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@DocRock A dragon in human form totally works, and makes for a rather epic special move at that. ^_^

"Taria, why didn't you tell me you had biotics?" Galm exclaimed over the sounds of the firefight "Isn't that impossible?"

"I thought it was, until I started knocking over furniture by thinking about it," Taria said, snapping to another Blue Sun and shredding through his armor with a well-placed burst before flinging him off the balcony with a biotic shove. "Got diagnosed around the same time you went on that ship. Certainly made the C-Sec training interesting." Spotting another Blue Sun approaching from Galm's blind spot, she warped over and reappeared next to the offending mercenary, knocking him out with a skull-cracking blow.

"Did you know the Hierarchy hides biotic Turians in secret military units so we don't scare anyone?" Taria remarked lightly, like she was having a nice lunch with her Turian bestie instead of gunning down mercenaries, punctuating the question by ejecting her gun's heat clip and snapping a new one into place. "Imagine if C-Sec didn't work out, I'd be wasting away in some hidden bunker halfway across the galaxy by now." Taria suppressed a few of the remaining Blue Suns engaging the gang down below as the assault wave petered out. She glanced up at the now ruined skylights, pondering.

"Suns aren't done yet, they're probably sending in the heavier weapons," Taria remarked, jogging back to the equipment stash and digging through it one last time. "Got just the thing for that," she continued, pulling out a sinister looking black weapon-sized carrying case. "You'll want to get down from here soon, anyone standing up here is going to be easy targets if they bring in air support."

Hearing a commotion downstairs, she instantly brought her rifle to firing position, but lowered it again as she spotted the heavy armored figure bursting through a wall and brutalizing a handful of Blue Sun mercs, capitalizing his small rampage by stepping on one of their necks. He must be the type of meathead mercenary that Venok warned her about, the kind that did stupid shit to look scary and badass that her new employer felt was useful. Cute.

"I am so looking forward to this," Taria remarked aloud to herself, vaulting over the railing and warping in midair to a container crate near the assembled mercenaries and their "new friend".

"Evening gentle...men?" Taria greeted the group, faltering slightly at the sight of the two shorter, almost childlike humans. Maybe they were a lot older then the looked? "Hope you're not too relaxed, if I know Blue Suns they're sending more waves at us, probably some mechs and gunships too, depending on how much they don't like us. I have something to take care of the gunships, luckily." Taria set the black case up and started to unlock it. "Unless of course Stompy here wants to climb up and kick them."
Here is a little bonus for you all, a prequel to set up the story of the game. :D

--2:31 AM, June 26th, 20XX--
--Zamindawar, Republic of Zun--

"Zaranj has gone dark. That's the fifth base that's ghosted us in the last half hour."

Defense Minister Golchin said nothing, continuing to puff on his odious cigar as he pondered the situation. Surrounding him in his office at the Shah's palace were all of the Zun government officials he could muster, all in various states of distress as they assessed the situation. He had everyone he could home for under the circumstances, but there was one conspicuous absence among the group.

"General Zaman has also remained silent," the Intelligence Director announced, confirming the elephant in the room. "Given our suspicions about the General's ambitions on the throne of Zun, I assume I am not the only one suspecting treachery."

"They certainly know where to strike. Look at where our silent bases are located," Golchin replied, gesturing at the map sprawled along the desk. "All within striking distance of border checkpoints, airports, docks..."

"They're cutting off our escape."

The gathered ministers were hushed as the cool and confident voice of Shah Farzad Darvishi, leader of the Republic of Zun, suddenly broke into the conversation, dressed in resplendent white and leaning on his walking stick. Some of the lesser ranked members of government present bowed their heads at his approach.

"No need for the formality, time is of the essence," Shah Darvishi declared.

"Shah," Golchin said reverently. "I am glad you are safe. If you'll look at the plans we've drafted, we think we can stop General Zaman from-"

"Zaman will be dealt with in time, Golchin. Right now the priority is escorting the rest of you to safety," the Shah explained as members of his royal guard entered into the room around him. "There's an emergency tunnel that will take you out of the royal palace and to the nearest military airfield. A flight is waiting for you there."

"Shah, if anything the priority is escorting you to safety," one of Golchin's more eager assistants declared. "I am proud to give my life for Zun in your stead!"

"Zun smiles on you, my son, but now is not the time for heroics," Shah Darvishi said, encouraging him with a pat on the shoulder. "I need you all to abscond from the palace, quickly. Before they arrive."

The other officials did not need convincing; many had already started to gather important documents as they filtered from the room, flanked by palace guards. Golchin, calm as always, was one of the last to leave, pausing before he left the room.

"I take it the day we feared come has arrived, sir?" he asked, quietly. In response, the Shah retrieved from inside his chest pocket a slip of paper, one he was handed fifteen minutes before the first bases began to go dark, and showed Golchin the familiar symbol printed on it. The moon eclipsing the blood red sun.

"I see..." Golchin said, frowning at the symbol. "Then all arrangements have been made?"

"They have. Take care, my friend."

Golchin nodded once more, and departed without another word, leaving the Shah alone in the office at last. Hobbling over to the desk, he perched himself on the end and began to wait, steeling himself for what was to come. As the footsteps of his government ministers and guards faded, heavy footfalls began to echo from outside the room, methodical and oppressive sounding. Shah Darvashi looked up as the doors to the room burst open, and a collection of black armored men stormed in, their faces concealed by seemingly featureless helmets.

"I had expected you to arrive sooner," the Shah told the soldiers, who all raised their assault rifles upon recognizing him. Getting to his feet, he dusted off his lapel and tossed the cane aside, a bemused smile crossing his face.

"Hands behind your head!" the lead soldier barked threateningly. The Shah, nonplussed, stepped towards them effortlessly as he rolled his neck in preparation.

"Perhaps you should have been warned," Shah Darvashi said. "No darkness can withstand the radiance of Zun."

A blinding flash of light filled the room, shocking the other goons waiting outside to reinforce the men taking point. There was a burst of gunfire and the sound of frantic hand to hand combat, followed by one of the guards flying out of the room headfirst and collapsing in a heap nearby.

"Damn it!" the leader of the goons swore as the Shah himself leapt from the doorway after him, his fists raised. "Take the Shah down, now!"

Smirking but still determined, the Shah weaved around the soldier's fire, belying his mature age as he charged with frightening speed towards his assailants, launching them with heavy blows of his fists that cracked their smooth helmets. Some of the soldiers tried to engage with retractable blades, but the Shah deflected them away just as easily, producing bursts of light from his hands to stun the soldiers before blasting them away with another powerful kick. More soldiers rushed in to replace their fallen brethren, and the Shah unleashed a burst of brilliant sunlight, flinging the oncoming soldiers through the air like a bomb blast.

"Is this the best that the dark can manage?" the Shah declared triumphantly. "PENUMBRA shall not win this-"

But the Shah was cut short as the nearby window burst open, and the warm summer air suddenly became colder. Turning around to engage the new enemy, the Shah prepared another beam of light but was knocked off his feet by something cold and heavy slamming into his chest. Momentarily stunned, he looked up at his new opponent, dressed in black as the other soldiers were but much taller, in spite of what appeared to be a feminine build, and instead of a helmet she seemed to be wearing a hood, obscuring her features outside of a pair of brilliant blue lights where her eyes were.

Steeling himself, the Shah charged forward and aimed a powerful blow, only for the woman to slide out of his range, leaving a trail of frigid ice behind her as she glided along the ground. The Shah launched more beams of light in her direction, but she spun out of their way and fired back with projectiles of ice. The Shah weaved around the icy missiles before one struck his arm and impacted the wall behind him, holding him fast. He fired off flashes of light defensively as the ice woman approached, but she simply launched more projectiles and attached his other arm to the wall as well. Approaching him at last, the woman raised both hands in the air and ripped the Shah from his restraints, tossing him about in a miniature snowstorm before slamming him violently into the ground. Winded, the Shah felt his body picked up by forces beyond his control as ice materialized around him, encasing him in a standing position up to his neck. Trying in vain to free himself, he stopped struggling as the black armored goons swarmed back around him, surrounding his exposed face with the barrels of rifles.

"Good try, Shah Darvashi," echoed a voice from behind the Shah. "But ultimately, a failure."

The woman with the ice powers shifted her stance slightly and spun the block of ice around so the Shah could face the newcomer. Adorned in the same shade of black with added highlights of red, and seemingly unarmed, the man paced forward, looking around the richly decorated foyer now scarred with the debris of combat like a curious tourist.

"You truly have resplendent tastes, Darvashi," the man said with mock admiration. "But that is only natural isn't it? This palace, these halls...they are truly a testament to Zun's prosperity, Zun's piety...perhaps even, Zun's power?"

The Shah couldn't help but chuckle at this, despite being encased in the ice. "So...you must be after the-"

"Naturally! The destabilization of a regional power is simply an added bonus," the man said, barely restraining a laugh. "This is but the first step towards the domination of the light, and I'm afraid all you've served as is a momentary distraction."

"Are you going to torture me until I tell you where it is, then?"

"Don't be so foolish. We've been scouring your armory since we arrived, all we need you to do is behave," the man said, slowly approaching the Shah. "If you're lucky, maybe you'll still be alive to see your dearest Yasmina again."

"Kraus, sir!"

The man, evidently named Kraus, turned his attention away from the murderous glare of the Shah to the two soldiers sprinting down the hall. "Ah, you found it then!" he said expectantly.

"Ah, not quite, sir," the soldier said nervously. "You see, we found where it's SUPPOSED to be..."

"And...uh...it's clearly been moved."

Kraus' expression was unreadable under the mask, but there was a definite anger in the way he looked at the Shah again, who couldn't help but laugh.

"Did you seriously think we did not know you were coming, Kraus?" the Shah taunted. "What you're looking for is long gone, in the hands of trusted allies that even I do not know the name of. The darkness will have to wait a little longer, it seems!"

Wordlessly, Kraus stepped forward and backhanded the Shah's face, knocking him out in a single strike and shattering the frozen block restraining him.

"Someone grab this useless sun worshiper!" Kraus bellowed as he stormed out of the foyer. "If he's not lying through his damned teeth, he'll know someone who does know where that thing was taken!"

"Kraus," the woman with the ice powers said at last, her voice tinged with a nordic accent. "Are you certain kidnapping the Shah is wise? This may prompt open conflict if we're not careful."

"The time to be careful is long past. We've never been closer to our goals then we are now, even if the key to our goals has eluded us," Kraus replied, watching the unconscious body of the Shah being carried along by his men. "The time to escalate is now, and after all, where does the dark thrive best if not in chaos?"
@Celsius Nice to meet you too, and welcome back! :D

You don't need to be familiar with Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter at all outside of the general concept of the games, this is an entirely original universe and you're free to go nuts with whatever character you think fits in a fighting game. ^_^
Sorry to post so much, but since we have a decent amount of traffic I'm going to go ahead and give you guys the CS template so you can start work on characters and whatnot! We're going to give it a couple more days to see if anyone else gets drawn in and then get the OOC up and running!

Note that you will need to remove the space from the "hr" tags, otherwise it won't print out a line when you post. D:
@Genon Hmm, not sure. I'll PM you a direct link to see if that works for you. :D

Ki, at its simplest, can be thought of as life energy, invisible, preternatural, and primordial. It has gone by many names, and it empowers and imbues all living things. Everyone has some amount of ki inside them, and ki gives them the strength to grow and live. Most people have a ‘normal’ amount of ki, and display no abnormal abilities.

While some people are born with a small amount of ki, while others are born with massive amounts. It depends on their ancestry, as someone's great ancestors can pass on their ki throughout the generations (They have to be dead for this to occur, however). The further they get away from their ancestors, the less ki they can be gifted with. However, long as a warrior trains, they never have to worry about their descendants running out of a natural supply of ki. However, if one descends from a magical being of some kind, then they will always have a naturally large amount of ki.

These beings are capable of superhuman feats, ranging from speed, to strength, to durability, to agility, resilience. All of these feats increase alongside a person’s ki reserves and can occasionally open the way to unusual powers. Many modern hospitals, for example, often have a ki specialist who can treat illnesses that affect life energy, or use their own ki reserves to heal injuries. However, the average joe will most likely know about ki in the context of Nomads.

The nomad has become a staple of global pop culture in the last century or so. he name 'nomad' refers to a wandering warrior with fantastical powers, a vagabond who, for one reason or another, travels the world seeking new fights and new challenges. They have epic showdowns, they participate in international martial arts tournaments, and they are features in movies, TV shows, and airport paperbacks. On Earth, there are such Nomads such as life-like automatons, a literal demonic artist from Hell, and your good ol' ki-wielding doctors to name a few, and many dozens more waiting for the chance to prove their mettle... at least that's what Hollywood's latest multibillion blockbuster about Nomads tells us.

By nature of their ki, your average nomad or nomad-level person can punch through walls, deflect most bullets like paper spitballs, and is shrouded by a subtle shield of life energy that makes them difficult to damage by conventional means. Of course, as with all things, if you hit them enough times with enough force, or enough ki, these defenses eventually break. Keep in mind that your character doesn’t have to be a ‘proper’ nomad, or even have to rely on ki, as magic and technology can allow even otherwise normal humans to tangle with ki-powered superhumans.

Ki can be increased several ways. For most, meditation is one of the most basic—if unrewarding—ways to build ki, and this life energy, whether it’s called ‘ki’ or otherwise, often figures into a variety of religions. Disciplined physical training that unites the mind and the body is another way to increase ki. Because of the lasting impression of the nomad on pop culture, most people will associate ki with physical training, especially martial arts. Indeed, martial arts is probably the most effective and straightforward way to build ki.

■ Humans
Humans are the dominant species in this world and make up the majority of the population as well as a healthy portion of the nomads. Renowned for their mastery of ki throughout the centuries, what sets human apart from older races with seemingly more powerful ki is sheer versatility. Humans possess hundreds of fighting styles both new and old to channel their ki, some even choosing to fight with the aid of advanced technology, arcane artistry, or whatever else works for them.

■ Machines
Obviously a newer entry into the Nomadic world, Machines cover any artificially created or augmented being forged through the incredible power of science. Ranging from cyborgs to androids to sentient drones, machines forgo ki in favor of advanced technology to give them an edge in any fight. For that reason machines rarely use ki themselves, though some partially Machine beings like cyborgs can still use it, so long as part of them is living enough to draw life force from.

■ Mythics
Mythics is the umbrella term used to describe beings of mythical origin, distinct from humans and machines. This includes classic mythological beings like centaurs and oni, divine creatures such as angels or demons, and even folkloric monsters like werewolves and vampires. Like humans, Mythics have the ability to wield ki as well, and many of their fantastic abilities, often labeled by humans as "magic" to make it sound other, are simply different styles of ki as innately tied to blood and heredity as any human ki abilities. Indeed, while oftentimes branded as an Other in a world where they are very much the minority, it is not uncommon to find humans and even Nomads with the blood of a Mythic running in their veins.

(More to come)

"Ever since the dawn of time, there was an invisible force flowing through everyone... the pure fighting spirit known as Ki. Through their understanding of ki, the greatest warriors could train the mind, the heart, the body, and the soul to perform the impossible. Strength beyond what the body would allow, speed beyond all speed, and weaponizing your fighting spirit in raw form... all from the mastery of the pure fighting spirit of ki. Many are capable of using ki, but few are able to utilize it to it's fullest potential. These few are known to the world as Nomads, fighters that travel the world for their own reasons - whether it be personal betterment, fortune and glory, or saving the world as they deem fit. Of course, this isn't as simple, as they will inevitably cross paths and clash with other Nomads pursuing their own dreams and desires..."

"... and in the end, only the strongest and most skilled fighters are able to come out on top."

Hello my fellow street fighters and mortal combatants, and welcome to Nomadic Fist: Radiant Soul. This RP takes place in a quirky, anime-and-fighting-games-themed world (think of shows like Hunter x Hunter and One Punch Man, or games similar to Darkstalkers and Street Fighter) where supernatural warriors known as "Nomads" head out and engage in supernatural battles. Fueled by ki, magic, or technology, they journey the world, and, for whatever reason, they seek out fights.

This won’t quite be a PVP roleplay, and is more story and character driven, with your characters fighting NPCs and a variety of sinister plots (with player fights for special occasions). The world is very, very free-form; lore is loose (basically amounting to everything described in the game manual), and you’re free to create almost any kind of character or backstory you please.

So what do you all say? Are you all itching for a fight for the ages or a bizarre adventure? Well, your story begins here!

(Originally constructed by @Ruler Inc; thanks for bringing everyone together bub; also, rip original title card).

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