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After a 2 month struggle, I am finally free from homelessness. I can finally partake in hobbies with full force once more


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Left talon, left paw, right talon, right paw; this was the equine-like gait that carried the visitor forth. A titanic creature, his very footsteps shook the ground with each step. Even though the conditions were tolerable, this wasn't the kind of place the Griffintaur frequented. He much preferred clear bodies of water or the vastness of mountainsides. Not even an hour prior he was settled in an underground cave. But something severed him from his temporary home, a subconscious curiosity like something was pulling him in. It eventually lead him here, and he would soon see the horrors that attracted him.

The threat was too far away for his more traditional senses to register. The natural ambiance of the area and the native critters made such difficult. But that didn't mean he was completely unaware. The hybrid was all too familiar with the hunt, and his innate predatory sense alerted him of the impending danger. Stopping directly in his tracks, the beast hunkered down somewhat into a much more readied stance. The Magna Pater would hear a low growl emanating from the distance, almost like a warning to back away in hopes of preventing unneeded bloodshed. Though something told him to be prepared for the unimaginable. The presence of this foe was quite unlike many things Tharraleos has encountered. All he could do was stand his ground and wait.
@Metal Tortoise

Derp. Forgot to tag again. I figured you'd be preoccupied, I guess I just like to say something to get on my own forgetful ass. Though I do understand IRL prioritization, so patience is no issue for me either.
Within that frantic second, many things were processed through the robust mind of Tharraleos. His hold on the dear was lost instantly and it fell to the ground, painting the lightly grassed terrain in an explosion of gore and bone. As the hybrid watched the bullet careen towards him, it became clear he was not able to move in time and this projectile would find its way to his midsection. His immense body was a curse, but also a gift, as the bird cat was also aware of. Sure enough, the bolt burrowed into the midsection part just above where the bodies divided. Given his reinforced fur and hardened skin, it hardly broke the flesh, drawing only a minor amount of blood and forcing and irritated, growl from Tharr's agape beak, fangs and teeth bearing in response.

"At times I contemplate if I give humans too many opportunities for mercy." He started with retained tranquility, using a duo of his claws from his left minor paw like a pair of tweezers, the bullet was easily lodged from its place with nothing but a flesh wound remaining. His body abruptly reared upwards with feathered hindlimbs supporting his entire weight, golden talons clawing into the dirt for grip. From here, two things would happen simultaneously; his wings would flare outwards, their girth and low aspect ratio inherently unleashing a hefty gust of wind. Then his signature battle cry rattled the forest around them. The screech of a bird of prey pierced the air before it transitioned into a thunderous roar of a lion. If the torrent of air wasn't enough, the beast slammed his paws against the ground with such force it generated shockwaves with enough of a radius to ensure the hidden man faced some instability.

"Embrace your fear, and directly face the might of Tharraleos." He called out, body in a much more prepared stance for future deterrents.
@Doc Doctor

I've successfully read through the Magna Pater. Definitely quite the matchup that should be interesting. I don't see anything to nerf, so I'm down to get the battle set up. This particular character makes me wanna fight him in a misty, nighttime swamp. Give it that horror vibe, I think. Since my bird cat would likely start this bout being preyed upon, who'd get beginning post. I'm not the best at them, but I could make something worthwhile if I get off my lazy ass.
It's kinda difficult to give specifics on damage. The most I can do is say light, moderate, etc. Other people's characters have differing resistances and inconsistencies are inevitable. Besides, all he does is punch people for the most part. Not like it's that complicated. It seems he's just too resourceful. Besides, it's not like all that he has doesn't make sense. I mean, the psionics might be a bit much, but they're there too emphasize his mental strength.

Doc is right though regarding OPness. 5 minutes is a bit extensive, but I've never exceeded 10 Reserves in an RP. The ludicrous amounts he can reach are more for my personal stories or if an opponent allows such.

To add to the debate, it's all about responsibility and respect for characters. Sure Tharr can be perceived as too powerful and would be bland in a story environment. But with proper characterization, I can compellingly give him struggle and conflict despite his great power and apparent perfection.

Also, Doc, what'd be the status of that character of yours? This discussion has me a bit more pumped to fuck shit up.


Final afterthought conceived. It's about entertainment. I believe he's reasonably overpowered and grossly resourceful. Almost harboring power of a big bad, but preferring neutrality and discontent with anything but his own. Having something like that can provide some fun times if given chance to grow. Having extra muscle to throw around is never a bad thing, either.
"I see." Tharraleos began with a series of nods, lower minor arms crossing. The actual sight of Steer had yet to be seen, but the bird cat was fairly confident he knew where the hidden human was. "Your bullet striking me was a mere accident, it seems. I have no intentions of accepting your offer, but still hold respect for such." He went on. Twisting his smaller bipedal torso somewhat, the deer carcass fell into view. Extending one of his arms towards the animal, it began floating unsupported through the air and towards the hybrid.

"Now. Take your kill and proceed with your day." He stated, carrying the prey more towards where he was convinced the chi manipulator was situated. It seemed he was aware of how humans tended to be. This one was an obvious threat what with his noisy tool of death. Besides, why settle for a common dear when 2,700 pounds of meat just came your way. Not to mention the sight curing properties of his feathers and poison detecting talons. Even though he was more than a capable warrior and revelled in battle, it typically acts as a last resort to put foolish mortals in their place. If he can just carry on without unneeded bloodshed, that'd be more preferred, but mot possible, as previous events have told him.

@Metal Tortoise

I'll have a go, but it'll be a few days before I'm ready. Been busy with work and friends, and I need to make some modifications to Slimy's (The Magna Pater's) CS.

Griffy seems to share many of Slimy's traits and stats, such as sonic attacks, high intelligence, flexibility, very similar land speeds (Slimy's record is 90 mph), among other powerful animalistic abilities.

It'd be a true battle of the beasts. I just need to finish polishing Slimy's profile until I feel content with the flow and jibe, and everything clicks firmly together. Right now there are irregularities and vague shit I need to iron out, and changes I want made to appearance.

In the mean time, got a fighting location in mind?

That sounds like a rather fun matchup. Perhaps a true test of this new creation of mine. As for location. I'm lazy and all about simplicity. Perhaps a simple arena, gladiator style. 2 beasts taken captive and forced to fight for their lives. Not that bird kitten would totally be getting off at the idea. But yeah. I'm down. Lemme know what you think.

your bird creatures CS is way to vague, also, anything that can react "instantly" is basically not allowed in most arena, its way to easy to godmode that shit.

I've recently discovered the tiering system of the VS Battle Wiki. It seems in base form, he's between building and multi-block level. So he doesn't seem so OP to me. Also, you neglect to mention I state "Nigh instantaneously" then further went on to say that just because his brain can react, doesn't mean his big ass body can move in time. It seems people think this character is way more OP than he really is, and it's always so humorous.
@Metal Tortoise

Holy crap. How's it been 5 days already? Utmost apologies for such a delay. It seems like the moment I have excitement to RP with ample time, something always has to go and divide my attention. All good, I surmise. But I'll be getting a reply in tonight or tomorrow.
A large scale RP that demands devotion and consistency but offers a chance to fuck shit up in an immense, medieval world. This has my interest, though further reading is necessary.
Sounds like a plan. I'm excited to see Steer's reaction to seeing something like Tharr, given his distaste for mutants and animal hybrids. Something tells me he's gonna get a few more rounds shot at him.
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