Avatar of Halvtand
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Halvtand
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 978 (0.26 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. Halvtand 10 yrs ago


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Current If you are what you eat, only cannibals are human
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The five-second rule does not apply when you have a two-second dog
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How many lightbulbs does it take to change a person?
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6 yrs ago
If pigs are so smart, why does 66% of them build houses out of such crappy materials?
6 yrs ago
When you become an adult, people stop asking which dinosaur is your favourite. It's like they don't even care anymore.

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As the sun rose, a single ray shone in through an open window in Mikio's house and slowly crept across his face until he was wrested from his sleep, seeing only bright red even with his eyes closed. He wasn't really much of a morning person, but not the kind of guy who would sleep forever either. He did stay in bed for few minutes looking around the room, letting his eyes slowly get used to being open and breathing in the fresh morning air.

Once he decided to get up he was fully clothed and had a piece of bread in his hand within a minute with the almost blinding speed of someone who does the same thing every morning. He ate the bread as he walked outside, crossed his small patch of vegetables and continuing on until he came to his own private well. The well had been an important part of the house back when he'd first bought it with a few friends from the orphanage. Having half a score sweaty and exhausted ninjas-more-or-less-in-training at the same time without direct access to cool and fresh water would've been hell. He grabbed the rope and threw in the bucket, far below it hit the surface with a splash that gave a slight echo as it travelled up to Mikio. He then pulled, hearing the satisfying sound of water drops dripping from the bucket and back into the water. The mere sound made him feel a bit refreshed. When the bucket finally reached him he lifted it up and drank five huge gulps in one breath, spilling cold water on his chest at the same time. The coldness spread through his body and as he was done he couldn't help but give a satisfied "aah".

He washed the sleep off his face and turned to his vegetables. They were growing nicely, and would feed him for most of the year if he only tended to them properly. He dipped his hand in the bucket, grabbed some water and threw it out over the patch, effectively recreating a very short but intense rain. He pulled out a few weeds absent-mindedly and suddenly froze as he heard running steps approach. As opposed to most people, who tense up when they are caught in a fight-or-flight moment most experienced martial artists, such as ninjas, relax instead. A relaxed muscle can move faster and that fraction of a second can save lives. The steps disappeared and Mikio realised that they had probably come from a couple of runners on the road, on the other side of his house. It was a pretty popular path, but sometimes the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps of unseen people sent shivers down his spine. He'd dropped his bowl of food a few days ago just because some kid had rather hastily decided to take a break right outside his home.

Mikio left the garden, he didn't have the motivation any more. He went back into the house and looked at the clock. He had an appointment at the school in an hour to teach basic throwing techniques to the youngest. He'd be really early, but getting out of the house would help dissipate the uneasy feeling he'd gotten. Besides, he could train at the school before the kids showed up, it would probably be good for them to actually see someone who knew what they were doing first, maybe one of the more perceptive ones would pick up a clue from the way he flicked his wrist or something. He grabbed his pouch which held his small supply of standard ninja equipment, which was what the kids were training with, and with a broad happy smile on his face he left his house and started to walk down the path that lead to the village proper. The school was on the other end of it, so he'd have a chance to watch the marketplace on the way there, maybe he'd set aside some fresh fish for later.
@Yuuta I can't find anything I'd want to see changed in that CS. As far as I'm concerned it's approved, but wait for hat to give the final word.

Some background info on hat's message. It seems like someone has spread the invite code to the discord server hat threw up a while ago for the game and we currently have more people in the discord than in the game itself. We are going to have to kick people and We don't want to kick people from here by mistake. If you haven't done so yet, please log in and change your screen name to match your screen name here. If you find yourself unable to join or kicked from the server, send a PM to me or hat and we'll set you up with a temporary code to avoid further problems like this one.

Just put the finishing touches on my character. Check it out.
Well, Halvtand made his CS and I ended up being busier than I expected today, so while it would be fun to join this I'll have to drop out. I don't want to keep anyone waiting. Good luck with your roleplay, I hope it's a success!

Please don't feel pressured to leave just because I finally god my character written. The game is kind of centred around the village life, so jumping in a bit later could just mean that your characters has been busy with something, like a mission.

I'll finish my CS in a minute, then I'll have a glance at Haruka.

@The Mad Hatter As in the spell from the Witcher world, you muggle. Never mind, that was igni...

@Crux Agni could be scorch, but we don't want to fill the game up with bloodline users. Have a look on the naruto wikia: naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Narutopedia

Maybe some real fire techniques are in line with what you're thinking about.
Sorry for not being too in-depth about this. I have a lot to do today and should probably not even put this much time into the RP at this second, but I wanted to give you guys something to work with.

Over all good character, the hat has pointed out some things. I've looked at your custom technique and I like it. I would however like to add a restriction to it, one that deals with strength. Currently your jutsu is rank C, so I'd like it if it can only deflect techniques of that rank (or lower). As you practice it will get stronger.

You have a good concept going, but the character in itself needs some more time put into it. For one you need to put some explanations into your background. Right now it is full of stuff that happens, but we don't know how or why. Example questions: Why did his mother leave? Why was he avoided after discovering the KG? What happened to his father? How did he find Gobi? Why did he stay?
Keep in mind that Sasuke was also discovered to possess two chakra natures and a KG as a genin, he was cheered.

The custom technique. I like the basic sound of it, and you've done a pretty good job of balancing it. I would however like to restrict it even further to make sure that it won't become a "And so I killed everyone"-technique. The restriction is really simple, just bump the 3 sec time limit down to one strike.

Ranton/storm release. Let's just get one thing out of the way. Canon Ranton is strong as shit. It has been unfairly portrayed, since we only started to see it during the war and performed by some of the strongest ninjas in the world. This means that the only techniques we've seen are probably the strongest ones in the element's library.
With this in mind I can't really get behind a chuunin knowing some of the techniques that you've chosen. Laser circus was performed by one of hidden cloud's best people, and Water Lightning Dragon Bullet by two kages in collaboration.
Like I said, the element has been unfairly portrayed and it's not your fault in any way. If these techniques could be reworked, scaled back to a B-rank or something like that, I would not be opposed to the thought of a chuunin with the storm element.

Also, hat beat me to it. Busted, we talk about this shit.
As a side-note, do we have to start as Chunin?

No. But it would help if your character is somewhat on the same wavelength as the other characters. Most will be around chuunin level (it is a very rough estimate), so going full Madara or retard-Naruto could be frowned upon. As per the canon, one can be a genin and still be on the level of chuunin. The rank of jounin is off-limits however as it could create a power-struggle in the village that we don't want.
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