driver, CQC master, who can also cook and dance, if it doesn't fit his theme.

Fair enough. I just wasn't sure but it's good to know!

If you want my advice... take away the pistol proficiency and just give him assault rifle proficiency. Then he gets his two weapons he's good with, gets to kick ass and be awesome, and it fits into the already established theme.

Fair enough bud! I just wanted to let you know what was up with the tattoo of the Wild World.

That both makes sense and sounds good to me. It would also lead him to that level of, "We don't trust you not to kill us" that he gets later in his backstory so I REALLY like that idea.

You don't need to cut back on the stuff that connects it to tactics like callsigns, commands, etc, just the like... IRL military training, job titles, etc. Speaking of you know a bit of jargon, are you prior service?

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