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Today's order: Neotokyo, The Tower, Tower Review
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Feeling so tired that the coffee isn't working anymore e.e
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Posts coming out slower than expected. But they'll be done by tonight e.e


So... I'm a writer... A gamer and an anime nerd... Uh... I love fantasy ans Sci-fi. And I have a weakness for romance. I'm also gay.... My best friend and I joke around and say that I caught the ghey. My best friend is also a trash talking dwarf. No lie. He's 4'9 has longer hair than most women and a beard. Anyways.... I ramble about stuff often... I'm pretty socially awkward but get me on a topic I like and I'll talk for days....


Grizz the Mauler

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Mentions @Cio and @Randomness

Dion left his parents and headed back, sensing that they wanted to spend time together. He followed his Peacekeeper escort to the transport. As much as he hated them, he had to admit he had it a lot better than most. The transport was quick and they were eager to get him through customs who checked his sword with a suspicious eye. He just stood there in the expedited line, one reserved for usually the ones that are never allowed out. Dion made his way through, heading to his home after he was finally let in. Dropping off his things he decided he would wander around the Square. Heading down there he just wandered, looking around after picking up his order at the book store, a copy of the Poetic Edda in Norwegian, and a copy of the Codx Regius. He wanted to study his runes more and had taken a lot of time to get them as the Peacekeepers were aware of his powers and didn't exactly approve of Devos training themselves.

The Square was busy and there were a lot of Devos around. There were Peacekeepers about but he paid them no mind. He saw people chatting and there was an unusual sight. Standing on the sidewalk was a man he recognized talking to a woman. He observed them for a while and wandered a bit closer to make out what they were saying. He knew that face, having seen the man before at his father's Office. Unsure of his intentions as he had heard of some of the things the man had done to secure his business; Dion strode a bit closer. With a practiced ease he blended into the crowd around him as he got close. He caught the tail end of the man mentioning a proposal of sorts. Dion shifted his bag on his shoulder, not sure if that was a good thing of a bad thing. The Woman seemed to be unsure of what he wanted, stammering in response. Dion stayed nearby, to listen in.

Dion was tired. Forced to take the midnight flight to meet the ridiculous demands of the Peacekeepers he made his way through Customs, huffing when they demanded three different searches and even attempting to pull him aside to do a strip search in front of everyone and when his mother and father yelled at the man for even attempting it, he finally was allowed to make his way to the car to head back his father's home. "It's a damned Concentration camp, Okāsan. We're searched every other week and we can barely go anywhere much less see Dad for more than a hour."

"I know, Dion." His mother patted his arm. She smiled gently at him. "Leif works hard to make sure we're well off. Don't let them ruin your mood. You ranked up! We're both so proud of you. You keep doing your lessons and focus on finishing your degree. No matter what happens we'll support you." She kissed his head.

Arriving at the building, Leif stood outside, smiling as his son and wife exited the vehicle. "Congratulations, son. I'm so proud of you." He pulled his son in for a hug. He kissed his wife and pulled them inside, the Peacekeepers following. "I'm in a bit of a mess. As you can see I just got off duty." He lets them into their old home. He gets their bags dropped off and ushers them out. "Come on.. We'll get some nice pizza if we hurry, kiddo!" He grinned and herded his family out to the streets.

The streets were busy as usual. Dion had always loved the city. The vibrant feel had always called to him and he loved the mixing of cultures. He especially loved the New York Pizza. Greasy and delicious he grinned with every bite. They had known the owner of this Pizzeria for a long time, Tony Barelli. The large Italian man was known to deliver fresh pizzas to the Compound. Even though none of his family were Devos, Tony and Leif were longtime friends. With their bellies now full they walked back to the apartment. Dion was happy but saddened that he would have to leave his father.

*Gives a little bump*
This is neat. Color me interested.
The tavern redecorates for the spring.

Vilkas caught the subtext Volaire was putting out. He shrugged at it, not too concerned. If the man wanted to talk, he would. "We all have our secrets." He took a seat for himself and began to eat, noticing Stephanie had entered. He gave a short wave, grunted at Voltaire's harsh words and then his eyes were drawn to the young woman's sword. From his perspective, it was much too large for her. She was not built like a warrior, so why wield such a hefty blade. He would have pictured her with a refined weapon, one of grace like a rapier or that takes advantage of her size, like a dagger. He himself wore a saxe knife forged from dark steel. It was heavily enchanted to return to him if he lost it and held an air enchantment that could summon a whirlwind. His own blade, Ascension was in his room, as he didn't generally like wearing it all the time.

Glancing at the weapon, Vilkas sensed fire enchants, which further confused him. "For one so... Open, I would have pictured you with water or air as your element of choice.. Fire is much more... Brash than you seem to be. Would you mind if I take a look at your blade? I'll be gentle with it." The artificer in Vilkas was intrigued by the weapon. It was a strange design and seemed a bit malicious in nature. While the Anubis may know more about enchantments on accessories, Vilkas had years learning the trade of the smith, working with his father and grandfather at the forge, working with metals.

The morning sun awoke Vilkas as he slept on the bed. He stumbled over t the large sunning rock as he shifted, stretching out his wings with a yawn. It felt nice, and he was glad he'd still be able to fly after the attack. "Need to get started on that training... I'll ask Master R about it... Wonder if I can get access to the forge... Haven't gotten a chance to build in a while too..." The dragon, once he felt himself sufficiently warmed leapt off the rock into the openness of the sky around him. Flapping great wings he sailed a lazy circle. A strong updraft kept him from going too far down. Touching down on the landing area he shifted and dressed, heading to the mess hall.

He smelled a few new people as he collected a heaping plate. young Dragons burned a lot of energy. He noticed Voltaire and headed over, introducing himself. "Greetings, I'm Vilkas. What brings you to a place like this?" He noticed that once again, he was quite larger than most of the residents here.

"Well, it depends. That is what Grandmother studies. She is observing the effects it has on creatures around it. And well... It's very strange. Sometimes the creature becomes an elemental others it kills. It's not as interesting to me as when I started manifesting my magic. I got a bit angry and blew up a tower with a windstorm. That was an... Interesting time." He shivered remembering Vescartes' punishment, empowering the entire self repair enchantment on his own until it was fixed. Well over a month of sitting and meditating to generate the mana needed.

"One of my interests is magical artificing, the creation of magical items. I know of a few weapons created by my Grandfather that Dromon took from him. One was Sunder. A watchmaker that could split the earth itself. There was Illirium, a flute that called upon nature and The Mirror of Solus. I don't really remember what that one does. From in commissioned that one specifically. It's a strange thing. It looked like some sort of mirrored shield. Gramps is a powerful artificer. His studies are held in high regard among our kind. Though it was his grandmother who catalogued the Enchantments we know of. Tunic magic is strong in our family."

Vilkas caught the look that crossed the anybody' eyes. There was a hidden darkness. He made a mental note to ask him about his troubles later. Turning to Steph he nodded. "While our magical sight is nice it's a bit of a burden. Not all dragons have it some have something stronger. Demon for example can read a beings aura and tell of they are hostile or not. Patriarch Jericho can see souls as a black dragon. He is probably the strongest conjurer I have ever seen. While I know some races have hard limits on magic our kind do not. We are all magics as viable. He is currently researching the effects of Necromancy and ways to combat the undead more efficiently."
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