Avatar of Dinh AaronMk


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9 mos ago
Current Never spaghetti; Boston strong
11 mos ago
The last post below me is a lie
1 like
12 mos ago
1 yr ago
Was that supposed to be an anime reference
1 yr ago
I live in America, but the m, e, r , i, c are silent


Harry Potter is not a world view, read another book or I will piss on the moon with my super laser piss.

Most Recent Posts

Actual: Amerikaner
Secret: Bangladeshi
I joined four years ago as a travelling gypsy travelling the digital void of the internet to bring to a new home a great god. Fleeing from He Who Shall Not Be Named I and my cadre came to the RPGuild and put down roots. It was fine. The soil was rich and the air warm. Sure, there were some troubled spots, exacerbated by the absence of the liege-lord. But in time with patience and perhaps some stubbornness all of this overcome and we continued among the green pastures. Never to feel the cold winds and to feel warm and comfortable in our hearts for that.

That is, not until recently.

You see, I woke up this morning feeling a bit cold. That was unusual. So I lit my fire as I used to and warmed myself by the hearth. On the wall hung a skull. Ancient, primordial. It was of a dragon. No one thought they ever existed. Perhaps it was a fake. But it was passed down to me through the family. It was a curiosity of sorts. No one thought anything of it. But I felt particularly disconcerted with it this morning as I looked up at it.

That is when I heard the knock on the door.

Visitors? This early? The sun had barely risen and the crow hadn't cawed yet. I shrugged it off. Throwing my furs across my shoulder I went to the door and opened it. There, standing in the snow was a tall lean man. His face as pale as parchment. His hair a mess. He looked me down with sharp eyes as his mouth curled back and he spoke, "Hi Anon, I have a new RP for you..." he began, reaching into his jacket.

I doubled back, terrified. I knew somehow something was in that coat pocket. Something I didn't want to see. "I thought you like this..." the tall man said again. His hand slowly moved out from his coat. I could feel the breath catch in my throat. By the Nines.

"It's called..." I could see the corner of the object he was holding. It was black, sharp. Was it a weapon? No, hardly. Far worse than that. I clutched my heart as I saw it. My eyes widening at the large ancient white lettering on its package. As he stepped in the door shut behind him. The room went dark as a faint mist rolled in, dimly lit by the fire behind me. From a distance, as if from a mountain top I could hear a chanted song.

"It's Skyrim, anon. Don't you want to play a Skyrim RP?"

I screamed. My voice full of dread. God damn you Todd Howard.
The demiurge is a spook.

[vibrates in cathar]
Post only real words like:

Question is the worst, the nature or the Order? If they
treat us as you say, maybe isn’t it a crime to make a child come to

Answer:We are all guilty of existing, the Gnosis admits that life
is a burden and that the salvation of the specie is in castity, from
which comes the general extinction. Jesus – the real Jesus, not the one
of the Catholic Church – predicated a similar opinion when, as some
fragments of apocryphal gospels shows us, he praised a woman called
Salomè for being sterile and he clearly states that he came for
destroying the opera of the women. These are a couple of rational
opinions that every reasonable man should share, however since the
majority isn’t neither reasonable nor sensible, new abortions will have
their birth in shame, in misery, in sickness and in filth. We then must
educate these abortions in order to, once adults, carry on the absurd
destiny of the species.

hands up for >H >R >E
trapped in imperfect bodies

set yourself free by setting yourself on fire
this is some secrets of the demiurge revealed
or better yet

what if feeling like shit is no different from feeling good. like holy fucc
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