Avatar of FrogRFlowR
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    1. FrogRFlowR 3 yrs ago


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Let's burn everything !

I mean... for friendship to prevail and the such.
@TheWendil The deed is done !

María de Borbón



Description: Maria has been a magical girl for close to a century now. Although a very distant relative, she was technically born in the house de Borbón, the ruling Royal Family of modern Spain. Her family, while not in direct contact with the monarchs, were still very wealthy of their own means and Maria grew up in need of nothing. She attended the most prestigious schools and had the best education available, indulging in many kind of excess until her 20th birthday.

In 1937, in the midst of the Spanish Civil war, her family's estate was ransacked by a mob of angry civilians. Which side they represented mattered little and Maria never knew. In the village that they lived, their family represented excess and induced jealousy, so when everyone was starving, angry and ready to fight the inevitable happened and the family met it's fate and the hands of angry Revolutionaries. However, not Maria. She lived on through means she could never have anticipated. Before she, too, was killed by angry men something magical happened - a great book appeared before her. It was a dark book covered in ominous symbols and a dark aura, yet Maria felt the need to grab it...and the rest is history. Before the astonished eyes of the people present, María de Borbón disappeared never to be seen again.

A life of undeserving excess led her here, led her to possess this dark Grimoire - The Mythos of the Angel of Darkness, the Devil himself.

She was going to have to atone. Sole inheritor of her family's fortune, Maria traveled to France where she hid for a time, understanding her newly acquired power and coming to terms with it. For the longest time after that she operated alone. She had heard of the academy, but was wary of others. Her Grimoire gave her great powers, but she felt a constant pull towards something she was not, towards what the Mythos represented; Evil, Deceit and many kind of Excess. She could tap in this power, but had to remain strong not to give in, and felt like close relationship to others, magical girls or otherwise, was a risk.

Eventually, however, The Ministry summoned her to come and join their rank. It was not a proposition this time, and she knew it. Maria also knew that her time being able to be on her own was drawing to a close. if she was to somehow fall - whatever that implied - she wanted others to be close by to deal with what she'd become then.

Morning Star

Title: The Devil's Mythos.
Classification: Myth.
Description: The Devil's Mythos encompass the beliefs surrounding the fallen angel, under his many, many guises through just as many folk tales and ethnic groups. It whispers of promises of power, tell tales of deceits and of great many unspeakable betrayals. It contains the human belief of evil incarnate, no matter the origin or religion. It encompass every fears and has the will to dominate others. Needless to say, such a cursed Grimoire grants much powers - but at the risky cost of becoming what it represents.


Morning Star is Maria's chosen title for her Magical Girl persona. The less ominous name given to Lucifer, from the origin before it was the incarnation of all evil.

Her powers, however, are less buried in forgotten meanings and more...to the point. As the bearer of the Devil's Mythos, her powers manifest as one would expect; with Hellfire.

  • Demonic Strength: When calling on her powers, Morning Star has access to incredible super human strength and her physical attacks are devastating and deadly to all but the strongest foes - or the quickest. While her strength is grand, she is not the fastest.
  • Hellfire: Maria can call upon hellfire to surround her in a great tempest of fire, and can direct the flames to immolate enemies around. While hot, the flames themselves have no effect on people going through the tempest unless Maria chooses to focus the flames on a target.
  • Hellfire: Enhance: As if her great physical strength was not already enough, Maria can call upon the hell flames to enhance almost all of her attacks. her physical attacks would then be delivered with explosive, fiery effect and leave enemies charred and burning.
  • Wings of Evil: While she cannot remain in flight, Maria can summon forth two great bat-like wings wreathed in flames to send her a great distance away - like an enhanced jump.
  • Beelzebub: Probably her greatest weapon comes in the form of floating sword that looks like a cross that constantly remains floating behind her. The sword is made of an unknown dark metal and seemingly does very little until Maria calls upon it. When she does, she gets engulfed in flames for a time until the fire takes the form of a goat demon, first it's skeleton and progressively the full creature. Only it's upper body shows, Maria standing in the chest area and protected by the flames. When in this form, the Demon wield the great Dark-steel sword, now also wreathed in Hellfire.
There will be a modification coming to characters soon enough, probably tomorrow. A lot of confusion seeped in, so I will do a slight yet very beneficial modification to characters origins.

If you are creating characters, you might want to hold for this. I will ping everyone and review all characters once I edited it in !
Hey, checked the character. There are a few things that we would have to address lore-wise regarding her past, but that I cannot type right now! Nothing terrible don't worry, it's just there is so much details in my head that it was impossible for me to list every possible infos about the world in the OOC. :P
Just wanted to let you know I've seen it.

Sent you a message regarding Liora. Also a few things to discuss.


Some modification was done in the OOC Concept section. I will post it here, it's also up there. I tried to explain the character original concept better, as I know from experience of having ran it before that it's the one thing people get confused about.

The Envoys are programmed with a 'primary function' of; Serving the Pantheon, being loyal to it and accomplishing the mission they were sent on Edanica for, regardless of who their host body was and who they worshipped. That being said, you won't be machines. After the merge, the original host is effectively gone, dead, but remnants of it's mind and emotions and memories remain and affect the Envoy who's own personality will now be affected by those mementos at varying degrees (you decide).

When they merge with the host, this is where they gain their particular personality/idiosyncrasies and overall character from...effectively creating a new being that is a combination of the host and the Envoy's original loyalties and mission.

It's entirely possible, and expected, that characters will eventually meet conflicting situations from the host's past life.

EDIT - 2

Added Discord link top of the OOC. When you get in there, you can notify me on there or here and I will assign you the correct role if I did not yet!
Hello. I would invite you to reads the full post again as well as the OOC, which has a bit more info!

No, it does not matter. It is only inspired by it, but all the info you need is gonna be in here. :)
@Siber Herro. I would have liked for you to post the character in the OCO and not the character tab until it was accepted, please. :/

Now is too late, just a heads up. I'll take a look at it when I got more time!
@Assallya@Rune_Alchemist@Guppy Franz@LuckyBlackCat@PigeonOfAstora@Cao the Exiled@GingerBoi123@TheWendil

Hey everyone!
I put the OOC online with an idea of what to put in the character sheet + a little surprise to come. Feel free to post CS, ideas or ask questions over there and I,ll do my best to answer.
The World



Everyone worship the Pantheon. Throughout Edanica, the Pantheon is widely known and worshipped as a whole as is inspired by greek or roman mythology. Fishermen might give more praise to Midemis, especially before going out to sea. Brudel knights might give more praise to Agamemnon - but all in all, the Pantheon is the dominant faith on Edanica.

Their domains are left vague on purpose. People on Edanica tries to tie everything to the gods domains. For example; Undeads. Death is most often linked to Ytia, as she represents all things Inevitable, so Undeads would probably be linked with her also, although possibly twisted by some darker design.

My Pantheon is a bit more flexible than your regular DND cast of Gods, and is done on purpose. Not every Necromancer serves the evil god of Death, but most if not all at least give some sort of praise to Magylos who rules over Magic.

Playable Races

At the beginning, there was naught. Outside of existence, outside of time - a state of non-existence impossible for any mortal mind to imagine. Then, there was the 'Lights', for a lack of a better word. It could not be seen nor heard nor felt with any sense in existence, impossible to describe.

The light were... A tunnel that lasted for an eternity, yet ended in a breath. Beautiful, yet terrifying. It brought emotions and feelings that were impossible to understand. They are the totality of every things in existence, but also... an inexplicable great void.
And they have created you.

None of you ever "seen" the Pantheon, but you know their names as if they raised you. You do not remember any faces, but know each of them as if they were your parents - in a way, they are. Your creators, your masters. Your benefactors, and also your jailors. They firmly hold you in the grasp of their immortal hands and you belong to them.

You are the very definition of "Loyalty" towards your creators. The source of your powers may vary from one of the gods or the other, but all of you serve the Pantheon of the Divines wholly, and your mission is clear.

You have been sent to Edanica, the mortal world, to stop the realization of a Prophecy. You do not know which one nor what it really is about or what you will have to face. In an ultimate irony, your Masters left you very little to begin your search if but one sentence;
"Find Sol. Walk with the Ancients."

Hi and Welcome to Prophetiae Adventum.
This world, story and Roleplay is kind of my baby and something I had in my mind for a long time which I kept on building upon. It was originally created for Dungeon and Dragon but I decided I wanted to bring it to the Guild and see what the amazing writers here would make of this Adventure. Now, even though this was made for D&D, I intend to run it here as a regular RP, not a tabletop. That being said a lot of things like races and creatures will be taken from the DND settings. If you do not know DND and still are interested - not an issue. It really is just your classic Fantasy setting, so you're welcome here!


The concept behind the story is that every players have basically been recently created by the Gods of this world, the Pantheon.

  • Every Envoy, also called Angels, will be linked to a deity of the Pantheon and have been created from it's essence. You hold a part of that God within you, in a way.
  • Every Envoy will have been created and descend to Edanica, the physical world, and then possess a living or dead body of a mortal. Envoys inherently have no emotions or memories of their own, and their personalities will be inherited from two things; their Deity of origin's creed ands beliefs and the host body they possessed, whom original memories and personality will affect your character's new state.
  • To reiterate the last point, the Envoy (your character) and the original Host (the body you took over) are different things. The Host died, essentially, and your character remains as a new being, the product of a fusion between the god, the envoy and the host's original personality and memories.
  • Envoys/Angels will have been sent to Edanica to stop a prophecy, that much you know, but they do not know the exact details of what that entails nor what the prophecy is.

Brief Current History

For some time now Edanica was at peace. For the last century or so, a fragile peace was held when the Empire of Nuniel reached it's peak expansion and failed the break the status quo with Zuiterra or the Twin Kingdoms. Very recently though, in the last few years, hostilities have picked up again.

When the previous Emperor died and Emperor Metiros Alland of the Alland Dynasty took the throne of Nuniel, he began mobilizing his forces against the south. This time however, the Empire had Magi-Technologi weapons. For many years they began meddling with this new power and had created flying ships and other wonders of magic and technology, but only now it seemed they applied it to military uses under their new Emperor. They had managed to create soldiers, machines they called 'Warforged' as well as what they called 'Magiarms' (firearms) that can shoot deadly projectiles from a distance. With these new means of war, Nuniel has been making steady progress and pushing the No Man Land's borders towards the Twin Kingdoms slowly but surely.

It's among all of this turmoil that the Envoys of the Pantheon have been sent to Edanica. No matter where on the land they woke up, all of them had an innate ability to sense their brethren and find their way to them.

Somewhere in the kingdom and city of Latis they would finally all meet.

Some Rules

I probably won't have a ton of those, but I'll list the ones that seems most important to me.

1. The RP is inspired from D&D, but isn't D&D. As such, it's going to be more descriptive and narrative without the rules. For battles, most of the time, I will let you be your own judge on whether you succeed or fail in dealing with smaller mobs and monsters. Your characters will start off on the stronger-side. However for some NPCs, encounters and evidently tougher enemies, players will have to describe what they attempt to do and wait on the GM update to see how it goes. I am do my very best to stay available for questions in that regard.

2. My schedule varies from week to week, but I will try to give a post every week. If I cannot for any reason I will tell everyone, and I expect people to do the same. I will wait a few days for stragglers and people who needs a bit more time, but will eventually have to keep things going. If that happens, there will always be ways to let people get back in. If someone ghosts or keep the story from going forward often enough, I'll address them and it could unfortunately lead to dropping them.

3. No drama, no pointless arguing. I don't think I'm a mean person but I will try to keep my foot down on decisions, and if someone brings more trouble than anything else, I won't stand for it. Probably will noit come to that, though, hopefully.

4. When all is set and done, I will accept a group of a maximum of 5 people. This story is big, and I need to tailor a lot of things around the characters that will be created, so I can hardly do more.

5. Post characters in the character tab only if it's accepted please.

6. Unique to this story, it is essential that your character is willing to follow the reason they were created. That is, to learn more about the prophecy they were sent to stop and be loyal towards the Pantheon, at the beginning at the very least. it might feel limiting, but it is only because if some people or everyone create atheistic characters who cares not for the Pantheon, the story cannot progress at first.

That's about it. There is no CS format in the Interest Check on purpose, but I will give a few pointers for those that needs to have a better idea of their character;
  • Your character will come into this world with innate knowledge of most stuff you'd expect a grown mortal to know. For example; you might be a few weeks old at most, but you know what a tree is. You know social standards and the such. You might not necessarily know what a certain monster is if it's on the rarer side, but depending on what your 'host' previous life was, that might vary.
  • In D&D, Adventurers are people who are above your average mortal from the get go. They are special individuals with innate skills in one or many things. They grow to become Heroes, Kings and half-Gods. Your characters will start with innate powers that wouldn't be in a regular D&D campaigns. They will have certain actions they will be able to do that is purely added for this RP format, and customization.
  • Your characters cannot be non-believers - for obvious reasons. You do not have to be crazy Zealots neither, but you have to be loyal to the mission and willing to complete it as the most important goal. The story is tailored to show Immortal beings (you) the truth being mortals existence and it's hardship. Chaarcters views might change as the story progress.

Sheet Template

The sheet is open ended. Write it as a regular Sheet, not a DND stats sheet please.

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