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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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Match Three

Before anything, before the match, in the breathless moments before the previous match had even been decided, there came a knock at the door of the Vigilantes locker room.

Michael was sitting down on a bench in the locker room, thinking about the various strategies for the match. A knock on the door broke him out of his thoughts, and he went over to the door to see who it was.

When Michal opened the door he found a spindly young man standing there. He quickly shoved a folded note into Michael's hands. "A scary girl told be to get that to you." He said, before running off like escaping from a blast radius.
On the top flap, scrawled in black marker, was the word "Wolf."

Wolf wasn't far behind Michael when someone had hastily delivered the note. A note that he quickly realized had his name written on it. A scary girl had wanted this delivered? That made him think Vera, but he couldn't imagine Vera bothering with something like this. Besides, she'd had all the time she needed to talk to him earlier that morning... not that she had.

"May I?" he asked, but he sort of just took the note without waiting for an answer. It had his name on it and he wanted reveal its secrets while he still had time before their match began.

There was only one, hastily written sentence on the inside:
I think you're in danger

Wolf's eyes widened. Danger? Him? Why!? It was usually everyone around him in danger these days, not him! It made no sense. He was about to go into a match. Meredith was to be one of his opponents, so obviously she wouldn't do anything. Ria was warning him, so he found that unlikely. That just left their third unknown. But what the hell would be a stranger's motivation?

Well, with such a vague warning, there wasn't much he could do. He'd just have to be on guard -- more so than usual these days.

"That's not ominous..." he said aloud with a sigh. Why did everything have to be so hard?

Nasearph glanced over his shoulder at his words, shaking his head at the note. "Probably just mind games. You know how she is." He said. "This is a fight. No matter how many safety precautions they put in place there's always going to be some element of danger. So it isn't, technically speaking, a lie. Don't let it cloud your mind." He looked forward as the signal went off to call them to the field. He stepped up, striding with an eagle's focus toward the door. "We're halfway up the mountain now, and the fall will only be more painful the higher we've climbed."

Michael examined the note as Wolf took a look himself. The message itself was short and vague. Michael wondered what the purpose of it even was, considering the timing. If Michael recalled, Ria was one of people on the opposing team in their upcoming match. Maybe Naseraph was right, and the message was merely a trick. It wouldn't do to be unfocused in the middle of the match. Still, an open mind and a bit of caution never hurt.

"In any case, there's no need to fear at the moment," Michael added as they walked. "On that note, I'd like to go over our roles one last time. I'm on defense, laying various Trap Arts around our flag."

Wolf took a breath and focused.

"This match will pretty much be a two-on-two battle for you guys. Meredith will likely focus on me. If not, I'll tack her down and keep her busy. I know how to deal with her tricks." He closed his eyes, looking thoughtful. "I don't think she can beat me. If I defeat her before the match is over, I'll do what I can to help you with the rest of their team." Nas and Michael wouldn't know a thing about Meredith's glyphs, and he didn't have time to explain everything. It was best he deal with her himself and, if he was right, Meredith wouldn't give him a choice in the matter anyway.

Besides, the last thing he needed was Meredith putting Nas and Michael to sleep.

"If she gets to you before I can stop her, stay out of arms reach. She she only needs a second or two to put you to sleep with her magic. You'll know she's trying to if she has blood on her fingers," However, he could at least warn them about that one.

"I suppose that leaves recovery to me." Nasearph said. "If you handle Meredith I don't think the witch and Ria are going to be to much of a problem. Especially Ria."
Michael/M&B (Scar)08/20/2018
"So we're all agreed," Michael said. He then lifted his hand, forming his paintbrush. "And I almost forgot, I still need to buff you two." Without waiting for a reply, Michael got to work drawing the necessary symbols.

On Wolf, Michael drew many symbols that primarily focused on increasing his speed and reflexes, with a few minor bonuses on his durability and stamina. With Wolf's armory, it was unlikely he needed the last part, but extra protection would not hurt.

As for Naseraph, Michael drew buffs that were primarily meant to augment his powers. Further efforts were made to help minimize the drawbacks of potential overuse of Naseraph's powers.

"Done," Michael said upon completion of his Body Arts. Michael made quite the effort for them, and he hoped it was enough. Looking them up and down, he knew it would have to be, and wasted no further time applying Body Arts to himself as well. This time, Michael focused on increasing stamina and speed, with a minor amount of durability.

The entire process took about 30 seconds. "Ready," Michael said once he was done with his preparations.

As the paint of Michael's body art seeped through their clothes and settled neatly onto their skin the call came in. They were to report to the field.

Ria, ironically enough, didn't have the worlds best poker-face. It was actually really bad. Blame it on years and years of being up front with how she felt, but the art of subtlety was lost on her. When she wanted something she told you, when she was worried it couldn't help but show up on her face, and if she was watching you it was obvious because she stared.

She was staring at Meredith now, and had been for most of their time together, and the more she stared the more her face sank. It was good, of course, to be yourself. To throw off the shackles and restraint that tied you down so you could be the you that you truly wanted to be, no matter what your friends, society's, and gods on the matter. If it made you happy in the long run, pursue it. If something makes you laugh feel free to laugh. If someone makes you angry, take it out on them. It was good for Meredith that she was finally embracing the parts of herself that had closed off and Ria wished her the best in her future pursuits, really she did!
But as she'd watched her, and watched her watch Wolf, she grew more and more certain that there was a sort of crookedness to it. A dangerous crookedness. Sometime it happened that was when you shattered the old you, you cut yourself up on the shards and got all delirious from metaphorical blood loss. It was a dangerous thing, changing yourself. You could go all weird for a while trying to get to know who you were now, push at your limits, strain your psyche. Overshoot. Ria was, at heart, a Vigilante. So it only made sense to protect her interests, even if it meant scribbling a quick little note while Mer's focus was elsewhere forcibly conscripting dweeby little wannabe peeping toms as her messengers. If you were free to go after what you wanted, Ria was free to try and prevent you from getting it. That was the way this worked.

They would be gathered there, she knew, on the other side of that wall. The boys were probably planning to blitz them. She hoped they put an end to this quick. It wouldn't be healthy for anyone to draw this out.

Wolf gave a nod to Michael, leaving the flag to him. As the match started, he headed around the side, aiming to go through one of the forested areas to reach the enemy team's side. In a way, he'd been enjoying the tournament so far. Technically this made him weaker, but Michael made up for it. And that was just it, he hadn't had to rely on his powers much at all so far. Occasional use of his trident, but that was it. He'd not had to use his armors once.

At the end of the day, he detested his armors. It took him at his worst to bring them out, and then it felt like he locked those feelings in, swimming in them, constantly feeling like he was losing it. Most days, the power it offered didn't feel worth it. If possible, he liked to avoid using them, so he was glad that today he hadn't even had to consider it so far.


As he tried to pass through the forest, he was suddenly intercepted by... a foot. To his face. He tumbled back onto his team's side of the field, clutching his mouth. He looked up to see Meredith walk out of the forest after him.

“Oh! Sorry, Wolfie! I didn't mean to sucker punch you!” Well it hadn't really been a punch, but the end result was the same. “But I guess I should have known you'd go first!”

Wolf stood and dusted himself off, “So... where were you?”

“Training! Didn't I tell you?” She spoke so lightheartedly. It was just like her. So why did it feel wrong?

“Maybe. But I don't buy it. You're leaving something out,” Wolf accused, eyes narrowing. She'd disappeared after their last meeting, and then all she'd ended up doing was training for the tournament? It didn't add up.

“It's not important, Wolfie! Come on, let's just have fun!” She unsheathed the large “claymore” that had been strapped to her back, one of her father's swords. Honestly the monstrous blade defied classification. He supposed he was glad it still wasn't as big as her father's current blade.
Wolf had to hurry to pull out his own blade as Meredith suddenly flew forward with a massive, vertical swing. He had to hold his sword up and brace it with his off hand, nearly bending over backward from the force of the blow.

However, he quickly shifted his weight, letting his blade slide off to his left and then turned his wrist, bringing the tip of his own sword around into Meredith's shoulder in a flash.

“Owie!” Meredith pouted and quickly pulled back. Wolf forced back and feelings of guilt. This was a fight they'd both agreed to, and Meredith more than most would heal. Already the flow of blood had effectively stopped.

Meredith seemed upset by the lack of any apology, but that only seemed to fuel her desire to continue the fight. She swung again, and Wolf had to jump back, at a disadvantage against Meredith's longer, heavier blade.

He dashed back in just as quickly, though. As Meredith redirected her sword, Wolf brought up his buckler to block and then thrust his own sword forward. Meredith leaned aside, but Wolf merely followed her movement, flicking the blade across her cheek. He once more made to thrust, but Meredith's wings sprouted and she quickly propelled herself backwards, panting from nerves more than exertion.

This time it was Wolf on the offensive, already following her. Meredith quickly stepped to his right and lifted her sword to thrust and ward him off, hoping to keep him from easily blocking with his buckler, but Wolf didn't slow at all. He swung his own sword into hers, pushing it aside just enough for him to move in twist the point of his sword up into her shoulder.
Meredith clenched her teeth, suppressing a pained groan. She let go of her sword with one hand, her left coming up to grab Wolf's blade and pull the sword from her flesh. A dark swirl of energy ran down her right arm and with only one arm she threw a crude, but brutal slash at Wolf, forcing him to retreat.

“You... you really did train hard... didn't you?” Meredith said, clutching her shoulder. “I guess I shouldn't have expected to beat you like this. I never did practice as much as you.”

SHTHUNK She suddenly stabbed her sword into the ground.

She crossed her arms over her chest and the same dark energy from before swirled around her and then crackled away, revealing her... changed. The illusion she wreathed herself in had gone away, showing off her new, slimmer shape. She almost sensually spread her arms wide with a flourish, her clothing changing next. Her top lost its sleeves and became more... low cut.

Wolf was confused. From his perspective he wondered if this new “form” was the illusion.

The crowd, however, didn't give it that much thought. A good chunk of them got quite rowdy at the sight of her. Meredith fed into it, giving them a little wave and blowing a kiss – and that really got them going.

She giggled playfully, “What do you think of the new me, Wolfie?” she asked him. “You look worried. Calm down. It's really not for them,” she told him, referring to the love-struck onlookers.

Even Wolf needed a moment to remind himself that her eyes were up there, but he recovered rather quickly, though the extreme change in both appearance and demeanor still had his head spinning.
“What happened to you!?” Wolf demanded. It felt like the Meredith he'd known had disappeared overnight. It was a lonely feeling to have with her so ironically close.

“It's really not a story worth telling. Not right now,” she side-stepped the question without a care. She tore her sword free from the earth with one hand. “Now come on, Wolfie! Let's have fun!” She licked her lips. “I promise I won't hurt you too bad.”

Wolf's eyes widened as her wings snapped open and she took off like a shot and then zigged to his left. Her swing was telegraphed but yet frighteningly quick. He lifted both sword and shield to block, but the impact rattled him to his bones and tore him from his feet – and his shield from his wrist.

He put an arm under him to lift himself up and looked at Meredith. It was clear to see in his eyes: he was lost. And then that look was gone. He'd told them he would fight Meredith alone, but more importantly, he didn't want anyone to interrupt. For the moment, for him, it wasn't about the tournament anymore.

This was his friend and something was horribly wrong. He needed to see this through.

Meredith grinned, “Oh come on, Wolfie. You keep looking at me like that and I might get the wrong idea...”

As he got back to his feet and brandished his sword once more, he took a deep breath. No matter what she said... this wasn't going to be fun.

with mild concern. Much to her credit, her poker face was significantly better than that of Ria. She had just seen one of her teammates going on her merry own way without so much of a plan and following her gut instinct. Or something...else. It wasn't her business anyway. Just to further the fight with the ever-changing circumstances. She eyed Ria once more as she dug in her clothes, producing a vial. "Guess it's time I burn some resources, huh." She said to Ria. What was that message she had written? Was she throwing the fight or anything? It was a secondary concern though. With Meredith grounded chasing her opponent in what was probably an obsession with her prey, and two other teammates closing in fast, the assumptions she had made up until now, and the choice to preserve energy and resources would probably be off the table. She needed to use more reagents she'd rather use further down the road.
A whisper, and then, the familiar cracking of ice surged from the ground as the purified water of the vial hit it, enveloping the flag of her team in a thick dome of ice. A hapzard simplistic defense feature, but at least it should stall for time, Diana thought. She addressed Ria. "Well? Defense or Offense?" She asked, deciding to at least coordinate with her non-rogue team member.

Ria frowned. Even with her eyes, she couldn't see exactly what was happening with Meredith. It sounded like she was still at least fighting, and it was certainly getting the crowd rowdy, so it probably wasn't a one-sided slaughter. She looked over at Diana,

"You go on ahead, try and get to their flag. Meredith with keep Wolf busy for quite a bit I'm sure," Ria told her. "No doubt Naseraph will be coming for our flag, but I'll deal with that. That just leaves you with Michael. He's probably set traps, that's sort of his thing, but as long as you're careful I'm sure you'll manage to survive at least. Once I handle Naseraph, I'll help you. Think you can manage? Good," she didn't wait for Diana to actually respond. "Now get a move on, we have a match to win."

Her little conversations with Nas were about to bear fruit. As long as Meredith didn't get carried away and this Diana girl kept pulling her weight, this would be a nice little victory for her.

Diana pondered, as she pulled a second vial out of her clothes. "The rarest ingredient I have ever acquired. Blood from a Virgin Half-Succubus." She muttered out loud as she examined the contents of the vial. Could she be able to do it? It was a risky move but if she managed to pull this off. "They may rush in... but they don't have aerial superiority." Diana added as she began to concentrate her magical power, her od flaring to life. An eerie breeze appeared underneath her feet... as they took off the ground, her eyes now eyeing the vial.

"Well, all or nothing." She added, as she gulped the demon blood. Immediately she regretted it, having to reinforce her body so she didn't explode from the demonic energy. "Guh". This would drain her stamina hard, as she manipulated the added energy creating a coat of dark Hellfire around her. I can only maintain this power for minutes. If i don't flush it out soon, well they might need to scrape my bits off the arena.. She squatted mid-air... and then shot out like a black comet coated in fire through the air, towards the flag at a fast pace, for an aerial snatch.

Naseraph saw Diana shoot across the arena. She was making a lot of progress toward their flag. Oh well, he was sure Michael could handle that. If not, his traps should at least slow her down enough for Nas to deal with her later. For the moment, he had a trap of his own to spring. For the briefest of moments, a crooked smile tugged at his lips before returning to a simple mask of determination.

Making his way to the opposing side of the arena was easy, and there Ria was, waiting for him. As expected.

"Well well, all alone are we?" Nas chuckled. "Such good eyesight, but I'm not sure you see what you're getting yourself into." His voice was up and cheery, but he was sure Ria knew better. She didn't know everything, but she knew enough to know about the façade he kept up for everyone else.

"I guess we'll find out, now won't we, little birdy," Ria frowned. Cocky little shit. She was more than just a pair of eyes, he'd find out soon enough. Oh sure, she spent some time with the Vigilantes, so he might think he knew about her. But she knew all about him. She knew all about all of them.

She kept her compound eye covered, focusing her divine eye on Naseraph. There were no other opponents anywhere near, so all she needed to do was focus on him. As long as the other idiot girls on her team didn't fuck up, she'd run this boy ragged until he was helpless.
"Well, come on, don't keep a lady waiting," Ria crossed her arms impatiently.

"You're no lady." Nas sighed, but indeed, it was time to get going. He'd start off slow. He knew the pace she wanted, so he'd fall right into it. Right now, he was more dangerous than usual thanks to Michael, even without his powers active, but he pulled back. No doubt Ria would suspect he was reinforced by Michael, but would she know what that would look like? Regardless, he attacked without any of his own abilities active.

Ria didn't toy with him. And for that he was grateful. He didn't want to waste time waiting for things to get serious. That said, she quickly redirected a punch and than slammed her palm up into his jaw, setting his head spinning as he reeled back. This was going to be uncomfortable.

Ria meanwhile had to resist the urge to grin. Yes, just as she'd expected. He didn't want to use his powers against her. She could detect every movement of his body, so if he tried to go all out he knew he'd more than likely drain his tank and then get stomped. But if he didn't use it at all, he'd just be skipping the middle.
He'd get stomped anyway if he didn't power himself up. That's what Ria knew about him. That's why if he was alone, he was doomed. All the other fights were happening on the other side of the arena, so it'd take him a bit longer to recharge if he did expend himself. She had him right where she wanted him.

And that was how it went. She danced around him and punished every missed attack until the bruises started to show.

"Come now Nas, this is just pathetic. I thought you were better than this," Ria scolded as she torqued his wrist painfully. She then cocked back a fist and aimed it right at his throat. The impact hurt. For her. It was like hitting a brick. Then some sort of force tore her hand away from his wrist before he spun and swung at her, forcing her to lean away quickly.


She grit her teeth, waiting for his next display, but he just paused for a moment and took a breath. He then launched at her with sudden speed. She couldn't counter this time, having to focus on dodging. He skidded to a halt and twisted, swinging a backhand at her that grazed her cheek, but just that stung like being cut by a knife.

What the hell was this? Why was he so fast?!
"Sorry about that, I may have misled you before. I'll give you a moment to take a look and figure this one out," Nas spoke, his voice cold.

Ria snarled. She'd gotten him talking once, and he'd told her how he wasn't the biggest fan of the second aspect of his powers, the ability to strengthen himself. That it weighed down his muscles in return for making them stronger. But she could see it now, analyzing him, that his body was coping just fine with all that extra power! The sneaky fuck had planned this, just in case they fought. Being able to see every move he made wouldn't matter if she couldn't keep up with them.

No doubt he'd know she'd try to deal with him by herself if she thought she could just wear him out.

"Fine, fine. It's my mistake for thinking I'd gotten you to be honest with me," Ria scoffed. Subterfuge wasn't a tool she enjoyed personally, not like this. Oh sure, she'd collect all the information in the world about someone and pore through it looking for weak points, but lying? It was just so boring and unreliable. She'd show him that right now. "I guess we're just doing it this way then."

As Nas began to move once more, Ria simply reached up and uncovered her right eye. The effect was immediate. Nas screeched to a halt, already beginning to sweat bullets.
He sunk to his knees, and then fell to his hands.

"Tsk, tsk. Your little trick only gets you so far." Ria shook her head. His head fell, breaking their eye contact. But it was too late, the paralytic effect wouldn't let go that quickly. The fear in his mind was already gripping tight. She stepped on the back of his head, pushing it down til' his forehead touched the dirt. "Just know... that I definitely do think less of you now. But what can I say, it wasn't much of a loss in the end." She pulled her foot back, but only to wind up a kick to his face that would end this fight.

"AGH!" Ria cried out. Before her foot had hit, Nas's hand had shot out and grabbed her ankle, clamping down like a vice.

Nas lifted his head up to look at her once more, "Just kidding." He squeezed until she cried out again, then letting go as she staggered back, trying to keep her balance with her foot no longer willing to support her weight. Nas stood up and dusted himself off. "Well go on, aren't you going to run away? Tire me out?" He glanced down at her hobbled foot. "Oh, right, that. Sorry. Why don't you take a break then."

He surged forward, slamming his fist into her gut. There was no cry of pain, just the sound of all the air escaping her lungs as she choked. She doubled over, but he kept his arm there, holding her up. He leaned in close and whispered into her ear, "And I need to tell you something. You're an arrogant bitch. Just wanted you to know." And with that he let her collapse to the ground.

She was going to feel that for the next few mornings.

Naseraph dusted himself off as he walked past Ria's fallen form. It seemed she wasn't the only barrier in his way. There was a more literal one before him in the form of an ice wall. Or dome, really. He took a breath to focus himself and threw a punch at it...

". . . ow." Nas grumbled as the wall held firm. Fine then. He sat down, cross-legged, and centered himself. He was going to need a bit for this one.

While the others made their way to the enemy flag, Michael got to work. His brush transformed into a roller with a long handle, and he ran in two large circles around the flag, one within another. The standard for a simple Trap Art barrier. It wasn't particularly powerful, probably lasting about 5 minutes at best, but it would buy some time. His real task would begin now.

Michael began to draw another Trap Art, followed by a multitude of crossing lines. This one would be smaller than the barrier, but it would serve his purpose well enough. As he was doing this, he looked up from his work, checking to see if any of the opponents were approaching. A movement in the sky caught his eye, and he raised his head to see Diana approaching fast. Michael wasted no time activating the barrier, covering him, the flag, and a sizable portion of the land in a black, semitransparent film that acted as the barrier.

Michael felt that time was no longer on his side. Morphing his roller brush into a flat brush, he got to work drawing one last Trap Art, even smaller than the last so that it was in close proximity to the flag. A large quantity of circles lined the inside, and the rest of the Trap Art's inside was given a light shade of gray. Michael sighed as he finally finished his preparations. If Michael was right, he suspected that it wouldn't be long before his confrontation with this intruder began.

Diana's flight came to an screeching halt as she did not dive in just as soon as she entered the enemy's territory, merely standing in front of the vast expanse that the flag of the rival team. Somehow, she wasn't sharing in the confidence and playfulness of either the cocky and Cynical Ria, nor she was overtaken by a lustful feeling like the half demon. This team they were facing was no joke. At least for what she had gathered during the tournament and the intel she could barely scrape. She was appalled she was the only one who tried to always get information on their opponents before a match. The other two... seemed far too short-sighted.

Now, this trap artist, for what she could have gathered, his gift was very much some of the things she did as part of her trade. It would probably take effort to conquer. And obviously, rushing headfirst was out of the question. She instead started to ascend. These traps required ways of channelling the power. Drawings, probably. If the drawings were to be disrupted, the traps would lose their effect to a great degree. The thrumming energy that was enveloping her began to accumulate in her right arm.

Just like military doctrines spoke. If you do not know where the enemy is, you just carpet-bombed the place to flush him out. Ria had said they would try to rush the flag, so she could linger a bit in the air not fearing for ranged attacks. "Trap master, if you can hear me... It's best if you take cover." She said out loud. This was going to be rather powerful. She didn't want grave injuries to happen.
"O Herald of Ruin, O Indra's Damage, Lord of the Drought, Heed my call. Grant me your might to bring my foe to heel. Fang of Vritra, turn to dust!" She proclaimed, the demonic energy finally leaving her body concentrating in a fiery lance of dark flames.The spell, much to her chagrin, was already eating part of her good set of clothes, having incinerated her right sleeve all the way to her collarbone, and exposing partly the intricate brassiere strap underneath. She had hoped it paid off, as she saw the projectile arc in a brutal and fast arc towards its objective.

The ground underneath the flag. It exploded with fiery intensity, blanketting the area in dust and fire, and cracking and pulverizing every single inch of the surface. This should have ruined any traps, thought Diana as she then began to advance carefully and mindfully throughout the cleared ground towards the flag.

Looking up at the floating enemy, Michael made a quick deduction as to who he was facing. This was certainly not Ria, as she did not have the capability of flight. And he highly doubted Wolf would be easily defeated by his opponent, Meredith. So by process of elimination, this could only be Diana. Like Diana, Michael did what he could to dig up information about the opponent. Diana herself was apparently a magic user, but shouldn't have been too much of a threat, power-wise. He was still wary about any tricks she could pull.

As it turns out though, he wasn't wary enough. After her initial warning, Michael tensed, but stayed his ground near the flag. Whatever attack she had planned, he figured it would've been blocked by the barrier he had set up. He was caught off guard, though, when the ground beneath him exploded. Michael was sent flying from the force, landing several feet away, face down.

"Ugh..." Michael groaned as he unsteadily pushed himself off the ground. He coughed, and a small blood splatter appeared on the ground. That could've gone better, Michael thought to himself as wiped his mouth. His legs were throbbing too, but he didn't think they were broken. He looked up, and saw that Diana was approaching the flag. Ok, Plan A failed. So much for trying to keep Diana inside a cage and prevent her from escaping with the flag, Michael thought to himself. Time for Plan B.

Michael began to draw. Michael knew he was weak against ranged opponents, so he had looked into what ranged weapons he could use. He had tried a small variety of weapons using his newfound Creation Art, but he worried about the skill it took to wield them, as well as potential legal issues of creating lethal weapons. In the end, though, he reasoned that in the world of magic and other strange powers, simple firearms were the least of peoples' problems. As for his lack of skill, he could compensate a little by using his Body Art buffs.

Michael finished drawing and produced a pair of weapons, one of which he placed in his waistband. After getting up from the ground, he raised the other, a pistol, and began firing at Diana. Of course, the pistol contained rubber bullets to reduce lethality, but that wasn't to say that they wouldn't hurt. As he fired, he ran forward, determined to keep Diana focused on him rather than the flag. Accuracy was unimportant. When he got into melee range, he would drop his pistol and summon his paint brush in an attempt to placed debuffing Body Art onto Diana.

Meanwhile, Meredith was swinging her sword like a toy, her eyes set on Wolf as she pranced and jumped around like she was a ten year old with a new toy. "Oh come on Wolfy, don't be so sour. We're here to have fun, aren't we? Speaking of which, what do you think it happens when you give a dolly cute witchie a part of your blood?" She grinned impishly, as the hot air from the massive blast hit her back and ruffled her hair a bit. "Then again, Hellfire is -my- thing, isn't it." She added as she cut one of her fingers, scribbling a hellfire rune in her massive blade, before wolfing down (ha) on her little Wolfy.

Wolf was panting and his arms were going numb. He was rapidly approaching exhaustion. Meredith had suddenly become a lot stronger. Not only that, but he couldn't get his head straight. He was just as worn out mentally as he was becoming physically. The giant explosion that suddenly went off over their flag didn't help. He was left reeling, concerned for Michaels safety, as Meredith suddenly fired up her own weapon. Literally.

So now she was willing to go that far!?

If it wasn't for the instincts his father had almost literally beaten into him with his spartan training, Wolf might have lost right then and there. Instead, his sword slipped from his grasp, falling to the ground -- replaced a moment later by his trident, popping into existence. He held it up with both hands, blocking the blade, though falling to a knee in the process. She hit hard. He tilted the weapon to one side, allowing the blade to slide down it as he let go with one hand. The trident stabbed into the dirt, and once the blow was fully redirected, Wolf rolled aside, now abandoning that weapon as well.

Finally, he lashed out with the trident's sibling, the net. He aimed it at her leg, hoping to entangle her and/or pull her leg out from beneath her.

He might not have been the warrior his father wanted him to be... but if he was even half of it, then maybe he could still do this.

"Oh, a trident! That brings me memories, tee-hee" Meredith said, as she interrupted her brutal swings to catch a glimpse at the change of weaponry of wolf. She was winning this, her little Wolfy would finally see how strong and awesome she was. The sword was sent flying. She was going to win this. Then why her leg was actually shooting upwards? When she realized, she had already fallen on her backside abruptly, entangled in the net. "Bondage, wolfy? That's neat!" She added, furiously trying to tear the net apart to no avail. "Now why don't you go further hmm? Make me bleed. Make me feel... alive. I've been dreaming for so long, and now I see the truth!"

Wolf grimaced at Meredith's words. She was so off. So different from normal. She reminded him of her mother, but more manic. With a tortured look on his face he recalled his trident, the weapon returning to his hand in a swirl of smoke. He stood over Meredith, and lifted it. He glanced away for a moment, needing to steel himself.

"Sorry... but you need to stay put..." He looked back at her, grit his teeth, and took aim at her leg. It was Meredith, she could heal from almost anything. If he could actually stab her with the weapon, the paralytic effect would take hold more quickly, and more permanently. Within a few seconds, she'd be totally immobile. He knew it would work. After all, he'd just decided that he had to stab his childhood friend. No doubt the effect would be near peak strength...

Meredith watched Wolf lift the weapon, a wicked grin in her mouth. Her eyes met with Wolf. He was in pain. Like her.... Her expression turned to that of fear and sadness. She started to tremble. "Help me...Wolf". She added weakly, before the trident touched her flesh. And she seemed to tilt her head as the numbness spread. And then...


She had bit her own tongue, skillfully drawing a glyph with her own teeth and blood on it. The glyph of purification. "Did you really think I would let you scot free, wolfie?" She added, her claw seizing the trident as a black mist-like energy began to gather around her. "Kabloosh." She added, before releasing her demonic energy in all directions in a fierce shockwave.

Wolf's eyes went wide.

The next thing he knew, he was facedown in the dirt... and everything hurt. He groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, recalling his weapon. Wait, he shouldn't have done that. What if it had somehow remained lodged in her? Well, it was too late now. He stumbled, clutching his ribs. That had hit him dead on. Any stronger and he probably wouldn't have stood up again. He took gasping breath after gasping breath, trying to keep his knees from shaking...

This was turning into a real bitch. Kind of like Meredith...

Meanwhile Diana's eyes had been scoured the recently devastated battlefield, her eyes going back and forth through the dust she had kicked up out of her own spell. She advanced cautiously, looking for any leftover traps. And then the shots came. She flared up her od, guarding her frame somewhat and numbing all the pain. It told her his opponent was running out of options if all he could do was suppress fire . She only needed a last stretch and that was it.

He closed in rather quickly, eliciting a surprise reaction on the witch for the first in the tournament. He was going to rush her in melee, she could not let that happen at all. She scrambled quickly in her clothes, as she pulled a bunch of assembled bones which reacted to her blood, animating themselves readily. "Go! My servant!". The undead rat lunged at Michael's face obscuring his vision and generally being an annoyance, while Diana used a burst of od on her legs to try and fly away. It only made her gain a couple of meters, before staggering back into the ground. So I am out of od for flying, it seems. She grimaced as she scrambled as fast as her legs allowed her towards the flag, rushing through her other spell components.

Michael followed the rat's trajectory through the air and tried to swat it aside with his arm, but managed to mess up a movement and get a face full of the undead rat as a result. The new distraction caused him to stumble and roll onto his side while Diana ran past him. Michael wasted no time grabbing the rat with his left hand and throw it to the side. The rat recovered quickly and went for Michael again, but Michael was quicker to draw up a mallet and crush its ribcage with it, rendering it out of action.

Michael was beginning to feel the exhaustion. Creating so many tools and using up so much energy on the initial Trap Arts, as well as the Body Arts he had given himself and his team, were taking a toll on him. Still, he had to persevere; he was so close to finishing his task.

Michael returned his attention Diana, who was within milliseconds of reaching and taking the flag. It might seem like a desperate time for Michael, but he still had one more card to play. He pulled his last drawn tool out from his waistband: a taser gun. Yes, everything had been planned up to this moment. Plan A was expected to flop, while the rubber bullet gun and the melee rush were merely distractions. The rat was an annoyance, but it still helped to serve his purpose, as he was now behind Diana while her attention was focused on the flag. His hands were shaky, but he believed he could do it. Michael aimed the taser gun, and fired the electrodes at Diana, hoping it was enough to take her down.

Diana gritted her teeth. Just almost there. Almost done. She only needed to summon a horse- and... the sharp in the back made her yelp, as jolts of energy coursed through her body, seizing her muscles up. She flopped undignifiedly into the ground, apparently disabled. And yet... in her hand she was gripping the flag firmly. She had grasped it and wasn't letting it go. With no small amount of difficulty she kept crawling at it, her limbs pulsing with ethereal blue circuit-like marks, the visible effect of od reinforcement taken to the extreme. Diana tried to talk but words wouldn't come out at first. Gone was her grace and demure, her dress torn and dirty in places. Her hair ruffled. Her mouth full of dust. She had lost control of certain muscles due to the weapon, and the unthinkable had happened as well. In front of everyone. And yet... she wasn't stopping. This last attempt spurred her even further. She reached deep in her pockets, what she had been saving up for the final.

"You... will regret...this, you...brute." She said, as she bit her hand, covering a blood-red jewel with runes inscribed with her own blood.

Michael allowed himself a small smirk of satisfaction as he saw Diana go down. His plan worked perfectly. There was no time for celebrating, though. The game was still going on, and Michael still had work to do. Michael walked over to Diana. The plan was to draw Body Art on her that would lock down her limbs, and then proceed to seal her magic powers completely.

Noticing the flag was in Diana's hand, Michael briefly pondered if he should kick it out of Diana's grasp, but decided he could do it later. Those precious seconds could be better spent sealing Diana up first. Speaking of which...

Michael began to draw up a barrier Trap Art around himself and Diana, effectively sealing them in an enclosed space. "Brute or not, I will do what it takes to win," Michael replied as he finished it and turned to face her. He then proceeded to move over to her to pin her down, planning to place a knee on her back to prevent from moving too much and summoning his paintbrush to seal away her movement. The gem in Diana's hand remained unnoticed by Michael, having been too focused on his task to recognize it as something potentially dangerous.

Diana let a whimper as she felt the pressure of the man in her back. How much would she endure the humilliation? Did this boy knew nothing of mercy? Was not he aware the eyes of spectators were upon him. "...Fool." She uttered a curse, as an arm shot from ground, grappling Michael tightly, like an industrial vice grip. It emitted a foul stench with graying skin hiding leathery sinews. And It kept increasing the pressure... enough to break bones had he been a normal boy. A foul mouth grinned at him as milky unblinking eyes stared with a cruel, cold gaze. It was tall, he would have been a veritable giant among men in life, and now he was clutching Michael by the arm, wrestling the paintbrush out of him. His other arm grabbed Michael by the neck.

"Meet Ulf the Vile. My champion Draugr. He excels in brawling and close combat. And you've enclosed him with you." Diana spat, as the Draugr roared, his bestial strength pummelling Michael like a dog trashes the good pair of socks. The ground, The barrier. His fists. Everything was a valid target to ram Michael into.

"What the- agghhh!" Michael yelled out in surprise as the arm grabbed him with a painful grip. Michael struggled to break free, but it was a futile effort, and the tables were turned on him within seconds. He continued to struggle, racking his brain, trying to come up with a solution, but he knew deep in the back of his mind that he had failed. He had let his guard down, and that had been his downfall. "Shit."

He no longer had any more time for thought as he was tormented by the new familiar. The pain ravaged him, and the only thing keeping him from losing consciousness was the thought that if he fell now, he would fail completely. His team would lose their Body Art buffs, and it would be his fault. He concentrated on staying awake, defending himself by curling into a ball as best he could while being pummeled.

Nas finally rose from where he sat. He looked at the wall for a moment more and planted his feet, taking a wide, low stance. He pulled both his hands back to his hips, but did not ball them into fists. With one more deep breath, he then threw his hands forwards, striking both palms hard against the wall of ice. He had to dig his heels in. He felt the power trying to reverb back into him, but he held his ground. With a thunderous crack, the wall of ice shattered and fell in chunks to the ground.

"Phew..." Nas straightened up and walked over to the enemy flag, and with one, exaggerated swing of his arm pulled it from its place. "Wonder how the others are doing." With any luck he'd have a nice, pleasant hike back to his flag post for their victory, because, quite frankly, he was running on empty again.

Meredith, on the other hand, with a mighty final push, tossed the net aside, and grabbing her sword once again she looked at it thoughtfully. "I don't even need this. Pointy sticks are... bad." Meredith said coyly as she drew her finger slowly to one of her still seeping wounds. "But you cannot help it, can't you, Wolfie? Well, I know what's perfect for you." She purred as she began to run to close her distance, bent on slapping a Sleep Rune in Wolf's face.

"A dream... where you get to serve me as your empress."

Wolf hardly moved as Meredith ran at him. At this point rather than brandishing the trident, he was using it to hold himself up.

"Dammit, Meredith," Wolf groaned tiredly. He'd hoped to enjoy this match against his friend, but instead here she was saying and doing things he'd never expected from her.

Then, moments before she was within arms reach of him, he vanished in a swirling cloud of dark smoke. The next thing that anyone knew, two massive, gauntleted hands burst from the smoke, aiming to grab Meredith's wrists...

Meredith smiled wickedly, she could almost feel Wolf falling victim to her tricks... when that blasted dark smoke appeared. Like a hissing animal, Meredith's smile turned into a snarl, and she did something Wolf could not have even anticipated. She performed an evasive backflip, her body and legs being now light enough to do so. Wings and tails sprouted as she landed, her visage now one of petty anger.

"The armor? You are ... no fun!"

Wolf's expressions could no longer be read behind the obsidian black visor of his armor. He now stood taller than Meredith and stomped out of the fading smoke with thunderously heavy steps.

"This stopped being fun a while ago..." Wolf spoke, his voice sounding like it was echoing out of a deep cave. He turned to look in Michael's direction and grit his teeth. With his own barrier up, Michael had locked himself away from help. For now Wolf would just have to deal with Meredith and worry about Michael later. That would be difficult though seeing as Meredith had evaded his initial grab. Paint buffs or not, he was still ponderously slow compared to her now. It was a defensive armor, after all. He was fairly confident Meredith couldn't beat him like this, but that wasn't the goal of this match so it was a fact that was quickly losing meaning. "So why don't you take this seriously and fight."

He could only hope to delay Meredith and wait for Naseraph to return to their side of the field.

Meredith was still on all fours, her wings extended and her tail upright. If one could see past the demonic features, she would remind wolf of a snarling cat that was really angry. And she started hissing. "Seriously? You want me to take it seriously? Fine! I will! No more playing around!" Meredith snarled, a twinkle on her eye, and batting her wings took to the sky. "Watch me WOLFIE! I am going to be serious and FLATTEN YOUR COMRADES before you can catch me with that slow-ass enchanted armor!". Meredith shrieked as she drew more blood, dabbing strenghtening enchantments on herself. "First is birdboy!" She said, and with that she took flight like a hawk searching for prey...

Meanwhile, Diana eyed the spectacle as she trembled like a newborn doe, her legs straining under the tiredness and the accumulated hits as she unstuck the flag from the ground, starting to use it as walking stick. "Ulf. Cease." She ordered, and the monster let Michael go, with a low key snarl. "Well then, the barrier I set up has fallen, so praise is to be given to your team, trap master." Diana said. "Still, I have figured you out." She eyed the barrier and the drawings, and with a quick leg movement and some cracking of the od, the barrier wobbled. "Your arts can be dispelled." She announced as she began to walk towards the other side of the field, only to fall down at the third step. "Drat. Ulf, carry me." She ordered the behemoth, which didn't move.

"...Fight. I want to fight..." The creature roared.

"You will do... as I say." Diana commended, and the beast jerked, obeying her in haste, but not breaking sight with the fallen Michael for even a second. The monster scooped up the witch in a bridal carry and the flag, and began running towards the side of her team.

All Michael could feel was pain. The monster did its job, and Michael barely even heard Diana call it off. He only managed to return his attention to the world when the pain subsided to an unpleasant throb. Diana was little more than a blur in his cloudy vision, but it didn't take too much to guess that it was her. His hearing confirmed it when she spoke. A quick movement later, and the Trap Art barrier fell. Dis... pelled...? Michael thought to himself in disappointed shock. Damn...

Michael lay on the ground as Diana's creature ran off with her and the flag. There was nothing he could do to stop it, so Michael used his remaining energy on keeping his mind active, still trying to stay conscious. He could feel a strong pain in his arms, and he suspected that those were sprained, if not broken. His chest hurt as well when he tried to breathe, and he wasn't even sure if he still had all his teeth. The Draugr really did a number on him, and all he could do now was wait for the end of the match.

Nas slung the flag over his shoulder and began his march back to his side of the field. Meanwhile, Ria's eyes fluttered open. Her whole body hurt. Nas had really laid into her with that punch. She looked up, pulling her face from the dirt to see Nas walking with her flag!

"You... don't think you'll- GAH!"

"Shhh!" Nas lifted a finger to his lips as he... stepped on her head on his way by.

"Wh-" Ria had to spit dirt back out of her mouth.

"Payback for earlier," Nas said as he kept walking.

"Ugh..." Ria couldn't quite summon the energy to stand just yet.

Wolf couldn't do anything about Meredith. He'd failed. He told himself this and forced himself to accept it. He'd have to worry about it later. For now, he had to make sure there would be a later. He recalled his trident and then took aim.

He saw Diana and her draugr making a break for it with his team's flag in hand. He pulled back... and then flung the trident, the weapon sailing through the air and then planting itself into the ground -- right as the draugr would have taken its next step.

"You want a fight, creature? Fight me!" Wolf called his challenge, slamming a fist into his breastplate loudly for punctuation. The monster had made its desires clear, Wolf having heard its roar even from a distance. Whether or not the trident had tripped up the draugr, Wolf hoped he would have its attention.

Like a larger raptor, Meredith's powerful wingbeats gave her speed and altitude, her eyes scanning the signs for prey, anyone who wasn't Wolf. She took notice at birds' eye of the scuffle that was happening between the team leader and her prey, birdboy. Smirking maliciously, she hovered for a bit, getting ready for a lunge like a monstrous, human sized hawk. She could not contain a giggle, seeing the otherwise smug Ria's ass sprawled in an undignified manner. But she was still her teammate... and besides, she had said to Wolfie. She would flatten the others. But seeing that birdboy had the flag... an idea gestated on her mind as she initiated her swoop.

"YOINK!" She said as her claws grabbed the flag in an airborne sweep, the demonic glyphs of enhanced strenght crackling. "Lesse if you can fly like a bird, birdboy!" She added as she attempted to take the flag -and probably Nas-into the skies.

Nas saw her shadow first, and then looked up to see her swooping in. His eyes widened, jaw dropping in shock. She'd gotten the drop on him!

Or not.

Just as she was almost on him, his surprise turned to a smug smirk. He planted the flag into the ground before him, deploying the shield, aiming to leave Meredith much like a bug on a windshield...
Wolf stomped forward, slowly gaining momentum as the draugr charged at him. He lifted one arm to take the dragur's first swing, and without halting his stride, threw his other fist forward to full force punch the draugr with all his weight and momentum.

Meredith emmitted a sound grunt, her entire self pressing against the barrier exactly like Nas' prediction, the excessive pressure that her torso was subject to it popped a few buttons of her shirt (but still made a formidable effort to maintain meredith's assets covered). The half demon seemed to slid comically into the ground, as she slumped, her face seemingly groggy and aiming into the ground "Owieee." She said, slumping into the ground.

Diana eyed at her summon, who had been frozen, like Wolf's words had been some sort of paralysis spell. Her stern factions showed some sign of alarm when she realized what the knighty boy had said. "Don't". She tried to command her summon, but the creature chucked her away like one throws garbage overhead, flag and all. She yelped slightly as she fell in the ground, pitifully but still clutching the flag.

"We...well played." She added, as her now out of control summon stared at Wolf... and doing a gesture, a weapon of ashen mist materialized in his hand. An ax, darkened and rotten. "Still... you roused him."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" The creature said. "At last! VALHALLA AWAITS, WARRIOR!" The demented draugr charged into Wolf, his ax making quick and brutal moves towards the knight's armor.

Meanwhile, Diana clenched her teeth once more, and began to stagger into a lurching position, very much like the undead she used to summon, her left had still clutching the flag, but having not enough energy to even lift it from the ground. On a closer look, it was evident how small and delicate her frame was, and how it seemed that she was just going on on pure willpower at this point, dragging herself towards her own side. "Well... nothing risked nothing...gained." She clenched her teeth, as she pulled a horseshoe with inscribed runes on it. She had never tried a double summon before... but it was not too late to try and force her luck.

The Draugr roared as he took the punch, a hole being punched through the desiccated corpse, the might of the armor doing its work... even thought the Draugr didn't seem to sustain lasting damage, as his now free arms swung the axe once more directly into the neck junction, right next to Wolf's ear, in an attempt to stun him with the sound.

Diana meanwhile, seemed to stagger as she did something with the horseshoe... eventually lurching forward and exposing what she had eaten earlier this morning due to a combination of physical and magical drain. Gone was the stylish look that she entered combat, with her clothes torn, her face dishevelled, bruised and dirtied, she looked like a hag-like witch more than ever, as she still struggled to maintain her footing and carry the flag.

Clonk. The axe struck the armor and earned a surprisingly dull sound. Wolf then tore his fist free from the draugr's midsection and took a proper fighting stance. Then, suddenly, the draugr might notice something. A peculiar... weight. It's whole body suddenly becoming twice as heavy as it stood in Wolf's shadow.

Wolf then raised an arm and swing it like a club, aiming this time to floor the creature. The only problem being that Wolf didn't have any momentum working in his favor now. The move was horribly telegraphed, as even simple movements for him required a wind up.

The beast cackled as it staggered, the limbs feeling like lead. It seemed to hesitate for a while, then ... a dark mist enveloped him, closing his wounds. His axe seemed to disappear, as he raised his fisticuffs, his rotten muscles straining and bulging under his shirt. The ground under his legs crackled as his hand connected with his guard. "Weak...alf...boy. You're weak!" He seemed to taunt as against Wolf's expectations, he became nimbler than what was humanly possible under that weight, his other hand seizing his helmet and pushing backwards. "What's the good of that slow magic armor, alf-boy?"

It was when his skin began to disintegrate. "Curses... Volva... this is your doing!" The monster roared, eyeing a strained Diana. "I am not done with this yet!" The witch seemed to heave as she pressed the horseshoe against the ground. "You cannot cut me off!" The monster protested as he let go of Wolf, and turned his back into the witch... before disintegrating into mist. Another summon wasted, but such was the price of defiance. When her teammates failed, she had stood proud and fought the share of two at least.
Panting, seizing the flag to not topple over, a monstrous destrier of zombified flesh appeared at her side... and deftly picked the witch with its teeth before throwing her into her rump, and startings its gallop. "My best summon gone to waste... damn" She cursed as she fleed to her side of the field on horseback.

Nas did the math. Meredith in front of him on the ground and Ria behind him, likewise easting dirt. That meant on both sides of the field it was 2 to 1, home team advantage. In his case, he was the unfortunate 1. And he was running near empty, with no chances to quickly recharge currently presenting themselves. But, at the very least, he could still feel Michael's magic strengthening him. That gave him an idea.

He pulled the flag free and heaved it back, like he was going to use it as a weapon. And then a subtle shift in stance and it was clear exactly what he was up to. HIs magic surged forth, what was left anyway, and reinforced his muscles once more. Between that and Michael's magic, it was more than enough to send the flag flying like a javelin in a ballistic arc up and over the walls.

He had no idea where to aim, but the odds were in his favor that it would end up near a teammate and not Diana.

"Well well, look at you, all thin and... demon-y," Nas said to Meredith now that the flag was making its journey elsewhere. 'And here I am... tapped. Good. That's good. Great.' This might hurt.

Meredith opened an eye before rising up, completely unfazed by the earlier blow, minus a barely-holding shirt who was exposing even more of her skin than what a school uniform would normally allow, her gaze narrowed slightly. "You threw the flag, you little sparrow shit". She said in a bout of profanity. "Not that it will be save you, because I told Wolfie I would stomp you." She arced her claw-like fingers, like one of the demons most Vigilantes fought, her eyes staring at Nas. "Now let's see, can little bird boy fly?" She added, lunging at him claws first in a flying jump.

Nas ducked low, hoping to avoid the attack or maybe even trip Meredith up by taking out her knees. If all else failed he was ready to dive clear. Her first lunge at least was easy enough to get away from.

Afterward he took a few steps to get some distance, but he knew better than to run. She literally flow in, he'd never get away from her. But maybe he could mess with her. It was really more Ria's thing, but maybe he'd picked up a thing or two from her.

"Really now? How vicious of you," Nas said, smiling. It was hard to say if he looked more smug or if he was just feigning friendliness. "Quite a change of pace for you. Can't imagine Wolf is happy about that. In fact I'd wager he'd be pretty upset right now. Thing is though, Wolf doesn't get mad easy. I don't think I've ever seen him snap back at that rude little minx of his even once. So I'd guess he'd be pulling out that black armor of his. So, tell me Meredith. If he gets his hands on that flag in that armor, what chance in hell do you think you have of getting it back?" His smile widened. "Well, there's absolutely no chance at all if you're wasting your time here with me..." He wasn't sure he should be attempting to put her attention back toward Wolf and the flag, but he also knew he was screwed if this fight went on like this. He could always regroup with Wolf if he at least had some breathing room for a minute.

"Shut...up." Meredith said, her expression now more and more demonlike. She was trembling after the first missed attack, but not because anything that Nas had ever done. "SHUT. UP. " She added, before drawing more blood and starting to paint glyphs, but not on herself on the ground. Summoning Glyphs. "Fine then, you don't appreciate my company... I will give you another dance partner. Or half a dozen of them. Hint- They like to eat people's faces! I would blast you, but Ria told me about your magic absorption." She said, Imps popping out from her glyphs with their vicious, high pitched snarls.

"CHEW ON HIS BONES" Meredith said, before taking flight once again, this time heading back for Wolf...

". . . women are a pain." Nas's eye twitched. At least he'd been able to K.O. Ria. Meredith was just being aggravating! He took a cautious step back as he warily eyed the imps. He took another step... and then bolted sideways, aiming to loop around and run back to his side of the field. His hope was to either pass this problem on to Wolf, or at least let his energy slowly recharge until he could deal with this himself.

The flag plummeted back to the earth landing somewhere between Diana on her fleet footed steed and Wolf in his decidedly not fleet of foot armor. The only difference being that, at current, Diana was moving away from the flag.

Wolf had to take a second to process this, but then recalled his net and trident before pushing himself back into stomping motion. He might need them if Diana decided to turn around...

Diana was getting an increasing headache and blurred vision as she gripped the mane of her undead horse with the remaining strength she could. Keeping the other flag in her hand was a struggle. Keeping on top of the horse was a struggle. But she was making way into her team's territory. She had to burn through her summons to defeat one of these team members, plus meredith wasn't even doing anything remotely cooperative from the start of the match. And Ria was out. She was just on a desperate effort to avoid the tide turning against her team...

And then her team's flag flew past her, nailing itself in the ground between Diana and the knight. "You gotta be kidding me. What is that -idiot- doing?" Diana muttered under her breath, seeing how Mer not only had failed to keep Wolf at way, but also failed to get the other teammate. She spurred her horse. It was the turning point now. Her team was falling apart, and she could not trust Meredith enough because of how obsessed she was in trying to get that knight of hers in her clutches. She was, at the end of the day, alone.

At least she had made far enough for the smug trio to shut up a bit, in her presence. She... turned her horse, and stood tall, only willpower sustaining her now. She was dishevelled, but still proud, one of the arms without any hint of clothes, and dirtied and scraped all over. But still, her silver hair and demeanor, coupled with the flag under her arm, made her seem some sort of Valkyrie rather than a witch. "Well then, sir Knight. I think you've won." she addressed Wolf. "But I can't let you have the victory without trying until the end." She readied herself for a charge, the repulsor on her flag activating.

"HAH!" She said as she charged Wolf, with a cavalry charge, intent on getting to the flag first.

The girl had a surprising amount of grit, he had to give her that. He might actually have enjoyed this if not for Meredith souring everything. But that wasn't important right now. Michael and Nas had done their best to get them this far. It was his turn now, his turn to make up for letting Meredith get away. His turn to make sure their effort wasn't wasted.

He'd seen the flag first, or at least it seemed so, and Diana had taken a moment to speak, so Wolf had gotten a head start... but still he knew he'd not make it in time. That horse was much faster. However, at least he wouldn't be behind by much, and with her one hand already full, he knew exactly what route she'd have to take to grab the flag. And in order for her to grab it, the horse would have to run past the flag.

He couldn't beat her, but he could intercept her after the fact. He lowered his head and pushed himself harder, the weight of the armor pulling him forward more than his legs were propelling him honestly. He put his shoulder forward and aimed to meet her charge.

He wasn't going to worry about aiming his weapons this time. No. He was gonna tackle the damn horse head on.

Diana charged forth, spurring her horse. Wolf was in the way... She was going to meet with him after picking up the flag. Changing course on the horse seemed impossible. That damned durable armour was going like hitting a wall head on with her steed. Fine then, she would do it. Besides she was too tired already, and Mer was probably growing slowly out of control. So, not prolonging the fight would be for the best. She gritted her teeth, summoning the last embers of her magic, as tears of blood appeared in her face, and blood trickled down her nose. Reinforce Body. Reinforce Spear. Reinforce Horse.

The telltale lines of reinforcement shone once again, as the spear flared up to life? Tackling the horse head on? Why not tackle the repulsor head on! She thought as she aimed the charged tip to Wolf's face. She needed not to overpower his armor, needly just tilt his head way off his center of mass to cause him to fall into the ground.

"Please...pierce!" She pleaded as she charged, activating the repulsion of the flagpole.

Wolf realized a little too late to change course what Diana was doing. She was gonna joust him. Armor or not, that could be trouble. Not much time, what could he do? Just take it? No. Dodge? No, he'd be screwed if he just threw away all his momentum and let her go. Parry it? Yes. No! Not quite parry...

When he was barely an arms length away from getting struck by the flag point, he whipped his net out. He aimed past the tip, avoiding the repulsor. It wrapped around the flag, its magical weight and momentum dragging the point away from Wolf. The girl was exhausted and looked somewhat frail to begin with. He doubted she could keep it aimed true after that.

After that, braced himself for impact. The question was whether the horse would be colliding with a pile of bricks, or a still standing brick wall.

"Oh cr-" Diana was cut off, before the net interferred with her charge, throwing her off the horse and catapulting her across the air, the horse itself crashing sideways as its rider was yanked off and causing it to veer of course. The lithe witch tumbled several times, bouncing off like a ragdoll and whimpering at each tumble and would have broken bones and gotten a really nasty cracked skull if the reinforcement wasn't active. She laid in the ground, immobile, the flag finally letting go of her hand.

Meanwhile, Meredith was fuming. She was beating her wings furiously, as she coursed towards Wolfie, who still had the armor on, and had just tossed the little witch to the ground. She gritted her teeth, but choose not to emit a single sound this time. That idiotic dolly witch had failed, but at least Wolfie seemed distracted... she had a little more blood to slap a rune on him...

Wolf retrieved the flag that Nas had thrown and then walked over to where Diana and their own flag had fallen.

"Don't feel bad, you fought alone and you fought well," he told her.

He bent over, taking now the second flag, seeming oblivious to the approaching danger -- until suddenly he just planted the flag to deploy its barrier as Meredith was almost upon him. She'd been in too much of a hurry. Once the sounds of battle had faded, he had heard her wings rapidly beating. Some people might've missed it, or not put things together fast enough, but he knew the sound. In the past he'd looked forward to it...

Meredith was unable to stop in time as the second barrier deployed, only curving her flight upwards in a last ditch attempt to not suffer the same fate as the last time. She skid across the top of the barrier, having a rather difficult landing as she ended up face first into the ground, her choice of underwear (which would could witness had changed for her usual tame stuff to much more risque) up into the air for everyone to see, as her tail twitched for a few seconds.

"uugh, not again!" Meredith fumed, as she quickly rose to her feet. The shirt, against all odds, was still unbroken. "Damnit Wolfie! Why must make you things this unfunny!" The half-succubus jeered, as she noticed the lithe body of the witch. "And you were kind of useless in the end, huh." She added, words coming from her mouth that seemed that didn't belong to Wolf's oldtime friend. She then looked at her, defenseless, unconscious... and she reached for her forehead with a claw.

"She still has some juice, Wolfie... I will need all of it to beat you up, heeeh." She smiled as she inflicted her worst technique on her teammate, the Empress of the Night.

She really had changed... It was Diana on the receiving end but it hurt Wolf just to witness it.

Wolf took a lumbering step forward, when suddenly his armor vanished. However, with the clunky armor gone, Wolf closed the remaining distance much faster. He thrusted forth with his team's flag, aiming the repulsor right at Meredith's forehead.

Whether he cared for Diana's well being or not, it wouldn't do him any favors if Meredith recharged.

Afterward though, it would be clear just how exhausted Wolf was underneath the armor. Skin pale and clammy and his hair stuck to his face with sweat...

A black burst of energy met the repulsor's own blow, as Meredith stood there, her arms limping forward, like someone really exhausted or really livid, the technique on Diana cancelled. "Always...save the girl, uh?" Meredith whispered, harshness in her words. "But no matter how I tried to reach you... It wasn't the same anymore. And then he did that to you... you were in no position to do anything." Meredith started to babble, her walk slow and ponderous, as she begun to advance towards Wolf. "So I tried my best... and failed. And then I listened to my other side. I should've done this long ago..."

In a surprise turn of events, Wolf dropped both flags, letting them clatter away from him.

"Fine... You've got my attention..." Was this really what she wanted though? Like this? "Come here." He held out his hand. It almost looked as though he'd soon fall over if no one took it and held him up.

He was just about all out of fight, so dealing with Meredith was the only thing left for him to do.

Meredith's expresion relaxed for a second, as her tail swished frantically... her eyes shot upwards, a blush appearing in her face. "Bweeee...." She let her characteristic whine escap her lips, as she was clearly confused by the maneuver. Hesitantly, she extended a claw, and seemed like she would help Wolf stand up, like she would have always done before.

But as soon as her claw grabbed Wolf's hand, she pulled the man towards her. "No. You're trying to toy with me. It's too late, Wolfie. I will have now by force, what I could not get by being nice." She added, her claws rebuking him, and emitting a hiss, making a dash to grab both flags. "You could have had the human me anytime... but now, you're dealing with the demon me."

As Meredith tried to dash past, she would realize she was still attached to Wolf... Somehow.

Just as she had grabbed him, he had grabbed her wrist, and his grip still had a surprising amount of strength to it. Then the smoke returned.

A weight settled down on Meredith as the towering black armor loomed out of the smoke. There was a small window where he could bring it back after dispelling it, but this time he'd made sure to have her in his grasp first.

He made to pull her back in, aiming to wrap his arms around her from behind while also grabbing her wrists to keep her hands under control.

If he succeeded, he planned to take a seat and let the armor's weight keep her still and trapped on his lap for the rest of the match.

"I said you have my attention, Meredith. I'll stay here with you until this is over... Like it or not," his voice echoed out from the armor.

"I knew it..." Meredith gasped, as she felt the weight of the armor. "But you're forgetting something, Wolfie." She chuckled, slightly... "Mother has told me how to do amazing stuff, with the tongue." She added as she bit her own tongue, hard, and then licking a sleep symbol on the armor. "Let's have a sweet time, shall we? You're a much better target than Diana."

Wolf's only saving grace was that at the angle Meredith was at, she couldn't place the glyph closer to his head. Well, that and she'd literally warned him it was coming.

His head dipped slightly before he grit his teeth, then biting the inside of his cheek, the pain helping him fight it off.

"Not... This time..." His voice showed just how close it had come to working, though. "Last time you did that you ended up like this..."

Meanwhile... Nas ran onto the scene, shouting loudly. The imps were all over him, clawing and biting. He managed to rip one off his shoulder, throw it to the ground, and punt it away, but the others still were making his life miserable.

"Taking this back!" He announced hurriedly, snatching up Meredith's flag before jogging haphazardly toward the end goal, now trying to use the flag as a backscratcher to remove the remaining imps... "OFF, DAMMIT!"

Meredith snarled furiously, as she suddenly startled to rattle and struggle like a wild animal "LET ME GO!" She could vocalize between snarls and bites, having devolved to what she originally behaved as, before she had been civilized. "YOU IDIOTS! GET THE OTHER FLAG!" She commanded to the Imps, who scrambled among themselves to obey Mer's orders, but started to fight among themselves to see who was the one to get Wolf's team flag.

At this point Meredith had ceased to be able to say any kind of meaningful sound. Furthermore, it seemed that her shirt also refused to hold on any further. Good thing Wolf was obscuring most of the view...

imes their height and they had to drag across over half the arena. Nas, by comparison, had longer legs and a shorter distance to cover. The brushed off the last imp clinging to him by ramming it against one of the L-walls on his way by and then batting it away with the flag. He then made a haggard jog, bleeding from over a dozen bites and scratches to the goal. In the end... that had been much harder than expected.

Ria had given him much more of a beaten than expected while he'd been laying his trap, Meredith had gone full psycho, and he had no idea what Diana had done but Michael looked like he was barely conscious at this point.

". . . if that's what you want," Wolf replied after some delay, setting Meredith free. He then got to his feet and stepped back, his armor vanishing in a swirl of smoke. He swayed slightly, looking ready to collapse but somehow keeping his feet. He just stared sadly at Meredith, not saying another word.

The silence was short lived.

"And that's another one done with, folks!" The MC's voice suddenly blared over the loudspeakers. "The Vigilantes have taken one from St. Laurel's!" Nas had indeed finally reached their team's flag zone.

"That they have," Gloria, the other MC, spoke up. "Now, dear, please cover up, you're quite indecent at the moment," she was of course referring to Meredith...

"Yes, while wardrobe malfunctions are to be expected and appreciated by some, this is technically a family event," the first concurred. "Anyway, with the match over, medics will see to those who can't walk themselves out. Coming up next we have a rumble between Mephisto's and St. Laurel's to look forward to! Will St. Laurel's fare better this time? Only one way to find out!"

Meredith scampered off like a rather angry cat, only to realize with mild dejection that her shirt had finally given up. She had lost, her team had lost. She gritted her teeth and turned to face Wolf, an arm trying to cover the revealed goods. "Stupid Wolfie." She spat, brooding over the loss.
Match Two

Andreim marched out on the field, having offered his arm to Lise to escort her out as if it was a royal welcome. He slowly waved using his other arm, or more like waving his hand.

"Smile for those whom have gathered to witness our glorious triumph, as we shall grind the opposition to dust." He smiled softly to Lise and then gave Samoth a firm nod. "Three girls. I don't like beating up girls, but in this case it's an exception for standing in our way. Let's do our best to not let any of them get past us. Focus on the task at hand."

Andreim gave Lise a reassuring nod. "It will be allright. Remember that this will be the moment where the world gets to witness us make history. Your family may be watching too. In either case, I want you to give it your all milady." His smile died down as soon as Samoth got too close to notice his genuine smiling to Lise. "You don't have to be psychic to know the result of this. They be fitting as warmup at least don't you think so Samoth?" Andreim smirked and stretched his arms and hands.

"History, huh..." Lise wondered if a high school sports competition was close to history. But then again, it was the people- or in this case, person (her)- that made it history for simply being there.

Lise cast a sideways glance at her other teammate, Samoth. She wanted to say that he looked different from normal, but he looked about the same. 'I wonder how long he'll live if he is so serious all the time,' Lise mused to herself. 'Maybe it will extend his life, instead?'

Lise cast away notions of uncertainty. A lesser princess would have been flustered by a crowd watching her. But she wasn't interested in the gazes of commoner bystanders. "I am ready. Shall we?"

Samoth followed at a strolling pace behind the duo that was the rest of his team. The seemed to have a bond of some sort... or at least that's what he mused. But then again, Lise never seemed too invested in much. Besides keeping her elegant manner and appearance. Those she was very invested in. Samoth hoped she would be just as passionate for this fight. So far their team had performed well. But every fight was a potential loss.

Not that Samoth lacked confidence- he didn't. But he'd seen their opponents fight in other matches. He wasn't exactly sure what this 'Euphoria' was capable of. The same could be said of Misery. He wasn't sure if his negation field could effect them. His only certainty was that he could easily defeat 'Melodia'. After her summons were dealt with, it appeared as if she had no defense.

Samoth nodded at Andreim's words. For all he cared, their opponents were just blank faces. Male, Female, it didn't matter. The task was all that was on his mind. Adrenaline started lining his blood as he imagined the actions ahead. He was pumped.

As soon as they were given the "go", this thing was on.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the field, Euphoria strolled confidently onto the field looking every bit like a tiny child next to her two tall friends. Eulogy moved along like a ghost, quietly counting down to herself. Misery trailed anxious behind them, fiddling with charm hanging from her neck and casting nervous glances back that the entrance from which they'd come. "This is bad. I don't think I can do this." She said suddenly, stopping the other two in the tracts and turn to her. "I, I, I, seriously think my 'I-can't-fight-in-this-match-idas is acting up again. Oh, I feel faint!"

With that she collapsed plaintively on the ground, resting on one arm with her head tilted back in front of her completely unimpressed friends. Euphoria sighed and Eulogy made a hurry it up motion with her hand while keeping up her count. Euphoria walked up, grabbed Misery by the arm, and started to drag her across the field like a sack of feathers. "You can't do this every time. Stop embarrassing me, you're supposed to be my senior."

Misery opened one eye and grimaced. "It's really serious this time though. It feels like she's kneading on my soul. It's getting worse."
That one you got a month ago again?" Euphoria asked.

"Thirty-three. Thirty-two. Problem child? Thirty. Twenty-nine." Eulogy asked quietly.

"Not especially." Misery replied. "She was good. Well, as good as they usually are. But she's been frantic ever since we got here. Like she's angry."

"Well, you know what Mother Superior says." Euphoria said cheerfully, pulling the girl to her feet as they reached the starting point. "This is just another challenge the gods put in front of you. Break it's leg!"

"I don't think that's what that phrase means." Misery said, filled with resignation.

"I think that's exactly what it means!" Euphoria replied.

"Three. Two. One." Eulogy finished, bringing her horn to her lips.

The horn the sounded the beginning of the match was drowned out by ghostly wail of Eulogy's horn. It was a strange sound, like the echo of an echo of what a real horn sounded like, and as the noise snaked its way through the arena and seemed to wrap around Samoth, Andreim, and Lise they felt the temperature die around them. A unearthly chill seeped its way into the arena as a soup like fog rose up to envelope their ankles.

Their opponents would have begun moving. The match had begun.

Andreim narrowed his eyes seeing the incoming fog at the ground, his serious expression turned into a smirk. As he began to pour out water from both his hands to fill out across the ground around the three of them, most of it ahead to the direction of the enemy team. He attuned slightly to heat to heaten up the water to create a slight layer of steam and to counter the chilling effect.

Though the young man didn't stop there, he twirled some of the water around his legs, rising up from the ground itself until he stood at a spinning cone of water, a vortex. He allowed the heat attunement to die as he did and gathered a smaller vortex in his left hand. "This team will try to use guile on us. Be on your guard for any indirect attack from the ground or elsewhere."

He swapped his regular vision into heat vision, while at the same time feeling how Samoth and Lise walked at the water under his control. In Samoth's case the effect came as him just losing contact with the water in the spots he moved.

"Lady Lise get your shadows up to scout ahead and attack them. Force them to make mistakes. Let's wear them out or until one of them have had enough and come forth."

"Of course." Lise's shadow rose from the ground, splitting into two individual figures. The two servants then took off towards the opponent's side of the field.

"Follow them closely, Andreim. I don't want to have these peons sully my servants in vain."

The shadows took the most direct route possible, right down the middle of the arena. It was a move that was obvious and shallow yet still could not be ignored. Unless they were to simply forfeit the game by not anticipating something so straightforward.

Samoth would begin to move forward, making sure to keep his mind spread out in front of him(100ft) to detect anyone who might've chosen to try and sneak closer- not that it'd be likely for more than one of them to get that close so fast. He'd be ready to make a mental attack or defensive structure against anyone who showed themselves. He would not advance far though- only to the first set of pillars. He remembered that one of their opponents could make themselves pretty fast, and he didn't want to leave themselves open to that.

The two shadow servants race past Samoth as he slows to a stop between the first set of pillars, running down the main thoroughfare with inhuman speed as Samoth reaches out wt his mind. Andreim opens up his eyes, tuning his vision in order to see the indistinct red blobs of his enemies. He could see them they the wall. Just as expected; two charging forward, one hanging back withing the four walls of the flag bunker. Battle would not be joined yet, that much was clear.

But that was not the impression Samoth had gotten at all. No, there were minds here. He could feel them. There were minds that were not only close, but closing rapidly right to their position. Two? No. Three. Wait, five? No, there was something else. Eleven. Eleven beings. That was, however, impossible! The area in front of him was clear, the fog wafting around his feet was not all obscuring. If something were really coming right now he should be able to see something, but there was no sign of even a disturbance in the fog to indicate something traveling under it.

Just then, just as he could feel the eleven about to pass the shadows, a sound reached his ears. Distant hoof-beats?
The mist in front of the shadow servants suddenly bulged before popping like a soup bubble, and from the remnants of that bubble dove a specter. A knight, regal and translucent, clad all in jet black armor and twirling a wicked looking ax as dark as night in one hand as though it were nothing. It let out a merry, blood drunk whoop as it charged forward and as it did so three more bubbles formed on the surface of the fog and from them burst forth three more knights just like the first one.

That was not all however. Coming up behind them the biggest bubble of all bulged on the surface of the mist. When it exploded it threw the mist high into the air, for it was no mere knight on horseback. A whole carriage rolled out of the mist, enclosed and fit for royalty, drawn by two jet black horses. It might have been a fine carriage had it not been retrofitted for war, with the wicked spikes the adorned the wheels and the stains and damages that dotted it's once pristine white body. Standing upon the drivers seat was a woman of wild beauty. He long blond hair flowed backwards in the wind of her charge, the exquisite jewelry that she wore catching the light and shining like starlight upon the battlefield, but her once noble dress had been shredded and stained with old blood and dirt. In one of her hands she gripped the reins of her carriage, and in the other was a long whip studded with small hooks which she lashed the horses with ceaselessly. As she rolled forward she let out a cackle that made a mockery of civility and seemed to plant her eyes solely on Lise.

As these grinning specters descended upon her servants like the crest of a wave Lise could not help but recognize them. She'd seen them before. It was as though they'd jumped right out of the painting she'd seen tucked away in a quiet, isolated corner of her manor home.

The Bloody Princess: Marie Léon de Valois-Saint-Remy and her Black Chevalier!

Eulogy looked around her teams side of the arena, bewildered. She looked down at her horn and shook it a little, wondering what on Earth could be wrong. Usually, when she called up a hero with her horn, they hung around on this side grudgingly awaiting orders. That hadn't happened this time for some reason. No, instead she was alone.
This could be very bad.

"Afraid I cannot do so, Lady Lise. In this game pawns go first, the king stays with his queen." He said confidently, it had to be said in that sense. He couldn't have questioned Lise's wish or called her idea wrong, but he was certain that they needed to not split up and he couldn't afford to let her out of his sight in here.

Taking your dear time ladies, if you take too much make-up. It will not make-up for your lack of seizing the moment. But I will make it up to you by showing you my power! Samoth likely could handle himself, but Lise's shadows were her defense and now she had sent them forth. Thus he had to fill the gap, and fill it he would indeed. Andreim could clearly see the mists parting ahead and the appearance of a carriage appearing, the one at the reins had a troublesome look about her. If not even slightly resembling Lise.

"There's only one person whose golden hair be like gold. You are just a faux!" He allowed five spinning discs of water to break lose from the vortex in his hand, sending the projectiles towards the carriage. Turning them into ice mid-flight and then using the same hand, pointing his fingers upwards like holding unto a flame, targetting the water under his command spread throughout the ground to create jagged spikes of ice to pop up along the way of the carriage.

You will not get through to my queen, you overambitious knight. You dare take on this nation that is to come and this king! Would the carriage get any closer, he would have to swoop down and catch Lise. What was Samoth doing?

Lise had just foolishly wondered when the enemy would make their move when... It turned into a graveyard scenario out of nowhere. Well, Lise assumed this was what graveyards were like. She read about them, but she scoffed at the idea of ever going to one.

Lise was already creeped out; she didn't need anything else. She didn't care about the dead ancestor. In fact, Lise laughed. She proudly proclaimed that the dead should remain in the ground... Or her servants would put them in by force.

Or at least, that's what Lise thought she'd do. To everyone else... Things were different.

The color had drained from Lise's face; It seemed to match with the sudden fog. Something between a cry of despair and a panicked laugh escaped from Lise's mouth. "M-Marie?! Ahaaa. J-Just as dead as the portrait. Scared?!" Lise's voice cracked, and she began to take steps backwards. "No! L-Leave this p-place, or I'll... THEY will..." She almost tripped as she stepped backwards, but a newly summoned shadow servant steadied her. She couldn't quite choke out any more words.

The shadow stayed close, as Lise was clutching its arm. It seemed like if it was a human and not a projection of her power, it would be very, very painful to be gripped like that. Her grip relaxed slightly when she heard Andreim's voice cut above her worry.

'That's right... I can handle this with his help!' Lise wanted to raise her view to face her dead relative. To show that her new comrades had helped her out of her fears and into a dignified fighter. She wanted to, but that isn't what happened. 'Ahh... Maybe I should just let them take her out without my help...' A twinge of shame mixed with her fear.

The shadow servant stood between Lise and the specter. It gave the other two teammates a slight shrug, as if to say 'Lise is being Lise right now.'

Samoth furrowed his brow as the number of beings he detected from the unobscuring mist spiked quickly, causing him to instinctively step backwards. Lise's shadow servants bounded past him, unaware of the danger he detected. He counted. Eleven. As soon as he started to speak, the knights began to explode from the mist, charging upon the much more frail-looking shadow servants.

His stance shifted. He now let off an air of extreme confidence. He'd always had a talent when it came to fighting spectres and the like. Wonder why...
He summoned a low-focus half-wall that spanned the distance between the two sets of short pillars. He would then reach out to both Lise and Andreim and inform them of its position without turning around. It would be a weak obstacle, but because of the nature of their enemies, it'd stand against several knights, or the carriage's horses, if they reached that far.

He'd then run towards the first Knight, keeping one arm ready for defense and throwing the palm of the other at the steed's chest.

The knights paid the shadows about as much mind as passing flies, lashing down and chopping with their axes as they and the carriage rolled past. Whether their strikes connected to not, it seemed, was irrelevant to them.

Samoth met their charge with one of his own, and the lead knight let out a echoey whoop of joy as he rose to the boys challenge. He waited until they were nearly touching, then brought his axe down in one fluid arc as Samoth reached out his arm. Samoth was ready for it, however. As the ebony blade came down Samoth's other arm came up, slicing through the blade of the axe. The knight did not even have to time to be surprised as Samoth's other arm ripped through his horse, passing through it's phantasm body as easily as one would just through the carpet of fog along the ground. He dug a straight hole down the side as the knight rode past him, taking its leg in the as the horse tumbled, collapsed, and dispersed into a black cloud of smoke. The other knight took not of this and gave Samoth a wide berth as they rode past, as well as the carriage. All but one, who stopped on his horse to observe the boy.

The knight that Samoth had felled tried to stand amid the dissipating black cloud that had once been his steed, and collapsed back into the mist. The other knight, the one in front of him, put its hand on the chin of its helmet as if thinking before stepping off of his horse and facing him man to man. It took its axe and slammed it into the ground beside, the blade covered up by the fog. The one behind him climbed to its feet again, this time taking the useless shaft of its axe and slamming it into its stump to make a crude peg leg. They looked at one another over his shoulder, nodded, but did not advance upon him.

If they were afraid they were right to be. Samoth's powers had not been this effective even against ghosts. It was as though these knights were something lesser even than that.

What is a ghost?

Nothing short than the lowest form of demon. The soul of a demon killed in the human world, left to wander with no succor by this worlds gods. Pathetic, base creature with no thought and hardly any power, to become a ghost is nothing short of the ultimate humiliation to a demon. Why they took human form if a hotly debated mystery to this day? To try and gain the power of those that defeated them? A way to trick the Gods into granting them respite? Or perhaps it is pure imitation, just the wandering energy taking the form of what it encountered? Regardless, to any basic demon hunter a ghost is nothing to fear beyond its hideousness.

The horsemen showed this, slamming head first into Samoth's wall and reeling back from the shock of it. Marie Léon observed this, and were she just a ghost would surly fall for it as well. Perhaps by instinct however she whipped the reins and her horses jumped like well trained show ponies. And what a leap it was! How strong would these creatures be, how great their agility, to pull off a leap like this. The carriage sailed through the air as if by magic, it's back wheels scraping the top of the psychic wall as the carriage returned to the ground on the other side.
Just in time to be intercepted by Andreim's attack.

The discs of ice shot through the carriage just as the ice wall sprang up and impaled the entire front of the carriage, ripping through the horses and tearing apart the drivers seat as she rolled headlong into it, throwing up a cloud of black and white swirling mist. The carriage, however, kept moving. It became deformed, more blob like as it flowed over the ice as it began to...shrink? Not just shrink, not just deform. As it sailed toward them across the ground it was talking on a new shape. The shape of a young woman.

"You dare speak such words to me, peasant?" came a voice from above, one that sounded remarkably like Lise's own. There in the sky was Marie Léon, her semi-translucent form casting a shadow upon the ground. No, her war carriage had been her shadow. Ghost did not have such power, and ghost had no words to mock you with. So what was that thing that had leaped from her carriage even as it was utterly destroyed to fly above Lise and Andreim now? "I have traveled scores of time and broken an oath in order to seize the chance to evaluate the current bearer of our precious name."

As gravity took hold and she began to fall toward them she lashed out with her whip, which seemed to expand until it struck the ground. It was not aimed at Lise or Andreim though, but at the area behind Andreim.
As it struck the ground it did not pierce the veil of fog, but instead flattened and traveled over it until it merged with the large shadow being cast by Andreim's water. She took the whip in both hands. "Vassal or nom, you will be spared no quarter should you interfere." She said, and pulled hard to the right. Andreim could feel his makeshift throne begin to pull away from him. She was going to slam him into the far wall just to get him out of the way if someone didn't act quickly.

Andreim felt his vortex of water begin to move, but it wasn't him moving it, the shadowy figure had somehow seized grip of it somehow. The foolish shadow had underestimated his wit, and was going to be harvested for doing so.

He allowed his vortex to be manipulated towards the wall, but a distance before it collided with the wall, he'd attuned to ice and froze it solid. Before shooting jets of water from both his hands, the jet propelling him up and the other targetting the block of ice, forcing him to fly back towards the direction of the shadow who stood midair. Using his left hand to push himself forwards, and then using his right to create a blade of ice in his other hand he swung it upon reaching the woman. Seeking to swing it through her mid-section.

"No need to look the other way when you are fighting ME!"
"I... decide... Regicide!" Andreim yelled as he slid down to the ground using his water powers as a slide to get close to Lise. "They have to get through me..." He narrowed his eyes as he searched for enemies.

Lise cringed at the words the Marie spoke. 'Evalutate? For who?! I am not subject to evaluation, I am royalty!' She grit her teeth and opened her eyes. She was still scared, of course. She felt like she was back to being a tiny child in the huge mansion.

She noticed that her teammates were handling the situation fairly well overall. She had missed some of it, but the gist was easy to find. Both of them were still standing, so it wasn't all bad. 'Right. My teammates are strong. I can trust them with at least this.'

Lise watched Andreim take off into the sky to attack Marie. 'H-He's amazing...' The scattering light from the spray of water briefly dazzled Lise's eyes. Even as he landed, sliding between Lise and Marie, Lise had kept watching him.

"Andreim..." Lise softly said as he came to rest. Her voice had a tinge of wonder, and softness to it.

'Oh. Did I say his name out loud?' Lise felt her face burn slightly with embarrassment. She looked the other way, putting her shadow servant between him and her. 'I hope nobody noticed that... P-Plus...'

"Where are the actual enemies anyway?!" Lise realized that she had been preoccupied with the gho- Current enemy. She looked around warily.

Samoth stood between the two geist-like forms. He turned his body so that he could look at them both without turning around. They stood still.
He wasn't aware of what these entities were capable of. He knew he could cause monstrous damage to them, but what about they to him? He had to think this through.

They were assumedly losing ground, as their enemies would be advancing and soon arriving at their side of the field, while him and his crew were distracted by the ghostly interception party. But...they weren't quite ghostly. He cut through them like a thin smoke; they offered no resistance at all. He almost couldn't feel them as they melted through his fingers. Even the futile ghosts he'd crushed before felt like water flowing through his hands. It was...odd? But his confidence was at a high now, he wouldn't dwell on it.

He decided to play interception. He knew Andreim was powerful, and that Lise was no slouch. He reached out to his allies telepathically and told the two his plan before rushing against the furthest-out knight, while lowering his previously constructed barrier. He would make four simple plates of matter congregate around the knight's weapon as he gained ground on it, aiming to prevent movement of the axe. His attack would be a simple closeline-like attack to the chest as he ran past it. Any attack or resistance would be met with one of Samoth's arms.

In any event, he would continue running across the field towards middle area, leaving the peg-leg one behind. He felt confident that Andreim and Lise could hold their own against those things. If the royalty understood kiting, she definitely could with her shadows.
When he drew close to the first wall, he would slow. He'd slink against the wall as he drew close to the opening that his opponents may well come through. With his mind now free to focus, he would reach out again with it, sensing every mind within one-hundred feet once again.

If someone were to come through this entrance, he would strike at snake-like speed to the throat with a straight chop. He'd then slam his shoulder into them, attempting to force them to crash into the stonework, hopefully causing them to crumple to the floor.

The knight saw Samoth's approach and tried to swing the blade it had dug into the dirt towards him, throwing a spray of earth at that boy, but it found the weapon held in place. It's surprise didn't have the time to register before Samoth's arm plowed through its midsection, dissolving it into a spray of black mist that fell and vanished beneath the fog.

Andriem flew at the falling woman, his hand coated with ice. Closer, closer, closer! He swung, only to find two shadows in front of him. The shadows that had been dismounted by Samoth's wall, their blades crossed in front of them, leaping with incredible speed. The impact shook his arm as though he had slammed into solid stone, sending vibrations deep into his body as the knights pushed up and redirected him over the head of their lady.

All four landed gracefully, Andreim in front of Lise, Marie in front of her knights. "Royalty?" the bloody princess asked, a wry smile on her face. "Is there someone royal here? If there is by all means bring her forward, for I have not lain eyes upon her yet." The smile vanished, her face contorting into the quality of sneer that only centuries of accumulated blue blood could produce. "Know that I do not consider you a coward, though you do cower in my presence. That is natural. It is the privilege of a princess to be able to rely on her knights. However, do you have no support to give this man that does battle in your stead?"
She pointed imperiously at Andreim, nose lifted. "Have you no advice? No encouragement? No orders? You have not even introduced me so he might know whom he stands opposed to. No," she swept her hand along the lime of shadow servants Lise had summoned. "Instead you set your walls down between him and you instead of him and I."

Behind her, crawling out of her shadow, more knights rose out of the mist and joined ranks with the others. Enough that they were equal to the servants that stood between them and Lise. They stared across the foggy grass at their counterparts like football players on the scrimmage line, hands resting on their weapons. "Your enemy is before you, pretend not that someone else will deal with her." She raised her hand. "By example or command, if you claim to be royal, lead."

She snapped her fingers and the knights charged, fists raised and weapons undrawn, as Marie drew her whip out of the ground and curled it around her fist. She lashed it at Andreim.

Meanwhile, Samoth felt minds headed his way. Five of them. Or two. It was hard to tell. Nevertheless, one was about to come round the corner. He whipped out his arm to catch them in the throat, but then then felt it slam into padding. With lightning fast reflexes Euphoria had raised up her gloves just in time to stop his arm from connecting. "Haha!" She said as the force sent her flying back slightly. There was a sound like a revving engine and a colorless burst of energy when she stopped, dukes still raised. "In the name of Bishamonten, you face-" she started, only to get slammed right into the wall from Samoth's followup. "No fair, we gotta exchange names." She choked out as the aura she'd started giving off winked out upon contact with Samoth's shoulder.

"YOU!" came a sudden scream from behind him as he suddenly felt a weighs on his back. Misery, eyes suddenly wild, had leaped up on his back and wrapped her arms around his, ineffectually sinking her teeth into his shoulder and growling like a monster. From Samoth's perspective one of the minds he'd felt was at the end of his shoulder and the other four were right on top of him.

Andreim kept a cool expression on his face as he landed, his eyes still narrowed slightly. These things were however likely not the actual enemy, they are trying to make us waste energy fighting these. Andreim couldn't help but let out a small. "Hmph." *These fools think they can drain us of our power, their attempt is like a drop in the ocean. The flow of water in my grasp is like an electrical current where I am the source, my very mind and body. It is going to take more than a few specterlike things to beat me.

"Yes, there are royals here. One being you, and you are royally screwed." Andreim gathered a small vortex of water in his left hand, before he continued. "You won't lay your eyes nor your spectral grasp on her.

"My lady does not have to concern herself with someone as lowly as you. The only thing you are going to lead is lead yourself into defeat by my hand."
Andreim didn't wait for the knights to get the initiative, he quickly controlled the vortex to point it's larger part towards the approaching knights before he shot out jets of water from the vortex towards the knights, turning the jets into ice along the way. Making them into flying spears of ice. He had considered to use his saw blade like projectiles, but knights wore armor. He wanted to impale the lot of them. Thus piercing or blunt attacks were likely more effective. The woman had taken her move on him too, using her whip against him, it attached around his right arm, inflicting some pain to him as it attached. He swiftly grabbed hold of it using the hand on the very arm it had wrapped around. "You think you have me? No... I have you."

He smirked, Lise's shadows existed in a similar form like these things. They could now likely deal with her. "Time to tie up this loose end!" Andreim yelled and quickly dashed forwards towards the whip wielding woman, he did a sharp turn on his approach and began to circle around her, shooting jets of water around at various obstacles to push himself quickly around. The plan was simple, but it could work. If this whip was made of the same form as the rest of them it could do for a makeshift rope to keep that woman from moving so Lise could more easily finish her. In the worst case, he had a backup plan.

Lise grit her teeth. 'What do you know about me anyway?! You sneering witch, taunting me in a moment of weakness...' Keeping her eyes closed, she straightened herself up.

She could feel her face pricking with heat, though at first of shame for her lack of composure, it had turned much more towards heat of anger. "To adopt such a boorish demeanour at MY royal tournament..." Lise tried to keep her expression calm enough, though her face was still red. "To act as if you have the authority to test ME, Liselotte Castellan De Valois-Saint-Remy!"

Her previous shadows dissipated, before slinking in front of her into one singular shadow butler. She watched as Andreim tried to bind her foe with her own chains. 'With the full strength of the shadows... I will be able to make use of Andreim's trap!'

Even still, she could not bring her eyes to open to settle upon the... ghost. 'She has no power over me. She's not worth my attention. She is so beneath me she may as well not even exist. Someone as royal as I can not even manage to notice something so insignificant. I need not even open my eyes.'

Lise reached forward, touching the back of her servant. 'Lend me your power... Crush this pretender.' Her vision was black, like the cores of her own shadows... But she could see in her mind the servant carrying out her order.

The second the command was issued, the servant kicked off at full speed, running down the middle with its full strength as Andreim tried to bind Marie with her whip. If any of the knights survived Andreim's ice attack, it would be strong enough to simply knock them out of the way, and reach its goal of a full-power strike to the ghostly ancestor.

Samoth, despite his slight mental hesitation at detecting a rather odd presence ahead, one of greater substance than other minds he had felt, carried out his follow-up attack just as he had intended, slamming Euphoria into the stonework on the “frame” of the wall’s opening. He didn’t feel the need for introductions.

But before he could follow up on attacking the pink-haired boxer, someone else let out a screech and jumped on his back from behind, sinking her teeth into the area between his coat and his neck, forcing Samoth to groan as he was bitten. He thought it was odd that his opponent had chosen to bite him, but nonetheless it was a rather weak attack. He focused on creating a psychic wall directly behind himself, then planting his boot forcefully into the hopefully pinned Euphoria’s stomach. Whether the attack landed or not, the intent of it would carry out either way: the force and extent of his leg would launch him back into his own psychic barrier, causing the enemy on his back to crash roughly into it, hopefully winding them.

He’d wrestle his hands to their right arm as he released the barrier, pulling them from his back and to the ground as hard as he could, hopefully.

There was at that point a tug on Andreim's arm, along with a feeling as though he were trying to arm wrestle a cactus. The thickness of the whip had not disappeared, it had simply moved up the whip. The end wrapped around Andreims arm had doubled in size, wrapping tighter and tighter around the limb, and he could make out thorns like those of a rosebush dotting it. And it was pulling. Slowly but surely it was pulling on his arm, dragging him toward the inky blackness.

The Black Chevalier began to move as soon an Andreim began to form his vortex, as though they had been waiting to give him and Lise a chance to react. They charged headlong toward the vortex as Marie grew a wide, shark toothed grin, but were almost immediately thrown back as huge icicles pierced their chests. They sank in with little resistance, as though the knights were made up of black mud, and landed unsteadily on their feet as Andreim took the opportunity to shoot past them.

She calmly watched the boys approach and followed him with her eyes as he began to circle. The whip in her hand wrapped itself tightly around and slender frame again and again. "Young fool." She said, sighing. "Was your intent to bind me with a weapon under my own power?" She let the whip slip gently from her hand, it's third dimension ebbing away as it left her hand until it was only a flat coil of darkness. It drifted silently into the shadow at her feet, and as it did the coils that bound her lost their diminution as well and followed after it, slipping down her body as shadows like a discarded wedding dress and falling into the hungry darkness.
There was at that point a tug on Andreim's arm, along with a feeling as though he were trying to arm wrestle a cactus. The thickness of the whip had not disappeared, it had simply moved up the whip. The end wrapped around Andreims arm had doubled in size, wrapping tighter and tighter around the limb, and he could make out thorns like those of a rosebush dotting it. And it was pulling. Slowly but surely it was pulling on his arm, dragging him toward the inky blackness.

"You may wish to hurry, dear descendant." She said, casually turning back to whom she considered the truly important person in this scenario. "Lest your noble protector..."

She didn't get to finish as a giant icicle was swung into her face.

Lise's servants had been right behind Andreim. They had their orders, they knew what they had to do, and one in particular had been graced personally by the touch of the princess. Though they lacked their counterparts armor or weapons they met their stricken foes with an unrivaled zeal, striking them moments after they were impaled.

The battle was swift and brutal, though no one could quite tell what happened. It played out like an overcrowded shadow puppet theater, the butlers and knights blending in to one another in a silent dance of death. There were indications at the edges, the impressions of swings and kicks and grapples. It looked like one butler had gotten hold of a knights ax somehow. There was the impression of a knight being torn in half from the swampy edges where he'd been pierced by the icicle. A butlers head rolled from the roiling mass, and then determinedly rolled itself right back in. From this mass of shadows though, one in particular greed itself.

It jumped from the center toward the princesses enemy, the thing that had inspired such fear and contempt in her, and gripped between its bulging non-muscles was one of the large chunks of ice. It swung, exerting in total silence, and the ice caught Marie across the face. There was a sound like air being let out of a balloon and a smell of grave dirt as Marie's face cracked like a mirror, mist seeping from between the cracks like blood.
Then she flew, the force of the impact sending her up the field. As she sailed through the air she raised one fist toward Lise, and extended her thumb.

Unfortunately, with her went her shadow. Andreim was now like a man chained to a moving bus.

"Does nobody have honor anymoURK?!?" Euphoria wheezed out as Samoth planted a foot directly in her chest and pushed himself back into his own barrier. The thing on his back just snarled loudly and bit down harder. Much harder. Surprisingly hard! He reached up to peel her off, but the creature he whipped down roughly onto the mist was barely the girl he had seen before of this team. Her hair was streaked with golden blond tufts, her ears were sharp and pointed, and there was a snakelike tail he could see coiling out between her robes. She rolled with the throw, landing on all fours in front of him like a animal, back arched and eyes wild. Her tongue came slipping out of her mouth, rolling across the red stains that lied her lower jaw. Blood. His blood.

"You...you..." she huffed and puffed, then screamed and clawed at her own skull in a wild frenzy that left her scalp bleeding in places. "Stay down, all of you. Stay down!" She mumbled. "This man is miiiiiiiine!" As she screamed that there was a blinding flash of light, and the next thing Samoth could see as it dimmed was a clawed, muscular hand coming right at his neck.

Meanwhile, a short ways behind them, Marie finally ended her flight and crashed into the dirt. Whether or not Andreim was with her was entirely up to him!

He gritted his teeth as the whip had tightened around his arm, to escape it was likely an easy task. But that wasn't what coursed through the young man's mind.

This arrogant spectre had to know her place, and Andreim wasn't sparing any expenses to make that happen. He whom had been prophetized by his equally arrogant parents to be Clara's replacement.

Andreim's eyes narrowed as he was pulled after the spectre's shadow, first up into the air and then downwards. Upon reaching the top, Andreim had began to manifest a spear-like shape of water in his free hand which he swiftly turned to ice, his face showing clear anger.

He swiftly threw it seeking to impale the spectre in the back, shortly after he made a slicing cut using some water made into ice to cut himself free. Still falling midair, he raised his now freed hands above his head, blood from his arm began to also flow into the large orb of water he formed above his head, then he leaned the large orb forwards and flinging it down towards the impact zone, it becoming a large ball of ice just moments after leaving his hands.

'Smash everything to pieces!'

Seeing the orb fly down at high speed towards Marie. he turned both his hands towards the ground, to shoot jets of water to dampen his fall.

Lise had kept her eyes closed, but she could feel in her heart that her shadows would win. Maybe it was her own inclination towards the shadows, but she could feel and hear the melee, despite it making nearly no sound whatsoever. Perhaps it was the same for her... 'ancestor.'

Lise gasped as she opened her eyes at the last moment. A glint of light reflected off of the icicle as her servant carried out her final command. The entire moment stretched before Lise, though it was only a brief moment. The ghost- no, pretender-to-the-family was crushed by her servant's strength. In fact, it was sent flying. Though rather burlish, Lise couldn't stop a smile. It was rather carthatic to see, after all. 'Perhaps the commoners will enjoy such a rough move.' Lise thought.

As Andreim followed up with his own attack, Lise took the initative. If for some reason Andreim's attack did not finish the job, she needed to make sure she could handle it. A single shadow rose up, Lise deciding to keep all her power in one hit.

Samoth winced as he felt the teeth of his opponent clench down harder on his shoulder-neck area. He needed to get them off of him, he needed breathing room. But who he threw over his shoulder was a seemingly new opponent. She seemed...wild. Savage. She seemed on the verge of losing control of her own body and mind...
Psycho..., he thought as he stared at her little display.

He stepped backwards to give some talking room, but kept his confident posture. ”Two against one.” he said. ”Doesn’t seem very fair.”

He wouldn’t wait for a response. He would turn to his left and sprint towards the wooded area at the end of the wall structure. As he did so, he would raise a barrier between himself and his two opponents, to block any attacks, but would lower it as he had advanced a few yards. He’d leave another, much smaller barrier behind him in a bar shape, but at ankle level to trip up at least one of them as they chased him.

Samoth could feel the air lance across his neck from the blow he stepped back. The attack did not come from Misery, who was even now subsumed. Her body, as it had in the other matches, had changed form. This one, however, was entirely new and it's yellow eyes stared him down with a hateful familiarity.

It tilted her head quizzically at the notion that this was a two on one. It hadn't considered that possibility, but then again it hadn't been thinking very clearly before this moment. It supposed that was one of the advantages of a human mind capable of reason. For example, when Samoth turned and ran every instinct in its body told it to leap, give chase, to fall upon him and rip him into bloody pieces. It didn't do this. Its wonderful new human mind was much better able to interpret its memories and one of those memories was of what her prey was capable of.

It reached out a claw and touched the wall in front of it, sneering. Oh yes. It very much remembered these.

"You heard him." it said. It's voice was confident, and slightly husky, in contrast to the timid screech of Misery. "We have a match to win, don't we?" But when it turned to look at its partner it found her with her dukes up.

"You must be out of your mind!" Euphoria spat, ready to fight it out with her own teammate. "You think you can act up like this and expect me to believe that's still Misery in there? You got another thing coming. Two things!" She knocked her gloves together and threw a pair of quick punches at the air.

It's ears drooped. It had been a fine idea, it has thought, to get this one to help it kill Samoth but it seemed as though that wasn't how this human did things. "It's too bad he de-clawed you then," it said, and then jumped. In a graceful backflip it landed on the to of Samoth's barrier as Euphoria started to rush forward. Fighting her was a trap, after all. That had been their strategy all tournament. Human reason let it recognize this.

From her perch atop that barrier she turned and leaped after Samoth, clearing his unseen trap and running on all fours after him. Euphoria tried to follow, circling the barrier and managing to trip on the psychic bar Samoth had laid in their path. She hurriedly picked herself up and tried desperately to make up the lost ground without her acceleration and hindered by her desperately short legs. It wasn't going to work.

What is "Demonic Possession?" In truth, most cases that could be pointed to as a "possession" are more a case of "co-habitation" or "Symbiosis." Perhaps even "Fusion." Very rarely will a demon posses a human that has been blessed by the gods in anything but sheer desperation. That is because, 99% of the time, in these cases the human has all the real bargaining power. The godly power present in a human will do all in it's ability to keep the demon from doing any damage, up to and including destroying it. Many demons, however, would choose to take the risk if the alternative was slowly losing your mind and power as a ghost. So in order to retain its mind the possessing demon will do everything in its power to obtain the humans permission to stay before it is destroyed.

If it has done so, either though preying on pity or promising power, it takes up permanent residence in the humans soul. From this point a few things may happen. For a truly foolish human it may be able to trick them into handing over the body, leading to a case of true possession. Others whisper in their hosts ear, turning their thoughts ever more to gaining power, preying on their insecurities to corrupt them. Others still are content to themselves useful to who they view as their new master, and wait until the human is dead to take control of their body. Some rare sorts even fuse entirely, power, personalty, and soul, with their hosts so it is impossible to tell where demon ends and human begins.
This is, of course, only true of 99% of cases.

This poor girl, Misery, is a part of the unlucky 1%. Those with Gifts given by gods of Kindness, Trust, or Mercy. Gifts that give inherently, to everyone, indiscriminately, are unsuited to driving out or containing demons and so offer less defense against true possession. Misery was, in fact, quite lucky among this 1%. Her blessing of Hospitality at least allowed her to place locks on the doors in her heart, and so long as the demons inside her had nice rooms with soft beds and a three course meal every day, they could be kept content and even, in their own way, loyal.

Unless, of course, they had unfinished business.

Marie threw out her arms in the air as the ball of ice spun toward her, the shadows under her leaping like obedient dogs into her hands. Two whips of rosy thorns lashed out, piercing into the heart of the ball and shattering it. This only proved to worsen the effect, transforming what was to be a wrecking ball into a hail storm. She was pierced, over and over and over, as though she were the victim of an old timely mob hit. Strange ectoplasmic matter splattered to the floor before evaporating and mixing with the roiling mist.
She landed in a heap on the ground, sunlight shining through the holes that, were she alive at all, would surly kill her. That wasn't a state she could remain in for long. It would bring shame on the family name. So, torturously, she stood, and feigned indifference as best she could before spotting something that so caused a swell of feeling that she was able to hold herself together for just a moment longer.
Oh what pride! Oh what happiness! It was like watching a baby bird you'd taken from the ground and cared for take wing for the first time. Truly this was how the commoners must have felt seeing the sons return from war, strong and gallant with the experience of combat.

She cracked both her whips in front of her. "Yes, that's it. Be not afraid. When your fears rise up before you, look toward it and smile. Face it, head on and heedless of it's terrors and allow it the pleasure of basking in your grace. So long as you don't show fear, neither will those under you." She swung, the whips arcing like serpents toward Lise.

Samoth looked back. The one animalistic girl had surpassed his barriers. Luckily enough however, the other one had been considerably slowed down. He continued to run until he hopefully reached the end of the wall - but he knew Misery would likely be faster than him. He put up another barrier behind him, while at the same time, as he ran, separating himself from the wall by several feet. He had a plan.

If he could, he would reach the end of the wall structure and hide behind it. When the savage got close enough, he would run a diagonal barrier between himself and her - hoping that she would throw herself against the barrier, which would allow him to reach through it and throw her off-balance before trapping her in a small psychic box.

That is, if she is rash as he thinks she is in this state.

Lise scoffed at what she heard. She was feeling much more calm now, enough to take in what was said. "Do you fancy yourself a royal tutor now? Do not sink the name of my family to such depths!"

'That being said... Perhaps I could follow that advice in the future...' Lise briefly thought. 'Of course, I can't let the commoners see me admit that I was scared to begin with.' She kept a brave face on.

"Enough of this!" Lise yelled with as much authority as she could muster. Lise's shadow split and reacted quickly to intercept the two whips. Although it would have been painful for a normal person, Lise's servants were beyond that. Grabbing the whips before they hit their mark, the servants pulled on the whips in sync, aiming to sweep Marie off her feet straight towards Lise - where a new servant would deliver a full-force strike.

Marie popped like a balloon, that look of pride still on her face as it was caved it and scattered into mist. And all around them the fog on the ground began to melt away in the afternoon sunlight, and the unearthly chill that had gripped the arena faded till it was like it was never there at all.

It made the animalistic snarls of the thing after Samoth much more noticeable.

Not to mention the shouts of the girl after it. "Stop! Get a grip you stupid monster!" Euphoria shouted, struggling to keep up. "You're not killing anyone, Misery would never forgive herself."

The thing, though, wasn't listening. It was laser focused on the prey in front of it.

Samoth's plan worked like a charm, the desperate predatory instinct of the demon meaning nothing in the face of barriers it could not see. it was thrown back and trapped.

In the box.

The box.

The box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box the box

Not again. Not that indignity again!

It jumped, and slammed into the ceiling, and pushed off from there to slam against one of the walls, then pushed off and slammed agaist the opposite wall. Again, and again, and again, wall, wall, ceiling, floor, wall, ceiling, floor, wall and on and on and on. Hitting each with all its strength. Hitting the same places every time. These were not the panicked clumsy strikes it had made at the hotel. This was an attack, a concerted effort to break the box.

Andreim landed and then took a few steps forwards, narrowing his eyes. 'Someone has to pay dearly for this humiliation. I will not allow anyone to humiliate me and my lady in this manner. No more holding back. I am shooting them down.'

He considered for a moment asking Lise if she was allright, but she might take it the wrong way. After all, neither one of them should be concerned with small fry. Persistant small fry whose controller is going to get it now.
"Good work Lise, leave the rest to me. Create a perimeter guard around our flag. I am taking them out for both of us."
He grit his teeth together and narrowed his eyes, gathering a large swirling vortex under his feet before using it to speed off towards the enemy's end of the arena.
'I will not allow any ridicule thing such as this stand in the way of the future that is to come. The promised land we shall bring forth. I will smash these opponents into the dust to make a statement. So that none will ever doubt our authority. Whomever called forth these specters is mine.'

He thought to himself as his twisterlike cone of water turned quickly around the walls and made it's way into the enemy side. There he saw Samoth and those whom he was fighting.
A beast looking girl and the one known as Euphoria. Samoth was holding off them both. As expected of Samoth. He was indeed a worthy adversary, there was a reason why Andreim considered him to be his greatest foe. For like himself, Samoth was someone with a trained body AND mind. That made him powerful.
But his moment of glory was about to be contended. Andreim charged forwards with his spinning cone of water, aimed at Euphoria.
'Like a fly meeting a truck. You have been struck.' He thought, as he attempted to cause Euphoria to be sucked into the spinning vortex. Andreim wasting no time, he shot himself up with a strong jet of water and using his other hand turned the vortex into ice, connected by the jet of stream he had used to spring up into the air with.

He didn't care if Euphoria was caught in it, or managed to jump out of it in time, the blunt force of small iceberg would likely send her to the medic bay.
Midair once again he set his sight on the beast girl. No one was going to even doubt for a moment, whom had been in control of this match.
He put both his hands to his sides, with their palms facing the ground below. Before he attuned to heat, his eyes turning orange/yellow as his thermal vision kicked in and then he began to call forth his water powers to create two jets of stream aimed down at Misery. Intending on using her as a landing platform, while steamcooking her. Hopefully to the point of losing counciousness.
'I will show you true phantom pain!' He thought as he began his descent. The plan was well calculated, he would attack her while also creating the ideal enviroment for both himself and Samoth. An area of steamy mist where Samoth could sense them and where Andreim could detect their heat signatures.

After that, all he needed to do was to call forth enough water to fill the enemy side to their heels. Thus he could attack them anywhere and they wouldn't be able to find him.

None in the crowd would either likely pick up his trick of what he would actually do in there, this is what it meant to use guile and planning.

Samoth reset his stance. His trap had worked. The wild girl was now contained in a psychic box not much larger than herself. But she was still resisting. Her concentrated attacks against the same spots over and over would normally not do much, coming from the strength of a normal person. But unbeknownst to Samoth, the slowly increasing headache would indeed be from the girl's attacks against the barrier. It seemed her attacks held more than one would expect.

But for now he could mostly ignore her. The other girl - Euphoria - needed to be handled. However, it seemed the rest of his team had dealt with their own opponent already - and Andreim was well on his way to handle her. Samoth focused his mind around the pink-haired as he stepped closer, aiming to wall her off from his direction. She would only be able to move towards Andreim and his attack.

Samoth had to admit, him and Andreim made a decent, if not really good, team. With both their ways of tactical thinking, and the applications of their powers, it wouldn't be too far off to say they were the best two-man team at St. Laurels.

But of course, Samoth had never been inclined to try and find someone who he worked well with.
Lise &ras12/30/2018
Lise had to take a moment to catch her breath. She had been on edge the entire time, so now that the... presence was gone, it was like a weight was taken off of her. And now that Andreim was freed up, he and Samoth would easily handle any resistance. And she was tasked with the important function of defensive positioning.

Lise crossed her arms confidently as her two shadows guarded the flag. She lightly laughed. "Nobody will so much as touch the flag!"

...Even though it was an important function, Lise felt a pang of concern. If the commoners watching her didn't grasp the importance of defensive positions, then they may get bored watching her. She stood up straight and maintained perfect posture. She needed to look every bit as elegant as she was no matter what she was doing. Even if it was waiting for an enemy attack.

Euphoria had gotten caught up into his watery vortex, spinning around before it was being turned to ice. Leaving half the girl's body encased in ice, the large chunk of ice travelled in a forwards direction, Euphoria would have been occassionally slammed against Samoth's psychic walls, which were used as a railing for the speeding miniature iceberg. It came to a stop when it crashed into one of the many pillars which decorated the arena, the ice breaking partly into pieces and the uncouncious battered body of Euphoria next to it.

The other girl which Samoth had put in his psychic box, had been steamcooked for a slight bit. She was no longer a threat, Samoth should finish her. He couldn't hog all the glory himself. That would be overambigious. First of all things he attuned to cold again, as he felt a tingle of wearyness having swapped between the two elements in such a quick manner. But the match was soon over, that was fine.

The heated steam was swiftly turned into cool mist, just perfect for assessing the situation. He did a reversal of elemental attunement again, activating his thermal vision, scanning the two targets and also picking up Samoth's heat signal. Further away was Euphoria's body, slightly cooler than the other two. Then there was the heated up Misery and close to her was the normal heated Samoth. Andreim quickly determined that Euphoria and Misery were dealt with in such a manner he needed not to keep attacking them. There was one left. The one which had wasted their time and likely made fun of them while doing so. He would find her.

Andreim called forth a new vortex of water under his feet, then after gathering enough he speeded off along the ground, looking for Eulogy. After not too long he found her on the enemy side of the arena. She appeared uncouncious.
Andreim created a miniature vortex and sent it over her head, dropping a bucket of water on the girl. If she was awake or not, an example had to be made. It was nothing personal towards her, it was something personal towards himself and Lise. None should for a moment doubt that this match was in their grasp. The future depended on it. That's why this girl had to be humiliated in such a way it would deter people from even thinking they had a single hope at coming out at top. Andreim controlled a large portion of water from his vortex, and kept calling forth more, enough that it would pick up Eulogy and carry her along with the mass of water, all the way back to the St.Laurel's team's base. Where Lise were standing, guarding the flag. No. The banner. Just like they would have their own banner in a future not far from now. Eulogy here was to be treated as an enemy, of a lesser kind.

Andreim attuned to cold and began to create two high pillars of ice, in an 'X' shape, whereof in the lower part of it hung Eulogy with her wrist's encased in ice, slightly suspended above the ground, facing the crowd on one side of the arena. So they could see what happened to those who got cocky. Some might think it to be distasteful or cruel, but to Andreim this was of high importance.

A leader needed resolve and strength of both body and will. He floated forwards still on the water, which had slowed down significantly, and he concentrated carefully before creating stairs of ice, which he began to walk up upon, and at the top shaping two thrones of ice, with a slight bump at the edge to make sure those sitting in it would not slide off. He then gaze a satisfied smirk and gave a wave, very similar to how a great ruler would greet his people. Once that was done, he created another vortex, sending it towards Lise and trying to lift her all the way up to the thrones.

"My lady, how does victory taste?"
I decided to leave things like whether Aram was able to do something to mitigate damage or whether Christine actually got hit or what happened to her pet goblins very open to interpretation.

If anyone has anything they want their character to do between the first match and second, post it now or tell me in the discord.
Match One - End

The ice creeping across the wall unfortunately caught Aram completely unaware, climbing up over his back and sticking him in place. On top of that she held out one of her cards and called upon a bloodthirsty group of goblins, who at her order snarled and leaped as the stricken boy.

Unfortunately for...pretty much everyone in was in that moment that Bak tramped around the corner and eagerly opened up with everything she had.

Booing was expected whenever Mephisto's won, especially from the Laural's section, but it seemed especially intense this time.

Maybe it had something to do with all the double taps.

It didn't have anything to do with how bad Bak felt. As the medics gathered up the vigilantes and carted them off to be patched up and the announcers declared their victory Bak stood sheepishly with Christine and Rurik. "I am so sorry." She said. "I did not know you were there, honest. I could not see thanks to stupid Brutus!"

Regardless, the first match was over. Victory had come to Mephisto's!
Donkey Kong once punched the moon out of the sky to smash an evil tiki mask, this has been your Donkey Kong fact of the day.
"What brother? Are you concussed?" He asked, feet dangling in the air. It wasn't an impossibility. He had seen one if those trolls crack her pretty violently on the back of the head. He pooled around again, just to make sure there weren't any more bodies than he had expected. No, just the trolls.

He was used to the threats of, and use of, violence against him after he'd used his powers. The other cadets at the academy had been very vocal about how they felt about his powers and very creative in the methods they used to dissuade him from using them further. So if he was tossed into space by this girl that was just as natural a consequence of using his abilities as having to fight three trolls at once. He was prepared for that. Still there wasn't any reason not to be diplomatic about this.

He clicked his heels together and tried to present himself as smartly as possible while dangling in the grip of someone much bigger than him. "My name is Alexei Zhukov. I had nothing to do with this helicopter. The trolls were my responsibility, but not my intention. I apologize for your broken neck and will make every effort to compensate you for any pain you may have experienced. I did not wish to appear cocky, simply record an accurate account of these events while they're fresh in my mind so the story does not become distorted."

It was at this point that a long shadow fell over both of them. Alexei couldn't turn his heard to see, he thought the voice he heard declaring the girl a witch who would die belonged to the man that had appeared to fight the trolls. "Sir I don't know what your relationship to this girl might be, but I would advise against hasty action in any case."
"Obviously," Alexei replied, "though looking at them now I can't say there's much urgency to it anymore." He whipped out his notebook, jotting down a cliff notes version of all the events that had so far transpired, with particular attention given to whom had done what and how. "Your assistance was appreciated, though unnecessary. There was no reason to endanger yourself like that, but you'll all likely receive a commendation when I've reported this story to the administration. Save for Mr. Rat man. As per our agreement, you'll be left out of my report though I advise you file for a proper residence from the Housing Bureau. There's no excuse for vagrancy in the Tsar's Yekaterina."

He presented the page he had been writing on the Kakra without giving it to her, and held out his pen. "Could I get your name for my report, Mr..." He cocked a curious eyebrow while looking at her and glanced down briefly. "Ah. I beg your pardon, Miss. Along with you. Yes, you, the Sir with the farming implement, if you please." He shook the pen in Ivan's direction. "Quickly, if you would. I would like to track down that pilot before I'm thrown in detention for this troll debacle."

It was around this time that he began to notice a glow washing over the area. He looked up, only to see a light like the sun had fallen from the sky and landed in the outdoor dining area. "Oh what fresh hell is that?"

I wouldn't mind that.
The monster was charging at him, its movement wild. Clumsy. Easy to read.

Not a problem.

Or at least it wouldn't have been, if he hadn't suddenly been attacked unexpectedly from behind. He turned himself as he flew forward, just in time to see his would be savior get cracked across the skull and go flying. They slammed into the canopy, but even before they slid off and crumpled at Alexei's feet like a broken doll he could already tell. He didn't need to look at the angle of their neck for a moment to know there was no coming back from that.

He averted his eyes from the sight, instead focussing on the towering beasts in front of him. He grit his teeth, and tried to bury what he was feeling. It wouldn't help anyone right now. "Damn you." He said under his breath. "Why do you always have to make everything worse?"

He brought up the gun and knife in a standard CQC grip and the rainbow light began to coracle to life around his hands again when all of a sudden the body started giving off a blinding light. An ability set to activate upon? Alexei leaped away, anticipating some kind of revenge power to ravage the enemy. When the light stopped, however, all that stood there was...a girl? Had they always been a girl? A girl that seemed in good spirits, at that rate. She set out to engage the enemy and Alexei took that moment to fall back to a safe position and wait for his oppertunity.

One came as one of the two monsters the girl was handling all on her own started back to its feet from the flip she'd given it earlier. Alexei darted forward, slipping the flare gun into the hem of his pants as he ram up the monsters back, half climbing up its shaggy mane as the creature drew itself to full height. Up close like this the stench was nearly unbearable, but he managed to scurry up to its shoulder before it realized what was happening.

He brought the knife down into the side of the creatures neck. Its thick skin would normally prevent a knife like this from piercing its hide, but Alexei brought his free hand down in a open palm strike to the base of the handle, sending it digging into the flesh to the hilt. The monster let out a pained grunt and reached up to its shoulder with a hand as big an Alexei himself, but Alexei wasn't on its shoulder anymore. He flipped over the knife, planting his feet on the monsters chest and hanging from the handle, using his full weight to jerk down and gouge an even larger wound.

Still, the wound was already closing up again, stitching back together through some cursed quirk of biology. That was to be expected though. He had, in fact, been counting on it. Letting the flesh grow back just enough to ensnare the knife again, Alexei let go with one hand and pulled the flare gun from the hem of his pants. As the monster readjusted to pull this tiny annoyance off it's chest instead of its shoulder he pushed up, stuck the barrel right into the still open wound, and pulled the trigger.

This got the monsters attention. There was a sound of sizzling pork and a smell like burning swampwood as the flare burned within its flesh. It let out a scream like a bull elephant and began clawing at the wound, desperately ripping out chunks of flesh but only succeeding at driving the flare deeper as though it were a stubborn splinter.

As it wailed and flailed Alexei let himself drop, abandoning the knife and combat rolling out of the way of its stamping feet. Retreating to a safe distance he popped open the gun and let the spent flare drop out of it before reaching into his coat and pulling out another one. It was Yekatarian regulations that all helicopters carry at least 4 emergency flares. This pilot had stocked three. Cheap bastard.

He loaded the weapon with the second flare, gripped it in both hands, and brought it up so he could aim down the barrel. He focussed on it, still flailing, still screaming that eerie scream.

He whislted mockingly at it.

It turned to look at him with that still gaping mouth.

He fired.

It stopped screaming. All that came out of its mouth was a flaccid choking sound and smoke.

The thing was still alive though, weakened but angry as hell, so he quickly loaded his last flare.
"Excellent work, strange creature!" Alexei called out as the rat boy walked away before tending to the pilot. Luckily for him the man was just in a disoriented state of confusion, such that could be cured by a single strong slap to the face. This Alexei provided.

"Calm yourself, comrade. You are unharmed."

"I....he...rat...my helicopter...," the man managed to stutter out. Still obviously in shock. Alexei supplied another vigorous slap.

"Yes, it appears to be unsalvageable. You are fortunate that odd creature was around, otherwise you may have been in even more trouble than you are now."

The man froze in the middle of rubbing his reddened cheek. "Trouble?" He asked, it slowly dawning on him how odd this whole event was.

"Yes, trouble." Alexi continued patiently. "Unless there is some official reason to do so, no one should be flying an aircraft so close to the academy like this. I'm going to have to apprehend you and deliver you to the administration. Depending on your explanation, they might then turn you over to the police."

The pilot looked at Alexei like he was crazy. Then he pushed the boy over and took off In a dead sprint toward the treeline.

Alexei quickly jumped back to his feet, the light in his right hand crackling to life. "Sir, this will not look good for you in my report. I command you to stop! You have till the count of three! One...Two..."

In lieu of a three he just unleashed the wild magic. It exploded forward, aimed right at the mans back, but then swerved and shot past him, vanishing between the trees deep into the forest. The pilot let out a high laugh as he ran into the woods, vanishing between the trees while Alexei just looked down at his hand in disappointment.

It was short lived, however, because a few momenta later came running back onto the school grounds, screaming his head off. Alexei held up a hand for him to halt, but the man just shot past him in blind panic toward the main building.

It was easy to see why, because suddenly out of the woods emerged three ugly, big nosed creatures twice the size of a man. Their ears were big and human like, and they walked upright like people on two large, tree trunk legs. Where they weren't covered in shaggy brown hair their skin was lumpy and grey like stone, and as they emerged from the treeline a stink like bear musk flooded over the area think as a miasma. They stopped as they saw Alexei, and the one in the lead raised a wooden club in his big meaty hand and let out a quaking bellow that reveled it's black, razor sharp teeth.

Alexei sighed. There was no way this wasn't his fault, so he was going to have to take responsibility or it. As the lumbering monsters began to stalk toward him he claimed into the remains of the aircraft. After searching around for a bit he emerged moments later with a flair gun and a survival knife that must have fallen under the seat in the crash.

Weapons in hand, he faced the trolls.

(Effect 8215, 1d20 hungry trolls appear in area.)
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