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7 mos ago
DM me for a 1x1 Yoshi roleplay. You can't be blue Yoshi I'm already blue Yoshi. Plot will explore an alternate universe apartheid Yoshis Island that has fallen under Wario's libertarian rule.
7 mos ago
starts beating the shit out of you
1 yr ago
I wish you all the type of cringe RP you still think about four years later in a cold sweat.


horny and mentally unstable

Most Recent Posts

Hector (Heck) O'Brien

Hector woke up later than usual, having been up wandering the camp the night before. His half-siblings, the other children of Tyche, had already left the cabin without him. He sat up in his bunk and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before getting up. It was already quite late in the day so he was surprised that no one had come for him yet. He thought that something exciting might have happened while he slept, as it would explain why he was forgotten about. He got himself dressed and rubbed his necklace. He thanked his mom in his thoughts for giving him the good fortune to sleep in.

It was already dinner, so he left the cabin to go grab a bite to eat. However as he approached the other campers he could tell something was wrong. Someone had collapsed and people had gathered around with shock visible in their expression. Hector picked up his pace to see what had happened but stopped in his tracks when he felt a painful burning sensation on his hand. He grasped the affected area and winced before lifting his hand to see that he had been marked with the shape of a fire.

It was clear now that whatever just happened was something more than just a camper feeling faint. He ran to the crowd, confused about what had just happened.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked the others with urgency, grabbing at the necklace around his neck for comfort.
Hector (Heck) O’Brien

Age: 16

Godly parent: Tyche, goddess of luck
Power: Good luck

Weapon or gifts from godly parent: Necklace of Lady Luck, a silver chained pendant with Tyche’s likeness. While wearing it he is essentially invisible from Nemesis’ wrath.


If that's okay with you I mean
Again I just want to clarify that I don't plan to make this guy immune to danger.

It's been fun brushing up on the lore of this series and how it portrays greek mythos. This might be a fun way to get back into the series.
Hector (Heck) O’Brien

Age: 16

Godly parent: Tyche, goddess of luck
Power: Good luck

Weapon or gifts from godly parent: Necklace of Lady Luck, a silver chained pendant with Tyche’s likeness. While wearing it he is essentially invisible from Nemesis’ wrath.

@soren well, Nemesis would be his auntie lol. No worries I won't make him a Mary Sue. Pretty sure some of the other accepted demigods have way better powers than good luck haha
I honestly forgot this was a thing, sorry. @soren

I may still make a character though. How about the son of Tyche, Goddess of Luck?

Arlo stood both in awe and in terror of the dragon and the threat it may pose. He stayed just behind the line of soldiers that had formed, not daring to break the formation of a bunch of anxious royal military. Still, he began to prepare himself to defend the city should it come down to it. He inhaled sharply through his nose, and his body drew in more mana than usual. The overload of power felt like a tingle under his skin. He was very careful with this technique knowing that if he overdid it his body would break apart.

The rider was essentially here to demand "protection money" like a common thug but on a much larger scale. Arlo didn't expect this to end well.

The old King stared down the rider, furious with this farce of a request. In his younger years he might have already given the command to attack the intruder. But he knew that the wrong words here would certainly mean his own doom, as well as perhaps the entire city and kingdom itself. While the thought of dragons protecting his kingdom rather than razing it was alluring, the cost would probably mean the freedom of it's people.

"I can not simply hand over my kingdom to you." The king said coldly. "What happens if I refuse?"
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