Avatar of Genkai


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
7 mos ago
Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
5 yrs ago
Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
5 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

No problem, I hope you're feeling better, don't push yourself unnecessarily. :)

EDIT - Still fine with waiting, as an fyi. :)
After pre-ordering ME: A, I am craving some sci-fi.
Okay, I wanna sum up our thoughts, let me know if I'm missing anything!

We've got two spirits who possess the dead in the real world. The Fade has two factions forming where one wants to sever all ties with the real world but that would cause both worlds to suffer, where the other faction wants things to stay as they are, reasonably so. Then we have two heroes to aid the other two spirits in an attempt to deal with the rips between the worlds which have been letting in demons. That about right?
No problem, I can barely type as it is so I won't be on for longer than an hour, tops. :/

And I understand, if college wasn't being paid for me, I doubt I'd even be able to afford it much less have the interest in finishing. College shouldn't be such a warzone for people but it's almost over.
For Marvel, you mentioned being open to playing canons, which characters do you think you'd be willing to play? I'm not looking to pair up an OC with them, I personally just enjoy playing with/as canons. In terms of mature themes, being in my mid 20s, I can certainly handle them should they arise. Action scenes are my weakness so I'd be willing to push myself in that area, if you're willing to work with someone less experienced in action/quick pace scenes.
I'm sorry I missed you. >__< I feel really bad, opening the tab for hangouts had just slipped my mind entirely for some reason, I think I was too focused and by the time I remembered to check it was pretty late into the night.

The Guidelines

- Must be able to post once a week. -

- Must be able do double and write equally for a male and female. -

- Must be able to write at least 3-4 paragraph for each role. -

- Must be able to communicate on a consistent basis for plotting purposes. -

The Roleplay

I am seeking a partner who has played FE: Fates, any of the paths will do though I have played all three at least twice. If you have only played certain paths, that is fine just let me know so I can work with you better. In terms of a plot, I anticipate things will likely be best suited for after the game has concluded and both kingdoms are trying to rebuild and deal with any petty squabbles and outbreaks of conflict. I am happy to do something in the middle of the game but it would take a bit more consideration with plotting from both of us. Overall I am looking for a simple plot that we can add depth and complications as we go along; I'd rather not bite off more than we can chew. Below are some pairings I am interest in, roles which are italicized are ones I feel capable of writing as. You may note certain characters are excluded on purpose due to my either lack of interest. Should you have a pair to suggest, you're welcome to do so. And if we happen to come to a compromise where we each pick a pair we're craving, I would like us to treat them both equally with the same interest and effort.

The Pairs

- Xander x Hinoka -

- Leo x Hinoka -

- Xander x Sakura -

- Leo x Oboro -

- Jakob x Sakura =

- Takumi x Mozu -

- Ryoma x Scarlet -

- Leo x Hinoka -

- Kaze x Kagero -

- Sakubi x Sakura -

- Sakubi x Hinoka -

- Hinata x Kagero -

- Arthur x Camilla -

- Laslow x Rinkah -

- Hayato x Mozu -

- Kaden x Elise -

- Silas x Mozu -
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