Avatar of Guy0fV4lor
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    1. Guy0fV4lor 6 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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2 yrs ago
Oh yay-- the status bar has turned into Twitter again... My favorite.
2 yrs ago
Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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2 yrs ago
Imagine not using maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.
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3 yrs ago


Coming Soon!

(or whenever I get off my lazy ass)

Here's a couple neat memes while you wait:

Most Recent Posts

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Cu Chulainn

Just as he'd hoped, Reinhardt's harpoon struck true-- it's barbed tip embedding itself deep in the flesh of the creature's Forearm!

The knight's blade clattered to the ground beside him as he dedicated both hands to the frantic match of tug-o'-war; crouching low as he stomped his heels into the cobblestone street to secure his footing. It was a battle of endurance now. The Cyclops; large and strong as it was, had both inferior footing and stance... And although Reinhardt could've certainly attempted to use his superior footing and stance to 'win' the standoff, it was far more tactically advantageous to maintain the stalemate and keep the cyclops occupied.

A golden shimmer caught the knight's eye.

It seemed the elven stranger was still in the fight after all-- and was positioned to strike the monocular Fomorian, but seemed to be waiting on something...

Reinhardt gave the rope a sharp yank as Ethelred prepared to make another strike on the creature. "Dumb one-eye!" he exclaimed; mimicking the Fomorian's own broken speech, "Stink like fish! Weak like fish! Ugly like fish! Must be fish!"

With any luck, the goading would prompt the Fomorian to redouble it's efforts... When Reinhart's unyielding resistance-- would abruptly cease. Hurdling forward toward the creature-- Reinhardt's foot would slam against the ground once during his journey, launching into an uppercut aimed to send the Cyclops straight into the awaiting spear!

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Cu Chulainn

Reinhardt swiftly disengaged with a quick back step to the right of the Cyclopean Fomorian as Ethelred dealt a heavy blow to the creature-- ensuring he wasn't about to be trampled underfoot by any of the involved parties. Thus far the engagement had gone favorably; save for the elven stranger getting hurled off to the side.

It wasn't clear if the stranger was out of the fight just yet-- but they'd already done a number on the Fomorian's favored arm, which didn't seem to be regenerating.

Did the creature lack regeneration? Or was it something to do with those strange phantasmal weapons that the stranger had wielded?

Whatever the case; it was an advantage Reinhardt had no intention on passing up.

As the Cyclops moved to engage the foe it seemed to deem most threatening (Ethelred in this case), Reinhart followed behind it in tight pursuit; making ready to place a decisive strike at the monster's hamstring-- until the Cyclops; in it's infantile rampage, threw about the strewn wreckage of the market.

A metallic glint caught Reinhardt's attention; his hand deftly snatching it from the air.

It was a weathered, yet sturdy harpoon-- with a rope still attached.

"How fortunate--" the knight mused as he ceased his pursuit; planting his feet firmly as he readied to hurl his newly acquired tool into the Cyclops' remaining good arm the moment it would raise it's weapon to strike at his fellow knight.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Cu Chulainn

As Reinhardt hurriedly rushed into the main area of the town, he took quick assessment of the surrounding area. Amongst the various corpses and wreckage the Kight counted the bodies of at least eight more Fomorians, which with his added five made twelve in total...

Another scream, the sound of a body crushed to sickly pulp.

Reinhardt's head snapped toward the source; his gaze falling upon a cyclops wreaking havoc in the market. The Knight's jaw clenched tightly as his gaze narrowed-- not only were Cyclopes uncommon to encounter outside of a wasteland or otherwise remote locations, but were also fairly unintelligent... So how did it get here? And perhaps far more concerning... How did it get its hands on well-fitted steel armor?

Such inquiry would have to wait. So long as the creature lived, the people of Redwater would remain in grave danger; as evidenced by the dozen or so corpses at the Cyclops' feet.

Sucking a deep breath, the glow of Reinhardt's chest surged; his blood like fire in his veins for the barest of moments. With a mighty stomp, he launched himself forward at the Cyclops; leaving the cobble road broken in his wake! "I'll grab it's attention! Use the opening!" he bellowed to Ethelred and the Elven stranger as he hurled a fistful of rocks at the creature's singular eye!

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Cu Chulainn

Reinhardt stared at the pair of guards in utter befuddlement. While he knew full well that the Queen he'd taken oath under was bound to have her detractors-- this was the first time in the young Knight's entire he had ever witnessed such nonchalant slander in person; let alone as it's target. Even if Sorcha was looked upon poorly by the people of Redwater... What of his house? Did his own family's service; their countless years of struggle and sacrifice for the safety of all the land, mean so little to them?

Had the proud and noble legacy of Sigurd fallen so low in the eyes of Albion's people?

Reinhardt's eyes fell to the ground; his mouth opening to respond-- but not a syllable would pass his lips before a dark and twisted creature would strike in a flash of frenzied movements, mauling one of the men to death in a instant! Casting the broken body of it's first victim to the side, it sought it's second with a malign cackle-- a second flash of movement quickly succeeding the first.

The ripping of flesh. A fearful scream. The sickly crunch of bone. The sheer visceral brutality of the moment permeated the air itself-- as a plated boot slammed into the Fomorian's chest, intercepting it's lunge!

And as the corpse would sail into the distance, Reinhardt would place himself between the remaining guard and the oncoming creatures; one of his many blades drawn and chest alight with fearsome glow! Turning his head only slightly, the Knight had only a single thing to say to the guard, "Take shelter or stay behind me. My fellow knights and I will end this swiftly."

Not even waiting for reply, Reinhardt swiftly advanced on the incoming Fomorians; his eyes darting about the surrounding area as he estimated the number of enemy combatants. Based on the ones he could see, and the different sadistic cries of glee that carried forth from the other areas of town-- it seemed to be less than twenty, but certainly more than ten. "Roughly fifteen then-- five of which are on me..." Reinhardt muttered; his left hand dipping into his new beltpouch.

Five Fomorians focused on him alone meant an entire third of the enemy's offensive power was diverted away from potentially harming civilians. Less fortunate was the fact that facing five Fomorians head-on by oneself was suicide for the average Knight... But Elias was of House Reinhardt; decended from the blood of Sigurd himself. Though each of these creatures were far faster and stronger than a human-- Reinhardt's strength was even greater, and speed meant little when trying to use rudimentary weapons against full plate.

The only advantage these creatures had were numbers...

An advantage Elias would not allow them for long.

As the Knight's hand returned from the pouch-- his arm jerked forward; wrist snapping in a swift motion, hurling a small stone with his grotesque strength toward the Fomorian, the object quickly finding it's mark. The first of the five creatures fell, a bloody hole suddenly in place of it's left eye. Reinhardt retrieved another stone from the pouch; this time crushing it in his hand as he drew within striking distance, slinging the resulting gravel into the eyes of two of the remaining Fomorians; blinding them as he'd whirl to face the others that remained. A single motion with his blade beheaded the second as he used his vambrace to block the third's knife from reaching his throat. Reinhardt countered mercilessly; his hand darting forward and promptly crushing the creature's skull in his hand. Without a moment's hesitation he continued his onslaught, thrusting his quickly wearing blade straight through the shoddy armor of the forth; causing the weapon to snap at the middle, before he would ram whatever remained of his weapon into the throat of the fifth-- leaving it there.

Elais stood over the pile of corpses; just long enough to ensure the creatures were all well and truly dead, before he drew another of his blades and made haste toward the nearest screams!

@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch@Crimson Paladin

Reinhardt would spend a majority of the journey quietly, only speaking when issuing orders to his fellows or making callouts regarding any movement he spotted ahead of the party. Truthfully, he'd expected to encounter a bit more trouble than a few Unseelie and a single Fomorian hunting party... But perhaps that was just his upbringing in the Laughing Wood causing him to expect as much.

It was still admittedly troubling that Fomorians were increasing their activity so near to yet another settlement.

Was it perhaps linked to the Midnight-Skinned Fomorian?

"The information is appreciated. Thank you." Reinhardt replied to the guard as the trio would enter the town. Dismounting his horse, he'd offer his steed's reigns to Ethelred, alongside a small pouch of coinage. "The two of you can spend your time here as you like, but remember that we wont be staying long and keep your ear to the ground for anything regarding current happenings. Ethelred-- I want you to put our horses up at The Soggy Pumpkin, and purchase us some provisions from the market with these funds... In the meantime I'm going to see if the Mayor has any recent information on Elnith or the Midnight-Skinned Fomorian. I'll find the both of you when it's time to leave."

Before he'd separate from the others Reinhardt awaited any responses or questions the two may have had-- then the young knight would make his way toward the Mayor's estate. As Reinhardt would approach the stone building, he would notice that although there weren't any gates or walls around the property, the town's Mayor was at least cautious enough to have a few guards patrolling the perimeter of the property-- two of which immediately moving to intercept the heavily armed stranger walking toward the Mayor's residence...

And thus, an introduction was in order.

"Good morning gentlemen-- I am Sir Elias von Reinhardt of her Majesty Sorcha's Royal Knights... Is the Mayor available? I'd like to speak with him."

@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch@Pyromania99@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

Reinhart itched his nose with the back of his hand as the queen entered the strategy room. There it was again-- that oddly familiar smell... Neither unpleasant nor particularly overpowering; but hard not to notice in such a small and poorly-ventilated room. Though the Knight was unsure of the fragrance's origin; be it some form of perfume or otherwise, it caused the vaguest feeling that he was failing to recall something...

Reinhardt snapped his attention back to the task at hand-- he'd have plenty of time to ponder such things later. Crossing his arms and shifting his weight slightly, the Knight would listen intently what information the Queen offered. By the time the briefing had concluded, Reinhardt had already taken up his helmet once more and presented the Queen with a well-disciplined chest salute.

"Though I find my assignment as leader of the operation to retrieve Elnith unexpected-- I will not betray your expectations my Queen. Rest assured, she shall be returned safely."

With time being of the essence; and daylight being of limited supply, Reinhardt promptly turned to exit the room, stopping only briefly to address the two he'd soon have under his command. "Od. Ethelred. Conclude any business you need to attend to quickly, we'll be departing from the North gate within the hour."

With that-- Reinhardt would hurriedly exit, wasting not a single moment more to begin preparations for departure.

Before long, Reinhardt stood at the Northern gate-- holding the reigns of two horses. In the hour he'd allotted to the others, he'd had his Aketon mended, bought a small beltpouch, scavenged no less than seven blades (and a handax) from what remained of the morning's raiding party, plotted the course he and the others would take, and gathered the supplies necessary for the upcoming journey. The planned route was simple-- the Knights were to hug the coastline East past Hrelskins' Fall, stopping briefly at Redwater Point for rest and resupply, before heading Northeast to the ruins of the most recently attacked settlement; where Elnith likely started her hunt.

Hopefully-- they'd be able to track her from there.

@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch

The soft clatter of wood upon wood drew Reinhardt's attention once more to the map upon the strategy room's table. Leaning forward in his seat, the Knight carefully scrutinizing the locations Vyrell had marked thus far. Reinhardt's eyes narrowed slightly; a finger roughly tracing a path in the air, his head tilting slightly as the edge of his lips would curl into a stiff frown. Looking up from the map he glanced toward Od, his mouth opening as if to say something-- but he shook his head, seeming to dismiss whatever thought had come to mind.

Instead, his attention turned to Vyrell, "Do you have dates of when the Fomorian attacked each settlement? Evidence it was targeting anything specific in each attack? Information whether the more central areas that were seemingly untouched ever spotted it's movements?"

Reinhardt slowly grit his teeth as he looked back down at the map, awaiting Vyrell's answer. Though he had yet to voice his thoughts, this fomorian's attack pattern reeked of suspicion.

But before he'd voice his own thoughts, he needed to be sure he'd gotten the bigger picture-- lest his initial presumptions taint any future inquiries.

@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch

Reinhardt followed behind Vyrell silently; his left canines firmly clenched on the soft flesh of his inner lip as he'd mull over the half-elf's intuitions. Nodding in acknowledgement of Vyrell's assertions, the Knight of House Reinhardt took his place at the strategy room's table; setting his helm down at the table's edge. The knight leaned forward over the map, his eyes scanning across it's varied details; his usual stoic expression betraying little of what was on his mind, as his plated fingertips rapped softly against the wooden surface.

Even as Od spoke with Vyrell, Reinhardt payed the two no mind; making only a single click of his tongue as he noted that the aforementioned villages that Elnith had been dispatched in aid of had yet to be marked.

The knight at last settled into his chair; his arms crossed and eyes drifting toward the ceiling. While it was certainly annoying that nothing had been marked ahead of the meeting, it was likely intentional; the Queen likely wanting to brief the entire Cadre of her elite knights all at once... Or she'd just been drinking too much and forgot.

Whatever the case, it didn't make much difference now.

Reinhardt sighed quietly as he stared up at the ceiling; his eyes closing as his hand idly seeking the gap in his armor once more. Armored fingers probed carefully between the plates; gently appraising the damage to the Aketon beneath. The Knight's tongue clicked once again-- assuming the next assignment would be related to Elnith's recent lack of communication, he would more than likely need to have the garment repaired before departing...

But for now?

He was content to await the meeting's start, the Aketon's repair would come later.
Whaaaaaaaaat? No 5headedness here. Definitely not.

But regardless, despite not making the cut-- thanks for at least letting me give it the old college try.
Forgot to tag you but here it is @Rune_Alchemist!
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