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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

That's so pretty!! ♥ I'm going to try to make mine look like that too!
@MissCapnCrunchYes I would love that ^.^
#4466 This is my discord.
Would love to play a fairy! ^.^
Yes definately! Here you go #4466


"Anywhere but here...." Was Mira's solemn answer to the drivers question. The young woman looked to be on the end of her rope, a mixture of hopelessness, fatigue and sadness sounded through her soft voice. She entered the vehicle with a heavy heart walking up the steps carefully, holding her floor length dress until she reached the top. It was a wispy off the shoulder piece in muted hues of blues and greys, Mira did not even remember putting it on. In a rather useless but elegant attempt to cover her shoulders she had wrapped herself in a crochet shawl, reminiscent of a fisherman's net.

She scanned the seats, looking for a secluded place. A good amount of passengers had excited the buss at the stop, freeing up more than enough seats for the new passengers. Too absorbed by her own thoughts Mira slowly made her way from the front to the back of the bus, not paying much attention to the other people around her. She settled on a spot near the back, close to a window, lowering herself on a surprisingly comfortable seat. As she sat down she let out a deep yet quiet breath, closing her eyes. A pained expression on her fine face.

Finally she would be leaving this place......

The copper haired girl gazed out of the window thoughtfully, her arms wrapped around her form as if she was hugging herself. She tried her best not to cry, feeling the lump at the back of her throat. Things had settled down giving her time to think......and feel. How naive she'd been to think the worst was over. How much heartbreak could she take...? And her life was far from over, years upon years were still left. It was a long way to go and she wanted to spend those years happy.
Hopefully you´ve recovered from your cold!
I wanted to express my interest in writing with you. We could work on something on Discord if you like?
I have plenty of writing samples in case you would like to see some. Also I am not assuming me expressing interest means it's like a first come first serve type of thing, just letting you know I am available ^.^
I love trains ♥
So naturally this plot draws me in ^.^
I will get a character up too! Hopefully I can snag a spot between all these other female characters.
Ah that's too bad. Thanks for letting us know!
I will subscribe just in case xxx
If you'd like I can work on something with you on Discord? I am still partnerless ^.^
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