Avatar of FantasyChic


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm single, but hey, at least Hopper is alive.
5 yrs ago
When you finally confirm you made the right decision. Best of luck to you.
5 yrs ago
Thought I left this Facebook status bullshit when I got out of high school.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Green Moose, Guava Juice
5 yrs ago
What fresh hell (lololol) did I miss?



Name: FantasyChic
Aliases: ShopoholicGirl19, Sarcastic Piece of S***, Miss
Age: 28
Birthday: April 11
Ethnicity: American
Major/Minor: Forensic Psychology
Occupation: Server at The Cheesecake Factory
Languages: English, Sarcasm, Irony, and Some Spanish
Current Bio Theme: Debbie Jelinsky (Previously Shego)
Years RPing: 8
Preferred RP Section: Advanced
RP Level: High Casual - Advanced
Dedication Level: Omg SO High!
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Mary Sue Characters, RPs losing interest after initial posts/interest checks, Feeling like you know everything about RPing (we ALL can learn)


Height: 5'8''
Weight: Never ask a lady this...
Build: Slight curves, more top heavy than anything
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Skin Tone: Cream
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: Two ear piercings, small scar on forhead, no tattoos (yet!)
Personal Style: Normally, FantasyChic wears comfortable clothing, mainly t-shirts and leggings, but she will branch out if the mood fits. She loves girly clothing, especially skirts and dresses. Ever obsessed with handbags, she has a large number to match any outfit combination. Her favorite color to wear is, of course, pink.

She typically wears her hair down as it falls to her lower back. She has only ever cut it once (and regrets it to this day). Jewelry is minimal, but she is fond of earrings and necklaces. She is also a big fan of sweatpants.


Witty * Inattentive * Fun-Loving * Troublesome * Reliable * No-Nonsense

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Forever Alone
Personality: FantasyChic is, above all else, a fun-loving person. If it's not fun, she does not take part in it (unless she has to). She is sarcastic and witty to a fault, at the expense of others. She isn't afraid to tell someone off if they are acting the fool. She can be the best friend you could ever want or the worst enemy to make. The choice is, often, not yours.

FantasyChic is reliable. She strives to get her tasks done, even if it takes a bit, but she will do it, especially for those she cares about. She can be inattentive, usually not because she does not care, but because she is probably thinking about puppies/glitter/memes/etc. She is also troublesome, getting things wrong and messing up in real life and in RP. However, she doesn't let bad times phase her.
  • Swearing
  • Sarcasm
  • Drinking

  • Writing
  • Reading (mainly mystery/thrillers)
  • Gaming
  • Music

  • Bees
  • Not Seeing The Bottom Of A Pool Of Water
  • Losing Eyesight

  • Shopping (A bit too much)
  • The Color Pink
  • Humor
  • Netflix
  • Free Drinks
  • Chicago
  • Video Games

  • Sexism
  • Humorless People
  • Hot Weather
  • Headaches
  • Getting Sick
  • Ranch Dressing
  • Losing

Cards On The Table

RP's Currently In

Upcoming RP's
  • TBD

Other Interesting Things


Why Did You Come To The RP Guild?: I had the itch to RP those years ago and no amount of writing was sedating it. I needed a creative outlet. So after scouring the internet, I stumbled across this site. And the rest is history.

Life Before The Guild: I started RPing in the MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game City of Heroes. I played for fun, but I ran into a group of people RPing. I asked them what they were doing and they introduced me to the concept. A quick character creation later and I joined their team and began RPing on my own.

Eventually, I moved from game to game, RPing in each one. I played Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Tera mainly. Each game introduced me to new concepts and I grew my skills in RPing.

However, tragedy struck in each game. I was put into positions I was not comfortable in, I was harassed by people I thought were my friends, and I found myself not having fun anymore. So I up and quit. After a couple months, I missed RPing.

Life Since The Guild: It's been a whirlwind of a time on here. A rocky start found me joining (and leaving) many RPs due to inactivity or lost interest. Finally, I found a place I feel wanted, loved, and cared for. And I don't plan on leaving it soon. It got to the point where I am even considering GMing my own game: a thought I NEVER thought I would have.

This is my home now.


For one reason or another, I have come to know these people and consider them friends. Regardless of starts or ends, these people are the reason I continue to come to this site day after day. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

@Lord Wraith: Probably the person I consider my first friend on here. He seemed to be in every game I put interest in (especially the superhero ones). As time went on, we got to know each other and became friends. We've had ups and downs, but he will always be someone I care about and I hope we can write again in the future.

@Morose: Oh my pink bothers you? Too bad! I love this girl so much! She is a wonderful GM and a great person to talk to. We've butted heads a few times, but what friends don't? Who knew we started off in Superhero RPs together? I must have blurred those memories! Either way, she is a great storyteller and I look forward to the chaos we'll cause!

@Nallore: This girl is quite the character. She's goofy and fun and a joy to be around! She's there if you need someone to listen to you vent or to just bitch about our life with. She has even become a really good GM, able to create some interesting stories. Put us together and I have a feeling not much would ever get done.

@ONL: We met in an RP and our characters were fated to be stuck together. After all, we only have each other in that game. He's such a sweet guy and his characters are all interesting to read and interact with. I've had the best time RPing with you and I hope it continues.

@Natsu: This guy is so sweet. I've enjoyed RPing with him and having my characters and his interact because there always seems to be an inherent closeness with them. He's such a sweetheart.


Quotes: "Yo"
"Aw f***...."
"You can never have too many purses"
"Well, that happened.."

Theme Song:

Most Recent Posts

Josephine Clark

Location: Benha (The Markets)
Skills: N/A

Josephine kept pace with Reddish as they toured the marketplace. While she would have loved to look over the baubles and merchandise being peddled to her, she had other thoughts on her mind. Namely, her watch. So far, it had not stuck out to her. And to top it off, there were many sounds and smells overwhelming her senses. Not to mention how they were speaking in a different language she did not understand. She hoped Reddish was picking it up for her.

β€œYes, darling. These knick knacks are to die for! We must look them over sometime and pick some up for the darlings back home. They would get an absolute kick out of them.” She eyed the people, seeing if anyone would recognize her instantly and decide to flee, but no one had. Growing ever more frustrated, she kept up the searching despite the odds against her. She knew it was less than likely she would find it out and about on some merchant’s stand, but she had to hope.

Otherwise, it had to be on the ship still. And since no one on board could remain except the crew (and Lady Munn) then either the culprit was out along with them somewhere or was one of the members of the crew, in which case it was not likely she would find the watch. The crew could access places she could not. She had to hope that was not the case, but she would sink that ship and find the watch if she had to.

Faye Masterson

Location:Benha (Train Depot/Tours)
Skills: N/A

Faye continued to storm off. Was it a bit childish? Sure, but she was getting tired of trying to explain herself to people like Richard. She hoped that their time together last night would have opened his mind up a bit more to at least not think of her work as β€œmagical”. It was more than that. She could hear him running to catch up to her and she was not about to slow down and wait for him. Let him tire himself out a bit.

Then she remembered the events of last night. The suit catching on fire (twice), the falling through the chair, not to mention the dishes falling outside of their rooms. He was a klutz or he had a bad luck demon following him. As she finished her thought, she heard a loud sound like something hard hitting something. She turned to see Richard sitting on the ground, rubbing his head. She stifled a laugh she wanted to unleash. She ran over quickly, offering a hand to help him up. β€œYou really need me around Richard. If you keep this up you are going to get yourself killed.” She would help him up before she looked around her. She didn’t spot anything of note, but at least she had not run into any poles. β€œAre you all right to keep walking? I believe we are almost there, and I hope we will find something closer to the trains. So far, nothing is jumping out at me.”

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Port Annan
Skills: Language -English

Colette thanked the man with a light curtsy. β€œThank you ever so much sir.” She turned to face the direction indicated by him and made her way. Thankful she was now heading in the right direction, she let her mind wander a bit more. She now had to determine how she would handle seeing Lord Rutherford. What could she do exactly? The man was powerful and had friends in high places, surely. Plus, how would she explain finding them? Being in the right place at the right time perhaps? Either way, once she was sure that Millicent’s safety was met, she would decide then and there what to do.

She wondered if she should write her brother and see what he thinks. She had a feeling she knew what he would say though. β€œStay out of matters in another’s marriage.” Her brother did not understand the thoughts of a woman though. She had a small inkling he never will either and she pitied the woman that will marry him, despite his great personality and handsome looks. The woman will have to pick up the slack in that relationship.

She noted that a man walking down the street made a show of avoiding her by going completely around her on the opposite side. She stared at him briefly. What was that all about? Surely she was not scary-looking. She decided it was not worth thinking about too much as she made it to the post. She walked over to them, eager to get started. β€œGood day. My name is Colette and I was told to find you. You see, I am looking for a friend and her fiancΓ© as I have an urgent message for them and was told you would know where to find them. Lady Millicent and, more specifically, Lord Rutherford.”
Debutante Blush
Location: Second Floor Stair Landing (Going Up)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush weighed her options. Downstairs was where the others in her assortment were, but did she desire to speak to them? She had to admit to herself that, while she felt a draw to some, the rest were not worth much of her time. She had found the upstairs to be much more eye-opening to her interests and if she was being offered a way up again without being questioned, she would take it. β€œYes, I shall go back up then if that is the case.” She turned and followed the man going up.

She debated how to go about this. She needed more information, but would it be given freely? β€œMy dear sir, if that is the case then surely an investigation must be done. After all, one among us has blown up the bridge and has prevented anyone from coming or going. If we needed help we would not be provided with such. Someone among us surely meant for that to happen, in which case I dare not to think of the reason for it.” She put a hand over her heart to appear as a timid woman, but this was not so.

No, in fact, her mind was working overtime. Someone is intending to keep them there and she had a sneaking suspicion the person who invited them all here is the culprit. Or, at least, is a player in this game. If that were the case, she would have to keep her wits about her if she had any hope of surviving the night.

Faith Masters

Location: Carnival Grounds
Skills: Diplomacy

While she was thankful to Sophia for answering her question, it was overshadowed by the fact she was chastised like a small child. Again! The figure she hadn’t met before seemed important and, based on what she overheard, and the questions asked, seemed to be someone the Emendators looked up to. She did not mean to sound like a bratty kid, but what would you call being gifted with powers, being tasked with what seems like an important job, be trained by an arrangement of weird, but seemingly powerful individuals who critiqued her in the hopes of wanting her to do better, only to have the one she looked up to the most vanish, among others, and being left in the dark when information is being freely exchanged. To her, that’s betrayal. To her, that feels like favoring others above the rest. If that were the case, she would have words.

But she was not stupid by any stretch. She knew it was not the time to address it with Gilbert then and there. She had asked and received an answer, albeit one that only sought to produce more questions. Instead, she took a calming breath. β€œYou are right. We can talk about it later. I did not mean to sound brash. I do feel Andromeda’s question is worth an answer though as I am curious myself.” She would let the rest hang there. She was angry, but she would not be rude to someone who commanded power. If only she knew what the deal was.

Priya Khurana

Location: Grimaldi Manor

Priya could smell the sweetness in the air. Normally, she was a sweets kind of girl. But in this instance it only made her more unnerved. What had she expected anyway? So far, Grimm, Indiana was living up to its name. If this were a horror movie, would she be considered the final girl or would Riley? She shook her head, already knowing the answer to that question. The police did not live long enough in those movies. She followed Riley down the stairs, smelling something strawberry-like, but nothing like fresh cut. She quickly scanned it, taking it all in. She was being relied on after all.

Though she did not anticipate Riley calling out for whoever was down here. Even if it was someone she knew, it did not mean they weren’t dangerous. Hell, hadn’t Riley killed people she knew? β€œRiley, stay behind me and let me take the lead. If anything happens, I want you to get out of here and call for back-up. I don’t know what to expect, but I do not expect anything good.”

She pushed forward past the girl, eager to explore their environment. The manor itself may have once been a great place. Heck, maybe it still was, but now it served as a potential crime scene. She resolved herself and kept a hand on her service weapon, just in case. She knew better than to fire first and ask questions later. That was how issues with the police got started. If she could prevent injury, she would. But she had a feeling it would not be that easy.

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Playground (Meeting Room)
Skills: N/A

Tinley really didn't need this now, but there was nothing else she could do at the moment other than to give orders. She trusted her team. "All right Agent Wu, follow me to get geared up. I believe we can scrap something together for you to use." She turned on the comms to address the entire facility once the alarms had turned off. "This is Agent Abercrombie. We have Purifier activity out there along with two members of our team. Agent Wu and I will be going out to retrieve Agents Novikova and Smith. While we are doing so, Agent Renroir, I want you monitoring security. If there are signs of Purifiers finding our base, alert the others and take care of them. Agent McCormick, you already have a task, but once done please help Agent Renroir monitor.

Agent Bautista, I want you on standby to receive Agents Smith and Novikova. Depending on how it goes out there, there may be injuries in which case I need you to bring them to Renroir for healing. Agent Reed I trust to figure out where help is needed. For those without assignments from me, find Agent Reed and see where she needs assistance. As a back-up team, Agent Flynn, be prepared in case things go South. Other than that, let's get our team back home where I can properly kick them in the arse for being so stupid."

She closed the comms and gestured for Agent Wu to follow her. They would head to get geared up.

Tempest Renroir

Location: The Playground (Tempest's Room)
Skills: N/A

Tempest nodded at Niah before Tinley sounded over the comms. "You heard the lady. Best get ready. I'll tackle your computer once we deal with our friends. If they are injured, just message me over comms and I'll run to them. Better to not move them too much if they are injured." With that, she turned back to the outside camera.

She observed the quiet until it seemed as if the Purifiers were agitated. And they quickly called for a search. It seemed they either knew about them or they knew Novikova and Smith were out. "Shoot, I think the jig is up. They know they are out there, I think. She turned on her comm with a direct message to Tinley. "Agent Abercrombie, I believe the Purifiers are aware that Novikova and Smith are outside. It may be harder to sneak around now." She was glad not to be in those shoes.

Leighton Brooks

Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills N/A

Had Leighton not assessed the nerdy looking boy before, she would have been majorly pissed off at his obvious attempts to flirt with Jack. She had always wanted a GBF and he fit the bill nicely. "How about this. Let's have a class of sorts. I could practice my powers and you can meditate and Jack can oversee it once there's time. I seem to have all the time in the world since I can't go up on the streets just yet."

She had been feeling a lot better once she found this place. Even though the lodgings were less than desirable, she had found the people to be...accommodating. Better than what she had experienced in school. There you couldn't trust anyone else. Hell, if she were to reveal herself now, she would be the lowest of the low and she would NOT stoop to that level.

Here, she could be among others like her. She could still be on top. And maybe even more.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Homeless Shelter
Skills N/A

Anastasia could feel eyes on her and chalked it up to people being unsure of her. She couldn't fault them, of course. She was new and even in a mutant-friendly shelter, it was hard to trust. She scanned the others and her eyes landed on a boy that looked like he either was used to a fight. Hopefully, he had won.

She approached him cautiously. "Scuse me, I don't mean to bother you and feel free to brush me off, but I can't help but notice you look like you fight a lot. I'd hate to see the other guy." she joked before continuing. "I'm eager to get out there and fight back and help. Do you know of a place like that where I can go?"

Allison Andrews and Sara Grey

Location: Outside -> Operating Theater

Sara heard her uncle's words and knew he was trying to cheer her up. And in a way, it worked. She knew her actions were not her own. It didn't quell the feeling in her gut that she had deeply hurt people. Nearly killed them and could have done worse had Storm not stopped her and Allison not gone out with Professor Xavier and finding Jean. At least she was conscious.

Allison, meanwhile, used her telekinesis to help lift Bethany to the operating theater. As she stepped in with the others, she ignored Guin and Pietro doing their thing. She couldn't help but fight both sides of her saying how cute it was and wondering if that was all they did and was now the time? Granted, this could have all gone horribly wrong.

Sara was injured, but not to the serious extent Bethany and Neil were. She walked up to Neil to see how he was. He could not hear her, but he could see and feel her. She grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze. As if to say "You will be all right."

Allison addressed the room. "All right, as I am sure most of you have gathered, we have just been through quite an ordeal. Mesmero had taken control of some of the people here and caused them to fight the others. Things seem to have calmed down now. If we are in need of blood transfusions, I can step up. I do not remember what my blood type is, but if it can be used, I will gladly give. And if not, tell me what to do and where to do it."

Myth the Muse and Fleur La Mallificum

Location: The Wizard's Tower - Great Hall

Fleur waved the thanks away. She had not done so to be praised. She had done it because the boy did not ask for the god Chthon to invade his body. Plus, she had wanted that power. And to dispel the Sicknesse[ that claimed her own and nearly wiped out those she actually cared for. And to top off the insult, the man had asked her to find towels and probably aid in the birth. "You realize that I am a witch, correct? You have heard of Cradle Snatching? Are you sure you want me near the child?"

In between breaths, Myth fought hard. She clenched Bruce's fist, sure that even with all her strength she could probably make very little way with it. "You touch my child with anything more than a woman's hands and I will strike you down where you stand witch! Now get this kid out of me!" She unleashed a wail the likes of which she had never heard before. She knew her lungs were powerful, but not this much.

Fleur smirked and let a low chuckle come forth. "Feisty. I like this one." Fleur turned to make her way to find towels. After some searching, she managed to find some in a closet on the first floor. She made her way back to the others and laid the towels down. "There, now do the...thing. The birth. Do it now." Fleur stepped back a ways to allow them some room.

Myth could feel the child coming slowly. She knew it would be a matter of time. She breathed in and out slowly, but the pain was bad. Who knew her exploits would lead to this? Giving birth to a god's child. Damn she wanted this to be done with though.


Yumiko fought the urge to vomit as she had flirted her way with the Fire Nation guard. It was bad enough he was not to her tastes, but he was Fire Nation, something she would never let touch her if she could help it. But it had worked and he was none the wiser. As soon as they had left, she dropped the act. "That was horrendous. Seems all men want the same thing, regardless of where they live." She stared at the men among them, content she had it right.

She followed the others along. Though the two who decided to make-out in the middle of the street were already ridiculed by her peers, she had to give them credit for the act. And they were not considered sketchy. Chalk it up to the hiring practices of the Fire Nation. They really needed to do a better job of weeding out the idiots. After all, how could one forget this face? At least she was happy to know the guard wouldn't forget her now.
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