Avatar of FantasyChic


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm single, but hey, at least Hopper is alive.
5 yrs ago
When you finally confirm you made the right decision. Best of luck to you.
5 yrs ago
Thought I left this Facebook status bullshit when I got out of high school.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Green Moose, Guava Juice
5 yrs ago
What fresh hell (lololol) did I miss?



Name: FantasyChic
Aliases: ShopoholicGirl19, Sarcastic Piece of S***, Miss
Age: 28
Birthday: April 11
Ethnicity: American
Major/Minor: Forensic Psychology
Occupation: Server at The Cheesecake Factory
Languages: English, Sarcasm, Irony, and Some Spanish
Current Bio Theme: Debbie Jelinsky (Previously Shego)
Years RPing: 8
Preferred RP Section: Advanced
RP Level: High Casual - Advanced
Dedication Level: Omg SO High!
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Mary Sue Characters, RPs losing interest after initial posts/interest checks, Feeling like you know everything about RPing (we ALL can learn)


Height: 5'8''
Weight: Never ask a lady this...
Build: Slight curves, more top heavy than anything
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Skin Tone: Cream
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: Two ear piercings, small scar on forhead, no tattoos (yet!)
Personal Style: Normally, FantasyChic wears comfortable clothing, mainly t-shirts and leggings, but she will branch out if the mood fits. She loves girly clothing, especially skirts and dresses. Ever obsessed with handbags, she has a large number to match any outfit combination. Her favorite color to wear is, of course, pink.

She typically wears her hair down as it falls to her lower back. She has only ever cut it once (and regrets it to this day). Jewelry is minimal, but she is fond of earrings and necklaces. She is also a big fan of sweatpants.


Witty * Inattentive * Fun-Loving * Troublesome * Reliable * No-Nonsense

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Forever Alone
Personality: FantasyChic is, above all else, a fun-loving person. If it's not fun, she does not take part in it (unless she has to). She is sarcastic and witty to a fault, at the expense of others. She isn't afraid to tell someone off if they are acting the fool. She can be the best friend you could ever want or the worst enemy to make. The choice is, often, not yours.

FantasyChic is reliable. She strives to get her tasks done, even if it takes a bit, but she will do it, especially for those she cares about. She can be inattentive, usually not because she does not care, but because she is probably thinking about puppies/glitter/memes/etc. She is also troublesome, getting things wrong and messing up in real life and in RP. However, she doesn't let bad times phase her.
  • Swearing
  • Sarcasm
  • Drinking

  • Writing
  • Reading (mainly mystery/thrillers)
  • Gaming
  • Music

  • Bees
  • Not Seeing The Bottom Of A Pool Of Water
  • Losing Eyesight

  • Shopping (A bit too much)
  • The Color Pink
  • Humor
  • Netflix
  • Free Drinks
  • Chicago
  • Video Games

  • Sexism
  • Humorless People
  • Hot Weather
  • Headaches
  • Getting Sick
  • Ranch Dressing
  • Losing

Cards On The Table

RP's Currently In

Upcoming RP's
  • TBD

Other Interesting Things


Why Did You Come To The RP Guild?: I had the itch to RP those years ago and no amount of writing was sedating it. I needed a creative outlet. So after scouring the internet, I stumbled across this site. And the rest is history.

Life Before The Guild: I started RPing in the MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game City of Heroes. I played for fun, but I ran into a group of people RPing. I asked them what they were doing and they introduced me to the concept. A quick character creation later and I joined their team and began RPing on my own.

Eventually, I moved from game to game, RPing in each one. I played Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Tera mainly. Each game introduced me to new concepts and I grew my skills in RPing.

However, tragedy struck in each game. I was put into positions I was not comfortable in, I was harassed by people I thought were my friends, and I found myself not having fun anymore. So I up and quit. After a couple months, I missed RPing.

Life Since The Guild: It's been a whirlwind of a time on here. A rocky start found me joining (and leaving) many RPs due to inactivity or lost interest. Finally, I found a place I feel wanted, loved, and cared for. And I don't plan on leaving it soon. It got to the point where I am even considering GMing my own game: a thought I NEVER thought I would have.

This is my home now.


For one reason or another, I have come to know these people and consider them friends. Regardless of starts or ends, these people are the reason I continue to come to this site day after day. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

@Lord Wraith: Probably the person I consider my first friend on here. He seemed to be in every game I put interest in (especially the superhero ones). As time went on, we got to know each other and became friends. We've had ups and downs, but he will always be someone I care about and I hope we can write again in the future.

@Morose: Oh my pink bothers you? Too bad! I love this girl so much! She is a wonderful GM and a great person to talk to. We've butted heads a few times, but what friends don't? Who knew we started off in Superhero RPs together? I must have blurred those memories! Either way, she is a great storyteller and I look forward to the chaos we'll cause!

@Nallore: This girl is quite the character. She's goofy and fun and a joy to be around! She's there if you need someone to listen to you vent or to just bitch about our life with. She has even become a really good GM, able to create some interesting stories. Put us together and I have a feeling not much would ever get done.

@ONL: We met in an RP and our characters were fated to be stuck together. After all, we only have each other in that game. He's such a sweet guy and his characters are all interesting to read and interact with. I've had the best time RPing with you and I hope it continues.

@Natsu: This guy is so sweet. I've enjoyed RPing with him and having my characters and his interact because there always seems to be an inherent closeness with them. He's such a sweetheart.


Quotes: "Yo"
"Aw f***...."
"You can never have too many purses"
"Well, that happened.."

Theme Song:

Most Recent Posts

Myth the Muse

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Myth quickly ran to the master suite, doing the very best in her power not to unleash whatever wanted to come out on to the hallway. She managed to get and get to the working toilet where she unleashed it all. How can something so small make her produce so much? She hadn't even eaten a whole lot, where the hell did it all come from?

Once she was confident she got it out, she flushed the remnants away. She sat on the floor, almost cradling the toilet for fear more would come up. She was in no fit state to do any cleaning around the house. She didn't want to sit around and have others do work for her though. She wasn't that type of person. Even with a kid, she was going to still do things. She would just be extra cautious now. Plus, for all she knew, the baby would come out with powers and can talk.

She didn't want to think of that. It kind of creeped her out.

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Port Witch Coven Safe House

Myth sat on her bed, rubbing her temples. She did not regret helping Constance. Far from it. She would have done so for any of her flock (well, maybe not ALL of them). Still, she had work to do. Things to oversee. She wasn't content to sitting around. Not when there was work to be done.

Almost as if on cue, a messenger came up to her room announcing the convoy from the Lagoon was here. Fleur thanked her and got up and checked herself. She still looked damn good, Sicnesse be damned. Once she was confident she radiated power, even while sick, she made her way down and out to meet them.

"Yes, I am who you seek. Welcome to my home. Please, I insist, come in for some refreshments. Surely you are tired from your journey. Your horses are free to rest out here, I will have one of my flock assist in looking after them. Please, shall we?" She bid them entrance into her home. She was interested in what they sought her out for and it was never a good idea to be rude to guests on their first visit.

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Castle Doomstadt (First Floor) -> Second Floor
Skills: Infiltration, Hand-to-Hand Combat

Tinley heard the warning and crept her way around into the center room. The stairs leading up were in the open, but she knew what to expect when she got up there. Slowly she made her way up each step, glancing around her in case more hostiles showed up. As she got near the top she peaked over and saw two men. One seemingly having his gun knocked out from him and another still up and ready. She knew she had to help, especially considering her crew down below. Height was always an advantage.

She moved easily along the stairs, slipping by them. In a flash, she was on the two of them. The closest one looked over just in time to see her foot coming across his face. She brought her leg back around the man's neck and flipped over, putting the man to sleep. The other one saw her now but she rolled forward, tripping him. The man fell to the ground with a clatter and she was on top of him, taking his arm and cracking it behind him. She put a hand over his mouth as she screamed in pain. His gun hand no good to him anymore, she leaned forward in his ear, "Be a good boy and point me in the right direction. Crucial information to your boss' dealings. And do not scream anymore or I will do worse than break your arm. Now, I am going to take my hand away. Once I do, if I hear so much as a peep other than what I want to hear, you will wish I knocked you out like your friend. Got it?"

Tempest Renroir

Location: Castle Doomstadt - Kitchen
Skills: Healing (Power)

Tempest looked over to Niah, who had now been critically injured to the point that, without proper help, she would be gone. Raynor didn't have to tell her twice. She was on her and summoned more energy. So far, she had healed three times. More than she ever did before. Thankfully, it worked. Niah would feel her wounds healed. "She'll be okay, though I can't promise I got all of it. She won't die though."

Maria made a good point. Thus far, they haven't heard word from Reed or Kennedy. "I may be new to the team, but I have a feeling if we haven't heard from the command back on the ship that it is not a good thing. Typically. Do you think they are under attack? Should we go back?"

Allison Andrews

Location: Cells

Allison was thankful, at least, that her powers were back if she was to be the one shielding the others. As Allison checked on Dean an explosion rocked the building. The concern came across Allison's face until she realized that if there was an explosion than it wasn't OMEN's doing. They wouldn't blow up their own facility. That meant someone was attacking them and that meant that, more than likely, it was the team outside.

Dean freaked out a bit and Allison looked down to offer comfort and then she saw....well she didn't see it for long because she immediately reverted her eyes back to the ceiling. And what a nice ceiling it was! "Umm...yeah defending. I can do that. Seems the others are here, let's get ready."

Allison didn't look back at Dean, a small blush on her cheeks as she stood up and walked to the doors she unhinged. She wasn't sure about the shoot first mentality, but the OMEN agents would more than likely not show them mercy. It was kill or be killed, it seemed.

Sara Grey

Location: Quinjet

Sara caught the seeds as she copied Mary's power. She hadn't thought about the lack of foliage inside the building, so that was a clever idea. "Good idea. Much appreciated." Saa turned to face Guin as she argued with both Scarlet Witch and Magneto. That seemed like something she didn't want to be involved in, but there were more pressing matters.

Folly walked off with the bomb and Sara questioned whether or not it should be her with it, but she was already off. "Um, are we sure we should let her go with the b..." before she could ask, the explosion hit and rocked the ship a bit. Sara looked over as Folly was blown from the blast with her FRICKEN ARM OFF. And the girl seemed pretty okay with it, for all it's worth. Sara chuckled a bit, more so because otherwise, she would freak out instead.

"All right, shall we go rescue them then? I need to do something before I lose it seeing someone lose a limb, healing factor or not."

Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:

Wednesday, August 18th - New York City, New York

Quinn read the address off and decided to make haste. There wasn't much time anymore in waiting around with a serial killer or more on the loose. As a taxi pulled up and let a couple out, she quickly waved to get the driver's attention, scooting past the couple and getting into the car. "Sorry, I'd like to go here please." Quinn quickly rattled off the address and sat back in the seat.

"Quick as you can." Quinn knew it was futile asking, since taxi driver's wanted to bump up the fare as much as possible, but it was more of a thing one said anyway, hoping for that one driver that would be all right with getting there quickly and losing out on some money.

Finley Alestair

Location: The Lake

Finley was, quite frankly, done talking about Miranda. In fact, she was more or less done with the stupid town and the idiots that inhabited it. Apart from a select few, and her grandparents, there was not much keeping her here. She wanted to go on the road. Find another city, perhaps start her own business. Maybe run a coffee shop of her own, do detective work on the side? That would be cool.

Mind in la la land, she picked back up when she noticed the PI in front of them at the cottage, holding something. It looked peculiar. Olivia caught up and Finley didn't bother to check if Miranda did too (she most likely was behind her too). "What do you think he has there?" Finley asked without waiting for response, making her way over to him. "Whatchu got there Inspector Gadget? Mind if I look?"
So I wasn't even aware the thing was up...

Faith Masters

Location: Road In Front Of Kitchen House -> Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Truthfully, Faith didn't want pancakes, with nuts or chocolate chips or otherwise. She didn't want to sit here enjoying breakfast, pretending everything was all right when it clearly wasn't. She didn't want to forget that a fricken' circus was setting up shop outside, two of their numbers were gone, and NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT IT OPENLY! She could scream. She wanted to, but she held it in.

She looked over to Ben as they made their way to the kitchen house. He oozed creepiness. Which was saying something considering all she had seen thus far. Before she knew it, Ben was at Andromeda, grasping her cheek. Faith sprung into action, "Hey!" She was nearly on him before he dropped his hand. Andromeda appeared all right. Faith eased up, still eyeing the man. He spoke as if he cured her of her nut allergy and maybe he did? It wasn't the strangest thing to assume, was it?

Still, Faith was uneasy about him. If Gil was okay with him though, then was it all bad. "Just who the heck are you? And what the hell is going on?" The last question was directed to Gil, or anyone else for that matter. She didn't wake up today high, did she? Didn't drink the Kool-Aid? She wanted answers and she wanted them to be answered today. Time loop be damned.

Josephine Clark

Location: Second Deck Dining Area
Skills: N/A

Josephine was enjoying her mean as the others spoke. Most notably, Reddish seemed much more animated. She chalked this up to him being "off duty" and enjoying it at his leisure. It was almost cute, in a way. Jo quickly shook this thought out of her head. She noted that no one had asked her what brought her to Egypt. In fact, the only person she ever really told was Haakon. There were, of course, needless details as to the why, but she wouldn't bother her party with that.

"I actually came to Egypt to get away from it all. Dreadfully tiring, Hollywood is. So many things to do and never enough time to be alone. I know it sounds like bragging, but really it does get to be a bit much. I've enjoyed my time here, not the least of reasons being that I got to meet you all and go on this grand adventure. So cheers to that." Jo lifted up her glass of whatever was put in front of her and sipped.

"Oh, Reddish darling, the food here is far better than what I've had in America. Granted, there are some foods I do miss, but we tend to like to fry our foods a lot. And lots of salt. Not so good for the waist, eh? No, here spices are used beautifully." No sooner had dessert started that Reddish took quite the initiative and offered her a walk. Jo met Vera's gaze and inwardly thanked the woman for what concern she ushered. "I may meet you afterward if you are still around Lady Munn, but I feel a walk to see the Nile would be lovely. I accept."

Faye Masterson

Location:Lower Deck Dining Area
Skills: N/A

Things were picking up below decks. Music playing and...was that a snake? Faye had to double take that. She pointed at it and looked at Richard, seeing if the man saw it too. She mouthed something along the lines of "Is that a..." before shaking her head. Clearly those on the lower decks were enjoying what time they had together.

Faye, of course, did not mean to start a conversation on the prohibition of alcohol, but Richard went off. Soon, she was thankful he brought it back around to her and her career. "Truthfully Richard, and I know you are a skeptical one, and if I would hear this without seeing it I may not have believed it myself, but it's the truth. My sister ran in with the wrong crowd. Now, that's pretty common, I am sure you are aware. Girls running off to find themselves, getting into shady business, but my sister went about that a peculiar way. Devil worship. Or rather a ritual. Now, I know my sister Richard. She may have been flighty, but she had a solid head on her shoulders. If she learned that her friends were part of that, she never would have gone with it. It led me to believe there was more there. Something killed her that night. So I want to learn what I can and stop that sort of thing from happening again."

After her speech, she took a hearty swig of beer, forgetting it was in her glass, and nearly choked on it. She coughed a bit before setting it down. "Sorry, got excited there."

Priya Khurana

Location: Crash Site
Skills: Investigation, Criminology

Priya nodded her greeting at the Fire Marshal. She looked over at the crash. What was it about plane crashes? How they were not likely? You would sooner die in a car crash than a plane? She thought she read that somewhere. She was sure those on the plane wished that were the case. Priya shook this thought. She had to go into investigator mode now. Especially if the two that were away from the crash were not killed from it.

Priya walked over to the scene and began examining. She took in as much detail as she could without getting her hands dirty. She wasn't prepped for that anyway. At once, it was pretty clear that the two bodies on the ground did not die from the crash, though their injuries from it did not help matters. What made Priya, even more, unnerved was the balloon tied to the tree. It was the second time she had seen a balloon that day and she was not looking forward to seeing anymore.

"Well, you are right, these two did not die in the crash. Their bodies are too far away. Plus, it seemed the woman was...impaled. First, the man. I'm not a medical examiner, but I believe the cause of death is the wound in the back of his head. He also appears to be stomped on, most likely after death. The woman isn't better. Having been impaled by the tree, whoever was here with them seems to have pulled her. It would take someone considerably strong to do so. I'd say it was a man, but judging by the broken balloon and the fact that I've just heard of her, I feel Bertha may be the culprit. I am so looking forward to meeting her." Priya added with heavy notes of sarcasm. Truthfully, her run-in with serial killers did not have the best track record.
Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall (Just Outside The Starry Saloon)
Skills: CHA
Hit Points: 4

Blush was markedly quickening her pace as she aimed for the kitchen. The words of the rather rude man went in one ear and out the other. Quite frankly, even if she did hear him it mattered not. How could one be so rude to invited guests, whether you expected them or not, and then expect them to sit there and take it? No, Blush was made of stronger stuff and would not bend.

If only she could find what she needed.

Before she could make her way out of the room and closer to her destination, the same man managed to catch up with her just before she could enter the Starry Salon. With an eye roll, she turned to face the man. She couldn't outright say what she needed and have others look at her with pity or contempt. No, she would have to think of another reason. "Ah yes. I am so sorry about that, but you see, my friend in the other room is quite desperate for...Cocoa Lea," she added the last part in a whisper, away from listening ears. "She's rather adamant about it and I, being as good a friend as I can, went off to find her some. Naturally, I assumed it would be in the kitchen. I know that may be off limits to us, but she is rather keen on obtaining some. I don't suppose you know where I may get some for her?"

Jasper quirked a brow at listening to the womans request. Nodding slightly he leaned in a bit and kept his voice quiet. "Yes, it is something I can help you with, if you could wait here for just a moment." Motioning towards Oliver, the boy came over. A few whispered words and the boy snapped to work and dashed off, through the door to the east. "He will be back shortly with what you friend needs."

Blush smiled and patted the man's hand. "Thank you, dear. And thank you for the discreteness. She will appreciate it, I am sure."
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