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Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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Ogre Ren
The Beginnings Of a Forge/// Morning >> Noon // Day 6


Carefully removing the book from the shelf, he tucked it into the 'belt' of his new garb; where it fit snugly. Standing with a grunt, Ren stretched himself as he beckoned his wolf to follow, it was time he get to work on creating his workshop. Nodding to the Goblin Elder as he picked up his massive sword, the Ogre headed back to the Shrine of Gatoven. Without so much as a word he went to work, finding a large rock, nearly as big as Ren himself. It would do perfectly as a smelter. Activating [Stoneskin], he proceeded to hollow out the inside of the rock with his fists, taking great care not to break the large stone in the process. After hollowing out a little under three quarters of the massive rock, Ren carefully lifted it, flipping it over to the other side; repeating the process, but leaving about a half inch of stone separating the two chambers. Taking a smaller rock, Ren created himself a crude chisel, in turn using that chisel to create a channel leading out from the upper chamber, to allow smelted metal to flow into casts. Next, he carefully chiseled out a small exhaust port for the lower chamber of the smelter, allowing smoke to be vented without losing too much heat. After careful inspection of his handiwork, Ren decided he was satisfied with his design, carefully lifting off the ground, and bringing it to his camp at the shrine, and placing a stone slab beneath it, as to not allow the fire to catch the rest of his future workshop. Now that he'd made a smelter, all he needed was the forge itself. Using the same technique he'd created the smelter with, Ren broke down many sizable rocks into stone bricks.

Though it was a time consuming task, Ren finally completed his forge. Yet, even with his great success-- he could tell something was missing. Something important. It was the item he had witnessed the forgefather do all the hitting of the metal on; the very centerpiece of his workshop! He needed to make one! But the only metal Ren could use to create the final piece was that of the shrine itself! However the Ogre was understandably hesitant to do this. After countless minutes of consideration, Ren knew what he needed to do, he would use the shrine to make the special piece, and that would be the new shrine. But first, he would need to find a flame worthy of shaping such a monument to the god of steel. Kneeling before his wolf, scraping a bit of steel from the shrine; just enough to spread like a powder, Ren adorned his Wolf's forehead with the crude image of Gatoven's hammer, finally giving his companion a name, "I dub thee Ferrus, and baptize ye in the name of the forgefather, may his grace bless you as it has myself."

Rising once more, Ren took Ferrus out to hunt, in search of the finest flame. The Ogre wouldn't dare ask his god for guidance until after this new monument was complete, so he'd need to find what he needed on his own.

@Jangel13 what direction from the church was the dead elemental?


"If ya know who ya be," Bonie called out after Jason, "then tell Bonie ya name. Ya history!"

The wailing voices from the darkness grew louder. The shapes in the mist were coming closer from every direction except that of the core. Some of them were starting to look...familiar. Especially one that seemed larger and angrier and...hairier, than the others.

The warlord's pace slowed to that of a crawl, as he bent down and scooped blackened dirt into his hands. "I am Ja-soon Maag, of the Oorwin tribe. Leader of the band of the Valk, and Champion of my people-" he loudly answered with a voice full of pride as he began adorning himself with the markings of his peoples' spirit walkers; shamans that were known to commune directly with spirits both good and evil. It was clear that the goblin elder intended to test him, to make him prove himself worthy for yet another chance in this world.

He would accept this challenge.

"My entire life," he continued after a brief pause, "I lived as a warrior; fighting for my people. But, I did not die as one. I died in chains. Tortured... Betrayed... Cursing my captors that did nothing but tear down everything I had spent my entire life building, protecting, and improving. I watched helplessly; unable to do a thing, as the people I had fought to free from tyranny were burned alive before my very eyes... And when the sick bastard were through with their fun-- they had me killed. Like livestock..." his voice began to trail off, almost heavy with sadness, before it picked back up, in grim tone. "Yet, for some reason, a monster such as myself was chosen. Chosen to have a second chance at live. To live as a TRUE monster... And rather than join the spirits of my ancestors, was shoved into a strange new world- as a slime. With this new life I fought, survived, met others like me, learned the secrets of magic, and became the ruler of a dungeon. And as Boss, I had found a new people to protect; to raise and train as my own, yet, it seems that others; in their arrogance, could not embrace my vision- and seek only to slaughter everything in this world, regardless of consequence. I tried to stop the others, I didn't want to lose any more of my new people. Yet, again I failed to do so; and instead took the instrument of my end into my own hands."

The wailing spirits were getting close now, and it seemed that none of them were moving for the core, but rather to reach Jason instead. "I AM JASON," he loudly declared as he pounded his fist against his painted chest, "I AM THE SAVIOR OF HUNDREDS, AND THE KILLER OF HUNDREDS MORE. I AM THE CHAMPION OF MY PEOPLE! I AM A MAN! THOUGH MY FORM MAY CHANGE A THOUSAND TIMES OVER-- THIS IS WHAT I AM, THIS IS MY HISTORY! NO DEMON, GOD, NOR CORE CAN TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!!" he roared with fervor, at this point, if it was possible, Jason would have unknowingly activated [War Cry II] for this proclamation.


As Jason rose from his body, his form now some form of mist, he felt no fear. He was no stranger to screams of agony, in fact, this strange, supernatural, plane quite nearly resembled the nightmares he once had as a child.

In other words; something he had conquered long ago.

In the distance, a red light beckoned the warlord, a light he KNEW was the core. However, before he could proceed towards it, he was met with something he hadn't expected at all-- another fully aware spirit. What's more; it retained it's living shape, and all it's likeness albeit now whispy and supernatural. Despite this "Bonie's" mocking laughter, the mists of death that made Jason's otherworldly form began to twist and warp as he concentrated. Slowly, a dark, humanoid figure took shape; towering over the weathered goblin, however, it's size was it's only notable feature, as it was naught but a shadow; a mere echo, of the man that once was.

"Tell Bonie Bitz, WHAT COLAS DO YA SEE?" the dead shaman croned at the warlord. Pausing for a moment, Jason scanned the area before responding to Bonie, using [Magic Analysis I] on the crone. Oddly enough, Jason realized he couldn't feel mana nearly as strongly as he could before. "I see a colorless world-" Jason responded coldly as he placed a misty hand on Asteria, about to send a message through [Telepathy I], when a thought struck him, causing him to decide against sending the message. "The only colors here, is the green from you, and the red glow of the core; the very thing that may be my salvation- or demise." he solemnly finished as he rose to his feet, pointing at the distant beacon. After seeing how the ghost wisp seemed to nearly phase in and out of reality when it ran out of mana, it seemed obvious that mana would be the key to manifesting himself in the living world, meaning he'd need to absorb what ambient mana he could. Unfortunately, it seemed that this particular location wasn't very rich in such a valuable resource. However, the area near the core would no doubt be thoroughly saturated, the core's constant pull acting as a funnel.

With a deep breath, and heavy exhale, Jason slowly approached the red glow, concentrating on the mana in the air around him; trying to draw it in as he trudged forth. Even in death, Jason's will was resolute. Unlike the wailing specters that littered the mist, lost in the darkness, Jason KNEW who he was. He REFUSED to lose himself to this damnable realm, and he WOULD return to the world of the living.

After all, it was just another conquest.


With a grunt, Jason absorbed his herbs, returning him to full HP- just in time for Asura to come down on him with full strength, causing the rat to get shot out of the slime mage's body.  Activating [Bounce I], he threw the full power of Asura's smash right back into his foe, launching the red slime back.  Quickly scampering out of the divot, he caught the three crystals dropped by Danny, instantly absorbing them. "Kill the red one." he coldly commanded the lizards.  With increadible speed Jason scoured the area for a sharp rock, managing to find one within mere moments. 

He immediately went to work- with a squealch and a wet rip the slime mage did something. Before continuing to dart about, avoiding taking hits.  Jason needed to end this.  It was clear that Ardur never intended for  a peaceful solution, but was instead trying to buy time for Mama Slime's surprise attack.  The conniving fuck would have to pay for that later.  However,  with a healer, and two increadibly high-HP mobs against him, he couldn't involve his allies, or they'd die too.  He was going to make his biggest gamble yet, because like hell would he let those two walk away from here victorious.... And if their victory meant killing him, he would simply steal it from their grasp. "DANNY, ASTERIA, RETURN TO BASE-- I'LL BE THERE SOON!" he shouted to his allies, before beginning his final chant, enhancing [Spell Chant I] with [War Cry I] once more, as he attempted to channel his very HP into the spell, as well as using the source crystal as a focus for his magic, "I cast this spell, with dying breath.-" above Jason's two rings of violet; perched almost like a halo took shape.  The runic lettering within scrambled, and flickering "Giving my life, to escape true death.  I hereby abandon this mortal shell, to keep at bay, the clutches of hell.....  A DECLARATION TO ALL, THIS IS NOT MY END!-" a bisecting line began to from within the circle, "THROUGH MIND AND SOUL, I SHALL ASCEND!!!" a second line, splitting the circle into quadrants took form, "THE REAPER'S GRASP, IT'S BITTER COLD.-" the formation grew bright, illuminating the arena around them, "I FEAR NO MORE! IT HAS NO HOLD!" for a moment, the light grew blinding, as the projection began to warp, wildly fluctuating into a mesmerizing display reminiscent of an arctic arora.  The pseudopod wielding the sharp rock extend out, before being bent to reach the top corner of the slime mage's body. "TELEPATHY ASCENSION ART-- WILL BEYOND DEATH!!!" as he spoke the final line, Jason tore through the front side of his body with the sharp stone.  Any within range of Jason's telepathy would hear the rather loud sound of microphone feedback as the circle shattered into fading sparkles......


The moment the Rat had died, Jason immediately surged over it, beginning to digest it for some quick stamina regeneration as Asteria joined the scene, reprimanding the two slimes for being at each other's throats. "To be honest, I'm not the one looking to continue this fight-- HE is. And while I'd love to explain a little more but I'm currently trying not to die." Jason respond in a calm, calculated tone. Countless years of war had trained his mind for situations such as this, panic would only get him killed. Then, as fate would have it, Asura effectively proved the slime mage's point, "To keep her safe this shithead needs to die!"

Scoffing at the psychotic bastard's remark, Jason watched his opponent closely-- beginning to read the red slime's movements. Although Asura was an amorphous blob that had properties that were not unlike that of a liquid, he was still essentially a living mass of muscle, that would need to flex, push, and pull, in order to move. Though neither combatant knew anything about the past life of their opponent-- one fact stood true; Jason was the far more experienced fighter. Unlike Asura, who had taken up boxing as a hobby, and practiced the craft in inconsequential barfights, Jason had lived his entire life in a literal warzone; fights that weren't some scuffle between drunken idiots, but battles against real, trained killers. Perhaps even more impressive, was that the former warlord hadn't just survived, he THRIVED in such an environment. Though Asura had assumed correctly that Jason had never had to deal with a rapier, the red menace had made a glaring mistake- he underestimated the slime mage's decades of combat expertise. Where less experienced fighters would believe this four pronged assault to be no different than fighting four people all at once, Jason knew otherwise. This was essentially a single foe with four arms; because regardless of what Asura did, he only had ONE mind to manage his appendages, and ONE center of mass.

As Asura's four 'rapiers' formed, the seasoned warrior paid careful attention the liquid-esque form of his foe, noting everything-- from stance, to movement, to the very way the ground vibrated as he began his assault (this is without using tremorsense btw). By the time the red slime had struck out, Jason had already made his read, and responded without pause. Angling his rocky outcroppings as he brought them forward to block the attacks, Jason tried to force the piercing attacks to glance off his form, similar to how bullets would bounce off the armor of a tank. However, for the slashes, Jason couldn't risk leaving himself open to the piercing attacks, since he knew Asura could put far more of his weight behind such strikes, and instead attempted to hop back from the slashes, rather than trying to block or parry them.

However, before the fight could go any further, Ardur; now wreathed in flames, threw himself between the slimes. "Hold your fire!" Jason commanded the lizards in order to prevent Ardur from getting caught in the crossfire. Though intently listening to the Pixie's speech, Jason highly doubted that Asura; ever the madman, would be willing to back down-- and thus he needed to make the most of the short intermission provided by the pixie. In anticipation of further violence, Jason sent a small telepathic message to Danny, giving him precise instructions before the slime mage relaxed himself, aiming to hopefully finish [Meditate I] during this small window. Focusing his mind as he popped half an herb, the slime mage fixated himself on the mana around him, trying to procure the precious resource from the air around him, as well as the ground beneath him.


Even when faced with impending death looming, it appeared Asura was just as dense as ever, "Consider these MY children." he responded, just as coldly. He had seen and fought men such as this before in his last life, and was unshaken by his foe's attempts to be intimidating. However, Jason could sense the dire rat approaching behind him; the vibrations of it's run, it's hurried breath, the sound of the the air rushing through it's fur. However, it seemed that company was due to arrive, as Ardur raced into the arena's area. Killing Asura wouldn't cause any trouble... But Ardur? Despite his arrogance he was still quite likable-- perhaps he could be forgiven. However, it was unlikely that the Buff Pixie would leave so long as Asura continued to fight-- and so, Jason telepathically commanded the lizards to hold their fire; ready to re-engage at any moment.

As the red slime shoved Jason into the enraged Rat, he had played right into the mage's hands once more; and used the force of Asura shove to hurl his mass into to the oncoming Rat's head, leading the strike with one of his stone growths, channeling about 1/2 the mana used by [Stone Shot I] into the strike. With the furry creature's running start, and leap into the air-- it was little more than a sitting duck in the air just begging for it's neck to be broken... And Jason intended to oblige the sorry creature.


As Asura chased Jason into the 'arena' of dirt mounds, Jason immediately activated [Tremor Sense II], finding exactly what he was looking for near instantly. And as Asura launched his [Slime Whip] to hit the slime mage as he attempted to climb over the opposite slope of the 'arena'; something completely unexpected happened.

Jason abruptly stopped, throwing himself backwards so that the long pseudopod grazed him, consuming his other 2 crystals. And in that moment of contact, the slime mage had a direct connection into Asura via the slime telepathy, and proceeded to launch a [Mind Wave I] directly. As Asura's slimy limb retracted, Jason loosed a mighty [Warcry II], "ALL UNITS- ENGAGE THE INTRUDER; USE RANGED ATTACKS ONLY!!!!"

A slight, slimy smirk spread across Jason's 'face'. He was never afraid. He wasn't running for his life. It had been a plotted scheme the entire time.

Asura had just been played.


Even with his new [Faster] skill, Jason found his pursuer still gaining on him, as the angry red mass surged after him, lightning streaking across it's membrane. This raging flood of liquid Asura seemed to consume everything in it's path-- but for what reason? Perhaps to regain some stamina from eating like Jason had done with the dire rat the day before? Honestly, that wasn't a bad idea, but now he need to worry about a whole new problem; PROJECTILES!

Shards of bone whizzed through the air and struck the fleeing slime mage! though Jason's defenses were relatively high and he had Physical Damage Resistance, he could still feel their pricks and cuts. However, he couldn't let these minor scrapes slow him down as Jason did his best to ignore the pain. But then, something unexpected happened.

The next pebble Asura threw crackled with red energy, and when it hit Jason felt a sting not at all dissimilar from his own Stone Shot spell's first rank. It caused the green slime to falter, and the red slime got even closer...

With how intently focused Asura was on Jason, he could see that the green slime was panicking, deeply afraid for his life. Like a Gazelle running from a predator.... And like any fleeing animal, Jason had an ace up his sleeve.

Popping a healing herb (not willing to chance himself dying), Jason used [Stone Shot II] on himself to go faster once again, in his attempt to outrun Asura.


As the the surge of psionic power left Jason's body, guilt already clung tightly to his heart, and Mama Slime's heart wrenching scream made him feel all the worse. A few slimy drops leaked from his membrane as he coldly watched Asura rush to their mother's side. It appeared there was a shred of humanity within that maniac; which for a moment, made Jason hesitant- as he began to doubt his conviction, beginning to whisper a prayer in repentance for what he'd done. A prayer not to any boisterous god that sought only to toy with the lives of those they saw as lesser, but to the spirits that truly cared for the world, and more importantly, the life upon it. "Spirits of the earth, forgive me-" Before he could get farther, Asura finally showed what he truly was-- a real bona fide monster. A man that had either rejected his humanity, or had none to begin with.

In a split second, Jason was once again absolute in his conviction to end Asura here, before his evil could mar this world further. Unfortunately, life seemed to have other plans...

Your Stamina is Low.
You have no MP remaining.
You have overdrawn your MP again. Mana Burn has upgraded to Mana Disorder again. Natural MP Recovery has stopped. Item MP Recovery reduced by 50%.


Quickly, Jason popped two mana crystals, bringing himself back to half mana, as he quickly turned tail to run, issuing a command to his other subordinates to follow suit as he ran from Asura. "ALL UNITS, RETREAT TO THE CORE AND RECUPERATE!" Quickly shapeshifting into the same tire-like form he'd tried just a few moments ago. However, despite Jason's best efforts, Asura was gaining on him, and in desperation Jason summoned the skill menu, nearly slowing to a stop as it popped up, giving the red slime an opening to strike. As Asura's mighty blow laid into the slime mage, Jason instinctively pulled off the ground and activated Bounce I, sending him flying over to a spot near where the goblins' campfire once burnt. Grunting in pain as he immediatly shifted back into tire form, speeding away from his foe, hugging the 'right' wall of the dungeon (when looking in from the entrance). Keeping his focus on the ground before him, Jason watched carefully for anything that might slow him down, he knew he couldn't fight Asura, all he could do at the moment was run.

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