Avatar of FantasyChic


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm single, but hey, at least Hopper is alive.
5 yrs ago
When you finally confirm you made the right decision. Best of luck to you.
5 yrs ago
Thought I left this Facebook status bullshit when I got out of high school.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Green Moose, Guava Juice
5 yrs ago
What fresh hell (lololol) did I miss?



Name: FantasyChic
Aliases: ShopoholicGirl19, Sarcastic Piece of S***, Miss
Age: 28
Birthday: April 11
Ethnicity: American
Major/Minor: Forensic Psychology
Occupation: Server at The Cheesecake Factory
Languages: English, Sarcasm, Irony, and Some Spanish
Current Bio Theme: Debbie Jelinsky (Previously Shego)
Years RPing: 8
Preferred RP Section: Advanced
RP Level: High Casual - Advanced
Dedication Level: Omg SO High!
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Mary Sue Characters, RPs losing interest after initial posts/interest checks, Feeling like you know everything about RPing (we ALL can learn)


Height: 5'8''
Weight: Never ask a lady this...
Build: Slight curves, more top heavy than anything
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Skin Tone: Cream
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: Two ear piercings, small scar on forhead, no tattoos (yet!)
Personal Style: Normally, FantasyChic wears comfortable clothing, mainly t-shirts and leggings, but she will branch out if the mood fits. She loves girly clothing, especially skirts and dresses. Ever obsessed with handbags, she has a large number to match any outfit combination. Her favorite color to wear is, of course, pink.

She typically wears her hair down as it falls to her lower back. She has only ever cut it once (and regrets it to this day). Jewelry is minimal, but she is fond of earrings and necklaces. She is also a big fan of sweatpants.


Witty * Inattentive * Fun-Loving * Troublesome * Reliable * No-Nonsense

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Forever Alone
Personality: FantasyChic is, above all else, a fun-loving person. If it's not fun, she does not take part in it (unless she has to). She is sarcastic and witty to a fault, at the expense of others. She isn't afraid to tell someone off if they are acting the fool. She can be the best friend you could ever want or the worst enemy to make. The choice is, often, not yours.

FantasyChic is reliable. She strives to get her tasks done, even if it takes a bit, but she will do it, especially for those she cares about. She can be inattentive, usually not because she does not care, but because she is probably thinking about puppies/glitter/memes/etc. She is also troublesome, getting things wrong and messing up in real life and in RP. However, she doesn't let bad times phase her.
  • Swearing
  • Sarcasm
  • Drinking

  • Writing
  • Reading (mainly mystery/thrillers)
  • Gaming
  • Music

  • Bees
  • Not Seeing The Bottom Of A Pool Of Water
  • Losing Eyesight

  • Shopping (A bit too much)
  • The Color Pink
  • Humor
  • Netflix
  • Free Drinks
  • Chicago
  • Video Games

  • Sexism
  • Humorless People
  • Hot Weather
  • Headaches
  • Getting Sick
  • Ranch Dressing
  • Losing

Cards On The Table

RP's Currently In

Upcoming RP's
  • TBD

Other Interesting Things


Why Did You Come To The RP Guild?: I had the itch to RP those years ago and no amount of writing was sedating it. I needed a creative outlet. So after scouring the internet, I stumbled across this site. And the rest is history.

Life Before The Guild: I started RPing in the MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game City of Heroes. I played for fun, but I ran into a group of people RPing. I asked them what they were doing and they introduced me to the concept. A quick character creation later and I joined their team and began RPing on my own.

Eventually, I moved from game to game, RPing in each one. I played Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Tera mainly. Each game introduced me to new concepts and I grew my skills in RPing.

However, tragedy struck in each game. I was put into positions I was not comfortable in, I was harassed by people I thought were my friends, and I found myself not having fun anymore. So I up and quit. After a couple months, I missed RPing.

Life Since The Guild: It's been a whirlwind of a time on here. A rocky start found me joining (and leaving) many RPs due to inactivity or lost interest. Finally, I found a place I feel wanted, loved, and cared for. And I don't plan on leaving it soon. It got to the point where I am even considering GMing my own game: a thought I NEVER thought I would have.

This is my home now.


For one reason or another, I have come to know these people and consider them friends. Regardless of starts or ends, these people are the reason I continue to come to this site day after day. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

@Lord Wraith: Probably the person I consider my first friend on here. He seemed to be in every game I put interest in (especially the superhero ones). As time went on, we got to know each other and became friends. We've had ups and downs, but he will always be someone I care about and I hope we can write again in the future.

@Morose: Oh my pink bothers you? Too bad! I love this girl so much! She is a wonderful GM and a great person to talk to. We've butted heads a few times, but what friends don't? Who knew we started off in Superhero RPs together? I must have blurred those memories! Either way, she is a great storyteller and I look forward to the chaos we'll cause!

@Nallore: This girl is quite the character. She's goofy and fun and a joy to be around! She's there if you need someone to listen to you vent or to just bitch about our life with. She has even become a really good GM, able to create some interesting stories. Put us together and I have a feeling not much would ever get done.

@ONL: We met in an RP and our characters were fated to be stuck together. After all, we only have each other in that game. He's such a sweet guy and his characters are all interesting to read and interact with. I've had the best time RPing with you and I hope it continues.

@Natsu: This guy is so sweet. I've enjoyed RPing with him and having my characters and his interact because there always seems to be an inherent closeness with them. He's such a sweetheart.


Quotes: "Yo"
"Aw f***...."
"You can never have too many purses"
"Well, that happened.."

Theme Song:

Most Recent Posts

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: Language -English

Colette still did not understand how that creature wasn’t connected to Ludwig. Even though the poor man was gone, whatever that thing was still seemed connected to him somehow. How were they to know Ludwig didn’t die because that creature grabbed his soul and took over and the fight ended both of their lives? There were still so many questions and very little answers. ”Whatever it was, it was unlike any creature I have faced before. Soulless I know, but during my travel here on the ship we were attacked by some large, unknown creature in the water. It was another thing I had never encountered before. I do not know if the two are connected.”

She felt the others were in similar situations for the most part in their cluelessness. The haze remained, of course. If that meant there was still more, Colette would face it, but at what cost? She came to ensure Millicent was safe and ended up finding out not only was her target dead but now there were creatures of unknown origin attacking. Still, she supposed this beat sitting at home and doing nothing. Though she wondered how far this haze traveled and if others were safe.

”If it is not over, we have some time to prepare then. I could use another weapon and we could get magical defenses placed, just in case.”

Myth the Muse

Location: Ruins of the Palace (3 years later) -> The Palace (Present)
Skills: N/A

Proud of herself for facing a freaking giant and living to tell the tale, Myth put down the "boulder" and allowed the others to do their work. It seemed the woman had some fight in her, though Myth may not have appreciated the methods. Still, the giant put her down. "You're welcome" Myth told her, noticing the woman had not thanked her for aid. Mayhaps Bruce was right.

And speaking of the dear man, he managed to transport them back to the present and she had never been so happy to see the courtyard. She wanted to go back home and pick up her baby and hug him, but she knew they still had work to do. Regardless with what Bruce said, she had every intention of stopping Ragnarok, or at least stopping the event she just witnessed. She would not see her family on the ground. Not without a fight.

"Well we are back, safe and sound thankfully. Thank you, love. I still think we need to check on Tate and his girl when we have time, but up to you. What's next?"

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Near Port Witch Coven House
Skills: N/A

Fleur had not told anyone else apart from those in her coven about Nera and about her feelings for the woman. Hell, the coven wasn't even aware of the true thoughts and feeling she still hed for her. "She was my best friend, my closest confidante. She was my second-hand when I needed someone and she obeyed without question, but it ran more than just me as leader. I felt a kinship within her I had never felt before with anyone. As a leader of a large group, you learn to never trust anyone really. This one was the first I allowed any sort of trust. And she was taken from me by that woman. So, I will see her dead upon the ground."

Fleur wondered what other work the woman had left to do despite following her with the probable intention of killing her. "Of course, dear heart. I don't expect you to drop everything and come with me. You are a woman of your own and you will find that while I may lead my flock, they are, more or less, left to their own devices. In fact, if you would like, I could aid you in your work. As a way of cementing this newfound partnership we have. Up to you though, my dear. I have some business to finish here and then I will be as free as a raven."

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - E5
Skills: N/A

Mona didn't know what to expect with the offer of transportation. Given the fact these kids all had abilities granted by the gods she was sure it was going to be something weird and out of the ordinary. So it was much to her surprise when she was picked up and ran across the field at top speed. Before she could even begin to process what the hell had just happened, she was mere feet away from their own flag.

However, Mona was disoriented. She nearly dropped the flag and fell to her knees, dizzy and unable to catch her breath. She felt sick, but not to the point where she would puke all over. It was more like she was on a roller coaster. It took a minute to process it, but she felt a hit on her hand, causing the flag to drop from her hands. Before she could react, Kiera grabbed the flag and ran to their own.

A horn sounded, signaling the end of the game. Mona shook her head, finally coming back to reality. "We won? We won!" It was the first time she had ever been excited about a sport.

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: Baton Combat, Force Field Generation, Hand-to-Hand Combat

Tinley cursed each step she took as it became harder to climb. There had to be an easier way, and she would get to that once those fucking drones were taken care of. She unleashed her batons again, flipping over one and smashing it down to the ground. The second and third she jammed both batons into them and crushed them. "These drones are getting on my last nerve."

She summoned a force field around herself and began propelling herself upward. She was still tired from her climbing and she could feel the force not being as strong as she liked and only got to three stories higher before she had to suspend her field. And, of course, the drones followed her. She swiped at a few of them, but they grabbed her batons and took them out of her hands. "Oh fuck you! Not having that right now." She ran at one of them and flipped, spinning in the air with her feet outstretched. Tinley smash!" she screamed as she collided with one and it hit the ground, releasing the baton. She only had one, but it was better than nothing. "Come at me bastards! This is only the appetizer."

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground - First Floor -> Outside
Skills N/A

Leighton felt her anger building and she knew that would not end well with her powers. The structure of the building was already compromised, she wouldn't be the one to crumple it all down around them with further injured inside. She allowed the others to question the man, and it was easier than she thought given the fact he released a name without input. Callie used her powers on him, it seemed, so she backed off.

She had no medical know-how so helping the injured was not in her wheelhouse. What drove her nearly to the edge was Sunshine's continued attitude towards other people. People who, thus far, seemed to be on her side or have helped her in some capacity. Leighton knew that she, herself, was a bitch, but Sunshine went beyond that. "Why don't you shut up for a couple of minutes. Every word out of your mouth is an insult driven towards someone and we don't really need that right now. If you want vengeance for Erg then I'm on board, but chewing out your allies continuously is only going to drive them farther away." She would know and she knew the irony of her words.

She shook her head. "I need some air. I can't help the injured and I would only hurt them further if I tried." Leighton left them to step outside, not really caring for Sunshine's retort back at her. Maybe they both needed a minute to calm down.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Hellfire HQ - Medical
Skills N/A

Ana could feel the healing process. She pitied that it would only be for a few moments that her body could heal itself naturally, but it was useful. She heard Emma's words in her mind and knew she was correct. She would bide her time. For now. "How are the two idiots I was paired with? I don't see them here so I take it their injuries were not as severe as mine." Hopefully they were working on the next bit of their plan, but she figured they were probably standing around doing fuck all.

"So what's the next step then? I'm anxious to get going." Her body felt light again as she moved slowly to stand. The blood had worked wonderfully and she wished she could somehow have it continuously work through her. And the claws would be a useful addition, should something like that attack happen again. She could already see herself sinking them into the Ice Witch's face as her boyfriend watched.

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace Grounds - New York (Outfit)
Skills: N/A

Allison rubbed her hand after Wanda stormed off with Pietro in tow. Thankfully, Guin seemed to bring him back to his senses, though the poor guy still looked lost. "As I am sure Guin already told you, this reality is not real. Or rather, it is not the original reality. We have just confirmed that your sister changed it to this with one of the biggest reasons being that she wanted you closer to her and not part of the X-Men. In the original reality, you joined us and she didn't handle it well."

Allison thought for a few moments. She looked over to Oshea, thankful he stuck around and was, more or less, on board with all of this. "As we are right now, we can't hope to change reality back without her. So we need to find her or find someone just as, if not more, powerful with the ability to alter this reality back to the original. As for those options, I am at a loss. The only thing I have left is possibly trying to get a vision and see if that gives us leads. But you're the scientific one Guin, surely you know some way to fix this?"

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Inside the Palace
Skills: N/A

It seemed they had a solid lead. Find Pietro, find Wanda. "I guess it would matter if he knew she changed all of this or not. I imagine she kept him in the dark. All of this just to have your brother. Their bond must be pretty solid then. Well, either way, we figured it out. We should see about getting him and having him lead us to her."

As if on cue, Klara showed up and offered them a way back. "Solid lead for sure. Let's get back and regroup with the others then and tell them what we found. They will want to know. Use the ring and let's get out of here before they come in to check and find the lot of us standing around in the princess' bedroom." Tinley gave a cursory glance at Goose, thankful Klara had a handle on him before she waited for transport.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: West Side Red Guard Base
Skills: N/A

She didn't much enjoy this obvious teaming up against her. If they wanted to lie and be secretive about it, that was their prerogative and she had to give credit to them. That didn't mean she had to enjoy it though. "Far be it from me to question why you would hide our goal after finding it. After all, if you did have it that would be mission success and we could get out of here, heads held high. But if you don't have it, you don't have it. So where is it then?"

She knew they had it on them. She would find a way to get it later. For now, she would play along with their game. They had to have a reason for hiding it from her. She supposed they didn't trust her too much and she could hardly blame them. She was still new to the Thieve's Guild. And if this was as powerful as spoken of, then maybe they didn't trust it in her hands. They would be right, of course. But still, it stung a bit.


Location: Serval Industries - Training Room
Skills: N/A

Bella hadn't seen Demetria walk in. She hadn't expected anyone to be here other than herself. The others weren't much for training as far as she saw. Well, that wasn't true. Evelina surely used the room. Perhaps Bobbi, when she found the time. "Sure." Simple response, but she was bored and had nothing planned as of right now. She could use the activity. Plus, it would make for some interesting training, considering she had never fought against the woman before.

She walked back to the center of the room and spun to face her. "So, powers or no? I'm good with whatever you prefer but know I won't hold back just because we are on a team. Need to make sure if you have my back in a combat scenario that you can hold your own." She had no doubt the woman could, but if one limited their combat prowess to only using their mutant abilities, that made them weak. You needed to know what to do in case you couldn't use your powers or only had your hands.

She waited for her response, but she was ready to face her whenever she wanted. This was going to be fun, at least.

Faye Masterson, Josephine Clarke, and Faith Masters

Location: DttS In-Between, DttS In-Between, The In-Between: Shores of the River -> Evelina's Cave
Skills: Occult Knowledge

DttS In-Between: Soon, the world around them dissolved into nothingness and then into somethingness. Or, at least something resembling a world, but it was unlike that of which she was just in and now Josephine felt very alone. She had traveled and came to know Haakon until he was gone. Then she managed to find someone in Reddish who disappeared as well. Now she was with this woman who, slowly, was irritating her with her overall demeanor. She wanted to shake the woman, but she thought better of it. They would have to work together now if they had any hope of making through whatever the hell this was.

Jo stood up now and took in her surroundings. She saw the figure as well and before she could rationalize it, Mosi began screaming and freaking out. Again, Jo fought off the urge to give the woman a hard slap across the cheeks. ”Darling, do be quiet for a couple of minutes, please? I imagine screaming at the thing, real or not, would not make the situation better.” Jo took an uneasy step towards it, but it did not move. Whatever it was, it was as if Death himself was standing before her.

But to that end, she began to hear other voices. She saw that they were not along anymore. It appeared some of the others she knew had joined them, along with some she did not recognize.

Dtts In-Between: Faye felt overwhelmed at the sheer amount of work being done, but it soon unraveled around her. She moved to move. It was better to try than to accept defeat, but even then, she knew it was only a matter of time (ironic really) that it all soon dissolved. They were left in a place she did not recognize. It seemed whatever spell that had hooked them was completed and they were now here. Wherever here was.

”I do believe we are now where that spell meant for us to go. I do not recognize this place, but we are not in Arthribis anymore. Of that I am sure.” Faye spun around and caught two women she did not recognize. Or rather, one she had a faint recalling of seeing before, but she was sure she did not know her. The women seemed to gaze at something and Faye turned to see a skeletal figure, scythe in hand. It appeared to be Death, but it did not move, despite having ample targets nearby for him.

She recalled what she could about something like it and came to a conclusion. ”That appears to be a statue of some sort. Or whatever a statue could be wherever we are. It has not moved so I believe its sole purpose is to stand there and look scary. A job well done, as far as I know. Now, do you have some knowledge as to where we are now, Emendator?” she asked of Gene or whatever her true name was. Hopefully, the woman had answers.

The In-Between: Shores of the River -> Evelina's Cave: Faith caught her breath again and stood up, clutching the bag she had on her. ”I think you’d rather like what I had to sell. It’s apparently full of weapons against the various Kin of the time period and, by the looks of things, the realm I was just in. Unsure if it will be useful here, but a girl does like to have her accessories.” She left it at that, both glad to see Eve and a bit pissed off that the woman had ran off to be here of all places.

She followed though. She imagined Eve knew where she was going. They came to a cave that looked like Eve had inhabited it for a bit now. A fire was set up and Faith stepped over to it to dry off from her recent swim. ”Yeah well, you should know by now that it will take a lot more than that to kill me a second time.” Faith had a lot of questions. Most of which was: was she still meant to save her? Or the other way around?

”Do pardon me saying so but your vacation home is a piece of crap. I don’t suppose you wish to share why you up and abandoned all of us back home without a word. And yes, I said home, because that is what it was. I never felt like I truly belonged until I became a Paradox and now, here I am, tasked with saving you when it doesn’t look like you even want to be saved. So, what is this place and why am I here now?”

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: Language -English

Colette had struck true, and she had to admit to herself she was surprised that the candle stand idea worked. Still, the creature let out a cry as she pierced it, releasing Millicent from its grasp. The girl was still standing too, albeit damaged. Before Colette knew it, the rest of the women among them got to work quickly, piercing and quelling the creature until, finally, with a roar it fell to ash on the floor. Colette tried to piece together some knowledge of Soulless that dissolved to ash once felled that looked like what they had faced and could not find any. So far, her journey has made her discover new dangers that lurk in their world.

Colette could faintly make out something in the ash and she was quick to run over and brush some of it away. Soon, she saw a face and a body of a man she recognized from before. ”I recognize this man. He was on the ship that brought me over here. So he was that creature? What does that mean?” she asked, more or less to everyone in the room.

”I have never seen a beast like that before. Does anyone know what it was?” Surely among them someone knew what they had just faced. After all, there were capable women among them. Especially the Russian woman, who seemed quite thirsty, though she had no water on her to give.

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - E5
Skills: Chrlorokinesis

Before Mona could respond to Theresa, two Ares kids lay in front of them. Judging by their looks, they knew they were outnumbered and overpowered, but they still stood ready to face them. Mona had to give them credit. Facing what looks to be an unwinnable fight and still hoping to win.

But she wanted to win this now. So she summoned vines and tied the two kids up in them. It wouldn't be dangerous, but it would hopefully hold them for a while. "There, that should hold them. As for a ride, I wouldn't say no to one. Quick as you like too. We can win this provided the other team hasn't nabbed the flag and is on their way back."

Mona would wait for Theresa to lead now, using whatever method she had planned.
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