Avatar of FantasyChic


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm single, but hey, at least Hopper is alive.
5 yrs ago
When you finally confirm you made the right decision. Best of luck to you.
5 yrs ago
Thought I left this Facebook status bullshit when I got out of high school.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Green Moose, Guava Juice
5 yrs ago
What fresh hell (lololol) did I miss?



Name: FantasyChic
Aliases: ShopoholicGirl19, Sarcastic Piece of S***, Miss
Age: 28
Birthday: April 11
Ethnicity: American
Major/Minor: Forensic Psychology
Occupation: Server at The Cheesecake Factory
Languages: English, Sarcasm, Irony, and Some Spanish
Current Bio Theme: Debbie Jelinsky (Previously Shego)
Years RPing: 8
Preferred RP Section: Advanced
RP Level: High Casual - Advanced
Dedication Level: Omg SO High!
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Mary Sue Characters, RPs losing interest after initial posts/interest checks, Feeling like you know everything about RPing (we ALL can learn)


Height: 5'8''
Weight: Never ask a lady this...
Build: Slight curves, more top heavy than anything
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Skin Tone: Cream
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: Two ear piercings, small scar on forhead, no tattoos (yet!)
Personal Style: Normally, FantasyChic wears comfortable clothing, mainly t-shirts and leggings, but she will branch out if the mood fits. She loves girly clothing, especially skirts and dresses. Ever obsessed with handbags, she has a large number to match any outfit combination. Her favorite color to wear is, of course, pink.

She typically wears her hair down as it falls to her lower back. She has only ever cut it once (and regrets it to this day). Jewelry is minimal, but she is fond of earrings and necklaces. She is also a big fan of sweatpants.


Witty * Inattentive * Fun-Loving * Troublesome * Reliable * No-Nonsense

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Forever Alone
Personality: FantasyChic is, above all else, a fun-loving person. If it's not fun, she does not take part in it (unless she has to). She is sarcastic and witty to a fault, at the expense of others. She isn't afraid to tell someone off if they are acting the fool. She can be the best friend you could ever want or the worst enemy to make. The choice is, often, not yours.

FantasyChic is reliable. She strives to get her tasks done, even if it takes a bit, but she will do it, especially for those she cares about. She can be inattentive, usually not because she does not care, but because she is probably thinking about puppies/glitter/memes/etc. She is also troublesome, getting things wrong and messing up in real life and in RP. However, she doesn't let bad times phase her.
  • Swearing
  • Sarcasm
  • Drinking

  • Writing
  • Reading (mainly mystery/thrillers)
  • Gaming
  • Music

  • Bees
  • Not Seeing The Bottom Of A Pool Of Water
  • Losing Eyesight

  • Shopping (A bit too much)
  • The Color Pink
  • Humor
  • Netflix
  • Free Drinks
  • Chicago
  • Video Games

  • Sexism
  • Humorless People
  • Hot Weather
  • Headaches
  • Getting Sick
  • Ranch Dressing
  • Losing

Cards On The Table

RP's Currently In

Upcoming RP's
  • TBD

Other Interesting Things


Why Did You Come To The RP Guild?: I had the itch to RP those years ago and no amount of writing was sedating it. I needed a creative outlet. So after scouring the internet, I stumbled across this site. And the rest is history.

Life Before The Guild: I started RPing in the MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game City of Heroes. I played for fun, but I ran into a group of people RPing. I asked them what they were doing and they introduced me to the concept. A quick character creation later and I joined their team and began RPing on my own.

Eventually, I moved from game to game, RPing in each one. I played Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Tera mainly. Each game introduced me to new concepts and I grew my skills in RPing.

However, tragedy struck in each game. I was put into positions I was not comfortable in, I was harassed by people I thought were my friends, and I found myself not having fun anymore. So I up and quit. After a couple months, I missed RPing.

Life Since The Guild: It's been a whirlwind of a time on here. A rocky start found me joining (and leaving) many RPs due to inactivity or lost interest. Finally, I found a place I feel wanted, loved, and cared for. And I don't plan on leaving it soon. It got to the point where I am even considering GMing my own game: a thought I NEVER thought I would have.

This is my home now.


For one reason or another, I have come to know these people and consider them friends. Regardless of starts or ends, these people are the reason I continue to come to this site day after day. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

@Lord Wraith: Probably the person I consider my first friend on here. He seemed to be in every game I put interest in (especially the superhero ones). As time went on, we got to know each other and became friends. We've had ups and downs, but he will always be someone I care about and I hope we can write again in the future.

@Morose: Oh my pink bothers you? Too bad! I love this girl so much! She is a wonderful GM and a great person to talk to. We've butted heads a few times, but what friends don't? Who knew we started off in Superhero RPs together? I must have blurred those memories! Either way, she is a great storyteller and I look forward to the chaos we'll cause!

@Nallore: This girl is quite the character. She's goofy and fun and a joy to be around! She's there if you need someone to listen to you vent or to just bitch about our life with. She has even become a really good GM, able to create some interesting stories. Put us together and I have a feeling not much would ever get done.

@ONL: We met in an RP and our characters were fated to be stuck together. After all, we only have each other in that game. He's such a sweet guy and his characters are all interesting to read and interact with. I've had the best time RPing with you and I hope it continues.

@Natsu: This guy is so sweet. I've enjoyed RPing with him and having my characters and his interact because there always seems to be an inherent closeness with them. He's such a sweetheart.


Quotes: "Yo"
"Aw f***...."
"You can never have too many purses"
"Well, that happened.."

Theme Song:

Most Recent Posts

Myth the Muse

Location: The Wizard's Tower

Myth was feeling a bit overloaded with everything going on, so she was thankful that her husband took control and transported them all over to the tower, with their things. She played with the puppy a bit more before she stood up and inched her way over to get ready. She had a dress picked out and it fit beautifully with what she had in mind. The dress itself was white with light tan fur on it. It was big enough to fit her and her bump, but enough to still give her a figure. She chose this dress because it crossed both her worlds. Her past and her village and her new future life with Bruce.

She was working on her hair as Runa, Halley, and Astrid were helping her. "I have given it some thought. I would take Bruce's input, but I was thinking of naming him after my father, Halden. Sort of to preserve his legacy since he can't be here with me today." Myth had been holding it together, but she knew her father would have loved to see her getting married. Granted, she wasn't sure how he would take her marrying a literal god, but the fact she was happy and would have a son would have made him proud.

She began to cry as she wiped her tears away quickly. "Gods, I don't want to ruin my face. Happy tears, I assure you. Or I am going insane, not sure which yet."

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Witch's Road

Fleur had spent some time along the Witch's Road. It was a useful gift as it allowed her to view and communicate with the past. If she were to solve the mystery, it was her best lead. It always left her feeling cold, granted she was never really dressed for the weather. Still, she felt another presence almost instantly as she manifested along the road.

The witch herself appeared dressed in scarlet. Fleur felt she looked intimidating and powerful, but red was not her color. "I could say the very same thing, granted I did not expect anyone right away. I am Fleur La Mallificum, Witch Messiah in my time. I have come here to investigate a recent event in my home where two Magyk users were killed but did not leave behind a ghost. I do not suppose any of what I am saying makes sense, but I am here to investigate. I believe this may lead to a Sicknesse that is plaguing my home currently. Anyone who uses Magyk gets more ill. But where are my manners? Who am I speaking to?"

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: The Playground -> Cargo Hold Trainng Ground
Skills: Hand-to-Hand Combat

Before she could stop her, Novikova stormed off and Tinley couldn't blame her. Her friend was stuck in the Quantum realm and everyone around her was talking about attacking a bank. Granted, Tinley knew the importance of this mission. It would significantly impair HYDRA's funding. What really irked her was that Kennedy had a head start. They would now have to go in quicker, meaning more room for errors.

"They're right Agent Renroir, your skills are invaluable. It would take the average person significantly longer to find that information, back door open or not. See if you can gather all relevant details and send them my, Hawkeye's and Cassandra's way. We'll get together in a bit and go over our plan of attack. If anyone needs me, I have a lot to vent out in the training area."

She left the group and changed into workout gear and attacked a training dummy. She was angry at how stupid she was to miss a mole. She was also angry at losing Sparky and Raynor to the Quantum Realm. And she felt guilty about Novikova. The last mission was horrendous, the next one had to be better.

Tempest Renroir

Location: The Playground
Skills: N/A

Tempest had never been complimented so many times before. She kind of liked it! She wiped an imaginary tear from her eye, [color==841536]"Golly gee, guys, you sure know how to make a gal feel needed. I'll have that information for you quickly. I'm going to root around some more and see if I can find anything else. Also, I'd like to keep an eye on it as I said. I'm going to attempt to track it on my phone so if these plans change, it will message me. Hopefully, we'll attack before then."[/color]

With that, Tempest got to work sending the info to the relevant parties and keeping an eye on Creed's plans, should they change due to Kennedy's influence. The amount of backstabbing that seemed to go around these parts worried her a bit, but most of the team seemed capable of dealing with it. Hell, they had a mind reader/influencer and someone who could read heartbeats. If another mole wanted to come through, they would have a hell of a time.

Leighton Brooks

Location: Target
Skills N/A

Leighton playfully flipped her hair, "I don't know. The glasses kind of peg you as a geek, and the band-aids aren't helping your case, but I could be wrong. I'm Leighton, by the way." She checked the racks, not really interested in buying anything here. She almost forgot why she was here and that she was in a....Target. "So, do you live around here? I'm only visiting myself."

She pulled out her phone to check the time. She had time to kill since she had been forcibly kicked out of the boutique. She had to remember to call her family's lawyer later and get that place sued. The sheer audacity that had to peg her as a freak. She wanted to go back there and say more, but she knew the police would be there soon and she didn't want to get tangled with the law.

Plus she had this kind of cute guy to shamelessly flirt with before she got back to important matters.

Josephine Clark

Location: Elite Deck Lounge -> Elite Deck Outside
Skills: N/A

Josephine would have been happy to have it end there. Mahendra seemed to be getting help from someone who also jumped overboard (why everyone felt the need to go into the water was beyond her). What worried her more was the break-ins. If Vera was burgled, then she must have been as well. She had valuable things in her cabin! Stuff she didn't want others to see before it was ready. She was eager to come along, but she did not want to go alone. It wasn't so much out of fear (she was not some damsel in distress, after all), but she was also eager to continue her evening with Mr. Reddish.

What she hadn't accounted for was the piercing cry of the man (though she did block her ears again due to his warning). In the next few moments, it was as if time slowed down and she saw Vera stumble back and clip the railing and fall over. She was not the speedy type (plus, heels), but she unblocked her ears and ran over to the edge of the ship. "Vera! Oh my goodness! Help! We have a woman overboard. Women and children first and all that! Quickly, someone save her!"

Faye Masterson

Location:Main Deck
Skills: N/A

No one had addressed her personally, but she overheard that someone was tending to the man who fell and she felt relief. She didn't want to imagine what it was like. The water was probably so cold or uncomfortable. Who knew what was in those waters also. She was content to go back to her own room and forget this evening. Tomorrow would be a new day and she could get to work on researching for their destination.

And then she heard that scream. That same scream she heard before. What man could possess vocal chords that strong to unleash such hell was beyond her, but then she heard more cries. And this time, it was from the other end. Someone else had fallen over? And a woman no less! She quickly walked over to where she heard the shout and the screams. "We have another one overboard? IS she ok? Can she swim? She addressed no one in particular, but she was getting more worried now. Three people in the water over the span of a few minutes? This did not bode well.

Priya Khurana

Location: Ramada Inn -> Car Rental Place

Priya lightly brushed her nose where the bruise was. "I have make-up for it already, I just didn't bother. There's no reason for it. I think it makes me look tougher and that can be used to my advantage. Or at least garner some sympathy." She followed Riley past the desk and nodded her head in passing to the receptionist. Riley was rather friendly with her. It could be a Midwestern thing vs her New York upbringing, or perhaps Riley had a thing for her. Maybe it was even the hero's complex. Who knew?

Inside the car rental place, they walked over to a busy looking man doing a crossword. She overheard him as Riley spoke to him about their car. She was eager to get back on the road. "I believe the word you are looking for is resurrection." She waited for the man to acknowledge them and proceed with their car, all the while she debated on whether to call her partner or not. He would be meeting up soon.

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: On the Open Sea - Main Deck -> Kitchen
Skills: Language -English

Colette felt a bit of a coolness from Monsieur Kildragon when he addressed her. She assumed he would be as willing to look into the matter as her, but his mind seemed elsewhere. She had anticipated including him in her quest to locate Millicent and look into the matter of why everyone seemed to want to find her, but perhaps she would go about it alone if this was how he intended to act. He saved her life after all, she was thankful, but weren't manners a thing? At least pretend, as so many upper class often did.

She took the man's arm once offered and followed him into the kitchen. It was quaint, about what one expected from a ship of this size. She sat at the table. Truth be told, she hadn't eaten all day. Add on the fact she was propelled off her previous ship and then rescued only to enter a sparring match with the captain. She was VERY hungry. Did she abandon manners and lie or tell the truth in the hopes of being fed rather well.

"I am quite hungry. I have not eaten all day and recent events have left me even more so. Whatever you have will suffice, I do not wish to take what resources you have for you and yours." In truth, her hunger won over courtly manners. She wasn't even at court anyway!
Debutante Blush
Location: Balcony -> Front State Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

In truth, the upstairs seemed to be grander than the floor below. That could be because she had climbed an awful lot of steps and she was now delirious. Be that as it may, she was thankful the trek was nearing its end. Her questions to the woman had not gone unanswered, but the answers themselves left her wanting a touch more. What was it with this place and the locked lips? She knew in her time around that servants were often loose with regards to their masters. Mainly to each other, of course, but often if there was someone who wished to know more, they were quite open.

The woman returned her own question back at her and Blush had to admit, it quite annoyed and pleased her. "No, I suppose not. One is entitled to one's secrets, I suppose. Can't blame a girl for trying though, can you love? Though I would argue that your master would not allow anyone wandering about if that chap Jesper has anything to say about it, given the fact he was rather cross with us when we first entered. To be expected, I am sure, having a large number of strangers greet you at the door."

She was growing quite bored now. She wished something happened. Where was a rocket chair when one needed it? "So, we are up here now. Why was I to be brought up here then?"

Faith Masters

Location: Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Faith REALLY wanted to investigate Peter's grave. Regardless of who else wished to see it, she knew in her gut that it was a good lead. The girls were odd, to be sure, but she doubted anything would come from investigating them. As far as she knew, they were just part of the recently admitted circus. "I really want to investigate the grave, Bart. I have a feeling it is really important. I know the others want to as well, but more eyes the better right? And if it doesn't pan out, we can then investigate those spooky girls. Ok?"

Faith was about to address Andromeda, but Bart's decision to not check out the grave caused her to leave. Faith had no problem with the girl, despite the fact that she desperately needed the sun (though it was probably too late for that now). "Well shoot, there she goes. Whatever, she can meet us up later if she wants. I went to you Bart because out of everyone here you are the one I trust the most. Or rather, the one I know I can work with without wanting to strangle them. Up to you, but I think the grave is a sure thing."

Allison Andrews

Location: Outside

Allison had followed Ayita outside to meet the mysterious guest. She had never met the previous Xmen before (at least, those outside of the current residence) but she knew of them. She knew who Storm was before Mary even had to introduce. "Yes, I know who she is. It is an honor to meet you Storm. Or do you prefer Ms. Munroe? Sorry, I am a bit surprised to see you." It was not as much as meeting THE Tony Start, but they were celebrities in their own way, especially to other mutants.

In a flash, two more were on them. "Is it a reunion or something? Is everyone going to come? Nice to meet you both as well." She wasn't sure if Remy was referring to them as babies, but she would let it go due to the man's extreme handsomeness and for the fact Rogue kind of scared her. In a good way.

She hadn't paid much attention to Ayita until she noticed the woman playing with...kittens? Ayita was not one to showcase extreme emotion, but the very fact she was holding a cat, let along fawning over it (in her own way) made Allison feel mushy inside. "Aww look at the preciousness! They are so cute!"

Sara Grey

Location: Library - Ground Floor

Sara chuckled lightly. "Yeah, they are a bit weird. Then again, couples tend to be weird." She moved over to her original seat and sat down, looking over at Neil now that she got him to open up more, even just a little bit. "I obviously wouldn't make you showcase if you didn't want to, but you got serious talent there. I think others would appreciate it, but that's just my two cents."

She noticed that the others hadn't come back yet. "They've been gone a bit. Hopefully it isn't for anything bad. Want to go find them or stick around and plot against them in the campaign?" she asked with a sly grin. She had almost forgotten they were in the middle of a game before everyone ran off to different ends.
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