Avatar of j8cob
  • Last Seen: 7 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: j8cob
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2468 (0.65 / day)
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    1. j8cob 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current All the guy did was change his pic to a swastika, say some entry-level /pol/ bytes, and changed his bio to basic slurs.
4 yrs ago
You know exactly who.
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4 yrs ago
I don't know why we can't blast both zoophiles and pedophiles at the same time. Two birds one stone.
4 yrs ago
idk who needs to hear this but if you like women then you're gay, no ifs ands or buts
5 yrs ago
I'm back.
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Bitch, I'm the best.

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It was fortunate that nobody from the guild got hurt after the dragon knocked them from the sky. That was one less thing to worry about, but now they had the dragon in front of them all. And it's only been getting more and more enraged. Grasidia wiped the blood from her brow right as Leon's little pixie appeared before her. The dust it sprinkled about felt soothing in a way, but Grasidia couldn't help but feel as if he was wasting his effort on her. If he's trying to help me, someone else weaker might need him, she thought, bringing her attention up to the dragon. The combined attack from Marduk and Lavinia had gouged its eye out, leaving an especially dark crimson streaming down the side of its head. Holly's attacks had badly damaged one of the wings that Grasidia kept pinned, permanently removing its ability to fly. This is almost too easy. This thing is going to do something soon...

Right as she lifted her hands to prepare another curse, Leon himself appeared before Grasidia. She was surprised for a moment, it was strange that this human was trying so hard to help her. It reminded her a lot of Torys' own benevolence. But then the seriousness returned. And Grasidia felt the anger begin to bite. "What are you doing!?" she barked at him, probably surprising him. It was very unlikely he would've ever heard her raise her voice before. She placed a hand on Leon's shoulder and gripped him tightly, more than enough to make him uncomfortable. She wasn't trying to hurt him but to get his attention. "Don't waste yourself on me! I'll be fine!" With that she released him from her grip and took a few steps forward. The healing he had already done so far was noticeable, though she was still in a world of pain. "Go!"

She took a deep breath, bringing her hands in toward her gut as she took the moment to regain composure and calm down. The boy was just trying to help, he thought she was human and would be more hurt, he did nothing wrong. Just as soon as she exhaled her frustration the dragon before everyone let out a terrible screech. The volume alone was incredible but the sound itself was painful, even to Grasidia. She winced and brought her hands up to cover her ears as the dragon continued it screech. Others in the guild with strong senses would surely find this even worse than Grasidia did. But she kept her gaze on the dragon, watching as it coiled its tail to its side. That tail is too long and powerful, but I don't think my curse can immobilize it. Someone is gonna have to do something about it or it'll kill someone with that tail. And just as soon as she completed her thought the dragon stopped its screech, but rapidly unfurled its tail in a wide swing. It began swinging its tail around its body in a near complete circle, forcing everyone on the ground nearby to have to flee or take the hit. And none of them can take that hit!

Grasidia raised her hands towards the dragon again. "Eden! Garden Snare!" It took a second after casting but more vines burst out of the ground beneath the dragon, this time underneath its head. They quickly wrapped around its throat and began to force their way into its jaws, attempting to choke it from spreading inside. The vines around its neck not only constricted to try and choke it as well but also pull its head to the ground. This move was supposed to shift the dragon's balance and make its tail swing into the sky harmlessly rather than across the pavilion where her guildmates were standing. Grasidia had been on the receiving end of a tail whip from it and didn't want her guild to share the experience. The second part of her strategy worked as its tail did swing upwards for that, meaning everyone just had to deal with the wind pressure rather than dodging it entirely. But while she hoped she could just strangle it to death that wasn't going to be the case.

Maybe it was rage, maybe it was desperation, but the dragon's remaining eye began burning. The white glow turned red, then orange and appeared like a flickering flame. An inferno spewed forth from its jaws, incinerating the vines that had worked their way down its throat before they could do any real damage. Thankfully its flames were pointed mostly towards the ground in a harmless direction thanks to the vines around its throat, but those too began to snap and release the beast. How did it... Then she noticed. The dragon already had many black spines across it so she hadn't realized, but it was growing more. The spikes on its head started becoming longer and more twisted as the creature righted itself. The vines that were tripping its legs were no longer a match as the new spikes would cut them before they could grip. Even the vines binding its wings were severed. Its good wing fanned out as the dragon stood to full height, and then it stood up onto its back two legs.

What is it doing? Grasidia wondered, looking up high to keep her eyes on the dragon's face. When stood up like this the sheer size of the dragon became even more apparent. While it had been taking some damage it seemed that it was already... beginning to heal. Its other wing, once it was spread out and had the sky as a backdrop, was clearly repairing itself. Its damaged eye didn't appear to be fully healed yet and the wing wasn't either, but they were definitely healing. Grasidia raised her hands towards the dragon's feet, trying to get her vines to trip it while it was only on two legs, but it was to no avail. Oh great, I'm becoming useless. That was when she realized something. A gut feeling, something she couldn't explain. She knew what the dragon was about to do.

Grasidia looked around the battlefield, taking a quick headcount of where everyone was. They were all fairly scattered from the fall, which was a good thing anyways for their own safety. The only one in the air right now was Zenith, in some kind of takeover form, but the rest were all on the ground or near the ground. She brought her hands low and then lifted them up. "Eden! Bramble Wall!" All across the pavilion there sprung up from the ground massive, dense thickets of thorns. These walls all came up immediately in front of each one of her guildmates, minus Zenith. The defensive spell may come as a surprise but Grasidia just knew that she needed to do this. And her suspicions were confirmed. Hardly a second after she raised the walls the dragon pointed its snout straight down and let loose another torrent of flames. But as it did so it flapped its wings, sending the wave of fire in every direction sweeping across the ground.

The bramble walls held up to the flames and the wind, providing shelter to her guildmates that she was able to protect. Zenith, being in the air, only had to worry about the sudden burst of wind since he was above the flames already. Behind her own bramble wall Grasidia could still feel the intense heat from the flames passing by her. Every time it has used a flame attack it has grown larger and larger in scale. Based on the regeneration the dragon was doing and the increasing durability and power, it was finally clear to Grasidia what was going on. "It's growing stronger," she said to herself, though the sound of the flames drowned out even her own voice. But the moment the flames stopped that damn dragon let out its blood-curdling screech again. This time even louder than the first! Grasidia fell to her knees, clutching at her ears and leaning against the bramble wall as she tried to protect her hearing.

And while she was temporarily incapacitated the dragon made its next move. It flapped its wings one more time, deliberately trying to hit Zenith and knock the flying mage out of the air, and then it finally dropped back down to all fours. Only it was less of a "drop" and more of a powerful "crash". The impact felt like an earthquake and the ground underneath everyone was very quickly disturbed and warped. This sent rubble flying and upturned the very stone most everyone was standing on, but Grasidia couldn't protect anyone from any impacts from below. She herself was fortunate enough that the ground underneath her didn't break apart and damage her, but many of her guildmates wouldn't be so lucky. The dragon only finished screeching once it was back on all fours. Now, unrestricted by any pesky vines and with its eye now fully healed, it was primed to begin its assault. Grasidia was still picking herself back up off the ground when the dragon began another tail strike, sweeping its tail across the ground. Any bramble walls that didn't get destroyed by the earlier ground impact would stand no chance at stopping this tail. The only way to dodge would be to jump high enough to clear it or to get far enough away in time. Or perhaps even going underground. Grasidia was forced to choose that last option, using her Leaf Fake spell to quickly dart just underneath the surface of the ground to regain her bearings. Is it getting smarter too?

As the two leaves continued to grow, Grasidia looked over her shoulder at Luke after he approached and asked what a dragon was. She squinted her eyes at him briefly before returning her attention forward. "A monster," was all she explained to him. Really that was all she knew about them anyways. Some kind of powerful creature of legend. She had certainly never seen one but she had heard they were big and could fly. Grasidia didn't dwell on it long though as she glanced over her other shoulder to see what the rest of her guildmates were doing. General preparations, planning strike teams, it seemed pretty disorganized still to Grasidia. They're foolish, but I'll keep them alive.

Each leaf was quite massive now, each one easily big enough to seat ten people. This meant that everyone could split up onto the two leaves and have plenty of space between each other to be comfortable. With the travel preparations complete, Grasidia turned around completely to face the rest of the guild. "Get on," was her simple command, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for everyone to step onto their leafy green ride. As she waited a third leaf began to grow out of the ground beneath her, stopping at a much smaller size than the other two. Just large enough for Grasidia to stand on it with very little room to spare. Despite being so much smaller than her it bore her weight without budging after she stepped onto it. She waited a moment longer for everyone to be on the leaves but she didn't quite wait for everyone to sit down.

She held her hands out to her sides and then raised them up, commanding their leaves to fly. "Eden! Leaf Caravan!" And with those magic words they began to float straight up from the alleyway, slowly ascending above the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. Grasidia gave one last look to the ground, spotting Torys standing at the doorway to the guild hall. Upon being seen the guild master cracked a confident smirk and held out a thumbs-up to her guild. It was reassuring that Torys thought they would be able to handle this challenge but Grasidia just drew her gaze forward. The three leaves all soon rotated so that they were all facing the same direction, pointed towards Era. Then, without any additional warning, Grasidia pointed her arms forward.

The speed at which the leaf caravan shot off surely surprised most of her guildmates. The ones seated would find no trouble from the sudden g-forces but if any were still standing they likely wouldn't be now. Grasidia herself was able to remain standing easily as she could cling to her leaf quite easily, she made the thing after all, and she pulled ahead of the two larger, heavier leaves. They took a flying V formation as the entire guild raced through the clouds. Only after a moment of flying did Grasidia make sure to look behind herself to see if anyone fell off, though it looked like nobody did. We're heading right to the Council's doorstep. If we get there and the dragon has already been defeated then we might get Torys in trouble if we're noticed... With this in mind Grasidia increased the altitude that the guild was flying at, so they would be harder to spot from the ground on approach just in case they had to turn back.

It would take a few minutes but the time seemed to pass quickly for Grasidia. First she saw smoke on the horizon, then she saw the outskirts of Era, then the burning buildings. Then the dragon. It was a large creature with many spines along its back and limbs, all its scales black, with a massive wingspan and long tail. Even from such a long distance she could see its glowing white eyes as it gazed around in admiration of its own destruction. The sheer size of it just reinforced how daunting of a task this truly was, that thing could swallow anyone whole. Just one of its claws had to be the same size as a human. Grasidia watched in awe as they approached, though she was snapped out of it when she noticed an orange glow from within the beast's jaws. It let loose an inferno upon a regiment of, presumably, Rune Knights that were fending it off. She could see a magical blue glow from their shield spells defending, but surely they couldn't block everything. The regiment scattered in retreat after the flames cleared and the dragon turned its sights toward the Magic Council headquarters.

Okay, they definitely need us, Grasidia thought, now finally lowering the leaves as they approached the city. But while the two larger leaves maintained the same speed, Grasidia's began to speed up. Hers was more agile with less weight on it and she kicked it into full speed. She knew that meant she would get there just a bit before everyone else but they didn't have a moment to spare. The dragon was so large that it took no time to reach the pavilion before the Council. She could see another regiment of Rune Knights were before the dragon, hopelessly prepared to defend against its assault. Alright, Torys, you want us to show the world that we're here... The orange glow from the dragon's mouth began to radiate again as it lowered its head and aimed its open jaws at the knights ahead of it, who braced themselves for what surely appeared to be certain death.

Just as the flames began to erupt from its throat, Grasidia came shooting out of the sky like a meteor and delivered an axe kick to the top of its spiky head. The impact forced the dragon's jaws shut and slammed its head into the ground, sending flames out the sides of its mouth and kicking up a large cloud of dust and rubble. The shockwave from the impact pushed back the nearby Rune Knights briefly, who all stood in shock at the miracle salvation before them. Grasidia remained airborne, her momentum from her kick carrying her forward to put herself between the dragon and the humans. That was strange... she thought to herself as she began to face the dragon. It almost felt like- Her eyes widened in shock as she saw the creature's massive tail reaching around its body and swinging straight at her. She was still in the air and it was too big to dodge. In the split-second before impact she brought her arms to her side and curled her legs up, braced for the inevitable.

The dragon's tail flicked her aside like she was a mere housefly. The impact was powerful, sending Grasidia flying uncontrollably to the ground where she bounced several time before crashing into the marble staircase behind the Rune Knights. Dust and debris scattered from the impact, briefly concealing her from view as the Rune Knights all turned to look. After the dust settled they could see Grasidia sprawled out on the ground with blood trailing from her head and lips, eyes closed and unmoving. Panic began to settle in as their apparent savior was dispatched, prompting the knights to all flee from the dragon and retreat into the Council building. The vibrations in the ground as they ran past her unconscious body made Grasidia stir, slowly opening her eyes as she regained her bearings. Well, at least the humans didn't die, she thought to herself, her gaze settling on the black dragon. It hadn't moved at all since she last saw it, and if she didn't know any better it looked like her surprise attack didn't hardly faze it.

But then she saw her two giant leaves closing in. The rest of her guild. And almost as if the dragon could sense that she was looking behind it, it turned its head to see her incoming guildmates. Oh no. Its spiky black wings began to unfurl, stretching out to its full wingspan. Oh no you don't. Grasidia leaned forward now, propping herself up on one arm and holding the other out with her palm facing the dragon. The massive beast flapped its wings a single time, creating a terribly strong gust that further shocked Grasidia. So strong that her leaves carrying her guildmates were whipped around, sending everyone crashing to the ground. But before its wings could make another stroke and let this monster take to the air, Grasidia commanded her curse. "Eden! Greenhouse!" The grass around the pavilion, beneath the dragon, rapidly grew upward and formed thick vines that quickly began to wrap around its feet and its wings, quickly pinning its wings to its sides and binding it. Other tendrils of plant matter reached out to catch her falling guildmates, at least the ones that didn't seem to have a way to survive the fall.

While she focused on setting her guildmates down at a safe distance from the seemingly pissed dragon, it muscled its way free of the vines that held its feet to the ground. Her vines around its wings managed to hold, but now the dragon could move again. Stupid humans, Grasidia thought, spitting some blood from her mouth onto the side of her crater. Standing in front of this thing like wheat before a scythe. I should've let them die. She slowly picked herself up, burdened by the pain throbbing through what felt like her entire body. Then I would still be in top shape. This thing is powerful, but less than I thought it would be. We can still win this. More vines continued sprouting from the ground, attempting to tangle and trip the dragon though it was strong enough to break through every time they managed to snare. But even if it only bought a few seconds of immobility at a time, anything helped. If any of her guildmates, with their frail human biology, took a hit like she did they might just be done.
@Ioua8654 You're coming in at a bit of an unfortunate time. The roster's reached my original maximum that I set to start out and things would get a bit difficult for me to run by adding any more characters at the moment. After making a little more progress in the IC and things will be where I can start accepting new characters again, but for now we can't be adding any more.

That being said, if you make a character I can keep you in mind so that when our first arc is over you would be good to go right away.

The tan woman had barely a moment of quiet before the girl that liked to pretend she was evil approached. Grasidia looked over as Lavinia approached, questioning about her mood the moment she sat down. Suffering and despair? she thought to herself, only giving Lavinia a raised eyebrow in response to her interrogation. This young woman often perplexed Grasidia with her grandiose posturing of her supposed evil. If the girl was gonna be evil she surely wouldn't be in a place like this. Though, I suppose I'm here too...

"No th-" she began, before being interrupted (or saved, pending perspective) by Ria. Surely someone as chatty as Ria would draw Lavinia's attention and inquiries away. "No," Grasidia settled on, serving as an answer to Ria's offer as well as Lavinia's questioning. She then glanced over to Zenith as he delivered her a sandwich anyways. He surely didn't hear her reject the offer of food but it still drew a sigh from her. She almost regretted coming back to the guild hall since all the young humans were bustling about in here with their odd ways. Between taking off their clothes, yelling, and challenging each other, Grasidia often found the most tolerable humans to be the elder ones with less energy and nonsense. Marduk, for example, was already placating the younger ones and attempting to calm them down in a gentle manner. He behaved almost like he was their father, but they clearly weren't his children because they never listened.

Grasidia quietly and subtly pushed the tray in front of her several inches further, distancing herself from the sandwich while she assumed nobody was quite paying attention. Torys is too ambitious, this guild won't survive much longer with this many mages and this few jobs. They'll all follow the money like humans usually do. Her eyes looked over the band of misfits that had gathered, surveying the room to see who was missing. That was when she noticed the new kid sitting by himself away in the corner. Her eyes narrowed, her piercing gaze resting on him for several seconds before continuing her sweep for a headcount. It seemed that most everyone was here now that Gwen and Lilliana returned from their long quest. For all her talk of family... Grasidia's gaze returned to Lavinia, who was now boasting to Marduk over the sandwich she was given. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at all these antics but no sooner than she was finished she suddenly felt an odd presence behind her.

She turned her head to find no other than Torys staring right back at her. The deceptively youthful guild master was simply standing there silently, her usual smile and bright eyes radiating an unusual amount of glee. Grasidia had hardly a second to ponder how Torys snuck up on her before the guild master's smile turned into a cheeky grin. "Gras, Holly, could I have a word with you two please?" she spoke up, revealing her presence to the rest of the guild hall. Obvious confusion covered Grasidia's previous expression as Torys then walked past, snatching up the sandwich from the table and taking a bite as she walked past. The guild master gave a wave to the rest of the guild before turning to Holly and motioning for the armored girl to follow. Huh... Grasidia thought to herself, taking a second to recompose herself before standing from her seat and walking after Torys, who continued eating the sandwich and using her free hand to pat everyone on the head once whenever she passed close by on her way to the back of the hall.

Torys stopped by the job board and waited for her two S-class mages to approach, continuing to chow down on the sandwich. "Oh, this is good. Whoever made this should make some more," she remarked aloud before Grasidia finally reached an appropriate conversation distance. "What is it?" Grasidia asked curtly, leaning against the nearby table and crossing her arms over her chest as Holly arrived. Torys raised a finger, shushing Grasidia as she finished chewing her most recent bite from the sandwich. This pause continued for a few seconds before the master gulped down her food and let out a pleased sigh. "Ahhh... So I have something important and we have very little time," she finally spoke at a normal volume, surely loud enough for everyone in the guild hall to listen in. It was clear that Torys wasn't trying to be secretive.

"I have intercepted an emergency call from the Magic Council headquarters in Era." Immediately Grasidia perked up and gave her full attention to Torys. "It just went out a minute ago. They are saying a dragon is in the city and about to lay siege to the Council's headquarters. The Council is panicking and sent out emergency summons to everyone they can, the Rune Knights, the Saints, the guilds, you name it." Despite what she was saying sounding like horrible news, Grasidia couldn't help but be suspicious about her master's continuing grin. "Of course, we haven't been formally invited to go and save the day. Buuuuuut... what I need you two to do is take everyone you can to Era and slay that dragon for me." To cap this off she gave Holly and Grasidia a big smile.

She wants us to slay a dragon!? Even the stone cold Grasidia couldn't hide her look of shock, though her back was turned to the majority of her guildmates so only Torys and Holly could see the slip. "With Grasidia's magic you all should be able to fly to Era and arrive before anyone else can!" Torys continued, holding out her free hand in front of her and clenching a fist. "This is the opportunity we have been waiting for! I believe that if you all worked together you could save the day without a sweat! And right on the Council's doorstep! Before all the world to see! This is our chance to make our name known and to upstage everyone. But we don't have a moment to waste!" Torys shoved the rest of her sandwich in her mouth, allowing her to use both her free hands to grab Holly and Grasidia by the shoulder to give them a light shove towards the door for emphasis. "If we wait too long, shomeone elshe will take cwedit!" She took a strained gulp to finish her food before continuing her orders. "Fenixtear! I have a job for all of you!"

"Fly to Era and slay that dragon!"

"Now go!" She gave one last, light shove to Holly and Grasidia before taking her hands off them. As Grasidia regained her balance she looked back to Torys, shocked to see Torys still smiling. She really believes we can kill a dragon, Grasidia concluded, quickly composing herself and turning away from Torys. "Yes, master." With her conviction clear she marched towards the front door of the guild, raising her hand towards it as she approached. It opened entirely on its own as the tiniest sprout reached through the floor and held it open for Grasidia, saving her even a few seconds to get outside.

Once outside in the shaded, empty alleyway she stood in the center and raised both her hands from her sides, the palms facing down. Two leaves, one on each side of her, breached the cobblestone and began to grow in size. These would be the guild's vehicles for flying to Era but to make them big enough it would take Grasidia a moment to prepare them. Which was fortunate, because Torys surely would only give everyone a moment to prepare as well. "Today is the day, Fenixtear!" Torys continued shouting, now jumping onto the nearest empty table. "I believe in all of you!"
@j8cob Made edits to his history and added specifics to his spells!

He looks good, you can move him over.

Also give him an image. I didn't realize at first how much it bothers me not having an easy visual in my memory.


March 18th, X900

Crocus, 10:35 AM

The sun covered the city in its warm glow. A cool breeze would brush past the many pedestrians of Crocus, walking to and fro in their daily lives. Whenever there was a bright, sunny day like this the city would be bustling from dawn til dusk. Peddlers took to the streets, shoppers perused the many stores, even the Kingdom soldiers that would patrol the capitol seemed to be smiling and jovial. All seemed well in Fiore on fair weather days, though today that may not be the case. Hidden away in the alleys of this labyrinth city is a guild that very few even know exists. A small band of heroes, though they don't know it yet, just waiting to be noticed by the world. And on this peaceful day, without any warning, that opportunity they have been waiting for will appear and forever change the course of history. The time of tradition, friendship, and family will soon begin anew in this world that has moved on from the old ways. Fenixtear is about to shine.

The beautiful morning sun made for the perfect company while the tall, tan woman watered the plants of her garden. Many exotic and magical trees, flowers, and fruits decorated her large greenhouse though not a human soul wandered beside her. Grasidia always enjoyed sharing her garden with the public but never personally lingered among them, making sure to only open her garden after she finished watering the plants every morning. There were a few regular visitors among the humans that she knew of but she couldn't tell you their names; she never spoke to them even once. And as she finished tending to her colorful, silent friends she noticed that one of the regular visitors was waiting patiently by the greenhouse door. A single sigh escaped her as she replaced the watering can on the table next to the clear door and opened it inward. Her face showed no emotion as she looked down on the teenage girl before her, though the human gave her a smile in return. "Thank you, ma'am," the girl spoke, giving a polite bow to Grasidia before entering the greenhouse.

Yet, Grasidia said nothing in return. She simply watched the human mosey past and approach the nearby Firelily flowers. Grasidia let out another sigh before pulling the front door as open as it could go, holding it in place with a latch on the wall so that the door would remain open while she stepped out into the street. Her garden was ready for the day so now it was time to head back to the guild. Many would stop and stare at the striking figure walking among them but Grasidia had grown used to the gazes of the humans. Their lust for her form was always a mystery to her but so long as none approached then it didn't bother her. The walk was brief anyways. As she turned right into a shaded alley the bustling crowd from the street was replaced by an empty walkway. People didn't often come through this alley except for the occasional shortcut or to actually see the mage guild that called it home. The latter was more rare.

She stepped into the guild hall, the front door creaking to announce her entry to all that were inside. A quick glance around confirmed Grasidia's suspicions: there were no customers for the tavern. Only her guildmates were present among the tables and the bar. She also noted that Torys, her master, was nowhere to be seen. The most important thing missing, more than customers and the guild master, were the quest papers on the job board. The corkboard on the back wall was completely empty, easy to see from the entrance. That makes eight days, Grasidia thought to herself, lightly shaking her head in disappointment. Eight days in a row with nothing to do. Turning back and staying at her garden would be worse than just staying here, as at least she knew her guildmates and could tolerate their presence much better than the random humans that would surely pester her if she returned. Of course there were some that wouldn't handle having nothing to do as well as Grasidia would, her guildmates are mostly young and immature. It would only be a matter of time before they tried to find other ways to occupy themselves. But with Torys nowhere in sight it would fall upon Grasidia to keep the guild hall in one piece, so with a defeated sigh she let the door close behind her and simply took a seat at the nearest table. Another one of these days...

Also there are too many L's in all our characters' names so I'm banning names that start with L from now on.

@Sanguine Rose
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