Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current I am the Plaza Ghost
1 like
1 yr ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
1 yr ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“
1 yr ago
Coffee an Donuts
1 yr ago
“It’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than to be absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe


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Most Recent Posts

Who doesn't like Isekai ?

Can I play an Elf?
Yay there was a post

The Moon's Children

Science Fiction can be set in Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, you name it Science Fiction series
A Strange Isekai

While exploring a strange structure on Ao marama (The Bright World) one of 7 moons that were closed to outsiders and all but a small group of temple leaders you touched a device, pushed a button or fell through a trap door into what turned out to be the gate to a Dysonsphere contained in a pocket dimension hidden in the moon.

Makes me sad
Sorry for my absense this week. There are some reallife matters that have been soaking up my time and energy this week and will continue to do so in the forseeable future. However right now I am working on a post that I hope to get up this weekend.

Real Life sucks sometimes

He never stood a chance

Sorry got tied up by RL work will write tonight

I can write an amusing post about Anxi's date, maybe a line on a nearly new graviton core Gratis or at least scrap weight cost?
Sounds interesting
Reminds me of my Traveler's Aid Society days
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