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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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"Really?" Maisy said. "That's great."

She wonders if she should go to sleep? Did she even need to sleep? She'd never been awake for this long, though technically she was still asleep in the coffin. If that was the case she decided to fish until she got bored of it.
Maisy frowned. She'd thought they were going to fight the pirate. Instead they'd just rowed away and RU up on the shore of an unfamiliar continent. One that, opening the map, Rhea wasn't even on.

There was a small town called town called Fishers Key where her friend had managed to sell off most of the things she had.

Maisy dcided to follow her example, selling off all the stuff she d accumulated in her inventory for a good amount of money. She bought a few things, upgrading her armor and even buying a fishing rod. There were hardly any players in this town, which suited her just fine. She sat on the docks, fishing to ease out the stress of being attacked by pirates and hoping to catch a passing ship.

Level 5 - (26/50) + 2

Location: Lumbridge ~ Guild Hall
Word Count: 764


Linkle shoved open the doors of the guild hall and was immediately overcome with the smell of glorious food and the sound of lively conversation. She looked around the crowded room, trying to find the source of that aroma, and spotted the carts that had been wheeled in and realized to her horror they were already nearly half empty.

That shouldn't have been a surprise given that she could only assume the Koopa Troop were big eaters all on their own, but her stomach gave a violent rumble that was more like the growl of a monster defending its kill. It hadn't had anything simce breakfast this morning and it wanted her to know that. "Oh hush, you." She said, patting on it with a closed fist as she walked inside with Ryu. "At least I actually made it to dinner this time."

Linkle had no compunction about getting greedy when it came to the food. All she hoped was that this stuff was as good as Lon Lon Milk when it came mending injuries, and soothed the ache in her limbs as much as it did her stomach. To that end she took a little bit if everything, piling a group of those tofu blocks and some of those juicy looking fruit skewers onto a plate of those blue scaled lizard legs and topping the precarious pile with a scoop of that blue wiggly jelly that reminded her of a chu-chu.

Unconcerned with the fact that this was all probably plated separately for a good reason, and she'd likely destroyed the unique flavors by combining them into this monstrosity, she nonetheless started eating and found it to be actually really good by her standards. Of course her standards were mostly scrambled eggs with extra bits thrown in at the spur of the moment for flavor.

As she was eating her gaze was drawn to the big pile of loot they'd that had been gathers together at the big table, and though she was already satisfied with what she'd gotten today she couldn't help being curious. She wandered over to look it over. There was a weird glowing pair of arms, a few planks of wood, a strange can with that guy they'd freed on the roads face on it and...was that an entire set of armor for a horse? They didn't even own a horse, though maybe you could fit that onto a chochobo if you were creative about it. She'd left hers outside by the guild hall, right in front of the cuckoo enclosure. They'd stared at him with venom in their eyes, but she'd explained very clearly that he was a friend and as she'd left she'd heard alternating "kweeh?" and "cukoo" sounds being exchanged and could only hope that was going to lead to some sort of understanding.

Of course, one particular object drew her attention not from its look, but from its overpowering smell. There a rancid stink coming from the pile that over powered even the scent of the dinner if you came close. She looked around and thought she spotted the problem, setting her plate down as she lifted up a white bottle. She gave it a whiff, gaged, and put the clearly spilled milk back down in disgust. "Nghaaaa." She blenched. "Who brough this in here? Hylia above, someone pawned a defective bottle off on you. This isn't supposed to happen." It was almost enough to make her lose her appetite.

The though of the bottle reminded her of her own though. She reached into her shirts and pulled out the bottle of fish spirits she'd collected and set that gently glowing bottle down on the table as well. Satisfied, she turned to the room. "Anybody want some fish friends? We beat up a ton of fish today.

It was while she was doing this that Agoston came up and greeted them, inquiring whether Linkle had vanquished Ryu to free him. "Nah." She replied to the centurion, shaking her head. "I got my butt kicked. I did manage to catch him in an arrow volley. Turned out that was enough." Now that she was getting a look at him up close she could see that man looked slightly different than he'd had this morning. "Hey, did you get a...?"

She looked back at Ryu, then at Agoston, thought about how they'd know each other, and grinned. "Ohhhhhh! You to, huh? How did your fight go? Did you get hit with that big uppercut? He sent me so high with that I could have seen to rooftops."
"Hohhhh?" Maisy said as they approached the port. "I should do more of those."

"Oh coooool." Maisy said breathlessly as her companion vanished before her eyes. That was the exact sort of thing she needed. "Where did you get that?" She asked, looking around for her friend.
Maisy bounces along after her. If there was any talking to be done she was content to let her handle that.
Maisy looked around at the other people in town, scared to go out because of the pirate. It reminded her of herself, stuck in the house because she was too scared to even be in the yard.

It made her miserable.

She stood up. "I think I'll have to. Lets go get this pirate."
Maisy got curious use and opened up the menu, tabbing over to the map to try and find where the place she was supposed to go actually was.

"I've got to cross the ocean to get to Rhea. Do you think the ship will get attacked."

She looked around. Maybe that was why so many players will still hanging out in this city.
Archer stepped out of his old beater of a car at the edge of the city of Brightwell, surveying the edge of the city. It seemed almost to good to be true. For a good while now this whole "mission from god" had turned up a whole lot of nothing in terms of leads on what he was supposed to do, and now all of a sudden the first clue he got told him exactly where to go?

Still, considering there had been no less that three attempts on his life and livelihood since he'd gotten out of the ER maybe it was a good idea to skip town for a little while. So he'd taken the money he'd been saving up to pay off his hospital depots, thrown together a suitcase, and set off for the beautiful state of Illinois for an impromptu sabbatical.

After all, the guy trying to kill him couldn't possibly know about the mission from god. Right?

There was a certain hotel he pulled up too in the city, one that made his brain just feel real good for some reason. He parked and went up to the door, giving a wave to the other people already in the parking lot before making his way inside.

What waited for him was not what he expected. He'd expected someone that knew about the angels and that someone was after his life to be a little older than this guy seemed to be. He stepped forward. "Yo." He said. "I'd introduce myself, but you seem like you know me already. Kinda weird, but whatever. Angels and stuff." He looked back at the people that had come in behind him. "He know you too, right? Wild."
Maisy yelps slightly as she looks over her shoulder, only to calm down when she spotted who was talking. She smiles and holds up the rose token. "The one armed man said I should head to another town."

"What about you?"
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