Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
7 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Part 2 of the Collab

Lo continued to frown then looked past Sar’s body and toward the medical hut. She debated on sticking around or heading to grab her notes.

"Before Master Rothul arrived, we were losing entire villages to gas attacks. Half of my village had disappeared after we had left on a hunting trip. When we returned and they were all gone, we found neighboring villages in the same predicament. I rounded up as many remaining as I could and we banded together." Sar explained, thinking over the last few months, even before Dominik and Lo had arrived, and how hard it had been on his people.

Cora was moved. “I am truly sorry for your loss. I can see why Dominik wanted to help the sheer audacity of someone to attack a village with poison gas… I cannot fathom it.”

“It wasn’t poison, it was knocked out gas. It left a nasty headache afterwards too.” Lo corrected Cora without thinking, her voice still gentle.

Cora bit her lip and looked between Lo and Sar. “Slavery.” Shaking her head Cora looked at Sar. “I have made Dominik and Lo more comfortable and they are healing but they need rest. I know this is unprecedented but until they are healed fully I would like to assist in their duties. I know you do not know me but I would be happy to answer any questions that you have. You can ask me anything.” There was a determined set to her chin and her silver eyes held Sar’s blue ones.

"You aren't a complete stranger to me, Cora. Dominik spoke of you a few times. We often sit at the center and talk late into the night. He's tried to tell me about his past, but it's hard for him. So I share what I can about mine. He knows he can trust me but it seems there's a lot of pain in bringing up old memories. Lately we've talked about other things. Friends, family. He has those very close to him that he cares for. You were often a topic when it was brought up." Sar explained, smiling softly at Cora as he spoke.

"I trust your judgement and your skills. Just as I do Dominik, Lo, and the other Jedi. We're grateful to have your assistance."

Cora did not know what to say. She blushed and smiled. “You have me at a disadvantage Sar. I hope that it was not my awkward teenage years. I assure you those are behind me. He is like a father to me. I-I did not realize how much I missed him until it was almost too late.”

Looking back over her shoulder at Dominik a tear rolled down her cheek. She had not realized she was crying. Quickly she swiped it away and turned back to Sar. “Dominik needs to stay off his feet and rest for a week. I have healed him but he needs to take it easy and let his body finish off the healing. Lo needs three days of sleep or she will push herself beyond tired and make a mistake that she will never forgive herself for. If they want to continue being useful they will stay in bed. I have drastic measures that I do not want to take but I will if need be.”

Sar laughed heartily as Cora mentioned her teenage years. "I promise you Master Jedi, it was not those. We talked about a lot. I respect his boundaries though. There are topics that I would bring up, about the war or other hard times we've been through. Sometimes I could get him to talk but more often than not he'd grow quiet."

Sar glanced over towards Dominik, able to see him past the tents and across the cavern, sitting next to the collapse as he normally did every morning. "I'm glad you're here Cora. I think he needs a little more firm encouragement. More than Lo and I combined could give him." He said, moving aside again as the same children from before ran back through, giggling and laughing. "I'll help keep an eye on him, and make sure he takes it easy. You have my word."

Cora blushed as Sar said her name. “Cora will do nicely. I am not a Master. The war was... Is… like every other. Nightmarish to be the least eloquent.” Cora smiled at the children. They always seemed to touch a place deep in her heart.

Reaching out she lightly touched Sar’s arm with just her fingertips. She looked up at him smiling. “Thank you Sar. For more than you know. Now to deal with the two most ornery patients in the whole of the Order. I shall see you about midday.” She let her fingers slide off his arm and strode over to Dominik.

Sar smiled and bowed his head at Cora as she left. He turned then, taking his empty bowl and moving to help those who still needed their morning meal.

Lo’s eyes had found the ground during their conversation. Admirable or not, she didn’t feel proud of her failure to reach her master. At the mention of two ornery patients, she felt the comment referred to her master and her. She didn’t look forward to the next three days of sitting around while others did her job.

Seeing Sar busy and Cora already moving toward Dom, she debated on the wisdom of retrieving her notes. Cora would need them since the wrong combination of plants would only waste supplies. Lo sighed again and followed her logic. She turned on her heel and shifted her path to the medical tents, the last place she left them.


Sitting in front of the rock collapse, knees folded and his hands resting on his knees, the older Jedi often fell into a deep meditation while he sat there. Today seemed different though, for he couldn't lose himself in his thoughts as he normally did. He sensed as Cora came near, but chose to say nothing just yet.

Cora sat down facing Dominik. Waiting patiently was something she was used to doing. She watched him with a healer's eye, looking for signs of strain and backsliding in his progress. She saw none and turned her observations over to more emotional territory.

"Talked about me did you? To a single, attractive, assertive male? I quite remember a time that you were not so keen on my association with the opposite sex. And do not pretend to not hear me." Cora cast a raised eyebrow and a blank look at Dominik.

Eyes closed, but an eyebrow raised, Dominik waited for Cora to finish speaking before he let out an exasperated sigh. “I spoke to him of fond memories and good friends.” Dominik replied, opening his eyes to look at Cora before they closed again. “Sar is a good friend, Cora. He has made talking easier, if only by a little.”

Nodding her head Cora looked over at Sar across the cavern. "I am glad you have him. Although it does sting a bit that you have not spoken with your former Padawan with such freedom. But you were always too protective about certain things. You might find that the people walking beside you wish to assist you with the burden you shoulder. Indeed they would relish the chance to become even closer to you."

Rising smoothly Cora shook out her skirts. "You are on bed rest for five days, argue with me or do something taxing and see how fast I use restraints."

“Those walking beside me, especially my padawan, do not need to hear me sulk over the guilt that I carry.” Dominik replied, eyes still closed as he spoke. “And I don’t need bed rest, Cora. I’ve been resting long enough.” He challenged, eyes opening now and his posture relaxing. He rested an elbow on one of his knees, one hand moved up to rub his eyes.

“I don’t need bedrest, nor do I need to share with others the grief I hold. I just-” Dominik sighed again, continuing to rub his eyes as his thoughts raced.

Cora's eyes snapped silver fire. "You do. On both counts. You close off on her and so help me Dominik Rothul I will not care if you are on the Council or not I will make you regret it. She is not half as persistent as I was at her age. You push her away and she will resent you for it and you will break her. Let her do what you would not and will not let me do. Let her in. Everyone needs someone."

It took everything Cora had to close off her emotions and push them back down. Seeing Dominik was joy and sorrow for her. She constantly felt like she'd never lived up to him. She'd analytically dissected the feelings long ago and buried them only to have them rise again. Ironic that she should lecture him on repression or letting people in.

Lo reminded Cora of herself at that age. She hoped that Lo had an easier time with Dominik than Cora had. It was worse that she was supposed to stand by and watch it happen again. Well she had decided that she was stepping in.

The Master Jedi would not say it, he could not. But he was afraid. Afraid of letting Lo in and then losing her, just as he had lost Evin. Just as he had lost Sela, and Xid, and so many others who he would never see again, who he could never speak to again. The older man sat there, slouched with his head rested in his hand, almost as if all of his strength had left him. He thought that by not letting anyone in, he could prevent himself from losing anyone, and prevent others from the pain they may feel should they lose him. It seemed though that if he shut Lo out, he would lose her, and lose their bond in a way he didn’t think possible.

He said nothing. For many long, silent moments the old man sat there, breathing in and out as he kept his emotions down, but he hid his face from Cora. Slouched over, head resting in one hand, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to release his grief and let others in.

Turning in a swirl of skirts Cora retreated before she dashed herself on the sharp rocks that were Dominik’s stubbornness. If it would have done her any good she would have mentioned that he was special to so many people that, while they may not number as the stars, they were still countless. She had waited so long for his approval and to have it when he thought he was dying, that was upsetting.

No that was not correct. She wanted his love, approval was secondary. She looked at Dominik as a father. After all he had been the one to save her.
H3R3 :P

COPY CAT! A cheap one, but still! :P
All right, Hexfire, I think is done. She's right here. *waits and braces* If I missed something, I'm sorry. My brain is a little mushy.

ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ
"Veronica, you've disappointed me. I expect you to recover from your blunder or there will be consequences." -Mrs. Paige Malcolm

October | From Los Angeles International Airport to The Ashford Institute for the Gifted

Ronnie had become dangerously bored.

Her fingers idly toyed with her star on her choker. It matched well with her off-the-shoulder crop top and ripped jean short. Ronnie had done her research as she knew it fit perfectly for the hotter weather in California than Washington during this time of year. She glanced through the car window and took in the scenery. Various skyscrapers, store, and hotels drifted by. Crowds flowed with purpose like the flow of insects to go about their daily routines.

On any normal day, she would be on cloud nine as she looked forward to exploring the West Coastal city. Now, the idea of taking in the local sights and experience the local fashion didn't even reach the top of her list.

Her hand brought out her smart phone from her purse. She made a few quick taps to unlock it then checked her messages. Her box was empty. It served as a familiar comfort and bitter reminder that her social life was over. During the last week of preparing for the trip, she had attempted to contact Alex, Yaz, and J many times. All her alerts showed the messages had been open, but she still received no response. They chose not to respond obviously. A small part in her brain didn't want to blame them, but her dark self demanded blood. After every thing she had done for them, the ungrateful and gutless rats decided to abandon her.

They had to pay for their crimes.

She sharply inhaled, her mask on fully and blocking the pain reality slapped her with. Deep down, everyone knew being a mutant was a social death sentence.

A click powered down her cellphone, and she stashed it back into her purse. She would deal with them later. She made them what they were. In the end, Ronnie intended to teach them this. No one turned their backs on her. No one.
I'm in. *snickers*

I hope this CS is suitable. >,< I'm still figuring out the character and her powers might have more limits or freedoms than I originally put on the sheet, but it's on a case by case for story. I did try to establish the basics as well as I could.

Name: Lo Lyra’Tre
Species: Bothan
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Rank: Padawan
Master: Master Dominik Rothul

Detailed appearance.

Lo considers herself pretty average in looks for her race. She is a young Bothan and she looks like a younger version of the adults, her body having an athletic build. Her height is about 5’1”, the tallest she will likely ever get. A long, canine-like snout dips from her face with neatly trimmed beard along her chin and jawline. Her ears are long and end at a narrow tip. Long brown fur flows around her head, tied back into a ponytail at the bottom of her neckline. Her Padawan braid dangles at the right side of her face and ending just underneath the jaw. The same colored fur covers her body in a shorter fashion. It has a tendency to betray her emotional state by flattening, bristling or puffing out. She has eyes as green as the grass on a perfect day.

Her usual garments are the traditional padawan uniform in a tan and brown color. This consists of the inner tunic, tabard, sash, belt, trousers and boots. Nothing really fancy and appear have some wear and tear.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.


Force Jump
Force Speed
Force Throw
Telekinesis Defense
Mind Tricks


Force Healing- While at H’Ratth, Lo learned she had a natural knack for healing. At this small display of talent, the Jedi instructors felt it was a skill worth developing for her. Her force healing is at a basic level and requires heavy concentration to maintain it. With education and experience, it could become a valuable skill for her.

Force Sense- Lo is sensitive to changes in the world around her. She is quick to pick up on danger aimed at her and noted to react much sooner than her peers. With time, this could turn into an ability to sense other force users.

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.



Martial Arts- This is one of her weaker skill sets compared to her Force abilities. While she has the stamina and ability to fight, she lacks confidence in it. This affects her assertiveness in defending her position and she second-guesses her instinct. Mistakes happen to leave her open to counters, disarms, and more in combat.

Survival Skills- The best thing that Lo got out of these lessons were what herbs and plants would heal. This was the main reason she actually developed an interest in it and it stuck in her head. Now she can survive in nearly any environment for long periods of time.

Basics of Republic History- Lo finds it hard to recall her lessons over Republic history. It wasn’t the fact she didn’t pay attention, but she held no interest in it. At least, she got a general idea that the Republic was worth protecting and assisting.


Basics in Speeders and Starship piloting (including navigation) - She took to the basics in speeders and starship piloting well. Not only did she love the adrenaline rush and wind in her fur, but she was also good at it.

Medical Knowledge- Due to H’Ratth’s specialty in Healing, Lo has gained basic knowledge and experience in how to treat others. This is one of the lessons that Lo gravitated toward and enjoyed learning about. Seeing this, a few instructors encouraged and helped develop her basics. This included natural healing and with the force.


High Stamina/Energy- Like many youngsters, Lo has high levels of energy and gives everything her all. This can lead to good and bad things.

Known interests of the candidate.


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