Avatar of GingerBoi123


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4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
DEGENERATE!?!?!? LMAO! Get over yourself dude. For real
4 yrs ago
I mean everytime I've seen you moan, people have tried to be helpful and give you tips, you have never done any of those things. You still don't like putting images and colors in your interest checks
5 yrs ago
Really need a fantasy RP. Someone hit me up if you got one/know one that's pretty active rn
5 yrs ago
Have fun with that then :)


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Most Recent Posts

@TomaruUhm I have a question, for everyone else here too I suppose, lol. Would it make sense for Jack to be completely new to the school being a transfer student or are we assuming that everyone has already spent time in the school/club already?
Sorry! I've got assignments in for next week so bad timing on my part! Apart from that, the posting shouldn't be an issue. I'll try and get something up now
Man, why everyone be making cool headers and shit >_<
My plan for power growth is to include different strikes from different disciplines and make them techniques. For example karate kicks or palm strikes. That and/or to make Knight's Vow develop more and more. Maybe turning into a spectral suit of armor. Not really sure what will be viable xD
Was I the only one that didn't? xD
Oh shit it Friday
Just for clarity's sake I've changed my guy's theme song and upped his age to 17
@TomaruThanks for the feedback! Just wondering if there is still anything you want me to add and/or expand upon
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