Avatar of Flamelord


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7 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
7 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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So, time for us to place bets on who gets captured by the Demons this round. We have a tradition to maintain after all (like Krieg getting a new body)
Michael Kennison

The early morning was pretty peaceful, as far as Michael was concerned. He had decided to take the time to walk to the hideout, using the opportunity to enjoy a bit of a drink along the way. He might not specifically be a morning person, but a bit of food never really hurt to get him woken up and ready to go. It was a useful skill, and one that he had drawn upon heavily in the recent years. He certainly wasn't going to complain about this.

He wasn't sure what they would have in mind for the day, but he was sure that it would be interesting. Rare was the occasion when they simply sat around and did nothing, even if there were times when they had to stake some place out or wait around for people. those were boring as well, but at least he could focus on the job that had to be done. He didn't like being left without something to do. At least he wouldn't have to wait too long.

A sigh escaped as he breathed in the crisp morning air, enough to refresh and rejuvenate him as he neared the hideout. The suit he wore fit snugly, tailored for his size and adorned with a nice looking glass rose on his lapel, and he walked along with a smooth step. It wasn't like he had anything to worry about, not so deep in the territory of the Family. Aside from random chance, nothing could touch him here. That left him free to enjoy the sights and the sounds of the morning.

But at last it came to an end as it had to, with him arriving at the safehouse. He didn't take long to move inside, heading to the office where the meeting was to be held. Honestly he found himself surprised by the number of people there, since it was a rare time when so many of the Family were gathered in one spot. This must be important then, and he straightened up a bit to treat it as such.

A frown split his features as he shifted to look at the others when the Father made his announcement. War then? That was going to be interesting to see, though he did not not shy away from it. It might be callous to say so, but he was looking forward to matching his stuff against the other Families in an actual brawl. But ultimately it was up to the Father, so he wouldn't go intentionally provoking things without cause.

He nodded as his task was given out, as well as the guys that he would be working with. "You can count on us," he replied with a small grin and a small two finger salute before turning on his heels to leave and get to work. Time was wasting after all, and it would be more fun than being here.
@Flamelord Aw, I wanted Alexi to get a few to kill. She's got a fun tactic involving lasers.

Does it involve freezing a cloud of miniature ice crystals in the air and then firing your lasers into it to make a disco death machine?
Hm, time to start thinking up fun stuff to do with Tatiana now that I have her psychic powers worked out and she doesn't have to fly inside of a building like the last two times. And some fun for Tartys too.

Clearly Tatiana needs to solo every harpy on the field
@LmpkioI believe the battle's supposed to come out like this week.

He says right as the battle is posted
Oh hey, I guess Lone decided to come back after all.

As seen in Omertà, A Superpower/Mafia Roleplay
But it could have been trashy yuri.

But neither Aderyn or Masae are interested in Dana, much less in arranging a threesome. It probably would have made the Yuri less likely. :V
Well, here's my shot at a character sheet. Not too fancy, but I think I can make it work

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