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I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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@71452K New banner if you'd like XD


As she headed out the door, still fumbling with her jacket. Eventually she sorted herself just as she heard a *piiing* ring internally in her head thanks to the MChip inside of her. She pulled put her phone, a sizable geometric item that could serve as a blunt object in her defense, and grossed her fingers over the keys.

I'm close to HQ, I'll see you guys there unless otherwise. See ya.

There were times when they would just find a cyber cafe and log in that way but the Gvn wasn't fond of them doing that as it could raise a few questions should someone find three people unconscious plugged into the DgtWld. But sometimes things couldn't be helped. Other times they used their secure devices at home but often, it was a trip to the HQ in London that initiated their deep dive into another world, a digital one, cold and populated with the worst of humanity. For the public, they were unaware that it was possible to actually insert one's self into the DgtWld. To them the DgtWld was purely the global internet they used to surf, buy items and put themselves into beautiful virtual reality scenes but never physically, never truly immersive.

That technology of syncing up your mind and body to a digital plane was reserved for the Gvn who needed it for their own purposes. Sometimes hackers would get their hands on something similar and would go inside to physically do personal harm to people and servers where data was housed. But it was risky and dangerous. And deep down, probably took an unseen toll on one's own health but the wage Correctors were paid, was certainly worth the numerous risks involved. The trio was just one team of many stationed around the UK and the world. They were a special team that had secret jobs and sometimes, Sasha found herself wishing. pining for something stable, something less sneaky.

Walking down the street, the fog seemed to hug around her, draping her in a light mist. Sasha let out a sigh and kept walking, moving around the others who were out for an early lunch as well, or those dodging their academic responsibilities. Soon she came to a large white building. It was HQ. The public regarded it as a branch of the Gvn dealing with security and in a sense, they weren't being lied to. The building itself was very angular, seeming to be constructed of squares and rectangles. It was modern, simple and somehow unassuming.

Walking up the steps, a man in a black suit with black sunglasses leaned over and scanned the MChip on the back of her neck before opened the door, allowing her entrance. Even though they had been doing their job for many years, the procedures didn't change. Once inside HQ, she walked over to the front desk and the blond haired receptionist checked her in. "The guys will be here soon." Sasha mentioned as she glanced back toward the simple black tinted glass door. The lobby was filled with white marble floors and white and black leather seats. Another man in a black suit walked by, this time his shades were a bright red, signaling he was another level of security as opposed to the bore outside in the drizzle.

Sasha moved over to the single door leading back into the bowels of the building. Another man was there with another scanner. She flashed him a smile, unable to see the man's green eyes from behind his black shades. He scanned her and motioned for her past him down the hallway. She shook her head and continued down, coming to a room at the end of the corridor. The white, sturdy door slid open and she entered. The room was small but by no means claustrophobic. The walls were a light grey with speckles of black and white glitter but it was really bits of carbon-fiber.

There was a round white table in the center with three small black devices that connected to their phone's Cnnt application. Sasha took a seat one of the three soft leather armchairs and pulled out her phone. If they were at home or in public, they'd used their phones to plug into the computer or laptop but at HQ, there was no need to even have a computer or screen. To the Gvn, it was superfluous. Unnecessary. They had no reason to hide their tech when at HQ, no need to put up a front, so to speak. Sasha tugged off her jacket and set her purse down. She set her phone one the black device in front of her as it wirelessly connected to the DgtWld.

The phone acted as a connective device from her MChip. As soon as the other two arrived, she would execute the Cnnt application and they would slip into the DgtWld seamlessly. While she waited, she thought back to her plans coming up. With Christmas closing in, she hoped they would be given some time off. She had to wonder what the others would want. She thought it might be fun to surprise them with a trip somewhere so they could see a new place, get their minds away from work. Avery was the first to arrive. "Hey." She greeted as he took a seat. Soon enough Riley arrived as well and she threw him a smile and a two fingered salute. "Looks like we're ready to go." She hummed.

When the others had set up their phones, they all executed the same application and their bodies went limp in the chairs as they were uploaded into the Dgtwld. A frantic stream of pixels fell from nowhere as a young woman took shape in the blink of an eye. Now known as Urkwia, the blogger turned around and stared off into the depths of the Dgtwld. It was lifeless, like a grid of nothingness. Urkwia took a deep breath as the others were materialized as well. She waved a hand in front of her as a semi-transparent screen appeared so she could look up the details of the Collision. "So we've got activity, looks like something over that way in the Oasis Quadrant." She said. They were never put directly where the notification came from, as it could risk putting the Correctors in danger without any notice, so they usually had to get there themselves to scope out each situation.

The walk towards the Collision didn't take long at least. "One of these days they'll have to give us a transport upgrade." She muttered with a sigh.

Eventually they made it to the anomaly that a hacker had constructed. Hackers would create things within the DgtWld if they could not enter it themselves. They would code a place where their viruses could hide while working, creating more work for Correctors. It seemed this Collision was in the form of a ruined overgrown city. It was about the size of ten city blocks by ten city blocks. It was big but nothing they couldn't comb through. Urkwia looked to Maverick and Archimedes, "Where should we start?" She asked them. "Maybe one of the high points? It would be good to get an overview, a good vantage point." She suggested. There was no way to scan for the viruses but they would be found in due time.
Those sort of things were covered in the OOC post on the first page or in the intro in the IC. So what you have in mind is generally what I have in mind as well. I'd say take inspiration from MEA or Star Trek would be a safe bet.
I'm thinking in time. Much like the TARDIS though, it may be impossible to fully make, but the basics would probably work.
@71452K I've heard of female-only trains though my apartment is supposedly within walking distance of the office so I shouldn't be too bad. I don't plan on really leaving Sendai unless someone comes out, then I'd probably shell out the yen to go somewhere. It's nearly 100 bucks to even go into Tokyo so I'm not eager to do that. I don't do bikes since my vision makes it impossible for me to balance on those things. I'll be trusting my feet and public transit for most things. Well all things XD

I can handle anyone who tries anything, two older brothers ensured I could defend myself and do it well. Muahaha. But I doubt anyone would try anything, even though Japan isn't "as safe" as people think, it's still fairly safe and I suspect I won't have much trouble unless I get super paranoid at night...which miiiight happen. But hopefully I can find some cute guys in the area, if not I'm totally holding you accountable.

And a timeskip is a good idea. I hadn't considered that. I'd say a week would suffice. I also do encourage ya'll to draw up plans for your private quarters if you'd like, I'll add any pics or layouts to the main OOC post.

Oh I like the sound of that. As long as they're not handsy salarymen.

Supposedly there is a big university where I'm headed so maybe the night scene will be good for me...though I feel old just thinking about people who just turned 21 or 22...

Without warning, the final egg seemed to hatch, spawning a large brute man who was clearly panicked. Understandably so but Natazume wanted to avoid violence or any acts of aggression if possible. They couldn't be a threat to one another, even under such stress. "N-no one here is going to kill you." She tried to assure the man. Thankfully Eli stepped in to try and give some reassurance to the very confused man. Natazume watched him closely, 'He would do well as a Captain or first officer.' She considered, for now keeping her thoughts to herself as the four of them tried to sort everything out as best they could.

Next Gio tried to get some answers and Natazume made a note that he too, would fall into either Captain or first officer quite nicely. But for now, it was best to save those choices for later. Gio wanted answers and she agreed, the other four and herself had been able to acclimate together and give a quick summary of where they were from. While Natazume did not hold any suspicions of the last individual to come out of his slumber, she wanted to ensure everyone was safe and on the same page.

"My name is Natazume, that's Gio and that's Eli." She started to tell the other man. Eli did a good job at filling him in about what had happened though in all honesty, it was still a big mystery to everyone else involved as well. "We were picking roles we would like to try and take while on this...ship." It was difficult for her to equate this place with the kinds of ships she knew back home, the ones crafted with love and honesty.

The woman glanced down to where the other two had wandered off toward.

'I wonder what they're up to.' She mused. As...interesting as there current venue was, Natazume was itching to see another part of their new home. She wanted to see if there was anything, anything at all that brought her closer to home. Perhaps some kind of body of water where she could find some moment's peace. She took a step back and looked to the bracelets that were left. They needed to pick something so they could all move on and explore with the others. "Those will give us access to the others areas. I guess we'll find places to sleep and eat."

Of course until she found these so called places, she wouldn't believe anything. The technology that surrounded them was unreal and yet they were awake, very much awake. She had confidence in those around her but they still needed to sit down and gather their wits and try to find out more about one another. If they were to find answers, they had to trust one another. For now it had to be given but she wanted to know more about who she was giving trust to. "I know it's a lot to take in...that our home and loved ones are gone...but we cannot change what has happened...it's a horrible shock and one we will have to live with, but we need to move forward as best we can. Somehow." Natazume said to the stranger.

It was doubtful that her words would offer comfort but she needed to give tough love along with encouragement.
Haaa something tells me knowing my luck, all those I work with will be chicks. :/
I'm gonna avoid softbank if possible. The issue with my current phone is that it's a bit old and I recall it the phone is from five years or earlier, it should work in Japan if unlocked. I would ideally like to go to MVNO but it depends on what's around me. I would like to do the one month contracts just for simplicity's sake since renting an apartment or getting a phone seem to try and lock you into two year plans which I can't comfortably commit to.

I've been eyeing the weather too, where I'm headed it doesn't look too bad, about what I'd find in SF which is only 30 mins away from where I live currently. If I can get my phone unlocked before I go (at a reasonable price) I will but otherwise I'm gonna suck it up and look o MVNO if possible. But again, getting internet in my apartment will be my first priority and then a cell phone. Since I also know getting internet will be a pain in the ass too, I think I'll get a co-worker to come with me when I set up things though. I speak conversational Japanese fine but I'd rather have a Japanese person there since I know it helps the process.

Btw, I am gonna make you a new banner, I've been meaning to get around to it so I may do it tomorrow if I remember XD You had the same idea as me, I'll probably just overlay the sketch and smooth it out some. @71452K
Craving Logan and Fruits Basket.
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