Avatar of IceHeart
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    1. IceHeart 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Desktop profile login won't work. Coincidence that Windows 7 is no longer supported on same day? Consider me doubtful.
5 yrs ago
I wonder why I have no notifications, then I realize I forgot to sub to my own threads. Whoops!
5 yrs ago
I'm having way too much fun with my Legend of Zelda Encylopedia. This is the game that got me into roleplaying so have a lot invested in it's lore and stories. Too bad can't have all the games too.
5 yrs ago
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas...too bad it was already looking this way back in October...
6 yrs ago
Whew, looks like only 5 days, stupid thing showed me six just to try and scare my pants off...


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[Encountered Monsters]

(This is where current and previous monsters will be listed. This will make it easier to keep track of the current monsters in play and act as a sort of Hall of Fame when monsters are defeated.)
@Kierankaos Hey I would appreciate it if you do not post directly to the character tab until I approve of the character.

are we allow to make two characters?

If you think you can handle it I don't see why not? Still, both will have to be approved first of course.

I'll look a bit later at the other stuff.


Will the Fights Ever End?

The Previous Group

"I don't understand, it's just too strong! Did we come this far just to lose here!?" A girl in an outlandish costume that made her look like a multi-colored jester gritted her teeth in frustration as she looked at the monster in frustration. The large, metal-plated behemoth hissed out stream from between its plates making it whistle like a steam train engine. The monster's large, scaly eyes looked at the strange individuals arrayed before it with utter contempt.

A variety of individuals were scattered across the ground in a multitude of conditions. Some were sprawled on the ground as if mauled to death, others were lodged straight into the ground or into buildings, others were nursing broken limbs and trying desperately not to get in the monster's sight, while still more were breathing heavily but still in good enough condition to fight.

"I know, we've tried everything we can think of! Ice, fire, projectiles, metal, piercing, blunt force, heck even a strike at terminal velocity but nothing has even put a dent in this thing!" Another combatant, a young boy in what appeared be in some kind of light armor wielding a short sword complained as he glared at the monster. The monster glared back and opened up its gigantic Maw to gather energy for another blast to wipe out the remaining kids.

"No, no, no, NO NO NONONONONO!" The Jester girl started to scream and cry as she realized that the end was soon approaching.

"DANG YOUUUU!" The young boy charged straight at the monster, hoping maybe a strike into its mouth might damage the beast but as his sword went in, CLANG! His sword bounced off the metal interior. "Oh come on-" Were his last words as dark, purple energy erupted from the creature's bowls and torched him to a cinder. The Jester Girl tried to run but she was quickly caught up in the blast as well and collapsed to the ground.

The monster looked around to see if anyone was left but at this point everyone was knocked out. With a final snort the monster shrinked into a small ball of purple light and flew away. A black figure appeared and looked over the absolute carnage, a one-sided massacre with no survivors.

"SO LET'S SEE. HOW MANY WINS DID THEY GET BEFORE THIS GROUP BIT THE DUST. EH, 8 WINS HUH? I'VE SEEN BETTER, THEY REALLY WEREN'T THAT SMART WERE THEY AND THEY EVEN HAD SOME PRETTY COOL ABILITIES THIS TIME AROUND TOO. WELL JUST SHOWS GOOD POWERS ARE WASTED ON IDIOTS! STILL THEY'LL AT LEAST PROVIDE ME SOME ENERGY." The dark figure went around to each person and absorbed what appeared to be a stream of light from each of their bodies. As he completed each one the fancy outfits disappeared from the kids leaving them to lie on the ground. No matter what state their bodies were in, once the figure was done taking their powers the kids were returned back to their normal, whole states.

"WELL I'LL NEED TO FIND SOME NEW CHAMPIONS I SUPPOSE. I HOPE I CAN FIND SOME REAL TALENTED ONES THIS TIME SO I CAN HAVE A REALLY LARGE MEAL! HEHEHEHE, AH MAN THIS REALLY IS TOO MUCH FUN!" The dark figure chuckled as the destroyed area returned to normal as if nothing had transpired, no monster, no destruction, no magical boys and girls, just a bunch of kids sprawled out on the ground like drunks after a really long night. The figure vanished and the children started to wake up.

"What am I doing out here?"
"Where am I?"
"Hey! Don't look up my skirt!"

The confused kids tried to make sense of their situation but nothing really came to mind, all they knew was they needed to get home before it got any later or their families would be worried about them...

Game Set-Up

Normal Phase -
This is your classic character interaction time. Everyone lives out their normal lives, going to school, making friends, etc. Character ages will be in the middle to high school range so around 14-18 years old. To make things easier for interaction everyone will be attending the same school though the middle and high school divisions will have their own campuses. This is your slice of life time, make friends, go to parties, find love, all that wonderful stuff you want to do.

To help with interaction I may add special events, perhaps a school festival or trip to spice things up. In general though you are free to do what you like. To help everyone be on the same page though I will implement a time system so you generally know what's up. Important information will be Day, Current Event, time of day[morning, afternoon, evening, etc] and weather. Still what your character does and who they interact with is ultimately up to you.

Monster Hour -
The monster will appear, making the characters have to drop whatever they're doing and fight. Monsters care not for time or context so they often interrupt at the worst of times. You can fight however you want but these monsters are often invincible until you figure out their weakness or gimmick. The longer a fight goes on the harder it will get as the monsters start developing strategies to finish you off.

Monster Hour will only last so long, meaning it can be a viable option to stall out a fight until the creature is forced to retreat for a time. There are of course exceptions to this rule as some fights will last until the monster is defeated or other special rule sets. It is of course in one's best interest to finish a fight as soon as possible as monsters will 'evolve' the longer they are in play.

Magical Rule Set

  • Magic can only be used if one chooses to enter a 'magical' state, this severely limits everyday applications.
  • Using Magic is quite tiring, meaning if for some reason you are forced to use it outside of Monster Hour you could be severely weakened during the actual fight.
  • Magic should not be flaunted without reason. Normal people should not be made aware if possible.
  • Monsters and Magic are considered 'concepts' as concepts they are technically outside of our normal dimensions. They can still affect the real world but the lasting effects are limited in scope. For example, if someone were to be killed by a monster, for as long as the monster is still around they would stay dead, but once the monster leaves our dimension the entire concept of that monster is removed as well, causing that person to revert back to their previous state. Usually when a person is 'reset' all memories of anything related to that 'concept' vanish as well. The same thing applies to a magic user who enters their magic state, although since they merely 'dip' into an alternate dimension unlike the monsters their actions tend to have more lasting consequences in the world.
  • Monsters that manage to survive and are forced to retreat take their 'conceptual' damages with them, but when they return all that they have done returns with them. For example a mall was destroyed during a monster's rampage but its time runs out so it retreats, everything will go back to normal but when the monster returns for a second round everything reverts back to the state the monster had caused in the first place, meaning the mall is back in its destroyed state whenever the monster is present.
  • The more times a normal person or thing is affected by magic or monsters, the more attuned they become to such things, meaning consequences that would normally disappear when such magic is gone, could become permanent. A person who views a magical sight for too long may gain lasting memories for example or a wound could become an actual one if given enough time.
  • If a character is defeated by a monster and they are a magic user, they will lose all abilities and they will regress to a state before they gained powers. Essentially they lose all memories, abilities, and continue to live their normal lives afterward.

Angel City

Angel City is a somewhat isolated location, with mountains to the North and West, plains to the east, and the star shaped Satin Lake to the South. Roads mostly travel east and west through the plains and mountains. The city has the typical four seasons and the city planners spent extra special care to keep nature along with the buildings so there are few areas that are completely concrete.

Seraphim High and Middle School
The biggest school in the area where the next warriors are selected from. There are two separate campuses, one for the middle school and one for the high school right next to each other. While there is a school uniform students are not required to wear it except for special events and occasions.

The school is well known for having a variety of extra-curricular activities, ranging from sports, to music, to drama. The various teams are known for being highly competitive with those from other schools and are often highly ranked. While creativity is encouraged, high expectations are also put on the students.

Cherubim Park

A large park near the center of town known for its many trails, grass fields, flowers, and even a six-winged statue of a Cherubim in the center. The statue has a fountain around it and nearby playground equipment for the children. Lots of people come out here for quality time with friends and family.

Heaven's Wings Arcade

As the city is rather removed from other cities it actually has a somewhat decently run arcade despite home consoles and the like. You can expect the usual arcade experience with crane machines, arcade machines both old and new, drinks, snacks, and even air hockey and pool. A fun place to hang out when bored or just to meet new people.

Feel free to change up the sheet how you wish to make it look good, but has to at least include all this information.


The strange being that has decided to gift the teenagers with their powers. It is unknown exactly what this otherworldly thing is other than it seems to have at least some interest in Earth. What it is and why it has gotten involved is unknown, but it has decided to take on various forms for interaction with the new fighters.

When not taking on any form the being mostly just looks like an energy field in humanoid shape. This is what it usually looks like but does take on more human forms when it suits its purposes. In fact the creature actually seems to be growing a habit of taking on a human form for interaction.

Role Play Rules

1. I have final say for obvious reasons

2. Your characters are kids so you can do all that normal kid stuff including romance. Of course due to the age limitations please keep things PG-13. You can have darker elements if you so wish but let's keep anything that could potential need a fade-to-black censorship out of the role play.

3. You may PVP if your hearts so desire but make sure your partner is in on the fight so you can plan it out beforehand, makes things go a lot smoother. Course the majority of the roleplay is PvE.

4. Two paragraphs minimum, this is a Casual Roleplay so none of that cheap free talk here.

5. If you have an idea or a question feel free to OOC it or just PM me directly.

6. Have fun and don't take things too seriously even if you are getting your butt handed to you by the monster of the week.
Was just chatting with Doc on Discord when I brought up the idea of Injustice in this RP's universe, and I figured I'd bring the discussion here.

So. The biggest and bestest superhero went nuts and created a totalitarian dystopia. Who did it and where would your characters be in that mess?

I don't really have an idea of a who, but as it stands it would really depend on where daddy Jim would be on the issue. If Jim Gordon sided with said regime then Batgirl would probably just stop being Batgirl and try to live as best as she could as Barbara Gordon, maybe a little hacking on the side. But in Jim went underground himself then you can bet Batgirl would be doing her best to help him out and probably do some guerilla warfare type tactics against said regime, with the main goal being to find the right information to put a stop to 'em.

Anyway had a whole extra day of work this week so getting a bit sapped in the brain power department. Other things to work on too so not sure when I can finish playing with pigs and dolls.
Name: Erika Beryl
Race: Bio-engineered Human
Location: West Capitol - Dr. Tread's lab
Power Level: 1365
Tag: Closed

"Welcome back Erika, so glad you could make it on such short notice." Dr. Tread didn't even look up from her tablet as she poured over the data taken from the final fighting grounds as Erika walked into the underground laboratory. The current laboratory was located under a shopping complex where an 'out of service' elevator let people into the secret lair. They may have been a government site but it was always better to keep things secret.

"Always so caring Dr. Tread." Erika scoffed and sat over on a nearby chair.

"I don't want to hear any complaining from you my dear after your trashed another bike. You don't want me to have to start siphoning your paycheck now do you?"

"Ya ya, I'll shut up doctor."

"Anyway these readings are quite informative on both the alien remains, though frankly there isn't much left to salvage at all, and your new friends."
Data had been streaming in from the drones as they analyzed and bagged the remaining alien armor fragments which had almost made their way back to the lab. Information on the fighters also had been trickling in, mostly photos and some power level readings but also some hair and blood samples from those they could find.

"Well at least they were useful." Erika scowled and crossed her arms as she laid back and thought about what had transpired. If it hadn't been for them, things would not have gone as well as they did. Sure it was possible she could have won since she had confirmed she could cut the alien but most likely she would have either lost or died in the process. "Doubt I'll see them again anyway..."

Dr. Tread put the tablet to the side and rubbed her temples in annoyance. "Look Erika, I know all this isn't a life you chose for yourself but you are quite important you know that?"

"What? As a lab specimen?"

"That too of course but also as a defense against just such threats we saw today." Dr. Tread brought up a big display which showed a reconstruction of the green alien they had just fought. There was also a photo of something in the sky but it was rather hard to make out. "The government believes that is the sighting of an alien spacecraft that fled the scene after this Dyce fellow was destroyed. The obvious conclusion is that there are more aliens out there, either more green men or some other threat that probably won't take too kindly to what just happened to what was probably just an advanced operative."

"Wonderful, maybe I can make a salad next time." Erika grumbled as she made a bad joke about the vegetable like alien. "Anyway I think who said it was time for some more DNA splicing or whatever else crap you do to jack up my body."

"Indeed, if you would enter the capsule as usual." Dr. Tread motioned to a large round tube with a ladder leading up to the top. The capsule was about two and a half meters high with a bunch of wires and tubes at the top of it. The container was completely transparent and was filled with a strange, blue colored liquid.

"Fine." Erika grumbled as she stripped down to the nude, if one looked at her body it was easy to see quite a bit of scar tissue on her back and legs from intense training, experiments, and fights. The healing liquid was only a dramatic increase to one's natural healing abilities so scars still remained.

"You know Erika, they may not be government agents but it wouldn't hurt to get a bit more friendly with those fighters you met."

"Oh? Want me to get all buddy-buddy with them, maybe see if I can pet the giant gorilla and get him under your control?" Erika stretched, not caring that she was naked and then climbed up the ladder to the top of the tube. At the top were the wires and tubes connected to a helmet and a sort of back brace designed for easy injections.

As she put on the helmet and brace Dr. Tread continued the conversation. "His intelligence did seem a bit low so maybe that might actually work, but jokes aside I do worry about you and your social ineptness."

Erika groaned and finished strapping in, then she stepped into the tank and floated to the bottom, soon the tubes started to pump fluids into her system and she started to feel the chemicals start to take effect as she stared out at Dr. Tread. As she heard her talk she started to fall asleep, her eyes growing heavier and heavier as she droned on.

"We've already given you some of the best genes that humans can offer so now we'll start splicing in other, stronger species to really give you a more combat potential. One of the strongest species on Earth is that of dragon kind but if I introduce such a strong strain right away I'm afraid your body might reject it, so we'll start with some Giras DNA first. The Giras have very strong dinosaur traits but are still quite humanoid so there should be few compatibility issues. As their strength is naturally quite high when compared to humans I should expect some significant increases in strength, though of course as always you will need train to fully grasp your new power."

At this point Erika was already asleep and Dr. Tread, somewhat lovingly, put a hand on the capsule as she watched the machine at work to rewrite her genetic code even further. "You really need to break out of your shell or the weight of everything forced upon you, will crush you one day. You know, your family should be having a birthday celebration coming up soon for your sister, you really should visit them even if you can not longer be the family heir." She slowly dropped her hand and went over to a desk and wrote a quick note that Erika would see after the procedure was done. She also left a card next to it.

Erika, go give yourself some time to adjust and go visit your family. As usual here is their invitation. Ultimately it is up to you of course but I'm sure they'll be happy, even if they hate my guts.

Take care, Dr. Tread

P.S. Really, just get together with some of those new fighter friends of yours, that way I don't have to make new training equipment all the time.
Ugh, my upcoming weekend just got cut short because of work which would have been the perfect time for getting everything ship shape. Oh well, guess this will just have to serve as a bump then.

The strange being that has decided to gift the teenagers with their powers. It is unknown exactly what this otherworldly thing is other than it seems to have at least some interest in Earth. What it is and why it has gotten involved is unknown, but it has decided to take on various forms for interaction with the new fighters.

When not taking on any form the being mostly just looks like an energy field in humanoid shape. This is what it usually looks like but does take on more human forms when it suits its purposes. In fact the creature actually seems to be growing a habit of taking on a human form for interaction.
Life as the BatGirl
Issue # 3

Gotham Old Town – Abandoned Shop

Detective Ellen Yin felt rather silly standing out in the cold in front of a dilapidated store front. The windows were boarded up; trash and graffiti could be seen everywhere, but there were still the remains of the original sign hanging up above the front door. The sign was missing an A and an L, but it was not hard to tell that it used to say, Baby Girl.

Baby Girl had once been a big doll making company that had started on its decline when she was a kid. Despite the dolls going out of style, one of her first dolls had been a Baby Girl doll and she had fallen in love with it. She had actually been a bit of an avid collector until the company went out of business a few years later. Apparently this storefront in Gotham had been the last to close.

There was one unique thing about Baby Girl dolls. Each doll had at least one button on them that had the initials B and G engraved on them. The button was a sort of watermark to show that the doll had been one of theirs. The button she had seen back at the lab, she had recognized as one of those buttons, and she seriously doubted a mobster would be a fan of dolls.

As no self-important mobster would ever be caught dead with such a thing, the mere presence of the button was strange. It was not like you could just easily fake such a button either so the logical conclusion was it had come from either a collection or an old store. It was still only a hunch but Yin felt like this potential lead just might bear fruit.

Yin went up to the door and tired the doorknob, it was unlocked. Yin carefully drew her handgun, and wrenched the door open. She was greeted by the dusty remains of an abandoned storefront, strangely a few old dolls had been left behind on the shelves but aside from them there was nothing else. While there was a lot of dust and cobwebs, Yin couldn’t help but noticed there seemed to be a slightly cleaner path through the debris, leading toward the back of the store. Keeping a careful grip on her glock she crept further into the abandoned store.

It was very creepy walking through the abandoned building with the occasional doll to stare lifelessly at you from the sidelines. Ellen Yin could feel her heart rate increase with each step, the dust trying to tickle her nose and throat to make her cough or sneeze. After a minute or two she reached a door in the back, which should lead her to the back of the building, usually in a Baby Girl store there was a workshop area in the back where they would work on new dolls or repair old ones, which is what she should find if she went through.

Detective Yin noticed some light coming from the bottom of the door, there was definitely someone in the back room. With her gun in one hand she reached for the doorknob and turned the handle, once again the door was unlocked, which instantly rang alarm bells in her head. She quickly knocked the door open and charged in a few steps, gun firmly in front of her.

“Freeze! This is the police!” She shouted as she quickly took in her surroundings.

What greeted her on the other side of the door were several things: First there were several large dolls, expertly taken care of and looking as fresh and lifelike as she remembered. Second there appeared to be a fair amount of medical equipment and even a gurney in the middle of the room along with fabric and doll parts. Third was a rather rotund but large man standing next to the gurney with a rather lifelike pig mask on his face. The man had a scalpel in his hand and what appeared to be a butcher’s apron on instead of surgical attire with a decent amount of blood on it.

Yin fought the urge to gag as she realized the gurney was occupied by a man, his face being replaced by grizzly bear mask. Blood could be seen dripping from the sides of his face where the surgery had been done. Yin glared at the pig-man and made sure her finger was on the trigger and stepped further into the room to get a better look.

“Oh, what a shock I daresay! I wasn’t expecting any company for at least another hour, still a most fortuitous series of events since I had just finished the procedure.” The man carefully put the scalpel down and made sure to put his full attention on the detective.

“What did you do to him!?” Yin demanded as she tried her best to stay calm in front of the mad man while keeping an eye on her surroundings in case there were more.

“Oh? Are you interested in my work? Well yes who wouldn’t be? I was making him better of course. Admittedly he was too malformed to be properly corrected so I did the next best thing and connected him back to his animal side. Oh how we are all just animals in the end but there are those fortunate enough to reach true perfection, will a little help from my humble hands of course.”

As if on cue, another man stepped into view from further back in the shop, but his face had been replaced with that of the pure white face of a porcelain doll, though it seemed that more than just the face had been modified.

“Look at that fellow, such a marvelous work of art! With just a little help I have given him so perfect a form that even the greatest of artists would weep in shame upon seeing him!”

Detective Yin wanted to weep alright, weep for the poor soul whose body had been mutilated forever.

“Alright you sick bastard! Hands up where I can see them, same goes for him too! You’re under arrest for kidnapping, torture, and possibly murder if I can connect you to it.”

“Let’s do what the fair lady says for now.” The pig-man lifted up his arms and the doll-face did the same. “I must say detective, you could easily reach perfect yourself! A tuck here and nip there, of course I would have to do something about that face…”

“Shut up you pig! Turn around slowly!”

“Oh how rude of me! I never did introduce myself did I! Professor Pyg at your service! While I normally would acquiesce to such a fair lady’s request the thing is, you’re here at my invitation and I must take care of my guests.”

Detective Yin’s eyes widened in disbelief when she heard the cocking of a gun right behind her. But that was impossible! There was no way she could have missed someone coming in! The only things behind her were some dolls…she heard a cheerful giggle from behind and turned her head to see a small, blond doll with giant curls holding a stuffed bear, which had the barrel of a gun sticking out of its mouth.

“Hello sweetie! Now why doesn’t big sister here put the mean old gun down before someone gets a boo-boo?” The sweet little doll’s voice dripped with sugar but was laced with cyanide. Realizing she was outmaneuvered, detective Yin had no choice but to drop her gun as the small child threatened her.

Professor Pyg smiled from behind his mask as yet another masked human, this time with a wolf face, came into the room to join up with the doll-face.

“Thank you Baby-Doll, it is always marvelous to see your wonderful face, to think such perfect beauty existed in the natural world.”

“Ya ya, stuff it porky, I expect my bonus for your little trap of yours actually catching someone.” Baby-Doll kept her gun trained on Yin but she let her feelings of disgust for the professor show on her face.

“But of course, you’ll find the extra cash safely in your account by the end of the day, I would never think about going back on my word! A perfect existence such as yourself deserves every penny! Now my Dollotrons, let’s welcome our newest addition into the fold!” The wolf and doll mask quickly grabbed detective Yin who struggled for a bit but the two easily overpowered her and of course she knew a gun was still trained on her so she only slightly resisted. The doll mask also kicked the gun away into a pile of parts so there would be no getting to it.

“You know you won’t get away with this!” Yin yelled with bravado but inside she knew there was little hope, with the way everything had been going it had obviously been a trap.

“I admire your spirit but both you and I know that isn’t true. I seriously wondered if there was anyone in the GCPD who would recognize the little bobble I added to the scene. If there was, there was a 90 percent chance it would be a woman at least, which I find much easier to perfect with my craft. Low and behold my assumptions were right on the money as here I have such a moldable figure before me!”

“What’s your game here? Why go out of your way to target a member of the GCPD, you’ve already targeted the mob; pretty soon you’ll have the entire city on your back!” Yin tried to reason her way through the situation to see if she could learn Pyg’s game, as it turned out Pyg was more than happy to oblige.

“You see my lovely cherub, once everyone knows about my talents they will start to flock to me! Right now I am but a hidden gem of an artist, lost in the filth of the city! But, as my talents start to spread and be well known, I will soon be recognized for having the gift of giving people the perfection they have always been searching for! Before long the entire city of Gotham will be begging for a chance to save them from their accused incomplete existence! As Pygmalion did before me, I have been gifted with the ability to right the wrongs of the perfect form and make as many people as possibly as magnificent as the pantheon itself! Ah, this burden I must bear, I must share my gift with the world as quickly as possible!”

Ellen Yin's heart sank deep in her chest as she realized just what kind of trouble she was in. This Professor Pyg was a complete madman whose sanity had left him long ago. Despite this, his surgery skills and his sharp mind were still working, which made him infinitely more dangerous.

With Ellen Yin completely at Professor Pyg’s mercy, Baby-Doll started to walk to the back of the room, not bothering to train her gun on the detective anymore.

“Hey pork-chop my work is done so I’m just going to go home. I have such adoring fans waiting for me after all and I wouldn’t want to disappoint them.”

“Seeing you leave so soon pains my heart, but I understand Baby. May the joy of perfection be with you till the end of time!”

“Ya, sure whatever…what the?!” Without warning a black object whirled through the air and struck the lights, throwing the room into darkness. Baby-Doll panicked and dived for cover as sounds of a fight broke out where detective Yin was. Professor Pyg groped around in the dark, trying to find the switch for more lights as a crash and various grunts could be heard in the darkness. It was only a few seconds but he managed to find the switch and put on a second, dimmer set of lights.

Before him were the sprawled out forms of his two dollotrons and a woman in a bat cowl helping up detective Yin. Professor Pyg’s eyes grew wide in delight as he took her figure in.

“Well well, I did not expect to see a bat in the belfry! My my, I can certainly see the potential in this one! It would only take a little work to perfect one such as you, I can guarantee it!”

Batgirl stared down the pig-man with a scowl. “I don’t want any part of your so called perfection. I’ll make sure to put a stop to your nightmare once and for all! You'll pay for ruining these people's lives!”

Certain the detective was alright, Batgirl let go of her and started to walk toward Professor Pyg, more than ready to fry some bacon.
“It really is a shame that so few people appreciate my talents, but I’m sure you’ll be a believer soon enough.”

Barbara clenched her fists, she was going to have that pig squeal before long.

Note the attack names aren't the greatest and I'm open for suggestions. Also does the wish have to somehow be related to the main ability?

Well it could give your character some more depth but it's not a requirement for the abilities and wish to be linked in any way.

How many people/interests do you want in total before moving to the ooc?

Didn't really have any concrete number in mind. It's more about how much I want to hash things out here first before making an OOC so I don't have to add a bunch of things later on. At the moment it looks like four people, so probably gonna give it a bit more just to see.
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