Avatar of IceHeart
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    1. IceHeart 10 yrs ago
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Desktop profile login won't work. Coincidence that Windows 7 is no longer supported on same day? Consider me doubtful.
5 yrs ago
I wonder why I have no notifications, then I realize I forgot to sub to my own threads. Whoops!
5 yrs ago
I'm having way too much fun with my Legend of Zelda Encylopedia. This is the game that got me into roleplaying so have a lot invested in it's lore and stories. Too bad can't have all the games too.
6 yrs ago
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas...too bad it was already looking this way back in October...
6 yrs ago
Whew, looks like only 5 days, stupid thing showed me six just to try and scare my pants off...


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Name: Erika Beryl
Race: Bio-engineered Human
Location:Ginger Town -> North Capitol
Power Level: 910
Tag: Open @Double@Weird Tales@Holy Soldier@King Cosmos@Chev

"Well there goes baldy, but I must say I have to agree time is of the essence. Now let's see, I know the bad doctor installed that little button somewhere. Ah here it is!" Erika looked around her bike's dashboard until she found the little red button underneath the wheel. With a single press, the bike suddenly grew two rockets from the side.

"Time to take down a murderer." Revving up the engine she gunned it and sped after Yang, the rockets blasting her through the sky.

Now there was a downside to the rockets, it was pretty hard to control and once started was almost impossible to stop, but this was actually the plan. Giving it all she got she saw Yang had managed to get there first and blinded the alien.

"Grahhh! Blast you pest!" The alien screamed but did not stop trying to prepare his attack, "I'll blast you along with the entire city!"

"Heck no you're not you dumb vegetable!" Erika jumped off the bike and the alien managed to regain just enough sight to see the police bike ram right into him. Not prepared in the least the bike rammed Dyce into the ground and exploded in a fiery inferno. The alien emerged from the blast but this time not without a scratch, the crash and the explosion had made burn marks over a good portion of his body.

"Yet another pest shows itself before me again!" Erika swore she could see a blood vessel pop on the alien's forehead as it recognized her form earlier.

"Remember to never leave a job half-done you trash!" Erika once again took her shotgun from over her shoulder and started firing. The alien smirked and tried the same little stunt he had done before but to his surprise, the shell completely blew up on impact with his hard skin, making him take back his shot up hand and start to dodge rather than attempt to deflect. "Heh, not so confident now are ya? Don't you want some more shells?" Erika kept firing until she was out of ammo and quickly started rearming herself while keeping an eye on her opponent.

"I'll incinerate you all!"

"Ya, na I highly doubt that since I don't think you'll have the time to try."
Observe the lurker, always watching but never committing to any actual commitment. A true tragedy in every sense of the word. :)
I love the idea for Legend of the (fake) Hero. Which of us would play which part? Personally I think either side of it could be quite entertaining.

Well the main thing is the [fake] hero really should be kind of a naive and foolish character who actually believes the lie so somewhat depends on if that's a kind of character you would want to play or not. As for the 'bodyguard' they could go a variety of routes for sure, knight, assassin, mage, or whatever else would probably work. I can do either, though admittedly it would probably be easier to plot pull in the correct direction using the [fake] hero as my main.

Either works however. Pick the role and gender and I'll do the opposite.
Ok, bring this ice box back up from Davy Jones locker! Hmm I really need to think of some more ideas to add a bit of spice to the mix. Anyway, see ya out there!
Name: Erika Beryl
Race: Bio-engineered Human
Location: Outside Ginger Town
Power Level: 910
Tag: Open @Double@Weird Tales

Erika had to admit, she had wondered about the blood but without any obvious wounds she had assumed the blood had come from another source. Dang he had lost a lot of blood then, whatever mojo that old man had done was pretty effective. Course, now the old man looked like he might keel over and die at any moment.

Apparently the Crane School master wanted them to team up together, which certainly wasn't the worst idea in the world. Like with most people she met though, she had already managed to tick chrome-dome off so cooperation was probably not at the forefront of his mind at the moment. He was also being a little snot about not having to hitch a ride.

Erika looked back at the old man who had assumed a meditative stance, apparently he figured he'd be fine where he was. "Right...well I'll count on you to take care of yourself ya old raisin. By the way, since that was all your blood I guess that means I'm the only one so far that's actually managed to inflict any real damage, just food for thought." It really wasn't much of a brag though considering it had only been a light cut but they didn't know that.

She started revving up the engine when a new person appeared right in front of them, asking them out of the blue to join them to slay the dragon, or whatever. "Ok...well shut up scrawny and follow along. Before anything else happens I need to pick up some stuff. Oh look here it comes!" Erika pointed to what looked like a small jet, but turned out to be a special drone, headed straight toward Ginger Town. "Once I'm all set we can fry up some vegetables."

Location: Ginger Town

It didn't take very long for the group to make it into the town itself, where there were some confused citizens who had watched as a large metal drone carrying a suspicious looking package had landed on the main street. "Don't worry folks just some government business, I'm sure it won't blow up or anything." Erika looked bored as she 'assured' the people everything was safe. Quickly she cracked open the package and removed what was inside.

The good doctor had given her four syringes of healing serum, a rather strange, purple liquid that didn't look safe for consumption, and a case of enhanced bullets. The healing serum would increase her body's natural healing processes by about a hundred-fold, so in about an hour or so she would be in perfect health. Wasting no time she plunged a needle into her arm and took a shot, then placed the empty syringe back in the package.

"Hey kid, if you need a shot better take one now, otherwise I'll just be putting these things away." She said to the young man who had most recently joined the group. Next was the new shotgun shells, these had been enhanced with ki so that the shells would be able to punch through the barrier a body naturally produced with it's own ki. While normal shells were fine on most opponents the problem was that those who learned how to use Ki could protect their own bodies with it, if someone was caught off guard they could still work but as long as an opponent knew they were coming a regular bullet was like throwing a rock at a brick wall, the shells needed that bit extra to provide the penetration power to get through their defense.

Erika quickly started replacing her old shells with the new ones. "I'm sure Doctor Tread will be able to get a fix on that walking petredish." As she said that her screen lit up on the dashboard, it showed a map with a red dot showing where Dyce was heading toward next. "Oh great, it's heading right toward North Capital. We'll just have to hope it doesn't nuke the place before we can get there. Ugh, it's just not giving us any time to really come up with an actual plan besides just ganging up on the prick."
Name: Erika Beryl
Race: Bio-engineered Human
Location: Outside Ginger Town
Power Level: 910
Tag: Open @Double

Erika Beryl finally found who she was looking for, but instead of just finding a bloodied fighter dying out on the field there was an old cloaked man and a perfectly fine looking martial artist. What the heck!? That stupid alien was gloating about how he had messed someone up and here I find him completely fine? Guess there could be another corpse around here but I doubt it as I can tell form a glance these guys know some moves."

As Erika sped on her bike toward them, the old bag-of-bones suddenly shouted something about meaning no harm to her, to which Erika had to reply. "Oh please! If anyone would be in danger it would no doubt be you morons!" Course there was little basis for that statement but it was in her nature to be confrontational with most people. It only took a few more moments before she ground to a halt nearby the two. The old man was all cloaked up so it was hard to tell what shape he was in but that polished dome-head looked to be in perfect shape.

"Sheesh, I come all the way over here cause that lima bean was bragging about crushing some fighter but here I find some muscle-head and his out-of-breathe grandpa. Well, admittedly I'm glad I won't have to be digging any graves, they'll certainly have enough of that going on in Parsley City after that monster blew it up." Erika got off her bike and took a closer look just to make sure they didn't need medical attention, but the fact was she probably needed it more than they did.

"Not sure what you guys are gonna do, but it's my duty to go after that beast. I can take ya to town if ya want and you can get help there." As she made her offer suddenly a phone line in her air-cycle started going off. With an annoyed expression she went back to her bike and picked up the receiver. "Officer Beryl speaking," She started to say until she was cut off but a loud and somewhat shrill voice.

"YOU BLOODY IDIOT! THE HECK WOULD I DO IF YOU HAD JUST OFFED YOURSELF GOING AFTER THAT MONSTER UNPREPARED! THINK OF ALL THE BLOODY TIME AND EFFORT I PUT INTO YOU OFFICER BERYL!" Erika winced and put the receiver away from her ear so she wouldn't go deaf. "Well to heck with it, you're alive I see but I'm sure you took a beating. There will be a drop-off at Ginger Town for you to pick up with some healing serum and some real ammunition. Sheesh going after a high-powered individual with normal shotgun shells, and turn on the visual so I can see your condition!"

Erika groaned but did as she was told, the screen popped on in her dashboard and middle-aged, bi-spectacled, female doctor appeared on the screen. She was thin and had sharp features, especially her eyes which looked like they could fire lasers at any moment. With red-hair and aristocratic features she certainly managed to grab attention even her her white lab coat. This woman was her 'creator' Doctor Tread.

"You look like you got the living daylights knocked out of you, which I suspect is pretty accurate for what actually happened. Well you should heal up quickly once you get a shot though, who are those two behind you?"

"Ehh, they're survivors of an attack, I think."

"They sure don't look like it."

"Ya I had the same reaction but didn't get to ask cause your sour-puss of a face just called."

"Humph, maybe they could teach you a thing or two then. Anyway, make sure you pick up that drop off before you do anything reckless."

"Ya ya, well you heard the Doc, so as you can see I'll be heading to Ginger Town first, so anyone need a lift? Or I can just leave ya out here to walk to town if you're feeling up for a hike."

I wasn't sure if the old man your character sees was going to be the one to save your character, or was just a hallucination so I set it up so that you can figure out what happens next. If the old man saves you then Erika will just be searching for a while until she reaches Ginger Town, or you can have her find him, administer first aid, and bring him to Ginger Town for treatment. Either way is fine so I'll just leave it up to you.
Name: Erika Beryl
Race: Bio-engineered Human
Location: Between West Capitol and Ginger Town
Power Level: 910
Tag: Open @Double

"Thch, that monster lit up Parsley City like it was a barbecue, West Capitol was lucky it decided to skip town." Erika Beryl cursed as she zipped across the landscape on her police cycle. It hadn't been that long since she had seen the destruction on the television, that alien was way worse and stronger than any terrorist she had dealt with. As soon as the information had spread, West Capitol had been put on high alert and Erika had been scanning the skies religiously in order to intercept the enemy before it could make it to the city.

Sure enough she had spotted the monster traveling through the air but instead of bee-lining for West Capitol the creature instead had decided to travel North toward Ginger Town. Fearing for the safety of Ginger Town Erika had hopped onto her air cycle and engaged in hot pursuit. The mountains between the city and the town had slowed her down a bit so she had lost sight of the monster for a bit. Erika started using a pair of electronic binoculars to try and find him again, then she saw something in the distance, something yellow, and it was coming closer fast!

"Blast it! I don't like terrorists with surprises waiting for me!" Erika quickly veered to the side as the Ki blast ripped into the spot she would have been if she had kept going straight. Zigzagging she avoided the shots and quickly hid the bike behind some rocks and rushed out to meet her opponent. The strange alien gracefully descended down on the ground and stared at the police officer.

"I had noticed a fly earlier but it appears it has some sense of combat, I'll just dispose of you quickly as your power level appears to be non-existent. I'm sure this will be less interesting than my previous encounter." The green alien looked bored as it readied to fight, taking up some sort of fighting stance she didn't recognize.

"Meh, I thought little green men were supposed to be charming but you're just some kind of ugly toad ain't ya?" Erika glared at the alien, cocked her shotgun and fired for center mass. The monster blocked the shot with a hand and stepped forward while Erika retreated while firing.

"Such a pitiful weapon, with such resistance it will be easy to take over this planet." Dyce continued forward while swatting the shots out of the air without the slightest bit of harm coming to him.
"Sure, sure, but I'd watch your foot if I were you!" Before the alien could respond the ground underneath him erupted from the ki mine Erika had placed while she had been retreating. Dirt and smoke covered the spot of the explosion completely covering the alien in it. "Did that work? Why do I have the feeling it did-urgh!" Erika found herself being lifted off the ground by the alien who had rushed out of the explosion zone with only the slightest of dirt smudges on him, his hand was gripped around her throat. Erika dropped her shotgun and tried to pry his hand off with her own.

He glared at her as she struggled to kick him off and keep him from suffocating her but his grip was strong. "I actually felt that worm, let's see what you've got." Pressing a button an orange visor appeared and took note of her strength. "Nothing much but I am surprised I missed it as I was passing by, I guess that martial artist just made much more of a racket so I noticed him first."

Her vision was starting to go, the monster was too strong to pry off with normal means, which meant she only had one chance to get away. As he observed and talked, she reached into a vest pocket, gripped her special knife, boosted it with cycling Ki and lashed out at the alien. The knife slashed through the wrist of her attacker, causing him to release her and grip his bleeding wrist reflexively. The cut hadn't been at the right angle to cut it off so the cut was shallow but the damage was done and had surprised the alien, but now was not the time to be proud of herself, she quickly retrieved her shotgun and bolted for cover.

"Crap, crap! I was hoping I could stop him on my own but I was too naive. Got to shake him off for now until I can find a strategy that can actually kill this guy! I just hope he doesn't blow up more cities cause I couldn't stop him!"

"Not too bad for an insect, but an insect none-the-less." It only took a moment for the bleeding to stop and then he pointed a palm toward Erika's fleeing figure. "Begone!" A ki blast erupted from his palm and slammed into her. The alien watched as the figure flew up into the air and then crumpled onto the ground motionless. Seeing no reaction after looking for a few moments the alien scoffed and flew away.

Sure that he was gone, Erika groaned as she got up from playing possum. "Good thing that thing's too cocky in its own abilities, if it had decided to make sure I was dead I'd be an angel right now." Partially her body armor, but mostly she had managed to set up a weak energy barrier with her hands just in time to soften the blow. She wished she could have used it at full power but in order to make sure the enemy was fooled she had to let at least half of the blast actually reach her. Dang did that hurt though!

Erika managed to stand up, her clothes torn and dirty from the one-sided battle, thankfully it seemed she was the only thing he had been interest in as she was able to find her police cycle and start it up. "It's probably no good, but that monster did mention something about a martial artist, I should see if they managed to survive. They should be closer to Ginger Town if my hunch is correct." Taking out the binoculars Erika started scanning the plains as she rode out.

If they were still alive, she would do her best to get them the help they needed as quickly as possible, which would mean quick emergency care and a fast trip to the nearest doctor, which would mean ginger town. "If I can still save a life today then at least I'll have been able to do some good rather than just getting my ass kicked and letting the bad guy get away."
So is this dead? Feeling bad cause I was really getting into this one, had future arcs planned out and everything. Might still be able to breathe life into it maybe if you had a co-gm to pick up the slack.@HenryJonesJr

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