Avatar of Flamelord


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7 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
7 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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@Flamelord: Hmm, that seems fine so far.

Edited in a list of song magic that she could theoretically use if she had her connection to the Tower
@Flamelord: I'd like some clarification on how she can make items magical and some elaboration on the spells she knows.

So in ar tonelico there are things called Grathnode Crystals. These crystals can be combined with objects to give them supernatural properties. These objects can then be combined with other objects to make new things, etc. There's a more technical explanation but it basically says 'this shouldn't work here.'

I'll write up a list when I'm off my phone.

"Ah, alright then." The angel was relieved when she heard Miyu's voice letting her inside, indicating that she had come to the right place after all, and that she had done so while the other girl was still here. Rusty doors would not serve as a sufficient deterrent to her, and if it came down to it she could always just fly over and come in through the roof or something. Needless to say, she had options when it came to entrances.

Tartys moved to open the door, only to be taken off guard as a thunderous, unexpected, and frankly scary rumble began to approach where she was standing from inside the building at a rapid pace. She would have expected that it was Miyu's mech, only if that were the case she would not have told her to enter on her own. Which left the frank question of just what was going on in there?

Then the door exploded.

Fortunately whatever had hit it did so in such a way that it didn't hit her full on or take her head off, though she did take a step back and summon her spear and armor while storing away the present that she had brought for the occupant of the factory. "Miyu, what is this?" It didn't look like anything that she had seen before, and sh would really prefer to know if Miyu cared about whatever it was before she went fighting it. If it gave her the option anyway, and in preparation for the worst she readied herself for a fight.

@The 42nd Gecko@Inner Demon
*Yawns as he waits to be able to do things*
Here's my character app then. Decided to be a bit different this time.

Most of the 300 pages is shitposting, let's be honest here :V
Such is the life of Beacon. Always getting the short end of the stick.
Yeah, hat's why I'm not about that megapost life anymore. Keeps things from being held up by players who aren't even in the scene.
<Snipped quote by Flamelord>

That just means she now has the option to casually lift her drink off and pretend nothing happened. Or take a calm sip before bashing it over the chump's head. Don't gotta ruin the party to participate.

She's got an ego the size of the sun. You think she's going to tolerate some offense while lowering herself to partaking in a bar fight?
Oh I dunno about that, I'm sure she'd enjoy seeing the Machina minions tearing each other apart for no good reason.

Perhaps, until someone had the bright idea to use her table as a shield, which I doubt she approves of because she was sitting at said table.
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