Avatar of Erklings25
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    1. Erklings25 10 yrs ago
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Current Look who's back bitches!
6 yrs ago
We are the porg, our existence is futile.
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6 yrs ago
R.I.P Stefán Karl Stefánsson, A.K.A. Robbie Rotten. You were an icon.
6 yrs ago
I used to write well, then I took an arrow to the knee
6 yrs ago
You know your summer will be great when you're watching Troom Troom makeup hacks, but you're a 25 year old male who doesn't know what pigment is. #thuglife


My name's Erklings25, but you can call me Erk, or Richie. I've been RPing since I was 9 and I'm still not any good at it. You saw nothing. I'm a massive film/literature/theatre buff, so feel free to drop me a PM if you want to chat about that kind of stuff. Because I have nothing interesting to say, here's a quote I'll leave you with that always inspires me:


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Having haunted this thread for a week, I have decided to make my in no way anticipated return! Expect a post soon.
Dear all: I think you all deserve to know that I will be temporarily taking a leave of absence. I'm really stressed out, and for once writing is only making it worse. I've decided to stop writing for a while. So I'll be away for a bit, (don't ask how long) but I probably will return. And, I'll also be permanently haunting this thread. I may do the odd post, but in the meantime do with Johnny as you please. I really hope this does RP well, and I hope I can be back soon.
@Syn Oh I know. Gotta get that drama though!

At this point I'm getting carried away.

Johnny Baxter

Johnny watched as Beatrice walked away from him. Must have been uncomfortable, too many people around. He understood perfectly, but he also knew that Dylan would not. Bea had high-functioning autism, so she wasn't good with lots of people. He didn't care though, she was a great friend and it was nice to have someone who didn't judge you when you made a social misstep. He'd ask her if she's okay later though, it was best to give her some time to cool down. He gave a whimsical smile in her direction, knowing she wouldn't see.

"She can be standoffish, but she doesn't mean to be, trust me. She just doesn't phrase things very well. I don't make friends with douchebags, so you can trust her," he assured Dylan. It was true, he didn't make friends with docuebags, due to his 'friendship criteria'. It stated that if a person is a jerk, cut them off immediately. It had saved him from some very bad friendships, and made sure that he only associated with decent people. Hopefully this would make Dylan more comfortable, knowing that he wasn't a douchebag.

Just as he was about to go into more detail, he heard a voice he didn't recognise. "Who you texting cutie? I think I'm more interesting than whoever that text is going to. Usually when people flirted with him, unless he was interested in them, he would use the 'just ignore them' tactic. It was hard when he felt a hand run through his hair. His apathy turned to boiling anger. His eyes narrowed, his hands became fists, his muscles tensed. It was not a pleasent sight.

It was a well known fact that angering a Baxter was not a good idea. Johnny's father was well known for his blistering temper and biting insults, a trait his sons shared. They weren't hot headed but they knew how to get angry in style. Johnny was no exception to the rule. He looked up at her, his face set in a death glare that was rumored to be fatal. He didn't know her, but as she continued speaking, boasting about how she was 'everywhere', Johnny knew he hated her. Who did she think she was, a total newbie, strutting right up to him, talking like she was Venus in human form? He was going to have to put her in her place.

"Now, look here love-" He began, to no avail. She began introducing herself to the entire school like she was royalty. He tried a second time. "I said, look here-" he repeated, his voice slightly more serious. Then she walked away. If fire could have sprouted from his ears, it would have. He heard Andrès refer to her as his cousin. Poor soul. Johnny rather liked Andrès, he wasn't a bad guy. Far from it, he seemed decent. It was too bad his cousin was Medusa. She acted like she was lovely, but Johnny could see through her, she wanted to be the top of the food chain. It was obvious, really, no one goes so out of their way to introduce themselves without reason.

Deciding he would be the one to give her a lesson, Johnny stood up, marching towards her. He roughly grabbed her shoulder, turning her to face him. "It seems you didn't hear me. I said LISTEN HERE!" The last part was practically growled at her. With his death glare and hulking frame, he was quite intimidating. But after saying what he came to, he felt awkward, and it was a bit obvious. He didn't know what to say next. He'd just have to wing it.

"Right, uh, just who are you? Genuine question, I, uh, have no clue who you are. Billboard 100 or whatever the godammn hell it's called isn't my style. And I don't think the Disney channel is a good example of talent. It's an example of whose daddy has the biggest pockets. Anyway, who the hell goes out of their way to introduce themselves? I swear you were one step away from bringing out a marching band." With that, he laughed. Hard. Until he shook with laughter. His laugh was malicious, cruel, like a bully who'd some kid in the playground.

"Sorry, give me a bit. It's just, well, you're pathetic! Isn't she pathetic everyone?" He asked the group, unaware that he was getting malicious. "I almost pity you. Trying to make yourself look big, are we? Aww bless. And I'm sure getting in some movie nerd's pants will further your cause! I've acknowledged your existence longer than I should have too, so I'll leave it a this: Stay the godamn hell away, and remember that you aren't exactly Gilda Mundson Farrell." With that, he raised his middle finger, smiled, and left, returning to his spot on his car as if he never left.
@Okonuki At the bottom of every post in a button that says '@mention'. Just click it and you've tagged the person who made the post.
Johnny Baxter

The freshmen looked at him strangely as they passed. Who's that guy holding the phone? Why is he filming? Is he trying to catch out the new kids? What's he going to do with the footage? Johnny was, of course, going to something with it. His first, and best, friend Elijah was making an app for the school, in a Zuckerberg-esque (or was it Winklevoss-esque?) endeavor to give the school its own social media platform. The project had his full support, especially when he got recruited as resident camera man. He got to make the introductory video, interviews, and filming important stuff for articles.

He'd take the best parts of the footage, edit out the sound and put in a voice-over. So the freshman that nervously tripped over, then looked at the camera was safe. For now. He could see face behind him reflected in the phone screen. Specifically, Archer Diedrikson ducking behind his car door, looking nervous. He always saw Archer doing stuff like that, but never thought anything of it. People do weird stuff all the time, himself included. He didn't mind Archer being weird either way, he was a nice guy. In the hopes that he would see, Johnny gave a thumbs up in his direction, hoping he would see.

He filmed for a little longer before hearing a voice call his name. "Hey Johnny! Already filming, huh?" He smirked, recognising the voice. Min Jiyeon, fellow photography nerd. He nodded, eyes glued to the screen.

"You bet I am, my friend. Eli told me to get some rough footage for a video on the app, so here I am. Say what you will about phone cameras, but they do have a found footage appeal." His eyes flicked up to her, then back down. He wanted a documentary feel for his intro video, it was more appealing to students than those polished, masterfully edited ones you find on official websites. Feels more authentic. He would have gone into a long speech on the merits of found-footage style documentaries, but was met with another person.

"You should probably put that away, you're starting to scare the children." He looked up from his phone this time, albeit briefly, chuckling at his friend. He had known Bea since they worked on a school project together, and they were firm friends since. Plus, he loved The Dads™, insane as they were.

"Yeah, as if. They'll learn to live with it. Poor unfortunate souls." He gave an evil cackle, before looking up at Bea again, smiling. "They're newbies, it's part of their job to be scared of the seniors. Anyway, how are your crazy fathers?"

Again, his conversation was cut off by a new member, though this time it was a new member of everything. "Um, hey, Johnny," said the awkward voice. Johnny's mum worked at a hospital, where she met Alice Howard, mother to the Howard triplets. Though Kate and Paul were decent (well, Kate was decent, Paul was a douchebag), he quickly became friends with Dylan, nerd and inhibitor of The Closet. He easily guessed Dylan's sexuality, but never pointed it out. Dylan would get it eventually.

"Hey there! Don't get too nervous, some people here can smell fear. But don't mind these two, they're harmless. Guys, this is Dylan, he just moved here." He pointed at Bea and Min, deciding it would be good for Dylan to integrate into his group. "This is Min, she's great with cameras. And this is Bea, she can draw like no-one's business." He noticed Oli Grayson waving at him. He raised a hand in greeting. "And that's Oli. He's a nice guy, but you may want to stay clear of him for a bit. He notices everything." Oil was a good source of information, and Johnny liked to take photos for the school newspaper in return. A nice system.

He was about to explain why he was filming, when he heard a cry of "SHALOM!" from across the entrance. Ah, the famed mating cry of Elijah Abrams. Johnny smirked switching off the camera for a second to text his best friend, who was clearly in dire peril.

@KatKook @QueenOfWands @TheIrishJJ @HaleyTheRandom @spooner @eclecticwitch
In that case, I should have a post up in a few hours.

"Yeah, mum, okay I'll call when I get to the airport!" Tucker Baxter was loading his suitcases into his car, ready to leave for Cambridge ASAP. He'd stayed with his family for a week or so. Johnny couldn't be happier to see the back of him. As much as he loved Tuck, seeing him for a week was too long. He was better taken in small doses. Whilst his parents were fretting over their eldest son, Johnny leant on his 1969 Boss Mustang, calmly eyeing up his family. Tuck turned to Johnny before leaving. "You'll miss me, won't you, kid?" Tuck asked him, snickering.

"Something like that, you old geezer." He responded in kind, briefly smiling. His voice was deep, every syllable meticulously pronounced. As many his age have said about him, 'he talked posh.' His brother grinned, pulling him in for a brief hug. Even if they weren't similar, there was no lack of brotherly love between the Baxter's. "Damn, I've got to get to school. I'll chat to you later, right Tuck?' He jumped into his car as his parents bid him a quick good luck, returning to their favourite son.

Pulling out the driveway, he heard his brother trying to fend off their parents, desperately attempting to leave. He chuckled, safe in the knowledge that he escaped in time. He had more important things to worry about. Senior year. Most films, TV shows and the like portrayed it as some amazing passing-of-the-torch, full of drama and romance. He wasn't so optimistic. It would be another school year, but more depressing and full of pressure. University, exams, careers, it was daunting stuff. But he knew that none of the people at school would have any problems, they were rich enough to avoid the real world and its pressures.

His equivalent of actually preparing himself for the year ahead was watching what he considered to be the only essential high school movie, Wes Anderson's Rushmore. It helped him a little. He already felt prepared, he just needed to get on with it and finish his studies. Maybe on the last week he could relax a little, but that's a stretch. There was a part of him that knew he wouldn't be able to avoid petty drama, as that's a fundamental part of high school, but he didn't want to get too depressed on his first day. The trauma was only supposed to come in the second semester.

His thoughts were cut off by some obnoxiously loud music. Or, lots of obnoxiously loud music. It seemed to be some kind of superiority ritual to see who can play the loudest music. Maybe if they played good songs, he wouldn't resent the practice all much. Deciding the join in, just to shut people up, he rolled his windows down, turned the volume dial on his radio as high as it could go, and put on a song: This Time Tomorrow by The Kinks. He felt it was appropriate for the year ahead, about the uncertainty of the future. He got some funny looks for his choice in music, but he didn't mind. It only fueled him to start singing along. His voice wasn't too bad, but he still felt a bit obnoxious.

He smiled a little, enjoying the odd looks people were shooting him. "This time tomorrow, what will we know? Will we still be here watching an in-flight movie show?" He sang, as if it were a ritual to prepare himself. It was nice to have a moment to sing your guts out before entering the hellhole called school.

When he arrived through the school gates, he noticed their holier-than-thou student president, Victoire Bailey, setting up camp by the gates. He always got a kick out of teasing her. He stuck his head out the window, yelled "Oh captain, my captain!" shooting her a wink and a mock salute, chuckling as he drove through the gates. He parked his car and proceeded to sit on the bonnet, pointing his phone camera at the school, filming some junk footage for no real reason.

"This is Jonathan Baxter. My first day of senior year, and I probably won't save Latin like Max Fischer, but I'll finish up my studies and dump this plastic playground of the pompous." The freshmen may have been confused as to why some random bloke had his phone out, but everyone else knew not to question it. He was the weirdo with a camera.

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