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I've written and published two books before my 30th birthday, I'm happy but I should have started sooner.
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Stan Lee was able to create superheroes on the pages for us as kids, so we could find the superheroes in ourselves as adults.
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A local hairdresser was arrested for prostitution last night. I'm shocked. I was a customer of hers for years, and I didn't even know she was a hairdresser.

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Having finished TLOU2, imagine people being mad to play as Abby when she had the best content set of guns in the fucking game

Seriously? Have we been even having the same conversation?

The things you labelled as PR problems I have not agreed to be problems. So yeah we are having the same conversation, but you're not following all of it.

>The constant misspellings almost make me feel like I'm being punked. But, a man who does not read, is no smarter than a man who cannot read.

I think you should have felt punked the last time you brought up spelling mistakes and you were making them yourself, and the best excuse you can come up with was typing on your phone. So yes no smarter than a man who cannot read to his own standards.

>So maybe look it up, instead of smugly questioning me about it.

You seemed fairly confident that there were these non youtube figures who were being attacked. Now, when pressed to tell me who they are, you seem less confident. I've 'looked it up' and I haven't found any. So maybe you can provide this missing evidence for me and anyone else whose reading. It shouldn't take anymore energy than embedding youtube videos like you've done before.

>(And you no longer have the excuse not to, after I got to hear "how could I possibly act like I have more information, when I apparently know something you never heard of before?"

You didn't add a closing bracket here, these grammar mistakes are making me feel like I'm being punked.

>Hell, I told you where I got one reference already,

Jimquisition, the youtuber.


>Some. But not me. And you make it sounds, like I'm among them. But even then, if a gun is held to my head to pick a side, yeah plenty of companies have been shittier to its fans, its workers, its games, and its critics than CD Project Red. And I'd say Naughty Dog is among them. Even regardless of TLOU2.

But not in terms of Overpriced pre-orders and multiple delays which were your first two examples.

>No, you don't have a right to flag someone's channel because they merely talk about leaks. That is not "using your IP", nor "not fair use", which critique specifically falls under.

If the content of said leaks belongs to you, you certainly can. But if you're right we should see a major suing of naughty dog happening at any moment now, right?

>Well not being able to review half of your game for a review is on par with what Ubisoft did with Middle Earth Shadow Of War. And yeah, I don't think that's particularly beneficial to anyone either.

Spoilers are a thing and people prefer not to be spoiled. The gameplay doesn't change in the 2nd half of either of those games so there isn't a particular good reason to spoil the plot in you review.

>So, like, we all know that bad things can still sell well right?

Sure, but when the argument is that 'the players' hated the game, and only the critics were praising it. The numbers come out and that argument doesn't make sense. Unless you think all the critics bulk bought 100,000 copies of the game each? Did 'players' like the game or not?

>ince many individuals never even see background drama, as you admit to be among them.

When did I admit to that? And why do you think you're more privy to information freely accessible on the internet than anyone else? Do you work in the industry?

>Short answer? No. ^-^' But, would your opinion change regardless of how valuable people consider said individuals in the industry? I reason not.

Oh really? Okay tell me a valuable or 'high profile' person who isn't a youtuber or streamer who has been attacked by naughty dog publicly.

And yeah it would because however high profile you claim to be the obviously haven't had a lot of influence over the game in terms of sales or critical recpetion.

>Yeah see, when I assume a game is going to be mediocre at best. I don't know what you think you're saying when you're telling me that the game has also had several delays and staff problems like TLOU2. Yes, yes it has? And that's usually not a good sign in this industry, is it?

The game is made by CD Projekt Red who you were just saying that some people were holding up as one of the last 'good' trip A companies. That sort of falls on it's face when its doing the exact same thing you just accused 'shittier' companies of doing.

>But no, I'm talking about false DCMA censorship of youtube channels that covered the leaks.

From what I know about DMCA's you are well within your right if someone is using your intellectual property and it isn't fair use. So I don't think that would count as false whether you agree with it or not.

>Numerous things said and done by Naughty Dog and TLOU2's creators.

None of which hurt the sales of the game very much. If the only people who liked this game were the cricitcs then it wouldn't be the fastest selling PS4 exclusive in existence.

>high profile individuals

Why do I get the feeling these 'high profile' individuals are reaction youtubers who have no standing in the game industry? Feel free to correct me if they aren't though.

@Xandrya I've found these make non-alcoholic beer more bearable.
<Snipped quote by SleepingSilence>

That's because they present themselves as consumer friendly because they give away shit like 'hair style: ponytail' for free (while charging for DLC except it's called an expansion pack for the max cred) and have cultivated this 'not like other devs' persona despite them having fewer active employees than other AAA studios yet still have insane crunch that gets swept under the rug because at the end of the day many gamers don't actually give a shit about crunch time if they like the end result.

CD Projekt Red putting a soundtrack and goodies in every copy of Cyberpunk doesn't absolve them of their behind the scenes sins, or at least it shouldn't but at the end of the day that's the only thing that will matter because of the whole 'unlike other devs, we care about the consumer!'

<Snipped quote by Dolerman>
A few people I know, both on the forum, and not. But I digress. I definitely wasn't attaching that thought to TLOU2 specifically. But I mean "successful" games can still be severely lessened by greedy practices or shitty companies.

And TLOU2 still has the typical/several "digital overpriced" editions that necessitates an article like a "Release Day Buying Guide". (Five versions in total. Plus separate art.) And if we're taking about Naughty Dog here. They have plenty of their own allegations of crunch and poor working conditions. (Aka 70 percent of their staff supposedly quitting.) Plus, you also can't say the game itself didn't have it's own troubles with delays, censorship of others and PR problems of their own doing.

Plus if pricey pre-orders are the mark of a shitty company, then CD Projekt red is going to be in a lot of bad books when Cyberpunk 2077 releases a 100 dollar ultimate edition that has a keanu reeves action figure or a pink glowstick.

>Plus, you also can't say the game itself didn't have it's own troubles with delays,

Cyberpunk 2077 is on it's 3rd delay. But even if it wasn't there is sort of a pandemic happening.

>censorship of others

Is this the review embargo? Doesn't it make sense to keep a game with heavy plot twists under wraps as long as possible?

>PR problems of their own doing

Not aware of this, elaborate?
<Snipped quote>

Although I know many people who consider CD Project Red, one of the last "good Triple A" companies. Since so many others have been so greedy with their monetization practices lately.(Among other/darker things.)

Really like who? Naughty Dog just put out a successful game, I haven't been swindled into any or microtransactions in TLOU2 or did you mean something else?

Skyrim isn't a bad game but it's definitely overrated and unpolished. I do agree some people give it too much shit though.


TLOU2 is no masterpiece but then neither was the first one.

The voice acting is stellar and some of the story beats are interesting, but if this was a 'gritty' movie or tv series it'd be forgotten in a week. The fact that it's lauded as masterful storytelling says more about your average game than the writing itself. When it does get made into a cringy 'dark' HBO series this much will become apparent.

TLOU2 is at its best when it leans into being what it wants to be: a cynical, angsty bloodbath. Playing as a knifey iron lesbian filled with piss, vinegar and adolescent fury as she carves her way through drab psuedo-military survivalists and Hare-Krishna serial killers is even more fun than it sounds.

As far as the plot backlash, 50% is coming from people who didn't even play the game. 35% is coming from those who stopped playing it after Joel died and 15% stopped playing it after you switch to Abby. And no, watching an obviously scripted let's play where some obnoxious internet personality reiterates that it trash during every cutscene is not an honest way to experience the game. Joel died because he was a hateful, cynical, selfish, broken headcase who wanted another chance at feeling like a dad by any means necessary. But even if he was a paragon of virtue, it's the fucking apocalypse. The aggressively ever-present threat of death doesn't care about your character development.

You can't have it both ways. You can't love a story because of it's cold, unflinching portrayal of dystopian existence where the life of your loved ones can be snatched away in an instant, and then be pissed when the life of a character you love gets snatched away in an instant. If you feel entitled to have your sexy, rural, gravelly voiced daddy figure be immortal to the repercussions of his actions then you never wanted a post apocalyptic story, you wanted a survivalist power fantasy.

TLOU2's story is about as good as the first one. It's fine with moments of greatness. The gameplay is better and it looks better. It's less linear, but then there is more heel dragging with the flashback scenes. The 'Woke Agenda Neil Cuckman SJW' bullshit is just that, bullshit.

8.3/10 for the game and Abby is hot, would bang 8.5/10

EDIT: Oh and no one asked me but Cyberpunk2077 is gonna be a massive letdown.

I'tll be an over-ambitious mess of loads of different mechanics that aren't polished enough to enjoy on their own. The illusion of size and choice will obscure wonky shooting mechanics, floaty jumps and bullet sponge enemies. The dialouge will probably be cringe and the story will either stick to the most basic anarchist, edgy hacker anti-hero tropes known to man or will overreach into something more complex and become nonsensical.

The game will be pretty but in the end it will just feel like a less polished Deus Ex in a more lifeless Los Santos.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be the Skyrim the next decade.

Forgot to tag you because you asked about Cyberpunk 2077

TLOU2 is no masterpiece but then neither was the first one.

The voice acting is stellar and some of the story beats are interesting, but if this was a 'gritty' movie or tv series it'd be forgotten in a week. The fact that it's lauded as masterful storytelling says more about your average game than the writing itself. When it does get made into a cringy 'dark' HBO series this much will become apparent.

TLOU2 is at its best when it leans into being what it wants to be: a cynical, angsty bloodbath. Playing as a knifey iron lesbian filled with piss, vinegar and adolescent fury as she carves her way through drab psuedo-military survivalists and Hare-Krishna serial killers is even more fun than it sounds.

As far as the plot backlash, 50% is coming from people who didn't even play the game. 35% is coming from those who stopped playing it after Joel died and 15% stopped playing it after you switch to Abby. And no, watching an obviously scripted let's play where some obnoxious internet personality reiterates that it trash during every cutscene is not an honest way to experience the game. Joel died because he was a hateful, cynical, selfish, broken headcase who wanted another chance at feeling like a dad by any means necessary. But even if he was a paragon of virtue, it's the fucking apocalypse. The aggressively ever-present threat of death doesn't care about your character development.

You can't have it both ways. You can't love a story because of it's cold, unflinching portrayal of dystopian existence where the life of your loved ones can be snatched away in an instant, and then be pissed when the life of a character you love gets snatched away in an instant. If you feel entitled to have your sexy, rural, gravelly voiced daddy figure be immortal to the repercussions of his actions then you never wanted a post apocalyptic story, you wanted a survivalist power fantasy.

TLOU2's story is about as good as the first one. It's fine with moments of greatness. The gameplay is better and it looks better. It's less linear, but then there is more heel dragging with the flashback scenes. The 'Woke Agenda Neil Cuckman SJW' bullshit is just that, bullshit.

8.3/10 for the game and Abby is hot, would bang 8.5/10

EDIT: Oh and no one asked me but Cyberpunk2077 is gonna be a massive letdown.

I'tll be an over-ambitious mess of loads of different mechanics that aren't polished enough to enjoy on their own. The illusion of size and choice will obscure wonky shooting mechanics, floaty jumps and bullet sponge enemies. The dialouge will probably be cringe and the story will either stick to the most basic anarchist, edgy hacker anti-hero tropes known to man or will overreach into something more complex and become nonsensical.

The game will be pretty but in the end it will just feel like a less polished Deus Ex in a more lifeless Los Santos.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be the Skyrim the next decade.
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