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    1. Famigliolabuona 8 yrs ago


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The following post was written on date of yesterday, and I didn't manage to find internet for it until now, and thus it has not fully considered the newcoming Clans, which would be the 2 last ones if accepted.

I had drawn this draft map with a loose interpretation of what I understood of your claims. If there is anything wrong please tell me. I think that this map still can accomodate the claims of Hoarfrost and Karolus.
Oh and Clan Orin I gave you that runes in lack of anythign else. I'll just change it if you wish.

And here I reconstructed the genealogy with the Clans so far. I wish again that I understood the whole twin thing right.

EDIT: I reconsidered some few points about clan Karolus.
What I have come to think is that Clan Karolus could control both the lands you mentioned and... the decrepitous Muin's Keep. It would be representating the old aristocracy refusing to be kicked out of Muin's Keep and struggling to maintain their status quo. That would fit the role of its leader and the high population of the clan. Tell me if you like it and else we can work in another direction. In any case, please, finish your sheet.

Orin Clan is alredy the 4th son of Muin so you should change that from your sheet. Also I think that the human character is not enough justified, unlike Sister Yulia in Clan Hornfel which is the most open to outsiders. I think that you should work deeper on the sheet, I find it too bland at this point. It shouldn't be in characters tab until accepted.

I hope that if we solved this issues we can move to IC at the term of this week.If everything is clear please post your sheet in the Character tab.

The first scene will be in the funeral, as an introduction. But the next one will be set 1 year or 1 year and a half later, where the disintegration and decadence of Muin's Keep and its court can be evident. During this time your Clans would have had taken their positions and engage in a tense calm before the storm. Further information will be reveaes in the first IC post.

Muin's Keep is not such magnificient castle. Consider that the Valley has been only populated since Muin's expedition arrived, and however longevous and industriuos dwarvess can be, Muin's Keep is a rather modest (yet intelligently fortified) town, which construction was underway at the moment of its Lord's death. Nevertheless the richly engraved and decorated catacombs and familiar crypt lie deep beneath the city, and their access are only known for family members and few trusted masons.

I had the following idea for the rythm of the IC: Each certain time (week, two weeks) I will declare the pass of a season, and a major (perhaps more) announcement, news or event ocurring on it. You should then write aside from the main character plot any strategic, development or projects you clan is undertaking (e.g. Longstrider rangers search for a secret underground pass into Highmountain Keep; Hornfel orders the construction of a road across the Mununzhand hills, etc) with the level of detail you desire.

EDIT: I reconsidered some few points about clan Karolus.
Ow God I am happy about your enthusiasm. I am just going back home today so I will be able to answer and post in full detail later.
Later I will post a draft map with the territory claims and a genealogic map that I think will be useful for everyone. I will try to clarify any open aspect as well.

Honestly, I love the idea of the IC funeral situation, so we will do that. I have to anounce a few NPC which will kind of represent a small neutral fraction remnants of Muin's nobles, captains, courtisans and bureucrats.

In any case most of these passed away aristocracy has dissolved into each of your clans, and only few remain as mere administrators of Muin's keep. Just wait a little longer and we take off with this NRP.

Hello fellow dwarves,
I am very happy to see all the new Clan sheets. I did not expect this to happen so fast, so we've work to do. And without getting into details this time, I really like how each of you has fleshed out your clan.

Clan Bright Shield is accepted. I will comment on the familly members and overall feedback in a PM soon.
Clan Orin, accepted. Also, some feedback will come for you soon if you want.

Clan Longstrider, I'd like to review a couple of things:
- The western Pass was alredy claimed by Clan Reverent (who "have established themselves in the eastern tracts of the pass") so please look for another location. There is plenty space in the map.
- I do not udnerstand what you mean by "firstborn of the Ragnars, second son of Muin"
- Let me reject the Spider Rider culture thing. The undergrounds are pretty unkown and definitively not populated. The true underground culture of the underground are the dwarves, and to them the Valley and its depths belong (to what is yet known) I can agree to give you an edge about underground exploration if my change upsets you.

Well I like the overall idea but you have to finish it!

Yes! Please all of you are encouraged to build pre-existing relations if you wish either IC or OC.

About magic, in formal terms this will be LOW magic setting. Take something more watered-down Tolkien-ish magic as reference, where magic is mostly seen as extaordinary deeds, the fate of a people, the forging of an history-changing artifact, a song to drive zeal or passion into the hearts of man, and old knowledge brough by the Gods themselves. Also I want to include alchemy and oracles, and powerful forgotten prayers in ancient rune-scrolls. However, no fireballs, no sleep spells, no wizards, no formal schools of magic. Magic is rare, hidden and not at all understood. Spirits might communicate with the living, but that would be as extraordinary for the dwarves as for people from our history during and before Middle Age would believe it to be so.

In any case there are several major announcements to be done:
- Too many players claimed to be the second born of Master Muin. As I stated in the guide I will assign this in the order of claim, as per chronological post order. That means that if Longstrider Clan sends me his update they will be the secondborn. You can discuss this among yourselves or I will solve it automathically as the characters get confirmed. The earlier we solve this, the earlier we start.
- Please each of the accepted clans (also you, Longstriders), send me a PM with rawly the location you are claiming. I have a crudely drawn map of your territories after what I have understood from your sheets.
- I am eager to start the In-Character by Thursday-Friday. That depends on if we finish the aforementioned details.
- I might allow only few more clans, so consider this a non-defined deadline advertisement.
- The first events of this game will set one year and a half after Master Muin's demise.

PS: I live in GTM+1 timezone so expect my communications happening in this time frame.
Hello everyone;
I updated the map now, sorry for the style and lateness. Please send me in a private message the piece of land you claim (respecting the space for future players) and I will actualize the oficial map.

I like it, accepted! I very much like the claim justification and the story you made. I think it complements and antagonizes well with reverent clan. Just let me comment a few things:
- As I did not upload the map, Muin's Keep was not included. I ask you to plese change the name of your clan's main settlement.
- Sister Yulia is as so far the only human in the Valley. I know you will be well aware of how the stubborn Dwarves will react against her and her strange ideas.

Lore is kep misty on purpose, for players, to add their things and because I do not mean to gestate a big universal history. I want to see what will happen in the Valley.

Well it is a pity. If you change your opinion we will be here.

Very much accepted. I love the whole religious fervour tone. Seriously it is perfect
It will but I am still working on the map.

I would like this NRP to focus on the dwarves, so having a goblin character, specially when there are still no dwarf players, sounds not so much of a good idea to me.
I will be very much up for this:

I fancy my character to be Pao Lao-Qi, that fat, dirty cook at the noodle place. You never knew why his place was always crowded with drug freaks as much as corporate sarariman, and even sometimes he hosts big bosses from the overworld who come in secret, who wouldn't loose any second in their slums if it wasn't for his shrimp (synthethic of course) noodles. He is connected. He knows the men you look for. He can guide a naive high class citizien into sodom and still have him owe him a favour. He knows how to keep low profile. And of course he knows kung-fu.

If the character is welcome, count with me for this
Dear dwarves,
I apologize again for the late uploading. I hope I haven't dismissed any existing hype but...

the official NRP post is open!


Strike the post!
Dear Dwarves,
currently the Valley map is unaviable due to problems with my internet connection. I promise to update as soon as it can be done.
I will however be reachable for any questions.

We will ever mourn your loss Lord Master Muin, and the tears of your sons and serfs shall cover, as snow, this Valley of yours.

Clans must be approved by the GM

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