Avatar of headintheclouds


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Don't be surprised if your whiplash sneaks up on you. Mine showed up with a vengeance the next day.
3 mos ago
Ooh, RUSSIAN live edge tables! How exotic!
1 like
3 mos ago
I'd love Bethesda to create a character creator that doesn't result in humans that look like early 2000s abominations
3 mos ago
Well, there goes Rooster Teeth. I am also sorry to all the folks suddenly finding themselves unemployed :(
4 mos ago
Anybody know how to build a live edge slab table? Asking for a friend.
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Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my profile :)
I'm pretty much always looking for roleplays, so I figured I'd put a list of my preferences on here in case you're interested. Always PM me if you have an idea. I promise I don’t bite, and I love to hear from new people!

I’m a massive history buff (it’s what my degree is in!) and I love sewing and historic clothing and theater, so if you’re at all interested in chatting about that, hit me up. My specialty is in early colonial English society, but I’m a sucker for a good castle and medieval family tree.

-I generally prefer to play female characters, but I'm not opposed to playing male characters either!
-I'm available to RP over forum, PM, or email
-I'm a big fan of 1x1 roleplays and prefer them due to my schedule, and the group Rp curse I seem to carry with me.
-Genres I like? History, fantasy, some fandoms, modern....
-Romance? Definitely. Just please no smut. Fade to black is where it’s at.

Current Cravings:
-Beauty and the Beast
-Class differences
-Jane Austen or Austen-Esque
-Probably something else I can't think of.

Most Recent Posts

@World Traveler Are you still looking for partners?im interested in your first two plots!
@TheBlackKnight Still searching?
<Snipped quote by headintheclouds>

Well there’s a first for everything! PM me and we can get something going!

Sent you a PM!

Of course! What did you have in mind?

Nothing entirely concrete, especially since my brain has gone to mush today from work, but I’m interested in pirates, vampires, and a tentative Tomb Raider. Western could also be fun, but I’ve never done one before
@Blushingi can’t decide whether to take you up on it or not
@Blushing This plot idea is really lovely and written up so well!
@DontCallMeZelda I'm potentially interested in something; you still looking?
Claire couldn’t see Abram, but she also couldn’t see or hear any sort of panic or guards rustling around as they realized that the cell had no prisoners and one guard. She was praying that he was able to get out okay, trying to keep an eye out for him while also blending in. She paused in the doorway of a small room and heard rustling from around the corner, causing her to whirl towards the noise, momentarily forgetting that she was meant to be a guard rather than an Auror.

When she saw that the noise was from Abram, who looked as if the guard had used him a weapon instead of an opponent. The nerves lifted slightly out of her stomach, then dropped back down when she saw his knees buckle under him. With no explanation, she reached forwards and grabbed him around the waist, picking him up and taking him into the small room, shutting the door behind them and setting him down on the floor.

“Abram, it’s me.” She whispered, taking the opportunity to maintain energy by using her own voice rather than that of the guard’s. ”We’ve got a trick they don’t know, but we don’t have long before they figure it out.”

Her partner looked like hell, and she attempted to keep the worry off of her face. He needed help soon, and she wasn’t sure how much she could give, or how far the wards on this place extended. The only thing that made sense to her was to have wards on the cell itself, and maybe on the immediate hallway outside. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to use magic in case of an escaped captive.

“I cant do anything big now, but I’m going to heal as much as I can in as little time possible so you can at least walk out of here. I have the rope in my pocket; once you’re healed a little I’ll tie you, and I’ll escort you out of here. I don’t know if it will work, but I have a wand and a disguise, so it’s the best plan we have right now.”

Praying this worked, she put a hand on him and mumbled, “Episkey.” she could have done it without speaking, but it was stronger with the wand at her side and took less energy. It wasn’t a strong spell by any means, but it would heal any small cuts and scrapes and broken bones, like noses or fingers.

”Can you walk?” She asked, offering him a hand. He needed a wand at the very least, and at best they would find their own wands and her bag, which were likely locked up somewhere with her bag being gone through.
Hey y’all, still looking for anybody interested!
Claire nodded in his agreement with his plan, looking up in surprise as the door clicked open before they had a chance to say anything more. A half formed plan was in her mind off the back of his plan, but there were so many variables that could go wrong that there was no way to tell what would work and what would go horribly wrong. Grabbing a length of rope and shoving it in her pocket, just in case her half formed plan worked, she stood with a fairly neutral look on her face as the guard approached her.

Not reaching towards him so he had no reason to sound any sort of alarm, she backed up to just near the door as Abram launched into action, taking advantage of the element of surprise and distraction to gain the upper hand. She hesitated at the door, not wanting to leave Abram behind, but as he tossed the wand directly into her hands and she grabbed it, she knew she could do better getting out of there and trying to find a way out. There wasn't much she could do in a room covered by wards anyways.

"Eyes and throat!" She yelled back, examining the guard fully before taking off down the hallway and praising her small size for allowing her to move fairly noise free, or at least more noise free than most would be. The wand in her hands wasn't hers and therefore wouldn't work as well, but it would work, and combined with non verbal spells, she was back to nearly a full bag of tricks.

For somewhere with two kidnapped hostages, the warehouse was surprisingly bare, and she slipped into a side room, trying to catch her breath and stay out of the way of other guards. She briefly contemplated sending a message back to headquarters, a distress signal, but she wasn't sure that would be possible given that she didn't have her own wand, and she doubted it would be smart given the fact that someone at headquarters could have given them up. Backing against a wall, she hit something soft, realizing that she had found some sort of closet or wardrobe of guard uniforms, identical to the one the guard in the room had been wearing.

The only option she could think of at the moment was risky at best, and depended on whether Abram was able to get past the guard.She wasn't sure how far the wards went and she didn't want to set off any alarms in an attempt to get Abram, she just had to pray that he incapacitated the guard, and soon.

Still groggy from whatever had been in the alcohol, head still pounding, it took a lot of energy to enact her idea. With the wand and rope on the floor, she tugged her own clothes off and pulled a guard uniform on that she thought would be close enough to the right size of the new man, the clothes draping off of her and dragging on the floor. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and focused as intently on the guard's image as she could, grimacing at hoe much concentration it took. A minute later, she no longer looked like Claire; she looked like a large and intimidating guard, and she bent over, lacing boots on and putting the wand in its holster, the rope coiled on her new belt.

Kicking her clothes into the corner to either hide them permanently or come back and retrieve later, she emerged from the closet and shut the door behind her, beginning to patrol the hall in an attempt to blend in.
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