Avatar of JBRam2002
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    1. JBRam2002 7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current The respect one gives is a measure of oneself, not the other individual.


Hey all, JB here.

I'm a DM for a large number of games here on RPG, as well as a player in several others. Many of the games I run are overly complex, or they involve Dungeons and Dragons (which is also overly complex!).

I work 40+ hours a week, and am the proud father of two tiny terrors named Chibi and Chibette and married to my beautiful Wifey. As such, I am quite busy more often than not. I typically write 2-5 paragraphs per reply and try to maintain an excellent level of grammar. If you noticed me glancing at your profile, I probably was looking to see if you would be a good match for my RPing style. Even if I didn't send a PM to you, feel free to send one back!

I enjoy 1x1 RPs and small groups. I'm fond of medieval, steampunk, and futuristic settings, and I'll jump into romance, adventure, and slice of life RPs fairly quickly, although supernatural (vampires, werewolves, etc) RPs get old for me pretty quickly. If you're looking for an RP partner and I've glanced at your profile, then I'm most likely willing to give it a shot, but decided against PMing you because I'm actually kinda shy. But I'm always looking for a new friend!

Please feel free to say hi at any time!

Name/Aliases: JB, JBRam, Jeebs
Gender: M
DOB: June 1988
Location: Maine (East Coast USA)
Hobbies: Ridiculously complex RP ideas involving lots of spreadsheets.

Most Recent Posts

@0 Azzy 0 It does not necessarily mean running through vine town. You can spend some of your movement to move around it like ihinka did.
As for hearing...I think Signod would definitely pick up on the sound of angry bear roars and screaming.

Grrawr means "I love you" in bear.
Bobbin posted! Safira is up, @ihinka!

Sorry for the short delay. I was weighing my options, but in the end, there was only one thing Bobbin would do.

Bobbin had once met a gnome artificer who had spent years studying how things work. Momentum, inertia, other words that had meanings far above the druid's understanding. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force, and Bobbin... well, he was certainly in motion. The wild-shaped bear tore forward, crashing through the camp, heedless of the pleas to stop. These people were thieves, kidnappers, as bad as murderers as far as Bobbin was concerned. Where the law failed, nature could take its course. As a scion of nature, the kenku would ensure that his brand of justice was followed.

These bandits must die.

The bear barrelled forward with unfettered speed, teeth and claws lashing out towards the one that held the knife to the girl. The paladin had his morals to weigh, but Bobbin had no desire to wait for such a process. Speed could ensure success, and if he failed to act in time, these bandits simply will have fulfilled their own destiny. They would die, and the druid would wish it could be done slowly and more painfully than the gift of a defeat in battle. Hostages would not stay his claws, nor would threats of further violence work against one such as Bobbin.

These bandits must die.

Natural Explorer typically only works while traveling for an hour or more, I believe. It shouldn't affect combat for allies.
A frayed-looking young man had approached Ellenara after her offer of local reconnaissance. It seemed by the confidence in his own stature that he believed himself to be some sort of rake. Ellenara gave a smile like she held back a chuckle at the attempt. "Aww," she replied, leaning over slightly until her height was brought down to his, "That's adorable." A slender index extended, stretching forward toward the man and bouncing lightly off of his nose. Standing straight, she continued in a more genuine and gentle tone, "You can hold off on the wooing, child. I'm just an old elf from the Harrowgrove."

Vincent was taken aback by the actions of the Elven woman before him. He was not used to people treating him as she just did and at first this frustrated and embarrassed him. The temperature rising around him a few degrees before he calmed down and realized that the gesture was not meant to offend.
"In any regard, I would still love to accompany you if you would have me." He said dialing back the previous behavior.

As the Seeker and the Sorcerer conversed, Ada stepped forward, book in hand. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to accompany you. I found some information that may help guide our search, and the people may be more inclined to speak to their former duchess." She then smiled coyly at Ellenara's suggestion. "I may know of some more... interesting pubs as well. I was not always cooped up in the keep, after all."

Rocking forward on her toes, gaining a half inch of height, Elle clapped in bright, brief celebration. "Wondrous!" she exclaimed, "We'll head out swiftly, then." Ellenara seemed oddly boisterous, stepping between the two elven archers and past them. As she walked toward the door, she said, "Which means you can show him to the Adventurers' Guild while I enjoy the air!" Then, in mid-step, her form seemed to fade and blur, her hair diffusing into a visible, grey mist that started to freely billow behind her. The misty composition scattered forward throughout her body before her foot had touched ground, until there was no foot left where then only fog remained. This thick, flowing air bore the vague resemblance to her. Looking back to the others, her face was seemingly cheered by the free feeling she was experiencing in this form. She spoke some word of encouragement in a voice so breathy and light that its consonants didn't form into their Common language. Then, the misty elf surged forward in a swift movement, almost vanishing through the library door and onward beyond the Seat.

"Ah..." Ada replied, somewhat surprised at the sudden shift. "I suppose the word 'accompany' means something different to wood elves?" The duchess knew that the Seeker was a Druid of the Moon, but had expected a form that would carry them all together. From her Bag of Holding, she withdrew a small broom and seated herself on it. "I assume you are able to fly, Vincent?" she asked. "Otherwise, this may be a longer walk than I anticipated, and I am not sure how the Guild will react to being assaulted by an elemental form after sunset. Likely not well."

Vincent Grinned reaching into his pack and pulling out a small bronze statuette of a griffon.
"I most certainly do have a way to fly but I will have to walk outside to use it as I am unaware of how large it will be." He said smiling brightly walking toward the door having forgotten all about the Wood Elf that had taken off. Once outside he set the Griffon on the ground and activated it the statuette grew into a full sized griffon before their eyes and screeched before kneeling so he could mount it. Looking back toward Ada he grinned and jumped up onto the griffon.

"Of course. You have a griffon," Ada muttered to herself before giving a nonchalant shrug. "Either way, we should catch up with our elemental friend before she gets too far ahead. After that cloud!" With a whispered command word, her broom leapt into the sky as Ada whizzed after the elemental, knowing that she was likely the slowest of the three.

The flight was not a long one, as there were many shortcuts that could be taken when one did not need to follow the intentionally winding roads up the mountainside. Towards the lowest reaches of the city near the first gate, a fairly sizable building continued to shed light even as the sun passed below the mountains to the west, engulfing the foothills in shadow. Although the journey was only a couple of minutes long, the Seeker had a chance to arrive ahead of the others and peek in the windows to see a large meeting house with benches and tables lining the floor and torches burning with continual flame filling the sconces on the walls. Although the Adventurers' Guild was not a tavern, per se, there were still plenty of flagons of ale being tossed around, and a hearty spirit of camaraderie and rivalry filled the conversations. The people were made up mostly of elves, but nearly every civilized race was well-represented.

Elle's body felt alight with a rush of movement as she swiftly meandered about town. Keeping to a low hover above the ground, she felt her body involuntarily wanting to giggle as she swept through the night air. Her form danced automatically in the chill breeze, for few to see as she darted about fluidly between dimly lit roads and alleyways. As she always did when assuming this magical shape, she felt the need to enjoy herself, to be free in her movement. Just the feeling of the wind catching her misty self caused a primordial glee to to surround her. Even as she looked back and saw her ally upon the back of a chimeric eagle tearing through the night sky, she chuckled to herself and moved on swiftly as if challenged into a race she couldn't easily lose.

And, of course, she didn't. Having arrived to the Guild, she found herself alone besides the pedestrians heading to their homes. Her body surged upward along an alley's shadow, spilling over the building's upper edge in a fluid movement that quickly reconstituted herself into the vague shape of a cyclonic woman. The shape, once fully formed, made a motion of a step. The mist quickly fell away where Ellenara, in the flesh, completed her step from the Seat. She gave a long huff, as if relieving her lungs of the elemental air that had just constituted her entire form. A relative calm came over her as she returned to her natural state, always so sensitive to the primal emotions of these elements. It wasn't a long wait for the others, but she spent it looking over the townsfolk in silence, crossed legs hanging over the edge of the roof she sat upon.

Vincent found himself exhilarated by the flight. He found he rather enjoyed the feeling of freedom and weightlessness it brought on. They flew for a short while and found the Wood Elf woman sitting on a roof. Vincent landed and pet the griffon mount having become attached enough to try and think of a name for the inanimate creature given life before canceling the magic placed on it and returning it to his pack.

"Well, that was a wonderful feeling." He began, looking to the Wood Elf. "I imagine you enjoyed the trip as well?" he added with a genuine smile.

Instead of landing on the roof like the other two, Ada dropped to the street in front of the Guild's door and stowed her broom in the sack she carried. "We may wish to begin our search for answers before the supper hour ends," she called up to the pair, wondering exactly how Vincent planned to get down from the roof without hurting himself. "We should look for someone who has had a mission up north. Perhaps some goblin or troll hunters."

The others had arrived in short order. While Elle had no issue with waiting, it was true that time pressed as long as threat still loomed. To keep things appropriately concise, she stood upon the ledge at their arrival and moved toward Vincent. "What's not to enjoy?" she replied, reaching out to take him by the wrist. Her grip felt strange, like his arm was becoming smothered in pressure, but this strangeness became apparent as her form faded again into a living gust. She ebbed backward toward the roof's edge, pulling him along with her. With a chuckle she pulled him off solid footing, dangling in the air.

But, rather than toy with him she lowered her graceful hover to the ground beside Ada and set him gently on his feet. Showing her familiarity with this technique, she quickly shifted out of her form much like an extension of her natural movement. Finally, without very much adieu, she stepped forward to pull the door open and invite Ada and Vincent inside with a gesture of her hand.

Inside was a raucous gathering of might, a true party of heroes. Drinks flowed joyously, tales were shared liberally, and confidence radiated off of the myriad of capable muscle stocked within what might otherwise resemble an alehouse. Elle had seen establishments like this in remote, dangerous regions of the land, and felt subtly that she had come home. But she came for business, and upon stepping through the doorway she searched for signs of authority among even those that carried themselves with authority.

One did, in fact, stand out among the others. A woman among the tables stood studiously and assertively, clutching a clipboard and assigning warriors with work. Charcoal hair adorned her oddly chromatic flesh and parted around distinctive horns jutting from her skull. She bore a mischievous smirk that showed she was impish in more ways than one. A heavily-plated knight stood before her, discussing some matters of adventuring work. Elle weaved her way through the people, attuning her keen ears to their conversation before any sort of interruption.

Vincent felt himself lowered to the ground and while he had loved the feeling of flight this felt foreign to him but he resisted every muscle in his body screaming at him to not trust someone pulling him off a roof. As his feet his the ground he sighed with relief and looked over the establishment with a fairly scrutinizing eye.
"Well where to begin am I right?"

"The Guildmaster, I would assume," Ada replied as she followed Ellenara through the crowds. On either side, mead-wielding warriors touted their accomplishments with loud cheers from those about them. A handful of clerics that shared a deity prayed in one corner next to the firelight, and a few bards strummed instruments and sang songs of their battles. None were singing about giants, and although a handful were claiming magnificent feats of derring do defeating dragons, it didn't take a druid to sense out the massive piles of bullshit. In fact, the majority of fighters in this guild were lower level goons that would be more of a liability in a fight against a dragon than an aid.

There were, of course, a handful of more-established members of the guild, and those generally kept to themselves, avoiding the low-ranked adventurers and their tall tales. To these individuals, adventuring was serious business, a job to not be taken lightly. The knight was one such member, chatting to the Guildmaster tiefling in hushed tones that subsided as the trio approached. The knight lifted up his visor and looked at the party, revealing himself to be a human with a somewhat frustrated glare. "Can I help you?" the tiefling asked with a smile before noticing Ada. The smile faltered slightly, replaced by a look of concern. "Is... is something wrong?"

When the others had yet to step up, Ellenara took her place. Slinking past a few more patrons, she put herself in talking distance with the presumed headmistress; though she remained close enough to the elvish Lady to be associated. "Nothing's the matter," she reassured, "we're merely here for local information. You see, we're about to embark on an expedition to the northern ranges and wanted to be aware of threats and where they lie. Especially those of mountainous giants and icy dragons. We've heard rumours of such beasts, and we're to disturb or eradicate them."

Vincent simply stood back and watched the duo work and smiled. he admired confidence more than anything and both seemed to have a lion's share. As the conversation turned to the conflicts at hand Vincent stepped up and smiled as charmingly as he could to the headmistress.
"Oh but rest assured we are all perfectly capable of handling the threats as there is also the threat of the Ghouls amassing that we are also humbly taking care of." He said grinning calmly.

The soothing comments seemed to calm the Guildmaster who nodded to Ellenara's request. "Well, regretfully, we have no information about these rumors. Perhaps if you went to Vael Turog to the north, you might gain more information." She was about to wave them on when the knight stepped forward, peering at the trio through his visor.

"Actually, I have heard of such threats. I just came from the North myself," he spoke up. "Giants and dragons are not my specialty, but I heard of no fewer than five adventuring parties that answered such a notice. None returned. If I can remember correctly... the area was described as a crag a few hundred furlongs south of the city. I'm sorry that I have little more information than that."

Ada stepped forward, a smile on her face. "Perhaps you have more information than you realize. Do you know how strong these parties were? Elite fighters with years of experience, or perhaps newcomers looking for a quick reward?"

"Well, one of the parties was new to the Guild. Their equipment looked pretty mundane. I told them not to chance it, but they didn't listen. Something about a quest for glory." The knight lowered his head for a moment, as if for a moment of silence. "However, the others were much stronger. Organized parties with clerics and wizards, paladins or barbarians. Everyone had enchanted gear, were planning their attacks out carefully. But none returned, and I can only assume the worst."

"Thank you for your time," Ada replied. With a nod of thanks, she led the group away from the Guildmaster. The rest of the evening was spent trying to gather more information about this dragon and its associate giants. This resulted in somewhat of a pub crawl as the trio explored the various taverns of the city, looking for any additional information. Eventually, they came across a weary-looking monk deep in his cups who greeted their initial inquiries with mumbles and drunken phrases. After a bit more persuasion from the sorcerer, the monk sobered up enough to tell them a bit more information.

Not only was there a white dragon of extreme power, but the giants that guarded it were elites of their ilk, led by a giant unlike anything the monk had ever seen. "One by one... my friends fell. Our cleric Balthas the Wise was the last to fall. He told me to run, and so I did. The giant's name was... Hraesvelgr, if I recall correctly." The monk then waved away the party as he staggered to his feet, heading towards the stairs to the rooms above the tavern.

The evening continued on, Ada seemingly drinking a bit more than what was to be expected from a noblewoman. Perhaps she drank more than she intended herself. In any case, she was thoroughly sauced as they left the final tavern, heading back up the long trek towards the Duke's keep. The Duchess staggered forward with the assistance of the others, mumbling about how awesome she thought they were, and eventually, they found themselves at the doors to the keep.
Marthysan the Righteous

"You are welcome to try," Marthysan replied with a chuckle. "I certainly would not mind a reprieve from looking over my shoulder. But I doubt that we would see any long-term changes, even in the best of scenarios." The paladin gave a yawn and stood to his feet, adjusting his tunic. "The night has been long, and there is much to do tomorrow for all of us. You will have to sign into the tournament, and will likely have your first match. Plus, there are the other challenges that you are welcome to attempt."

Marthysan looked around at the group that had gathered before him and offered a warm smile. "So, do you accept my offer? If yes, we should retire, but you aren't forced to. If not, I suppose you would like to take this time to find your room from the front desk. Just know that I offer this information freely with no other agenda than I have stated. I swear upon the honor of the Light of the Sword, the Inheritor: Iomedae."

The noble intentions of the other woman were definitely more altruistic than Mila's actions, but the party did not need to know that. "Defending the honor of your deity? I would certainly have no quarrel with that, unless your deity happens to be Orcus. Demons are nasty folk, to be sure." The warlock glanced around the area, trying to keep an eye out for enemies awaiting them. This field they were in must be patrolled by extremely powerful clerics to ensure that the deceased (or unconscious) were rescued before their demise, but it certainly posed several problems. Her necromantic signature spells would be less than useful if all of her foes disappeared before death. The Hexblade's power was drawn at least partially from the death of those she cursed, and the Soul Cage that her fingers now slowly released would see little use with no souls to entrap.

"I say we take a quick breather," Mila suggested. "My guess is if we haven't returned after an hour, the teleportation spell that moved us here might be permanent. Although I too was defending... some sort of honor, I am less likely to be in any sort of distress about missing an hour or so. I am more concerned about the witch coming back to exact vengeance, and would like to not be around for that." She plopped down on the grass and began to strum a tune on her lyre lazily, a calm and listless melody reminiscent of the plight of innocence lost in a wild world.

"And what about you two?" Mila asked pointedly to the dwarf and artificer. "What were you up to when you were brought here so forcefully?" Her legs crossed underneath her, and she rocked slowly in time with the music. Every so often, a quiet tune, almost like a lullaby. Despite the Infernal language, the song held the same theme of innocence and wonder at every new thing, beautiful and strange and completely foreign to this world.
So logging on today and it seems like the Guild is running smoother than the snail pace of a day or so ago. Still awaiting a response, and if the Guild does return to normal speed we at least have a day logged where we can ask Mahz to go back and find out what caused the hamsters to run out of energy.

For a request to anyone that had any issues, would everyone be able to link any duplicate posts/threads in here that need to be attended to. We had one person who sadly posted her roleplay 4 times and even myself posting this thread accidentally posted it five times.

Hopefully the last of the storm is behind us and we can get things back on track as soon as possible.

Duplicate post. The inconsistent nature of the site is making it difficult to make responses to PMs... most of my 1x1 RPs have essentially halted right now.
As Dyn garnered Jill's attention, she nodded and withdrew the pearl from her pack. "It will take me a few minutes, but I can gladly identify it. I will need to take the necklace, of course." Jill retrieved the jewelry and began concentrating on it, humming a tune to herself as she leaned against the wall of the cavern, floating lightly in the water. About eleven minutes later, she began to get a more complete picture of the item's properties, which she shared with the group.

This was a Necklace of Elemental Fury (requires attunement by a spellcaster), and each bead contained a spell effect for a different element. There were seven orbs in the necklace: Red for Fireball, Orange for Melf's Acid Arrow (as a level 3 spell), Yellow for Lightning Bolt, Green for Stinking Cloud, Blue for Sleet Storm, Black for Vampiric Touch, and White for Spirit Guardians. As an Action, one can pull one of the beads from the necklace and cast the spell appropriate for the color bead. At dawn each day, up to 1d6+1 used beads return (in order of the colors listed above). If all seven beads are depleted, roll 1d20. On a 1, the necklace turns nonmagical and loses all properties.
The kraken fails its Wis save to resist the paralysis effect. Seeing her chance, Jill drew her rapier and darted in, piercing the krake spawn in its eye and killing it.

21 - Koan - @Gordian Nought
21 - Giant Octopus
21 - Kraken
15 - Jill - @JBRam2002
15 - Noriam - @The Grey Dust (Grappled)
14 - Cynthia - @JBRam2002
13 - Gearforged Templars (Deceased)
8 - Adrevz - @Zverda (Grappled)
6 - Dyn - @Hekazu
5 - Alexis - @Guardian Angel Haruki (Grappled)
Combat Complete!

Everyone gains 9,600 EXP!
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