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1 yr ago
Current España bound. Bring on the sunshine and yummy food.
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1 yr ago
I swear it gets more bizarre every day.
1 yr ago
Just been to the osteopath. Feeling all aligned again. Felt sure my head was about to fall off when he clicked my neck though. Thankfully, I'm not in the Anne Boleyn squad. Time to write.
1 yr ago
When you're supposed to be going out for the evening, but your pyjamas are far more enticing.
1 yr ago
The older you get, the worse the hangovers get. Amazing weekend though.
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Now, Ruby was no stranger to gore or violence. You didn't keep the sorta' company she kept, and grow up believing the world to be all daisies and rainbows. Even so, the spectacle that greeted her at the window churned her stomach. The Stagecoach laiden with corpses, or at least bits of them. Organs that should have been safely inside, were strewn all over what little remained. It was staggering in its brutality alone.

"That's.." What could you say? How could you even find the words? "I don't really know what that is.."

The blonde flicked her eyes to Diego, but only for a moment. The fire struck up in her peripheral vision, and her head soon followed the visage. Without realising it, Ruby puffed out her cheeks in shock. All of a sudden she wished that she was back at the camp, moaning about Mrs Grimshaw, and darning socks.

"That's not good." An understetment for sure, but it said everything that needed to be said.
Hi All,

So, I have the feel's for a bit of a 1920/1930's Mafia story-line. Think Rat Pack, sultry lounge singers and Las Vegas in it's glamorous Casino heyday - I'm sure you catch my drift. We're talking the style of Al Capone, with scattered cells of Mafia naughtiness all over the place. Ideally, I think we'll use San Francisco as our City, but we could just as easily go for a more Vegas or Chicago feel if it takes your fancy. I want something gritty and dangerous. (I will do a modern take on this too, if that is your preference!)

As far as pairings go, I'm toying with the idea of a Mobster run establishment that the guys use as a legitimate front. It could be a hotel, casino or even a bar. A not-at-all naive bartender gal' on a mafia payroll, and a Mobster (or even a married Boss). Either way, she certainly wont be a damsel in distress, and we could already have her heavily involved in dealings as a professional distraction. Who doesn't pour their heart out to a pretty girl behind the bar, right?

Mix it all up and I'm sure it'll make a delightful amount of drama, action and of course; some of the mushy stuff.

I do want to add here, that neither two characters want to leave this way of life. He will love being a member of the Mob, and she'll have grown up in the environment. This isn't a save me type of deal..

Yes my lovelies, there will be romance and adult content, so 18+ is a must.

Writing wise, I'm looking for High Casual to Advanced. However, this being said - I am by no means a Nazi. I expect good grammar and spelling ability, but I don't do tantrums when I see a typo. This is my hobby, I'm not grading you.

I do enjoy OOC and I like to think that I'm an approachable and to be honest; damn well amusing kinda' gal.

Oh, and as some people get twitchy with me when I don't spell out gender pairing's; I would prefer MxF, and I'm looking to be the F. That being said, I am always happy to play multiple male NPC's.

I'm going to sign off with some words from Al Capone himself..

I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand

Ohhh, and just incase you're the picky type - here's a sneaky little sample of my work...

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