Avatar of Jamesyco


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2 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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@DeadDrop I'll send you mine in a little while over pm after I get off work
@DeadDrop this still open?
This sounds cool, I'm interested if it's still open.

The blacksmith looked to the shoulder that was patted, then to the man, shrugging, "I am sure it will..." he said as he continued walking, looking down to the little dingy sword that was on his hip, he hoped it would be enough, he made that, and it looked like someone took sheet metal, made some blade and wrapped leather around the base to make a hilt. He didn't really know how to make a sword, and that was his best attempt, he made things like working hammers, nails, plates for a plow that was just some little scrap piece forged into a sword.

He looked to the beast-man, or whatever he was as he raised his eyebrow before looking at the girl who seemed to be having a memory fit in her head, "She is scared, and someone who does not seem to carry a knife to stab one in the back. I do not see her stabbing one in back, if anyone else does, it is the restless one or you Miles, I do not know this tailed and horned one."

He thought for a second, trying to figure out what it meant, backstab, "Maybe if she finds a sword, or something to cook with she could stab one in back. Or steal something." he turned to the girl and looked to his hips sword, "this is not good for stabbing in back, it is maybe for slashing, but it is not good at stabbing."

He looked about the group and then at Miles, who had started walking away, "Let us continue... he is correct, the day may be young, but that gives us no right to look like a flower basking in its light." He shrugged and started walking behind the man, luckily he had no idea what he was getting himself into. He didn't exactly know how a man or creature could be turned into something it wasn't.

He moved beside the man walking in the front and looked at him, "So... what did that contract say?" he asked as he looked back towards the girl, and back to the man beside him with a somewhat straight face, "I have little knowledge on what was on it... but I know it said adventure and tomb based off of what was said on it?"

The blacksmith nodded, "I do not know exactly what I have signed up for, but I assume that I will be needed sometime in the future with the band that has formed around the girl Ana." he said as he sighed softly and rested his head against his head, "I may wake up early, but I hate waking up this early."

He watched as the girl walked out and he raised his eyebrow and held up the paper, it was similar to what she had given him, just with an x where the other guy had written it out, and in charcoal, "I assume the tomb... since that is what that paper said, if not, then do I have to sign another 'contract' or will this one also be available for that?"
The group moved and flowed like water through the depressions of the hills, the children either stayed in large packs to play and kick a ball made of and animals blatter around. One of the groups had a few children in it about four in total, three girls and one boy. The boy looked a bit older than the three girls but he walked with them.

One of the girls, one about the age of six held out a small flower to the elf and smiled, "I'm Bem, and who are you?" she asked as she smiled up at her, "Because I think you look cute with your long ears." the girl said smiling up at her.

Hulius just continued to move through the center as he looked up and saw the bright sun above them rising quickly, it was tinted orange and white streaks came from it. He looked back at the man who had stuck somewhat near him, "where do you come from? I assume from somewhere to the south since that is the road I met you on."

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