Avatar of ineffable
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    1. ineffable 8 yrs ago
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furiously looking for a slice of life rp...
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RIP Carrie Fisher
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New member so bear with me :)
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Whelp, here's where you learn a little bit about me whether you like it or not.

Hi! You can call me Effie or ineffable or basically whatever you'd like but welcome to my little corner of the guild! I've been here for about 5 years, starting on my adventure in roleplaying in a free roleplay and moving my way up towards more high casual roleplays, which is what I'm working on right now. You can find me a lot in Slice of Life roleplays and every so often in Fantasy or Sci-fi. As for a little bit about me: I love 80s era movies and music and play an inhumane amount of video games. I am also kind of low key addicted to Dungeons and Dragons and a total bookworm with a favoring towards contemporary fiction.

Hit me up to talk about everything and anything!

Not currently roleplaying, but if you have any interesting roleplays or 1x1s please do DM me! (I check back on the site a lot)


And welcome to where I store all of the stuff that I don't need but turn out to need anyway.

Most Recent Posts


Hey quick question: How many posts need to be made before you can post again?

Ooh he’s cute ;)

Also don’t forget to join the Discord if you have it!!

Interacting with Naoko Miyamoto (@KatKook)

Gaia had long ago grown tired of simply just sitting in her seat and she decided to herself to get up, heaving a gigantic sigh as she did so. Man, was this whole thing tiring as hell. As she stood up she took another drink from her glass on the table and decided to head towards the bar where she had noticed other people had been gathering around. Maybe another drink would do her good? Or some crisps. She was hungry and everything about this event was slowly turning annoying. As she headed up to the bar she noticed a man who seemed to be garnering quite some attention. An actor she supposed, but since she didn't watch too much TV so she had no idea who he was. Next to him however, was a beautiful woman who he seemed to be engaged in a rather enigmatic conversation with. Gaia decided to let them be and turned away before noticing another girl at the bar. She looked as lonely as Gaia felt and Gaia suddenly had it in her to tap the other girl on the shoulder.
"Hey, my name is Gaia. I see you're just as out of place as I am. Heh, social events are the worst aren't they?"Gaia tried hard to remain relatable and cheery but she just couldn't do it, considering being social was pretty hard for her already, much less initiating a conversation with someone.

She signalled the bartender for another drink and tipped her head back as she let the liquid slide it's way down her throat. It was a wonder that she'd manage to stay here that long, much less believe that maybe she had a chance with someone in the room. It was a joke, alright. But at least there was free food and she could maybe make a friend here. She would have to tolerate it, Gaia thought to herself as she gave the other girl another large smile.

Interacting with Max Wallenberg

Georgie blushed as she saw that she had woken him up, turning slightly so he couldn't see the embarrassment framed on her features. Once she had recovered to an extent though, she turned back around and smiled.
"Hi Max. And you can call me Georgie...I remember that poem writing assignment. Our poem was shit, but maybe that was because I wrote it." She chuckled and brushed off his apology with a hand. She knew how boys like Max were but she didn't mind. If anything it was fun watching him read such a stupid poem in front of the class and it had been fun for a while there as they partnered up and did the task together.

She watched as he came around to her side and looked at the photo displayed on her camera screen. It was a nice one, she mused to herself as her eyes swept over the details. He looked as if his jock macho-ness had been stripped away, at least only for that moment. She flicked her glance upwards at his face and marvelled at the light that shone around the edge of his skin...man, was this boy photogenic. Georgie was interrupted from her staring when Max laughed and complimented the picture. She grinned in reply, Max always fit in wherever he was and he seemed like he was undeniably himself whenever he talk to someone. Georgie liked him.
"I can send the pictures over to you later if you want. And I'm sorry again for taking those without your permission, you looked too dead for me to pass up the opportunity!" Georgie joked as she closed her camera. She turned to look out at the water around her again and gave a small smile. The white tipped waves crashed against the sand as colorful blobs of people rushed around, building sand castles and tanning. A lone surfer was riding the waves and he traced lines through the blue water as people paddled around his near vicinity. Georgie loved the beach, the colors she found there and the people. All her photographs of it were her best collection of pieces she had. Something about it made her happy and if she was happy, her photos turned out well. Commenters on her blog had regularly picked up her interest in the beach and asked her why she liked it so much but all she could answer was that she didn't know. It was beautiful in an unassuming way, just like Max Wallenburg was, Georgie realised. A player who no doubt had broken the hearts of many girls without a care in the world, all a part of his spontaneous fun. But when he had been lying there heartbreakingly attractive on the edge of the cliff, he had looked angelic and as he spoke he didn't seem capable of breaking so many hearts without so much of a thought. But who was Georgie anyway, to psychoanalyse him?
"Well, I'd better get going. I'm sorry to have woken you up, I'll let you return to your blissful sleep now." Georgie turned to Max and lifted up a hand. It was better to leave him alone, she didn't really want to get absorbed into his web of girls yet and she had no doubt that he had the capability to do so with her. If she knew herself well enough she would've fallen for him in mere minutes. It was better for her to stay away if she knew what was best for her, right?

However, She was still a sucker for fun and Max Wallenburg was the definition of it.

Kind of interacting with Max Wallenberg (@spooner)

Georgia scrolled through the pictures on her camera, muttering incoherent comments under her breath as she did so. What had even been the use of going to homecoming? It was pretty stupid going alone and she had done literally nothing but drink and take half blurry photos, leaving early before the drama and rumors had intensified. She should've spent the day at home instead, editing the photos she did have and uploading them to her photo blog. A small sigh escaped her lips as she flipped over her buzzing phone. The text on screen had her give another massive sigh.

DEVIL INCARNATE: I thought we were doing the photoshoot today. You're late!!!!! You better be at the Surf Shack in 10 minutes or you can go ahead and commit social suicide.

Georgie had forgotten about Sabrina, the wannabe model and their plans to meet. She quickly hopped out of bed and wiggled into a pair of jean shorts, throwing on a plain white T-shirt as she did so. A couple of hair tugs using her hairbrush and she was out of the door, camera strap slung casually around her neck. She hadn't wanted to take the job at first but it was a good opportunity to get her work out there, especially since Sabrina had so many followers on her social media. Plus Georgie's house was pretty close to the beach and she didn't have anything better to do anyway.

The sand kicked up at her heels as she headed towards the surf shack, the smell of fries already making her smile. She spotted Sabrina almost instantly, the perfectly tanned girl sitting at the bar with already a small group of admirers crowding around her.
"Sabrina!" Georgie headed towards the girl, tapping her on her shoulder.
Sabrina turned around, startled, before she pulled a disgusted face and got up. "Follow me" She called over her shoulder, leading Georgie to the outside of the Surf Shack, a half filled parking lot which boasted a nice view of the ocean below on the outermost side.
"You want the picture here?" Georgie whipped out her camera and checked the lighting through her lens before she shook her head. "The parking lot floor...it's not really good for a photo shoot, Sabrina."
Sabrina crossed her arms. "Well where do you suggest then? If you know so much?"
Georgie tried hard not to lose her temper, her cheeks reddening in annoyance slightly. She was the photographer and she'd taken so many photo shoots here that someone (especially someone like Sabrina) judging her expertise made her feel a bit peeved.
"There's a place...over here." Georgie lead the way to a path leading to a small cliff overlooking the ocean and looked behind her to make sure Sabrina was following. She had found the path last year, wandering around half drunk and trying to get in yet another photo of the sunrise above the ocean. Ever since then she'd brought a couple of clients here and occasionally claimed the place for herself when she wanted some alone time.
"Woah." Sabrina stopped in her tracks behind her. Georgie smiled.
"I know...isn't it beautiful up here? The lighting is perfect too, we came at exactly the right time!" Thrilled with her luck Georgie lifted up her camera and gestured Sabrina to move but the girl remained planted to the same spot. Georgie raised an eyebrow as she followed the girl's line of sight and finally she shook her head as she saw the boy sitting at the edge of the cliff, his curls highlighted in a light golden as the suns rays directly hit him. So that was what had caused the expression of surprise.
"Just leave him alone Sabrina. Take your photos, I don't have all day you know." Georgie lightly pushed the other girl in the shoulder and Sabrina turned to look at her, scoffing.

After countless, endless shots Georgie and Sabrina had finally settled on a couple of photos that looked good and as Sabrina's phone had started to ring off the hook, they had agreed to stop the photoshoot for the day.
Georgie watched as Sabrina walked away, the distinct supermodel shake to her hips making her distinct on such a busy day. As she herself got ready to go Georgie noticed the same boy, still in the same position as before. The ends of his hair had caught onto the light now and as he lay sprawled on the ground, he looked so peaceful, so angelic that Georgie could not resist the urge to take a photo.


Shit, was that shutter loud.

Oooh this seems like fun! I might reuse a character if that's okay?
Guys! This seems awesome! Are you still open for character sheets?

Gaia collapsed on the crisp sheets of the Plaza hotel bed and grunted in frustration as she tried to pull a high heel on. God, why did she even agree to do this? Why couldn't she find love on her own? But knowing herself she would never ever be able to manage it anyway, she couldn't even force herself to socialize a bit more, much less be the starting end of a flirtatious conversation so maybe this option was for the best. Plus, it was paid for and she wouldn't have to spend much out of her budget in having what had been advertised as a pretty good time if not a chance at finding her true love. Gaia wrinkled up her nose. One true love? Who was she kidding?

As she got up she smoothed out the simple black dress she wore, recurled a strand of her hair and ran some lip gloss across her chapped lips. Gaia headed towards the hotel room door before she swiveled back and shaking her head at herself she reached for one of her tinier, compact books and stuffed that into the bag she had on too.


45 minutes later and she was regretting her decision to come to the party. The glass of whiskey and scotch she held in her hands was starting to feel heavy and she could feel her curls unfurling. What with just the sheer amount of beautiful and handsome faces that surrounded her Gaia felt totally inferior. A girl in a flower crown seemed to be dominating the space she had, especially radiant in a crowd of like-minded people and Gaia sighed, wishing she could be as charismatic as that girl was. She also noticed a man who a lot of people seemed to be eyeing in curiosity (Gaia thought he looked normal enough, was there something wrong?) and a couple of girls who were drinking at the bar, one who looked quite excited to be there and the other looking quite laid back.

Gaia finally decided that going anywhere was a moot point and that no one would talk to her anyway so she beelined towards her seat and placed down the small card, her purse and her drink on the table. She'd asked for a chicken dinner and her stomach rumbled in anticipation. She leaned her glossy brown head of hair back against the seat and inhaled a deep breath before she lunged forward and grabbed the book from her bag before she could stop herself. She would look totally out of place if she read here but...NO, Gaia shook her head furiously at herself and the book was returned to her bag. She would try to socialize or if not she just would have to sit here, drink her dwindling drink and look relatively approachable or pensive. She had a feeling that she would still look very out of place but that was still better than reading a book in the middle of a frigging social event!
"Oh god help me, Mr.Darcy" She muttered, rolling her eyes
Quick relay of what @eclecticwitch said in the Discord:

Please have the character questionnaires (which she has linked the form for on the discord) finished by tomorrow at 9pm Central.

Thanks everyone!
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