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In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Mae so how much movement do I have? Where could I move to and what could I shoot? Since all the bats are dead I need to figure out a new plan
When Morthos woke up he noticed Jax had left, probably to go wake up the other two. He hadn't even changed his clothes last night, he just fell asleep above the covers, holding Jax. Before he had time to get up Jax had returned and he smiled seeing her, but he could tell something was wrong. "Hey. We need to talk."

Those words sent a shiver down his spine, he'd never even been in a relationship and knew that nothing good ever came of those words. "Um, ya, sure, what about?" She sat on the bed next to him and told him that even though she cared about him she cared about being powerful more, and that wasn't fair to him. She still wanted to be friends and teammates, but that he deserved a girl who put him first. When she was done Morthos didn't know what to say, he just let out a big sigh and said nothing. He'd been broken, he'd really thought after last night there was a chance they might be able to be in a real relationship, but it was all just an illusion.

Jax sat beside him, hating the fact that she was causing him pain, "I know that wasn't what you wanted to hear..." She waited a few moments before speaking again, "Come on speak to me. Get mad or something and tell me how you feel. I can handle it."

Morthos rubbed his eyes before getting up and walking to the window, "This was never supposed to be a permanent thing anyways, it was just some fun between friends, right?" He took a shuddering breath, as if he could break down at any moment, he repeated more quietly and more to himself, "it was always just for fun. It was made very clear this wasn't ever supposed to be anything more serious." He took another shaky breath and turned back to face Jax, tears welled up in his eyes, "you warned me, and I didn't listen. It's really my fault." He sat down on the other bed and put his head in his hands, he took deep breaths, trying his hardest not to sob, it would only make Jax feel worse. "Go on downstairs, I'll meet you down there," his voice was muffled since he was hiding in his hands but he was sure she got the message.

Jax listened patiently feeling like absolute shit. When he said it was his fault Jax stood up preparing to go into a tandem that it was her damn fault. She was the one hurting him and Ophelia was right she shouldn't have pushed for anything if it was going to turn out like this. She could tell he was on the verge of tears and every part of her wanted to go up and hug him. To tell him she was a liar and she didn't mean any of it. She took a step forward only to clench her fists and step back. He encouraged her to go downstairs, his voice catching at the words. Tears were forming in her eyes but she just clenched her fists harder, repressing them. She watched him for a few minutes before she nodded, "Yeah...I'll see you down there... " She grabbed Roxas' bag and headed towards the door turning to look at him, "Morthos...I...I'm sorry." She exited the room quickly, shutting the door behind her. She paused, tears rolling down her cheeks as she grit her teeth, knowing that that was the hardest thing she had ever had to do. She didn't understand why it meant so much she just knew it was for the better, regarless of how much it hurt. So she had to be strong. She took in a breath before wiping her eyes and continued down the hallway, without looking back.

Morthos heard her leave and took that as his cue to break down sobbing on the bed. After a few minutes he'd gotten it mostly out of his system and started packing up his clothes, talking to himself. I'm not strong enough for you? Is that it? Sure he can outsmart someone but he doesn't have the raw magic strength I need. Well sorry what you've seen isn't impressive enough for you. Do I need to summon things too? Is that impressive enough? Your dad liked me, but no, all that matters is strength. Well fine, you want raw magical power? Then that's what you'll get." The venting felt good, he could never hate Jax, but right now he was hurt and just needed to at least pretend he hated her. He finally got all his stuff together and headed down to the lobby and found Jax, "so, first mission as a team was a success, ya?" Morthos was trying to make things feel normal, but he could tell for the next while it might be awkward between them.
So will we be deciding what magic we're naturally skilled at or will you assign that to us @MikkishtheLeprechaun?

I always find it interesting when what your character can do is chosen for you since that's like real life. You wanted to shoot fire? Well you can, but you're naturally much better with earth magic.
"Well maybe with this magic we'll be able to get rid of Pests once and for all," Gabe said to him, "and I have to say your english is really good. I can't speak any other languages, I know a few words in a couple but nothing fluent." Gabriel had always meant to learn portugese so he could speak with his grandmother better but he'd just never gotten around to it.

Sticking with the group, it seemed they had found their way to their rooms, and boy were they a letdown. "I'll grab a top bunk I guess," Gabe said, picking the bed where Evan had claimed the bottom bunk. He climbed up the ladder, which did not feel very sturdy, and lied himself down. It's wasn't as long as he would have liked but he supposed he could have to make due. "Well this is....cozy." Gabe was trying to be an optimist, he was just hoping these magic lessons would be worth it, because this room was just awful.
In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Jax didn't seem to appreciate being locked out of her room but Morthos was glad they'd get some time alone together. He let her in his room and allowed her to shower in peace as he lied in bed staring at the ceiling. Eventually the water stopped and Jax came out with nothing but a towel on before apparently realizing she had no clothes. "I mean, you could just sleep like that, I wouldn't mind," he teased, but his mind was on other things so he wasn't fully in to it. "Just hold on, I should have something for you," he dug through his bag before finding a plain white t-shirt and tossed it her way, "there you go, I brought that in case I happened to feel cold at night. It's pretty big so it should cover everything on you, I'll even be a good boy and not look if you don't want me to."

Jax walked over shaking her head, "Cheeky bugger." She caught the shirt and waited patiently for him to turn around. She dropped the towel and pulled on the top, the fabric moving down to just cover her butt. It was long enough to cover everything but if she stretched Morthos would get an eyefull, especially because she left her underwear in the bathroom. She leaned down and picked up the towel throwing it over into the bathroom, "You just missed the view of a lifetime sparky." She laughed, "You can turn around now. The lady bits are covered." She waited until he turned around and gave him a smirk, before falling onto Roxas' bed, "I am exhausted..." She eyed him quietly, "You aren't going to let me sleep though are you...Take pity on me.." She rolled over onto her back to look up at the ceiling, "I'm drunk-ish?"

Morthos walked over and sat himself beside Jax, "we'll get to sleep later, if we don't talk now I have the feeling we won't get another chance for a long while." He put his hand on hers and looked at her sadly, "you can't just hide whatever it was that happened to you forever Jax, just tell me. I promise not to judge, and not to interrupt your story. I just want to know what happened, it's clearly a big part of your life, so please."

Jax sat up and looked at Morthos with sad eyes, curling her legs underneath her so she could stare up at him, "I can't..Morthos. I haven't even told my sister or my parents." She shivered, her voice turning soft and quiet, "I'm okay now. I came back...and I.." She paused looking towards the bathroom, "I'm fine." She turned back to Morthos with a smile, "Just don't worry about it or me. Let's focus on something else, like how awesome our fight was today. We kicked some werewolf ass!"

Morthos adjusted how he was sitting and put his arm around Jax to pull her closer to him in a half hug, "ya, I guess we did beat the werewolves." He wasn't going to let her change the topic that easily though, "you haven't told anyone what happened? Did you ever think it might help to tell someone," he sighed and rubbed her arm, having a feeling she might not tell him still despite just wanting to help. "If you won't tell me what happened then what about when you came back? Your dad said you were broken, what does that even mean? What did you do?"

Jax snuggled up to him, enjoying his warmth and breathing slowly, before speaking slowly, her eyes shutting, "I hate talking about myself like this. Making people worry about me...I want people to know that I am strong and dependable. I care about you though..so I will tell you..I just...One sec." She moved to sit in front of him, leaning back against him for a second as she pulled his arms around her lightly, "I don't want you looking at me when I tell you this..or remembering me sad...okay." She paused before continuing, "When I came back...I had been through...things an eight year old girl should not go through. I woke up screaming, almost convulsing and bleeding. My hands were imprinted with my pentagrams, blood spilling everywhere, and my eyes were rolling back into my head. Poor Ophelia..she was the one who pulled me out of the water and she was so scared. This was before she was a vampire...so she had to carry me home by herself. My mother and father freaked out. They took me to a doctor and eventually I was calmed down. The next day, apart from the pentagrams I was fine physically, but I couldn't believe that it was over. I was so afraid that if I spoke it wouldn't be real. I would be..." She shook violently in front of him, "Back there...It hurt my parents. They just wanted to comfort me and they did everything they could to make me feel better but..I thought it was fake. I thought that they were lying. That they were just wearing my parent's like suits. I refused to eat, drink or speak for months."

"Ophelia tried so hard as well. My mom and dad were so focused on me that they left her alone a lot of the time and I absolutely hated myself for leaving her out. I couldn't sleep because sleep would cause nightmares and bring up the names. The names were important. Another reason I didn't speak was because I had to remember those...names. I had to perform a sacrifice to become an exorcist...or to be strong but I didn't understand how....I was eight what could I sacrifice." She looked down at her hands, a tear dropping down onto her palm. She shut her eyes and clenched her fists, "I realized that giving blood was the method. On top of everything that was going on. I began to cut my hands and write names on the wall. It felt good..right. My parents always caught me though. They would get mad, because they were scared and they didn't understand. HELL I DIDN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND."

Morthos kept his word and stay silent through her whole story, it felt nice holding her like this. After she was done he kissed the top of her head, "thank you for telling me Jax." He stayed quiet for a moment, not exactly sure what to say after everything she had told him. Eventually he did say something, "you know you don't always have to be strong, especially if it's just you and me. I know you want to be the strongest, and you only want to be with someone who's just as strong. I just really care about you, am I allowed to do that? Just care about you and try to make you happy?" That was all Morthos really wanted, is to make Jax happy. He'd like it if she could be happy with him, but if she didn't want that then maybe he could just make her happy in the abstract.

Jax rubbed at her eyes listening to him quietly, feeling very vulnerable at this moment. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to just tell him what happened and let it go. Just to let someone take care of her...for once. She was so close. The words were there and that scared her. She had never wanted to be vulnerable with someone this much before, but she couldn't. It would be selfish to let him in only to push him away later. She spoke evenly, "I can't control or tell you how to feel Morthos. I just don't want to hurt you. I am fucked up when it comes to relationships. You offer a one-sided relationship expecting nothing back and regardless of what I have been through I don't deserve it...and I won't allow it." She sat up grabbing the sides of his face to force him to look at her as tears ran down her face, "You need to use that energy on a girl who isn't...broken." She copied her dad's words, shaking as she realized how right he was. She was trying so hard to hold it together that she didn't realize how fragile it was. She moved forward wrapping her arms around Morthos' neck and began to sob into his shoulder, holding him so tightly as if she was scared he would push her away.

Morthos kept his arms around Jax as she cried in to his shoulder, great, now he was going to start crying. She was holding on to him tightly but he managed to push her away enough to have her look in to his eyes. "Jax I don't care if you're broken, you're the one I want to be with. If you go to a dark place again I want to be right there with you," he leaned in then and kissed her. Not a kiss of rough passion, but a gentle kiss, one to try and let her know that everything was going to be okay. "Tomorrow you can go back to being the tough spunky Jax everyone else sees," as Morthos spoke he gently shifted them down into a lying position, "but for now you can just be Jax the girl who was hurt. Jax the girl that I'll protect however I can," he kissed her once more, "good night Jax. You don't have to worry, I'll still be here in the morning." Morthos closed his eyes and fell asleep, keeping Jax close to him, hoping she felt safe in his arms.
In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I come back from my movie and dinner to find the defend the bridge group getting dunked on, good luck guys, I hope you all don't die
In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Damn, glad I’m not defending that bridge, void sorc too op, especially against Fear and his 8 total sanity
In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Excellent, thanks everyone, I was just making sure what I want to do is legal, so when my turn comes around just reference this

>Move to A13, shoot the hellbats. If they all die change focus to the closest tentacle

>Fear doesn't like the look of them Hellbats. He swiftly steps back and fires 4 quick shots. If his aim is true his leftover shots are going straight at the tentacles further in the mine.

That look good? I think that's good
In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Mae I might not be home when my turn rolls around so I wanna kinda plan an outline of my turn now, so what could I do assuming no hellbats die before my turn?
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