Avatar of FantasyChic


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm single, but hey, at least Hopper is alive.
5 yrs ago
When you finally confirm you made the right decision. Best of luck to you.
5 yrs ago
Thought I left this Facebook status bullshit when I got out of high school.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Green Moose, Guava Juice
5 yrs ago
What fresh hell (lololol) did I miss?



Name: FantasyChic
Aliases: ShopoholicGirl19, Sarcastic Piece of S***, Miss
Age: 28
Birthday: April 11
Ethnicity: American
Major/Minor: Forensic Psychology
Occupation: Server at The Cheesecake Factory
Languages: English, Sarcasm, Irony, and Some Spanish
Current Bio Theme: Debbie Jelinsky (Previously Shego)
Years RPing: 8
Preferred RP Section: Advanced
RP Level: High Casual - Advanced
Dedication Level: Omg SO High!
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Mary Sue Characters, RPs losing interest after initial posts/interest checks, Feeling like you know everything about RPing (we ALL can learn)


Height: 5'8''
Weight: Never ask a lady this...
Build: Slight curves, more top heavy than anything
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Skin Tone: Cream
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: Two ear piercings, small scar on forhead, no tattoos (yet!)
Personal Style: Normally, FantasyChic wears comfortable clothing, mainly t-shirts and leggings, but she will branch out if the mood fits. She loves girly clothing, especially skirts and dresses. Ever obsessed with handbags, she has a large number to match any outfit combination. Her favorite color to wear is, of course, pink.

She typically wears her hair down as it falls to her lower back. She has only ever cut it once (and regrets it to this day). Jewelry is minimal, but she is fond of earrings and necklaces. She is also a big fan of sweatpants.


Witty * Inattentive * Fun-Loving * Troublesome * Reliable * No-Nonsense

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Forever Alone
Personality: FantasyChic is, above all else, a fun-loving person. If it's not fun, she does not take part in it (unless she has to). She is sarcastic and witty to a fault, at the expense of others. She isn't afraid to tell someone off if they are acting the fool. She can be the best friend you could ever want or the worst enemy to make. The choice is, often, not yours.

FantasyChic is reliable. She strives to get her tasks done, even if it takes a bit, but she will do it, especially for those she cares about. She can be inattentive, usually not because she does not care, but because she is probably thinking about puppies/glitter/memes/etc. She is also troublesome, getting things wrong and messing up in real life and in RP. However, she doesn't let bad times phase her.
  • Swearing
  • Sarcasm
  • Drinking

  • Writing
  • Reading (mainly mystery/thrillers)
  • Gaming
  • Music

  • Bees
  • Not Seeing The Bottom Of A Pool Of Water
  • Losing Eyesight

  • Shopping (A bit too much)
  • The Color Pink
  • Humor
  • Netflix
  • Free Drinks
  • Chicago
  • Video Games

  • Sexism
  • Humorless People
  • Hot Weather
  • Headaches
  • Getting Sick
  • Ranch Dressing
  • Losing

Cards On The Table

RP's Currently In

Upcoming RP's
  • TBD

Other Interesting Things


Why Did You Come To The RP Guild?: I had the itch to RP those years ago and no amount of writing was sedating it. I needed a creative outlet. So after scouring the internet, I stumbled across this site. And the rest is history.

Life Before The Guild: I started RPing in the MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game City of Heroes. I played for fun, but I ran into a group of people RPing. I asked them what they were doing and they introduced me to the concept. A quick character creation later and I joined their team and began RPing on my own.

Eventually, I moved from game to game, RPing in each one. I played Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Tera mainly. Each game introduced me to new concepts and I grew my skills in RPing.

However, tragedy struck in each game. I was put into positions I was not comfortable in, I was harassed by people I thought were my friends, and I found myself not having fun anymore. So I up and quit. After a couple months, I missed RPing.

Life Since The Guild: It's been a whirlwind of a time on here. A rocky start found me joining (and leaving) many RPs due to inactivity or lost interest. Finally, I found a place I feel wanted, loved, and cared for. And I don't plan on leaving it soon. It got to the point where I am even considering GMing my own game: a thought I NEVER thought I would have.

This is my home now.


For one reason or another, I have come to know these people and consider them friends. Regardless of starts or ends, these people are the reason I continue to come to this site day after day. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

@Lord Wraith: Probably the person I consider my first friend on here. He seemed to be in every game I put interest in (especially the superhero ones). As time went on, we got to know each other and became friends. We've had ups and downs, but he will always be someone I care about and I hope we can write again in the future.

@Morose: Oh my pink bothers you? Too bad! I love this girl so much! She is a wonderful GM and a great person to talk to. We've butted heads a few times, but what friends don't? Who knew we started off in Superhero RPs together? I must have blurred those memories! Either way, she is a great storyteller and I look forward to the chaos we'll cause!

@Nallore: This girl is quite the character. She's goofy and fun and a joy to be around! She's there if you need someone to listen to you vent or to just bitch about our life with. She has even become a really good GM, able to create some interesting stories. Put us together and I have a feeling not much would ever get done.

@ONL: We met in an RP and our characters were fated to be stuck together. After all, we only have each other in that game. He's such a sweet guy and his characters are all interesting to read and interact with. I've had the best time RPing with you and I hope it continues.

@Natsu: This guy is so sweet. I've enjoyed RPing with him and having my characters and his interact because there always seems to be an inherent closeness with them. He's such a sweetheart.


Quotes: "Yo"
"Aw f***...."
"You can never have too many purses"
"Well, that happened.."

Theme Song:

Most Recent Posts

Faith Masters

Location: Carnivale Caravan -> Ben's Cab
Skills: N/A

Faith followed Siduri closely as they wandered around the carnival. Who would have known this traveling circus would be the change they needed in order to set things right? She certainly didn’t expect much from them, but now she was going off on her own to train her ability to bring Eve back and help the others correct whatever time fluctuation was happening. She thought back on her beginning here, unsure if she was better than she had been. She thought she grew some. The Faith of the past certainly wouldn’t have cared about anyone, least of all Eve or Bart, but now she was determined to help the others.

She wouldn’t say it, but she was going to miss the others, even the two bumbling Emendators left to hold the reigns. She knew the other Paradoxes were competent enough to be able to handle anything that came, but there was also the dire need of fixing it all in a short amount of time. Either way, she climbed into the vehicle that would transport her to New York. She wasn’t exactly thrilled, but given all that happened, she was sure she could muster up something that would get the woman to help her.

”Ready when you are.” She gave one last look at what had been her home before she readied herself for the journey.

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills Ice Manipulation

Leighton understood that notion of not trusting others. Hell, she didn't trust most of these people here. Erg seemed to be the one she trusted the most, which was odd, but given the fact he did not bullshit her it earned her respect, for whatever that was worth now. "I suppose I'll need to make a decision, but it's hard. On the one hand, I don't want these powers to define me, to make me feel like I have to choose a side in a war that may or may not happen. On the other hand, I have these and now feel I need to use them for something."

As Erg threw the next can, she took aim and shot an ice shard, hitting the can and freezing it. And not freezing Erg in the process. "Yes! Oh my God, I did it! Where was this control in Target?" Then she remembered and it brought the mood down again. "I hope that guy is ok. I didn't mean to freeze him."

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (Outfit)
Skills: N/A

If what they were saying was true, then it explained why she was able to remember the real reality. She had often seen her power as a curse, but it has blessings if it meant she was able to withstand whatever trickery was plaguing them, even if others would not admit it to themselves. She could see why, but Guin needed to face the facts as they appeared. The girl loved facts anyway.

Pestered with question after question left Allison now more than miffed. She knew where she was coming from, but the proof was there now unless she was somehow able to magically alter her brain. "Listen Guin, and I am going to say this with all the love and respect I have for you, but this world is screwed up. You don't think the moment I "woke up" here and saw Oshea that I wasn't happy? That I don't long to live a life with him as my future husband and grow the family I always wanted? I do, but this reality is not the right one and it sure as hell isn't the better one. In case you missed it sitting on your high horse with your family name and marrying a prince, but humans are left to suffer while we reign. In the true reality, mutants are seen by some as menaces, but many also see them as heroes. We're heroes there, whether or not we are respected for it. So no, I do not want to stay another second here, even if it means I give up being with Oshea."

She took a beat before she continued. "I don't know who else remembers, if anyone. I know I saw a few of our team back at the party. Carolina. Annie. So they are here. For right now, the only people we can trust are in this room."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

With everyone more or less controlled, either unconscious or not, they were in control now and had a big guy coming after them. And it stood to reason he was not much of a talker when he was smashing. So they needed to step up. "Magic can be back-up if needed, but we don't want to hurt him. We'll need him if we want to make heads or tails as to why we are here and why some of us remember while others don't."

"We go out and meet him and talk. I can mind control him to calm him down potentially if things get volatile. We avoid violence if possible, but if things do get dicey, hold back unless seriously in danger, but we have numbers on our side, which isn't saying too much against the jolly green giant."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Lousiana
Skills: Telekinesis

Ana slammed against the fall, enjoying the pain coursing through her now. She stood up, cracked her knuckles. "Only talking because I am bored, cherie. And no, please do not hold back. The pain is a lovely feeling. One I never experienced before. But know I will not hold back anymore either." With that, she charged forward.

She used her power to lift Rogue up a bit and propel her towards her as she lined up her fist, slamming it into Rogue's face with force, sending her back. She felt the contact and relished in it before release. She waited now, knowing this was now about to get very interesting.

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood

Before Mona could respond and give feedback on Hecate, it was quickly answered anyway, a light appeared over her. It seemed it was her turn. She was secretly excited to see what would happen. Soon, her clothing, hair, jewelry, and make-up all changed, but not in the way she expected. She had a long, pink dress on (she would NEVER be caught dead in it), her hair was up, her make-up felt caked on and full, and her jewelry sparkled. It FRICKEN sparkled! And to top it all off, she found out who her mom was, apparently.

"Aphrodite?" The goddess of beauty or whatever? What modern times usually depicted as almost a prostitute? That was her mom? "No, there must be a mistake. There must be a god or goddess of practical jokes right? I can't be the daughter of the goddess of love and pink sparkles. That's not who I am."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: New York Sanctum
Skills: N/A

In a span of a couple of months, things went to shit.

Once things got super bad, she made calls to her family. To tell them to seek safety. She hadn't heard back from them but she had precious little time to think about that as she was still meant to lead. To lead the rest of her team (yes, she has to say rest of her team) through this. Novikova. Sparky. Tempest. Harry. All dead due to Ultron. Though that wasn't entirely true, was it? It was partly due to her. She had to take the blame for it. She put Novi directly in his line. It should have been her.

She echoed that thought as she stared at herself in the mirror, cracked due to a fist hitting it the other night. Fresh cuts on her hand now. She took a few moments to breathe in deeply. She swore every time she closed her eyes she saw one of them. Staring at her. Judgment in their eyes. And not only them. She knew Maria hated her. How could she not? And Raynor? God, she couldn't even imagine the hurt.

She was surprised that her badge wasn't taken. Or her job. Hell, throw her to the wild for all the good she had done. What had it all been for? Now the world was slowly inching its way to being completely fucked over and she was meant to stand tall and face it head on? Being a hero sucked.

But being a hero was what she wanted. And being a hero was what the world needed.

Myth the Muse

Location: Asgard - Myth and Bruce's Home

Myth still held Halden close, but she also wanted to bring in the girl too. She would let the table flip go, especially since Bruce seemed fine. "Listen, honey. I'm doing my best here. Motherhood is new for me. I got this little guy here who needs me A LOT more than you or your siblings. Mainly because I trust you all to be able to handle yourselves. But I will tell you what. I'll come visit too. We can make a day out of it. How about that?"

Before she could continue her speech, there was a knock on their door and she went to go answer it. Opening it up, she was faced with Runa. "Oh Runa. Hello. Please, come in. Is something wrong?" Judging by the woman's appearance, there was something to be worried about. Given all that has occurred, she was dreading the news.

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: The Witch's Country

Fleur shut her eyes as the old witch attempted to blind her or disorient her. But no, upon opening them she saw her true intention. Each clone was identical, Fleur could see that. It would be near impossible to guess the right one. She could only smile though. She had expected this fight to be fun. "Have to admit, did not expect that. But as I said, I need nothing more than my wits to handle you." Soon, Agatha launched fire at her and she dodged quickly. She took out her only "weapon" of sorts. The Time Stone. She closed her hand around it, summoning its power. At the center, she could feel some warmth as time moved around her. She couldn't control the speed though, it had always been a struggle, so Agatha aged back considerably, appearing 20 years younger. Fleur let out a laugh. "Well, seems your clones are gone and I made you younger! You should thank me considering you are about to die."

As quick as she sped time back, she lifted up a hand and gazed intently into Agatha's eyes, entering into her mind. Concillium was a newly acquired skill due to her recent adventure, she had been aching for a chance to use it. "Now, listen close. I want you to take one of those lovely blades you have lined up there. And I want you to cut off your own dominant hand." Agatha would have no choice, her will now belonging to Fleur.

Once the woman's hand was chopped and she relished in the screams. She continued. "You bit off more than you can chew, worm." She sent forth a dark mass of Darke Magyk, entering into the woman. From the inside, Agatha would feel her body on fire as her blood slowly boiled her from the inside out. It would be a slow process of death. One Fleur would relish watching.


Leighton Brooks

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills Ice Manipulation

She got some sense that there was more meaning behind Erg's words, but she was certain he would not elaborate on them. For whatever reason, he knew something she didn't. She had no home left. Surely if her picture wasn't out there somewhere with what happened to Target or the clothing boutique, then her likeness was. And it would be slow steps to them finding out she was a mutant. She would be disowned.

"I have no home anymore then. They would not accept me. I grew up hating mutants largely due to them and how they raised me. I'm smarter than most give me credit for. I know I act like a bitch, but I would rather push people away that could harm me than bring others in only to be stabbed in the back. Now that I'm a mutant, that much still holds." She took aim at the bottle again, this time trying her best to control her power. She let off an ice shard, hitting the bottle and freezing it. This time, though, the bottle did not shatter.

She fought the urge to happy dance again. "Hey, I did it!"
I'm in
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